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  • FREE Domain Name
  • FREE Sitebuilding Tools
  • 99.9% Server Uptime
  • 24/7 Customer Care
  • 30 Days Money Back
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More than 250,000 domains use our web hosting, because we care!

We care about our servers by placing them in the best data-centers and choosing the best software. They pay us back for the care with great uptime! Read more

We care about our customers by being there for them 24/7 and attending to their requests as if they were made by family or a friend. Read more


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Web Hosting

Everything you need for a personal or a small business site!

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Reseller Hosting

If your customers need web hosting, give them the best!

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Semi Dedicated Hosting

Share server resources with up to 10 times less users!

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Dedicated Hosting

The ultimately independent and powerful hosting experience!

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SiteGround has one of the largest collections of free templates, the majority of which are in-house designed. We offer free designs for more than 10 different applications!

SiteGround Reviews

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I am impressed on many levels with this exemplary hosting company's attention to customer service and quickly resolving issues that affect my businesses read more »

- Gary Brant (AmericasChristianTalent.com) 5-Star Rating

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I'm a novice and I built our company website myself, so I needed a lot of help. Their support people were quick, helpful, and patient. I highly recommend Siteground hosting. read more »

- Brian Garrett (telluricgroup.com) 5-Star Rating