End the Occupation

End the Occupation

@US_Campaign Washington, DC
The US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, a coalition of 400 groups, works for a U.S. policy toward Palestine/Israel based on freedom, justice & equality.
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End the Occupation
@ & @ on Arab Voices live 2night 8pm EST on @ & new policy paper 2 end aid 2 Israel:
End the Occupation
wrappng up w/ hardhitting present8ion on massive drag imposed on U.S. by policy
Palestine Center
Since Eisenhower, U.S. 10 times threatened to sanction or cut off weapons delivery to . WATCH LIVE:
Palestine Center
in 2010 pledged to hold accountable, but after 2 months of 300 containers delivered. LIVE:
Palestine Center
U.S. sent 500 types of weapons in past 10 yrs, making anything impossible w/o using U.S. products. Watch LIVE:
Palestine Center
Why does U.S. aid continue to ? B/c of over 14,000 attending lobbying conference. WATCH LIVE:
Palestine Center
, '10: "Arab anger over limits strength of U.S. parnerships with AOR of CENTCOM." WATCH LIVE:
Palestine Center
Instead of military aid to , U.S. could train 500,000 new green jobs annually. WATCH LIVE:
End the Occupation
U.S. 2day has a policy toward of "all carrots and no sticks" says @ @ Watch LIVE:
End the Occupation
@ reveals shocking historical precedents when U.S. sanctioned 4its illegal behavior. Join his Q&A;:
End the Occupation
64 viewers now on live stream of "Armed and Dangerous: U.S. Weapons Transfers to ." Join &post; your questions:
End the Occupation
Our National Advocacy Director @ explains U.S. law that prohibits security aid2 violatrs WATCH:
End the Occupation
lobbies4 civilians 2continu 2suffr the equvalent of 72times by says @
End the Occupation
continues as @ presents "Armed & Dangerous: US Weapons Transfers to " Watch & particip8:
End the Occupation
Join our LIVE policy briefing: "U.S. Military Aid to Israel: Policy Implications & Options" Send Qs to @
End the Occupation
Happening 1pm EST: Watch, ask qustions as we present paper 2stop weapns 2Israel @ @ @
End the Occupation
Watch, ask questions 2moro 12:30 pm EST as we present paper 2stop weapons2 Israel @ @
End the Occupation
Watch, ask questions 2moro 12:30pm EST as we present paper 2stop weapons2 Israel @ @ @
End the Occupation
Watch, ask questions 2moro 12:30 pm EST as we present paper 2stop weapons2 Israel @ @ @
End the Occupation
RU in DC Tues March6? RSVP 4 12:30pm @ launch of our policy paper 2end aid2Israel