Sponsored by the American Antiquarian Society in association with the University of Oklahoma
AAS OU · VOL. 12 · NO. 01 · October 2011

Jennifer L. Brady
Loving The Wide, Wide World
A novel, its fans, and their fictions

Kevin Butterfield
The Right to Be a Freemason
Secret Societies and the Power of the Law in the Early Republic

Jamie L. Jones
Blogging Moby-Dick
An artist illustrates every page of The Whale

Common Reading
Rudi Colloredo-Mansfeld and Mark Peterson
Dancing the "Republican Two-Step" with Copyrights, Patents, and Corporations
Common as Air, by Lewis Hyde
Commonwealth, by Oscar Handlin and Mary Flug Handlin

Review by Thomas Allen
Victoria Complex
Elisa Tamarkin, Anglophilia

Review by David Jaffee
Revisiting the Arts of the Americas at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Review by Catherine McNeur
The Ink of History
"Skin and Bones: Tattoos in the Life of the American Sailor," Independence Seaport Museum, Philadelphia. Curator: Craig Bruns.

Review by Akela Reason
Of Indians and Empire
William H. Truettner, Painting Indians and Building Empires in North America, 1710-1840

Review by Martha Elena Rojas
Vying for Sovereignty: Exchange, Negotiation, Law
Joseph M. Hall Jr., Zamumo's Gifts
Leonard J. Sadosky, Revolutionary Negotiations
Lisa Ford, Settler Sovereignty



Poetic Research Department
Sean Hill
A Home
Liberia Poems

Josh Brown
A graphic novel in several parts

crierPublick Occurences 2.0
Jeffrey L. Pasley

Ask the author
Carroll Smith-Rosenberg
National Violence
A fresh look at the founding era

imageObject Lessons
Matthew Wittmann
Menageries and Markets
The Zoological Institute tours Jacksonian America

imageTales from the Vault
Megan Kate Nelson
Looking for Limbs in all the Right Places
Retrieving the Civil War's Broken Bodies

Web Library
John P. Bowes
The Common-place Web Library is an annotated selection of Web resources in American History. This month's link: University of Nebraska's Center for Digital Research in the Humanities Projects and Publications

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