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latest news

Millions vote in first post-Mubarak elections

29/11/2011: But military-controlled elections do not signal transition to democracy


Conservatives come to power on the eve of the storm

29/11/2011: New government faces impossible task


Baiada workers win strike

28/11/2011: Workers set marvellous example despite union leaders weaknesses


Far right terrorist group commits murder under nose of domestic intelligence agencies

27/11/2011: Antifascists have to build a mass movement and can not rely on the state.


Mass rally in Tahrir Square demands end of military junta

26/11/2011: For a real ‘second revolution’! End military rule! Fight capitalism and imperialism!


New government being assembled

26/11/2011: Is the revolution over?


 Charges against Georgii Epshtein completely falsified

25/11/2011: Socialist Movement of Kazakhstan demands enquiry.

  Kazakhstan, Solidarity

Final days of Paul Murphy’s Gaza tour

25/11/2011: The reality of life in Gaza

  Israel / Palestine, Video

Public sector strike on 30 November

25/11/2011: "Make N30 the start of a fight to stop all cuts"


The Markets rule

25/11/2011: "Can there be any doubt but that we are witnessing a full frontal assault on democratic rights by European bondholders, bankers and speculators facilitated by the leadership of the European Union?"

  Europe, World Economy

Into the abyss?

25/11/2011: Fragmentation of the Eurozone could trigger another deep financial crisis and global economic downturn

  Europe, World Economy

Judge takes 5 minutes to deprive CWI supporter of 10 days liberty

24/11/2011: Protest this travesty of justice – Demand Georgii Epshtein’s immediate release!

  Kazakhstan, Solidarity

New upsurge of anti-‘housing tax’ campaign

24/11/2011: Dozens of local councils claim to back households refusing to pay tax


Free Georgii Epshtein!

24/11/2011: Urgent support needed

  Kazakhstan, Solidarity

Eight months of mass protests met with bloody brutality

24/11/2011: United working class-led movement needed for real regime change


Broken Labour Party promises

24/11/2011: Joe Higgins puts the Taoiseach (Irish Prime Minister) to the test over his coalition partner Labour’s pre-election promises

  Ireland Republic, Video

Murdochgate scandal shows need for democratic and accountable media

24/11/2011: Cameron, the Murdoch empire and the police have been involved in a corrupt attempt to subvert the democratic rights of the British people

  Britain, Media

Solidarity vital as discontent grows

23/11/2011: Ten thousand signatures collected on oil-workers’ petition

  Kazakhstan, Solidarity

Day 2 of Paul Murphy’s visit to Gaza

23/11/2011: Densely packed refugee camp and meetings with NGOs

  Israel / Palestine

It is the profit system that is guilty, not the rains

23/11/2011: For the past few weeks heavy rains in many parts of Tamil Nadu have once again brought hardship to the people causing damages to roads, bridges and inundating many low lying areas claiming 44 lives and damage to property and crops.

  Environment, India

Military rulers “agree to form a national salvation government”

22/11/2011: “Many layers of Egyptian society are protesting”


Massive defeat for ruling PSOE in elections

22/11/2011: Overall PP majority, but left forces gain and new struggles on horizon


Paul Murphy MEP arrives in Gaza via Rafah

22/11/2011: Paul Murphy finally reaches Gaza on third attempt

  Israel / Palestine

Step up the fight against casualisation

22/11/2011: Almost a third of Australian workers are employed in casual jobs. If you include labour hire and short-term contract work, insecure jobs make up 40% of the workforce.


Protesters and army battle for streets

21/11/2011: Defend the revolution! For mass struggle to overthrow army rule!


Why refugees seek asylum in Australia

21/11/2011: Interview with Siritunga Jayasuriya, Sri Lankan socialist leader

  Australia, Sri Lanka

Angry students take to the streets‭

20/11/2011: Monti government will face mass opposition to austerity

  Italy, Youth

Occupy and workers’ movements unite!

20/11/2011: Oakland port strikes which shut down one of the busiest ports in the US showed the potential and power when these two movements united

  US, Video

Pro-big business governments imposed on Greece and Italy

19/11/2011: Paul Murphy attacks the dictatorship of the markets and the technocrats

  Europe, Video

Strike by workers in technology sector

19/11/2011: Government pushes “framework agreement” to tie the hands of workers


Dortmund students’ solidarity with German University in Cairo students

18/11/2011: Paul Murphy MEP supports struggle for an independent students’ union

  Egypt, Solidarity

Defend the Occupy Movement!

17/11/2011: "Build actions to put millions in the streets across the US - United mass mobilizations needed to protest police crackdowns, and stop the cuts, layoffs, foreclosures, and tuition hikes"


Regime concedes “negotiations” with striking oil workers

17/11/2011: Firm action needed to win all workers’ demands


New government of big business ’technocrats’

17/11/2011: Workers, students, pensioners - all in the firing line



Russia/Georgia: War exposes limits of West

03/09/2008, Major capitalist powers jockey for influence at expense of peoples of the region
Editorial from The Socialist, weekly paper of the Socialist Party (CWI England and Wales)

Russia and Georgia: Background to the present crisis

23/08/2008, A political analysis of developments in the Caucusus, 1990 - 2004
Rob Jones, CWI, Moscow

Russia and Georgia: Implications of a five day war

23/08/2008, What does the war mean for the Caucusus and beyond?
Rob Jones, CWI, Moscow

South Ossetia: Georgia/Russia conflict brings disaster for working people of region

11/08/2008, Statement on South Ossetia
CWI in CIS (former Soviet Union)

Georgia: Mass movement overthrows Shevardnadze regime

07/12/2003, The “November revolution” in Georgia culminated in the overthrow of Eduard Shevardnadze. It was carried out under the flag of St George, first used in the 12th and 13th Century, when the then feudal country joined the struggle led by the crusader knights. The movement at that time was crushed by Genghis Khan. This historic symbolism mirrors what is happening in Georgia today.
Leonid Serebrakov, cwi-cis

Georgia: ’Velvet coup’ will solve nothing

01/11/2003, THE THOUSANDS of Georgians waving the flag of St George outside the parliament building in Tbilisi weren’t celebrating England’s rugby world cup victory - they were cheering the resignation of Georgia’s President Eduard Shevardnadze.
Dave Carr

EuropeFree Georgii Epshtein


Gaza: Final days of Paul Murphy’s Gaza tour, 25/11/2011

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Che Guevara: Símbolo de Lucha

Por Tony Saunois

A socialist world is possible, the history of the cwi with new introduction by Peter Planning green growth, a contribution to the debate on enviromental sustainability