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latest news

Angry students take to the streets‭

20/11/2011: Monti government will face mass opposition to austerity

  Italy, Youth

Occupy and workers’ movements unite!

20/11/2011: Oakland port strikes which shut down one of the busiest ports in the US showed the potential and power when these two movements united

  US, Video

Pro-big business governments imposed on Greece and Italy

19/11/2011: Paul Murphy attacks the dictatorship of the markets and the technocrats

  Europe, Video

Strike by workers in technology sector

19/11/2011: Government pushes “framework agreement” to tie the hands of workers


Dortmund students’ solidarity with German University in Cairo students

18/11/2011: Paul Murphy MEP supports struggle for an independent students’ union

  Egypt, Solidarity

Defend the Occupy Movement!

17/11/2011: "Build actions to put millions in the streets across the US - United mass mobilizations needed to protest police crackdowns, and stop the cuts, layoffs, foreclosures, and tuition hikes"


Regime concedes “negotiations” with striking oil workers

17/11/2011: Firm action needed to win all workers’ demands


New government of big business ’technocrats’

17/11/2011: Workers, students, pensioners - all in the firing line


Crisis, elections, and the vacuum

16/11/2011: 20 November election approaches as situation worsens


 Gaza Flotilla
Paul Murphy details harsh ill treatment by Israeli State

16/11/2011: Paul Murphy MEP gives press conference about his abduction and imprisonment by Israel

  Israel / Palestine, Video

Formation of new government fails to stop weekly opposition protests

16/11/2011: For real change through mass action of working class, youth, unemployed and poor!


German University in Cairo locks-out students

15/11/2011: Support the struggle for an independent, democratic students’ union!


Morales government clashes with workers and the poor

15/11/2011: Concessions to the right-wing opposition, neo-liberal policies, and attacks on the social movements convince workers of the need to build an alternative to Evo Morales´ MAS party


Poultry workers strike for decent pay and conditions

15/11/2011: Violence and intimidation from management and police


General strike over job security

14/11/2011: Workers demand permanent and direct employment

  Israel / Palestine

 Eurozone Crisis
Un-elected banker set to be new Greek Prime Minister

12/11/2011: Tony Saunois, CWI Secretary, interviewed on Al Jazeera

  Europe, Greece, Video

Breaking News
Paul Murphy MEP and other activists released; on flight home

11/11/2011: Gaza Flotilla activists abducted in international waters and illegally held for 7 days by the Israeli state

  Ireland Republic, Israel / Palestine

Hundreds rally for socialism at successful ‘Socialism 2011’ event

11/11/2011: “Clarity of ideas, visionary strategy, combined with an astute tactical appreciation of the critical need to raise the mass consciousness of the working class.”

  Britain, Video

South Africa
Assembly for working class unity held in Johannesburg

11/11/2011: “A journey of a thousand miles begins”

  South Africa

Berlusconi announces resignation

10/11/2011: Debt crisis hits Eurozone’s third largest economy


 Gaza Flotilla
Joe Higgins demands Israeli ambassador’s expulsion

10/11/2011: Government ministers "have not uttered a single word of protest in public in response to this outrage"

  Ireland Republic, Israel / Palestine, Video

 Gaza Flotilla
Irish activists re-imprisoned just before flight home

10/11/2011: Activists face “harassment, humiliating body searches, being shackled”

  Israel / Palestine, Solidarity

 Gaza Solidarity Flotilla
EU Parliament President calls on Israel to free Paul Murphy

09/11/2011: Breaking News: 7 detainees to be "released" tomorrow, followed by Paul Murphy MEP on Friday

  Israel / Palestine, Solidarity

Opposition activist Ainur Kurmanov addresses Socialist Party rally in London

09/11/2011: Hundreds sign protest condemning Nazarbayev dictatorship and demanding democratic rights

  Kazakhstan, Video

 Solidarity Needed
Paul Murphy MEP still in jail

08/11/2011: Israeli authorities delay deportation, continue imprisonment

  Israel / Palestine, Solidarity

Prime Minister George Papandreou forced out of office

08/11/2011: New ’National unity’ government = ‘austerity coalition’


World Economy
Wealthiest man in history alive today

08/11/2011: Rich hoard wealth - Fight for a socialist future!

  World Economy

Jarrow Marchers march into history

08/11/2011: And vow that the struggle goes on


Another victory for ’Occupy Seattle’

08/11/2011: Tents back up in Seattle as the Occupy Wall Street movement scores another big victory

  US, Video

 Gaza Solidarity Flotilla
Detainees ill-treated in Israeli jail

07/11/2011: Demand the immediate release of all the detainees now!

  Israel / Palestine, Solidarity

New peak of occupy movement with protests in Oakland

05/11/2011: "Follow Oakland’s example: For mass actions to fight against cuts and foreclosures"


Referendum proposal sends markets into turmoil

04/11/2011: For a socialist, internationalist solution


 Breaking News
Socialist Party MEP Paul Murphy detained by Israeli Army

04/11/2011: Flotillas blocked and activists detained – Send protests urgently!

  Israel / Palestine, Solidarity

Nuclear power - nuclear threat

see also: articles on the environment

Japan: Anti-nuclear power protest on May Day

12/05/2011, Two months after the beginning of the Fukushima disaster, the anger in Japan is growing
Kokusai Rentai (CWI Japan)

Chernobyl disaster: 25th anniversary

26/04/2011, Scientists estimate nuclear fall-out caused over 200,000 deaths
Rob Jones, Moscow

Fukushima: The impact of the nuclear crisis

16/04/2011, About the need to nationalise the energy sector and move away from fossil fuels and nuclear energy in favour of genuine renewable, sustainable energy production
Paul Murphy, MEP, Socialist Party (CWI Ireland)

Nuclear power: Paul Murphy speaks in favour of a nuclear-free future for Europe

09/04/2011, CWI MEP speaks in light of catastrophe in Fukushima
Paul Murphy, MEP, Socialist Party (CWI Ireland)

Fukushima disaster: The ever-present nuclear threat

05/04/2011, IT IS a tragic irony that the nuclear disaster at Fukushima occurred within weeks of the 25th anniversary of the catastrophe at Chernobyl in the former Soviet Union, the world’s worst nuclear accident.
Pete Dickinson, Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales)

After Japan’s tsunami disaster: Nuclear power, no way!

26/03/2011, The earthquake off Japan’s east coast and the giant tsunami wave that followed on 11 March has, at the time of writing, officially killed over 8,500 people with another 13,000 people still missing.
From The Socialist, paper of the Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales)

Germany: Mass protests against nuclear energy

24/03/2011, Government pushed into defensive by Fukushima disaster and mass unrest
Sascha Stanicic, SAV (CWI Germany), Berlin

Japan: Immediate and longer-term effects of disaster

24/03/2011, Resentment and anger need socialist expression
Carl Simmons, Kokusai Rentai (CWI Japan)

Japan: Political fall-out as Kan looks for allies

22/03/2011, No to national unity on the bosses’ terms
Carl Simmons, Kokusai Rentai (CWI Japan)

Hong Kong: Protest against nuclear power

22/03/2011, On Sunday 20 March protesters marched from Hong Kong’s Chater Garden to the city’s Japanese Consulate. “Against nuclear power,” they chanted, and “be active, not radioactive” followed by a big cordon of TV crews and photographers.

Sweden: "Stop nuclear power"

21/03/2011, Protests in 20 cities
Sara Lindelöf and Minela Mahmutovic, CWI Sweden

Japan: Scandal of private Japanese power industry

21/03/2011, Now is the time to demand re-nationalisation
Seizo Shimamura, Kokusai Rentai, (CWI Japan) in Tokyo

Japan: Natural disaster exposes capitalism

20/03/2011, Tragedy for workers
Gerbrand Visser, CWI Netherlands

Japan: Disaster hits workers hardest

15/03/2011, Rebuilding should not serve the interests of private developers
Carl Simmons, Kokusai Rentai (International Solidarity - CWI in Japan)

Japan: Earthquake could leave “tens of thousands” dead and nuclear threat

14/03/2011, Capitalist system incapable of facing up to natural disasters
Reporters in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, from

Germany: Unrest grows

01/11/2010, Opposition growing against Stuttgart 21, nuclear power and cuts. Opinion poll shows – Germany is in a state of political crisis
Sascha Stanicic, Sozialistische Alternative (SAV - CWI in Germany)

Further articles on 'Nuclear power - nuclear threat':






EuropeRegion in Revolt


US: Occupy and workers’ movements unite!, 20/11/2011

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Por Tony Saunois

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