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latest 100 articles:

29/11/2011: Egypt: Millions vote in first post-Mubarak elections
29/11/2011: Spain: Conservatives come to power on the eve of the storm
28/11/2011: Australia: Baiada workers win strike
27/11/2011: Germany: Far right terrorist group commits murder under nose of domestic intelligence agencies
26/11/2011: Egypt: Mass rally in Tahrir Square demands end of military junta
26/11/2011: Tunisia: New government being assembled
25/11/2011: Charges against Georgii Epshtein completely falsified
25/11/2011: Gaza: Final days of Paul Murphy’s Gaza tour
25/11/2011: Britain: Public sector strike on 30 November
25/11/2011: Europe: The Markets rule
25/11/2011: Eurozone: Into the abyss?
24/11/2011: Kazakstan: Judge takes 5 minutes to deprive CWI supporter of 10 days liberty
24/11/2011: Greece: New upsurge of anti-‘housing tax’ campaign
24/11/2011: Kazakhstan: Free Georgii Epshtein!
24/11/2011: Syria: Eight months of mass protests met with bloody brutality
24/11/2011: Ireland: Broken Labour Party promises
24/11/2011: Britain: Murdochgate scandal shows need for democratic and accountable media
23/11/2011: Kazakhstan: Solidarity vital as discontent grows
23/11/2011: Gaza: Day 2 of Paul Murphy’s visit to Gaza
23/11/2011: India: It is the profit system that is guilty, not the rains
22/11/2011: Egypt: Military rulers “agree to form a national salvation government”
22/11/2011: Spain: Massive defeat for ruling PSOE in elections
22/11/2011: Gaza: Paul Murphy MEP arrives in Gaza via Rafah
22/11/2011: Australia: Step up the fight against casualisation
21/11/2011: Egypt: Protesters and army battle for streets
21/11/2011: Migration: Why refugees seek asylum in Australia
20/11/2011: Italy: Angry students take to the streets‭
20/11/2011: Cuts and crisis: There is an alternative
20/11/2011: US: Occupy and workers’ movements unite!
19/11/2011: Europe: Pro-big business governments imposed on Greece and Italy
19/11/2011: Finland: Strike by workers in technology sector
18/11/2011: Egypt: Dortmund students’ solidarity with German University in Cairo students
17/11/2011: US: Defend the Occupy Movement!
17/11/2011: Kazakhstan: Regime concedes “negotiations” with striking oil workers
17/11/2011: Italy: New government of big business ’technocrats’
16/11/2011: Spain: Crisis, elections, and the vacuum
16/11/2011: Gaza Flotilla: Paul Murphy details harsh ill treatment by Israeli State
16/11/2011: Jordan: Formation of new government fails to stop weekly opposition protests
15/11/2011: Egypt: German University in Cairo locks-out students
15/11/2011: Bolivia: Morales government clashes with workers and the poor
15/11/2011: Australia: Poultry workers strike for decent pay and conditions
14/11/2011: Israel: General strike over job security
14/11/2011: Gaza Flotilla: Paul Murphy speaks out after detention in Israel
12/11/2011: Eurozone Crisis: Un-elected banker set to be new Greek Prime Minister
11/11/2011: Breaking News: Paul Murphy MEP and other activists released; on flight home
11/11/2011: Britain: Hundreds rally for socialism at successful ‘Socialism 2011’ event
11/11/2011: South Africa: Assembly for working class unity held in Johannesburg
11/11/2011: Eurozone Crisis: Failed G20 summit takes eurozone nearer to the abyss
10/11/2011: Italy: Berlusconi announces resignation
10/11/2011: Gaza Flotilla: Joe Higgins demands Israeli ambassador’s expulsion
10/11/2011: Gaza Flotilla: Irish activists re-imprisoned just before flight home
09/11/2011: Gaza Solidarity Flotilla: EU Parliament President calls on Israel to free Paul Murphy
09/11/2011: Kazakhstan: Opposition activist Ainur Kurmanov addresses Socialist Party rally in London
08/11/2011: Solidarity Needed: Paul Murphy MEP still in jail
08/11/2011: Greece: Prime Minister George Papandreou forced out of office
08/11/2011: World Economy: Wealthiest man in history alive today
08/11/2011: Britain: Jarrow Marchers march into history
08/11/2011: US: Another victory for ’Occupy Seattle’
07/11/2011: Gaza Solidarity Flotilla: Detainees ill-treated in Israeli jail
05/11/2011: US: New peak of occupy movement with protests in Oakland
04/11/2011: Greece: Referendum proposal sends markets into turmoil
04/11/2011: Breaking News: Socialist Party MEP Paul Murphy detained by Israeli Army
04/11/2011: Ireland: Joe Higgins TD lambasts government austerity policy
04/11/2011: Breaking News: Israeli warships block Gaza solidarity flotilla
04/11/2011: Brazil: Left union opposition advances in the fight for the leadership of SINTAEMA
03/11/2011: Finland: Successfull CWI speaking tour
02/11/2011: Gaza: Socialist MEP Paul Murphy once more en route to break the blockade
02/11/2011: US: Strike Action Organized in Oakland to Defend Occupy Movement
02/11/2011: Ireland: Excellent performance by the Socialist Party in Dublin parliamentary by-election
01/11/2011: Australia: Qantas management tries to lockout workers
01/11/2011: World Economy: Just 147 companies control 40% of global wealth
31/10/2011: India: Maruti Suzuki strike ends
31/10/2011: US: Which way forward for the ’Occupy’ movement
30/10/2011: Australia: The one sided mining boom
29/10/2011: Chile: The crude strategy of Piñera’s government to discredit the students
28/10/2011: Tunisia: Ennahda’s breakthrough brings major change in political landscape
27/10/2011: Australia/Sri Lanka: Sri Lankan government under fire as President visits Australia
27/10/2011: Kazakhstan: Armed attack on journalists covering oil workers’ dispute
26/10/2011: Belgium: Nationalise the steel sector under workers’ control!
26/10/2011: USA: Urgent #OccupySeattle solidarity appeal
26/10/2011: Europe: EU Austerity laws passed
25/10/2011: Belgium: 10,000 youth protest on 15 october in Brussels
25/10/2011: Libya: Gaddafi Dead - What now?
24/10/2011: Austria: Metal Workers’ wage agreement
24/10/2011: Malaysia: Effects of global crisis felt in Asia
22/10/2011: Eurozone: Lost in Euroland
21/10/2011: Greece: 48-hour general strike sees biggest workers’ protests in decades
21/10/2011: Australia: ‘Occupy Melbourne’ savaged by riot police
20/10/2011: India: Suzuki workers occupy factory
20/10/2011: Britain: Protesters target ‘Kazakhstan Business Forum’ London event
20/10/2011: Italy: Huge demonstration of “Enraged” in Rome
19/10/2011: Taiwan: “Smash capitalism” echoes inside biggest skyscraper
18/10/2011: US: Mass Occupation Defeats Seattle Mayor and Police
18/10/2011: Sweden: Occupy Stockholm and Gothenburg
18/10/2011: Britain: November 30th one-day public-sector strike and beyond
17/10/2011: Spain/Portugal: Millions of ‘Indignados’ take to the streets on ‘15-O’
17/10/2011: Lebanon: General Labour Confederation leaders sell out workers
15/10/2011: Austria: Metal Workers strike for wage increase of 5.5%
15/10/2011: Greece: Brutal cuts provokes new wave of workers’ struggles
15/10/2011: Sri Lanka: United Socialist Party holds successful congress

Eurozone: Into the abyss?

25/11/2011, Lynn Walsh, Editor, Socialism Today, monthly magazine of the Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales)

Fragmentation of the Eurozone could trigger another deep financial crisis and global economic downturn

Egypt: Millions vote in first post-Mubarak elections

29/11/2011, Niall Mulholland, CWI

But military-controlled elections do not signal transition to democracy

Spain: Conservatives come to power on the eve of the storm

29/11/2011, Danny Byrne, CWI

New government faces impossible task

Australia: Baiada workers win strike

28/11/2011, Socialist Party (CWI Australia) reporters

Workers set marvellous example despite union leaders weaknesses

Germany: Far right terrorist group commits murder under nose of domestic intelligence agencies

27/11/2011, Nica Markin, Sozialistische Alternative (CWI Germany)

Antifascists have to build a mass movement and can not rely on the state.

Egypt: Mass rally in Tahrir Square demands end of military junta

26/11/2011, Socialist Party (England & Wales CWI) Leaflet

For a real ‘second revolution’! End military rule! Fight capitalism and imperialism!

Tunisia: New government being assembled

26/11/2011, CWI reporter in Tunis

Is the revolution over?

Charges against Georgii Epshtein completely falsified

25/11/2011, By CWI Reporters

Socialist Movement of Kazakhstan demands enquiry.

Gaza: Final days of Paul Murphy’s Gaza tour

25/11/2011, Paul Murphy MEP, Socialist Party (CWI in Ireland)

The reality of life in Gaza

Britain: Public sector strike on 30 November

25/11/2011, Editorial of the Socialist, paper of the Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales)

"Make N30 the start of a fight to stop all cuts"

Europe: The Markets rule

25/11/2011, Joe Higgins, TD (member of the Irish Parliament), Socialist Party (CWI Ireland)

"Can there be any doubt but that we are witnessing a full frontal assault on democratic rights by European bondholders, bankers and speculators facilitated by the leadership of the European Union?"

Kazakstan: Judge takes 5 minutes to deprive CWI supporter of 10 days liberty

24/11/2011, CWI Reporters, Kazakhstan

Protest this travesty of justice – Demand Georgii Epshtein’s immediate release!

Greece: New upsurge of anti-‘housing tax’ campaign

24/11/2011, Nicos Kanellis, Xekinima (CWI in Greece)

Dozens of local councils claim to back households refusing to pay tax

Kazakhstan: Free Georgii Epshtein!


Urgent support needed

Syria: Eight months of mass protests met with bloody brutality

24/11/2011, Judy Beishon, from The Socialist, weekly newspaper of the Socialist Party (CWI England and Wales)

United working class-led movement needed for real regime change

Ireland: Broken Labour Party promises

24/11/2011, Joe Higgins, TD (member of the Irish Parliament), Socialist Party (CWI Ireland)

Joe Higgins puts the Taoiseach (Irish Prime Minister) to the test over his coalition partner Labour’s pre-election promises

Britain: Murdochgate scandal shows need for democratic and accountable media

24/11/2011, Philip Stott, Socialist Party Scotland

Cameron, the Murdoch empire and the police have been involved in a corrupt attempt to subvert the democratic rights of the British people

Kazakhstan: Solidarity vital as discontent grows


Ten thousand signatures collected on oil-workers’ petition

Gaza: Day 2 of Paul Murphy’s visit to Gaza

23/11/2011, Paul Murphy MEP, Socialist Party (CWI in Ireland)

Densely packed refugee camp and meetings with NGOs

India: It is the profit system that is guilty, not the rains

23/11/2011, Pasumpon V N, New Socialist Alternative (CWI Inda), Chennai

For the past few weeks heavy rains in many parts of Tamil Nadu have once again brought hardship to the people causing damages to roads, bridges and inundating many low lying areas claiming 44 lives and damage to property and crops.

committee for a workers' international
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Tel: ++ 44 20 8988 8760
Fax: ++ 44 20 8988 8793

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