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latest news

Opposition activist Ainur Kurmanov addresses Socialist Party rally in London

09/11/2011: Hundreds sign protest condemning Nazarbayev dictatorship and demanding democratic rights

  Kazakhstan, Video

 Solidarity Needed
Paul Murphy MEP still in jail

08/11/2011: Israeli authorities delay deportation, continue imprisonment

  Israel / Palestine, Solidarity

Prime Minister George Papandreou forced out of office

08/11/2011: New ’National unity’ government = ‘austerity coalition’


World Economy
Wealthiest man in history alive today

08/11/2011: Rich hoard wealth - Fight for a socialist future!

  World Economy

Jarrow Marchers march into history

08/11/2011: And vow that the struggle goes on


Another victory for ’Occupy Seattle’

08/11/2011: Tents back up in Seattle as the Occupy Wall Street movement scores another big victory

  US, Video

 Gaza Solidarity Flotilla
Detainees ill-treated in Israeli jail

07/11/2011: Demand the immediate release of all the detainees now!

  Israel / Palestine, Solidarity

New peak of occupy movement with protests in Oakland

05/11/2011: "Follow Oakland’s example: For mass actions to fight against cuts and foreclosures"


Referendum proposal sends markets into turmoil

04/11/2011: For a socialist, internationalist solution


 Breaking News
Socialist Party MEP Paul Murphy detained by Israeli Army

04/11/2011: Flotillas blocked and activists detained – Send protests urgently!

  Israel / Palestine, Solidarity

Joe Higgins TD lambasts government austerity policy

04/11/2011: Government’s policies will plunge society into Greek style crisis

  Ireland Republic, Video

Left union opposition advances in the fight for the leadership of SINTAEMA

04/11/2011: A list of opposition activists led by the LSR (CWI in Brazil) will contest the second round of elections for the leadership of the largest union of sanitation workers in Latin America.


Successfull CWI speaking tour

03/11/2011: Left Alliance joins Conservative led government – Time to build radical, left alternative!


Socialist MEP Paul Murphy once more en route to break the blockade

02/11/2011: Breaking News: New freedom flotilla enters international waters

  Audio, Israel / Palestine

Strike Action Organized in Oakland to Defend Occupy Movement

02/11/2011: Occupiers’ call for a “general strike” finds positive echo in labor movement


Excellent performance by the Socialist Party in Dublin parliamentary by-election

02/11/2011: Labour had a good day in Presidential and by-election polls but it’s all down hill from here

  Ireland Republic

Qantas management tries to lockout workers

01/11/2011: Most vicious attack on unions in 13 years


World Economy
Just 147 companies control 40% of global wealth

01/11/2011: Study finds 1% of corporations control world economy

  World Economy

Maruti Suzuki strike ends

31/10/2011: But battles still to wage


Which way forward for the ’Occupy’ movement

31/10/2011: What should the next step be for the ’Occupy’ movement


The one sided mining boom

30/10/2011: Review of “Too much luck” by Paul Cleary

  Australia, Review

Ennahda’s breakthrough brings major change in political landscape

28/10/2011: Election ‘success story’ masks growing anger from below


 Australia/Sri Lanka
Sri Lankan government under fire as President visits Australia

27/10/2011: Siritunga Jayasuriya, secretary of the United Socialist Party (CWI) Sri Lanka, has made a stinging public attack on the regime of Mahinda Rajapaksa while in Australia at the same time as the president.

  Audio, Australia, Sri Lanka

Armed attack on journalists covering oil workers’ dispute

27/10/2011: Condemn brutal attack on media freedom, Solidarity needed!

  Kazakhstan, Solidarity

Nationalise the steel sector under workers’ control!

26/10/2011: ArcelorMittal wants to close ‘liquid’ steelproduction in Liège. Workers resist, unions call for nationalisation.


Urgent #OccupySeattle solidarity appeal

26/10/2011: Let #OccupySeattle stay at Seattle Central Community College!

  Solidarity, US

EU Austerity laws passed

26/10/2011: "Six pack" rules institutionalise austerity across the EU

  Europe, Video

10,000 youth protest on 15 october in Brussels

25/10/2011: Clear opening for radical ideas developing


Gaddafi Dead - What now?

25/10/2011: Independent action by Libyan workers, youth and poor vital to prevent revolution’s derailment


Metal Workers’ wage agreement

24/10/2011: Strike action wins concessions - but 4.2% is not enough!


Effects of global crisis felt in Asia

24/10/2011: Malaysian economy enters difficult period

  Asia, Malaysia

Lost in Euroland

22/10/2011: Eurozone crisis deepens

  Europe, World Economy

48-hour general strike sees biggest workers’ protests in decades

21/10/2011: All out occupations and strikes! Kick out the Pasok cuts government! For a revolutionary government of the workers and poor!


Australia/Sri Lanka

Sri Lankan government under fire as President visits Australia, 27/10/2011
website of the committee for a workers' international, CWI

Siritunga Jayasuriya, secretary of the United Socialist Party (CWI) Sri Lanka, has made a stinging public attack on the regime of Mahinda Rajapaksa while in Australia at the same time as the president.

CWI Reporters

Rajapaksa will be attending at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in the city of Perth. Siritunga will be a key guest speaker at the ‘Socialism 2011’ event hosted by the Socialist Party (CWI in Australia) this weekend in Melbourne. Siritunga will be speaking out about the Sri Lankan government’s war crimes and its crack down on democratic rights.

Siritunga was interviewed by the ‘Connect Asia’ radio programme produced by Australia’s public broadcaster and heard around the entire Asia-Pacific region. To listen to the programme click here

In a press release Siritunga told the Australian media “while Rajapaksa is sitting around with the heads of the Commonwealth claiming to be a champion of democracy, I want to tell the Australian people the real story.

“Sri Lanka is quickly becoming a dictatorial regime. Rajapaksa wants to extend his term of Presidency and since the end of the war the military is running many aspects of society.

“The government’s victory over the Tamil Tigers has not gone any way towards establishing peace. In fact the government has moved to implement military rule in the north and removed democratic rights for people across the whole country.

“Journalists, human rights campaigners, trade unionists, and socialists, like myself, are branded by the government as traitors. Tamil people are refused their own homeland and are forced to live under constant military harassment.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard and President Mahinda Rajapaksa

“With all this being the case, it is shameful that Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s government openly supports the Rajapaksa regime.

“Gillard, along with all the other heads of the Commonwealth, must accept that they too have blood on their hands”

EuropeRegion in Revolt


Kazakhstan: Opposition activist Ainur Kurmanov addresses Socialist Party rally in London, 09/11/2011

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