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latest news

Scoffing on profits

27/08/2012: Billions around the world suffer from either malnourishment or obesity.

  World Economy

Sri Lanka
United Socialists celebrate the legacy of Trotsky

27/08/2012: Memorial meeting remembers the great revolutionary who died in August 1940

  Sri Lanka, Trotsky

Murdochgate rumbles on ...

26/08/2012: Yet another ex-News of the World (NoW) journalist has been charged with having committed perjury during the 2010 trial of Scottish socialist Tommy Sheridan.

  Britain, Media

World economy
A way out of depression?

26/08/2012: Global capitalism is mired in depression. A Keynesian tract for our times by Paul Krugman proposes a way out

  Review, World Economy

Towards an Autumn of reckoning

25/08/2012: New phase of crisis in country which could decide the fate of Europe


The case of Julian Assange

25/08/2012: Towards a new turn?

  Media, Women

International protests following Lonmin massacre in South Africa

24/08/2012: Reports of CWI-organised lobbies in Ireland, Israel, Austria

  Solidarity, South Africa

Socialist Party’s Hannah Sell on Jeremy Vine show

24/08/2012: Attacks support for the failed system of big business, which will not spend its enormous cash piles.


Middle East
The Syrian cauldron

23/08/2012: What began 18 months ago as a popular uprising against the dictatorship of Bashar al-Assad is on its way to becoming a full-blown civil war that could spread around the region.


Vadim Kuramshin faces 14 years in special detention!

22/08/2012: Prosecutor demands vindictive sentence at end of farcical trial

  Kazakhstan, Solidarity

Towards a 24 hour general strike

22/08/2012: Britain before the October 20 TUC demonstration


Socialist to Challenge House Speaker in General Election

21/08/2012: Kshama Sawant groundbreaking campaign


President Mursi replaces generals and strengthens his powers

20/08/2012: Wave of strikes and occupations as workers fight for real improvements


Offshore processing no solution for refugees

19/08/2012: Australia’s Labor Government worked hand in hand with the Liberal/National opposition to pass legislation to restart the offshore processing of refugees.


[updated] Solidarity with South African miners

18/08/2012: Protesters in front of embassy demand end of killing and support the miners

  Britain, South Africa

Paul Murphy MEP addresses Kazkahstan workers’ movement

18/08/2012: Re-affirms need for maximum support world-wide

  Kazakhstan, Video

 South Africa
Solidarity with Lonmin’s miners

17/08/2012: South African police massacres striking workers at Marikana - call for protest action

  Solidarity, South Africa

Education Rights Campaign “holiday coaching”

16/08/2012: …Free education is a right, not a privilege!


Farce of a trial resumed for Vadim Kuramshin

14/08/2012: Human rights lawyer still fighting uphill battle

  Kazakhstan, Solidarity

End the insane cycle of youth joblessness

12/08/2012: Unite young and old to fight all cuts


Sowing the seeds of inequality

11/08/2012: Review: "On the Origins of Gender Roles: Women and the Plough"


Arms Trade Treaty negotiations expose hypocrisy of industry

10/08/2012: After a month of negotiations on an Arms Trade Treaty at the United Nations in New York, the discussions came to an ignominious end last Friday when, first the United States and then Russia and China, pulled the plug on any agreement.

  World Economy

8.5% for socialist candidate in Washington state

09/08/2012: The preliminary count shows success for Kshama Sawant, the Socialist candidate, running against Democratic incumbent Jamie Pedersen in 43rd District.


Carbon tax ensures emissions will rise

09/08/2012: On July 1 the highly controversial carbon tax was introduced in Australia amidst overwhelming public disapproval.


Is there an alternative to the developing civil war?

08/08/2012: Syria’s agony continues unabated.


“Pussy riot” – made into scapegoats by revengeful Putin

07/08/2012: Public support growing for punk group!


Stop super-exploitation of seafarers

07/08/2012: Solidarity needed to win basic rights and conditions

  Britain, Solidarity

Income survey shows austerity is failing

06/08/2012: The latest Irish League of Credit Unions “What’s Left” income survey shows deterioration in disposable income and an increased reliance on borrowing to make ends meet.

  Ireland Republic

The Dark Knight Rises

05/08/2012: Status quo worshipping from the Hollywood rich list


Capitalism, globalisation and migration

05/08/2012: What role has migration played in the development of capitalist society? What impact does it have in this time of savage austerity?


If they take one non-payer to court they take us all

04/08/2012: Non-payment campaign against household tax: Preparation needed to organise a powerful, mass response to any court cases

  Ireland Republic

Struggle against raising of retirement age

03/08/2012: Combative trade union action needed to prevent a disaster



Protesters target ‘Kazakhstan Business Forum’ London event, 20/10/2011
website of the committee for a workers' international, CWI

Stop state brutality in Kazakhstan!

Socialist Party (CWI England and Wales) Reporters

A protest against state brutality and imprisonment of trade unionists and their representatives in Kazakhstan was held outside the Corinthia Hotel in Whitehall Place, London, this morning. The protest was timed to coincide with the opening of a two day conference of the Kazakhstan Business Forum.

This morning’s protest against ongoing repression of strikers and social rights activists (including speeches and chants through a megaphone) caused a welcome stir of shock and consternation among Kazakh business and government representatives going into the plush hotel. Some tried to photograph and film the protesters but were not so happy when photographs were taken in return by protesters of them! People passing by took an interest in the protest, taking leaflets on their way.

Representatives of the wealthy Kazakh elite around president Nursultan Nazarbayev are seeking business deals at events like this to help nurture and add to the $100 billion that is invested by big businesses internationally in Kazakhstan to exploit the country’s natural resources, including oil, gas and uranium.

Protesters outside the Corinthia hotel

Meanwhile, the overwhelming majority of the population lives in poverty and working people in Kazakhstan are denied basic democratic rights, including the right to organise in independent trade unions.

  • No cooperation with Nazarbayev’s regime!
  • Boycott Kazakh big business
  • Support the campaign for democratic rights

Strikers brutally treated

In western Kazakhstan, over 2,500 oil workers have been sacked for taking strike action to win a wage they can live on and reasonable working conditions. During four months of strike action, the workers have endured great brutality from the state forces, including houses being burnt down, a trade union shop steward being killed and the daughter of a union leader being raped and killed. The lawyer for the oil workers’ independent trade union, Natalya Sokolova, was sentenced to six years in prison in August for ‘incitement of social hatred’ and ‘illegally organising trade unions’.

Other workers’ representatives are facing similar accusations and harsh punishments. These include Ainur Kurmanov, deputy chairman of the Vozrozhdeniye (Rebirth) trade union and Esenbek Ukteshbayev, president of the all-Kazakhstan independent trade union federation, Zhentau. Both are also leaders of the ‘Socialist Movement Kazakhstan’ and have been involved in a tremendous struggle against brutal housing evictions of residents who can’t afford their monthly payments. These outstanding and courageous workers’ leaders have been imprisoned many times for the ‘crime’ of resisting poverty and repression. Now, once again, criminal charges have been fabricated against them, as the corrupt, profiteering regime tries to destroy all opposition.

But workers in Kazakhstan are losing their fear of fighting back, and the independent unions have broad support.

Gathered today at the Kazakhstan Business Forum are representatives of Kazmunaigaz, the oil company largely controlled by the dictatorial president and his clique, which is currently engaged in trying to crush the fightback of its workforce and the workers’ trade union and legal representatives. Also here are top officials of the BT Bank which is constantly trying to evict mortgagees from their homes after it has pushed them to borrow sums it has become impossible for them to repay.

  • Instead of foreign investments that are lining the pockets of Nazarbayev and his clique, these authoritarian and parasitic leaders should be boycotted internationally!
  • Drop all charges against Ainur, Esenbek and other activists of Socialist Movement Kazakhstan! Release Natalya Sokolova!
  • For international workers’ solidarity with the working class and independent trade unions in Kazakhstan! Victory to the sacked and striking oil workers!
  • For democratic rights, including the right to protest, strike and join trade unions.
  • For nationalisation of Kazakhstan’s major industries, under democratic workers’ control and management!


Please send protests to:

1: Head of the Supreme Court of Kazakhstan - Alina Bulatovna Rakhimbekova

Email: with copies to:;

or Tel ++7 7172 747570

2: Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Kazakhstan


3: The Head of the President’s Administration

Tel: ++7 (7172) 74 55 24

Please send copies of all protests to


For regular updates on the defence and solidarity campaign for socialist activists in Kazakhstan, see

Free Vadim!

Sign the e-petition



Kazakhstan: Paul Murphy MEP addresses Kazkahstan workers’ movement, 18/08/2012

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Food: Scoffing on profits
27/08/2012, Iain Dalton, Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales):
Billions around the world suffer from either malnourishment or obesity.

Sri Lanka: United Socialists celebrate the legacy of Trotsky
27/08/2012, USP reporter:
Memorial meeting remembers the great revolutionary who died in August 1940

Britain: Murdochgate rumbles on ...
26/08/2012, Philip Stott, Socialist Party Scotland (CWI Scotland):
Yet another ex-News of the World (NoW) journalist has been charged with having committed perjury during the 2010 trial of Scottish socialist Tommy Sheridan.

Spain: Towards an Autumn of reckoning
25/08/2012, Danny Byrne, CWI:
New phase of crisis in country which could decide the fate of Europe

WikiLeaks: The case of Julian Assange
25/08/2012, Per-Ake Westerlund, Rättvisepartiet Socialisterna (CWI in Sweden):
Towards a new turn?

Solidarity: International protests following Lonmin massacre in South Africa
Reports of CWI-organised lobbies in Ireland, Israel, Austria

Britain: Socialist Party’s Hannah Sell on Jeremy Vine show
Attacks support for the failed system of big business, which will not spend its enormous cash piles.

Kazakhstan: Vadim Kuramshin faces 14 years in special detention!
22/08/2012, Latest from reporters in Kazakhstan:
Prosecutor demands vindictive sentence at end of farcical trial

South Africa: Marikana massacre, the struggle continues
22/08/2012, Liv Shange, Democratic Socialist Movement (CWI in South Africa):
“This is not our government”

US: Socialist to Challenge House Speaker in General Election
21/08/2012, Socialist Alternative (CWI in USA):
Kshama Sawant groundbreaking campaign

Australia: Offshore processing no solution for refugees
19/08/2012, Chris Dite, Socialist Party (CWI Austalia):
Australia’s Labor Government worked hand in hand with the Liberal/National opposition to pass legislation to restart the offshore processing of refugees.

Britain: [updated] Solidarity with South African miners
18/08/2012, CWI:
Protesters in front of embassy demand end of killing and support the miners

Kazakhstan: Paul Murphy MEP addresses Kazkahstan workers’ movement
Re-affirms need for maximum support world-wide

South Africa: Solidarity with Lonmin’s miners
17/08/2012,  DSM (CWI South Africa):
South African police massacres striking workers at Marikana - call for protest action

Nigeria: Education Rights Campaign “holiday coaching”
16/08/2012, Moshood Oshunfurewa, Democratic Socialist Movement (CWI in Nigeria):
…Free education is a right, not a privilege!

Kazakhstan: Farce of a trial resumed for Vadim Kuramshin
14/08/2012, CWI:
Human rights lawyer still fighting uphill battle

Unemployment: End the insane cycle of youth joblessness
12/08/2012, Editorial of the Socialist, paper of the Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales):
Unite young and old to fight all cuts

Women: Sowing the seeds of inequality
11/08/2012, Claire Laker-Mansfield, Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales), first published in Socialism Today:
Review: "On the Origins of Gender Roles: Women and the Plough"

UN: Arms Trade Treaty negotiations expose hypocrisy of industry
10/08/2012, Joe Higgins, TD, Socialist Party (CWI Ireland):
After a month of negotiations on an Arms Trade Treaty at the United Nations in New York, the discussions came to an ignominious end last Friday when, first the United States and then Russia and China, pulled the plug on any agreement.

US: 8.5% for socialist candidate in Washington state
09/08/2012, Socialist Alternative (CWI supporters in the US):
The preliminary count shows success for Kshama Sawant, the Socialist candidate, running against Democratic incumbent Jamie Pedersen in 43rd District.

Australia: Carbon tax ensures emissions will rise
09/08/2012, Editorial from the August edition of The Socialist, paper of the Socialist Party (CWI Australia):
On July 1 the highly controversial carbon tax was introduced in Australia amidst overwhelming public disapproval.

Britain: Stop super-exploitation of seafarers
07/08/2012, CWI:
Solidarity needed to win basic rights and conditions

Ireland: Income survey shows austerity is failing
06/08/2012, Oisín Kelly, Socialist Party (CWI Ireland):
The latest Irish League of Credit Unions “What’s Left” income survey shows deterioration in disposable income and an increased reliance on borrowing to make ends meet.

Review: The Dark Knight Rises
05/08/2012, Laura Fitzgerald, Socialist Party (CWI Ireland):
Status quo worshipping from the Hollywood rich list

Ireland: If they take one non-payer to court they take us all
04/08/2012, Cian Prendiville, Socialist Party (CWI Ireland):
Non-payment campaign against household tax: Preparation needed to organise a powerful, mass response to any court cases

CWI Comment and Analysis


World economy: A way out of depression?
26/08/2012, Lynn Walsh, editor of Socialism Today, magazine of the Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales):
Global capitalism is mired in depression. A Keynesian tract for our times by Paul Krugman proposes a way out

Middle East: The Syrian cauldron
23/08/2012, Niall Mulholland, CWI, first published in Socialism Today (magazine of the Socialist Party, CWI in England & Wales):
What began 18 months ago as a popular uprising against the dictatorship of Bashar al-Assad is on its way to becoming a full-blown civil war that could spread around the region.

Britain: Towards a 24 hour general strike
22/08/2012, Peter Taaffe, general secretary of the Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales), first published in Socialism Today:
Britain before the October 20 TUC demonstration

Egypt: President Mursi replaces generals and strengthens his powers
20/08/2012, David Johnson, Socialist Party (CWI England and Wales):
Wave of strikes and occupations as workers fight for real improvements

Syria: Is there an alternative to the developing civil war?
08/08/2012, Niall Mulholland, CWI:
Syria’s agony continues unabated.

Russia: “Pussy riot” – made into scapegoats by revengeful Putin
07/08/2012, Rob Jones Moscow:
Public support growing for punk group!

Review: Capitalism, globalisation and migration
05/08/2012, Hannah Sell, Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales), first published in Socialism Today:
What role has migration played in the development of capitalist society? What impact does it have in this time of savage austerity?

Italy: Deepening social and political crisis
26/07/2012, Giuliano Brunetti, Controcorrente (CWI in Italy):
Huge opportunities for building new workers’ party

CWI Summer School: The role of the working class in the revolution in the neo-colonial world
19/07/2012, Cillian Gillespie, Socialist Party (CWI Ireland):
Arab revolutions, Sri Lanka, Algeria, Brazil…lessons from history and today’s struggles

China: Economic crunch adds to regime’s woes
18/07/2012, Vincent Kolo, from the website:
Overcapacity and rising debt burden limits government’s policy options

CWI Summer School: A stormy period for the world economy and relations
10/07/2012, Finghín Kelly, Socialist Party (CWI Ireland):
Capitalist crisis and workers’ mass struggles take global dimensions

World economy: Riding the double-dipper
27/06/2012, Lynn Walsh, from Socialism Today, magazine of the Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales):
Capitalist leaders are in disarray as they strive and fail to get to grips with the eurozone crisis and its threat to the global economy

France set to join Europe’s turmoil
27/06/2012, Gauche Révolutionnaire (CWI in France):
Parliamentary elections strengthens Socialist Party’s rule

Greece election: Majority vote against austerity
21/06/2012, Nicos Anastasiades, Xekinima (CWI Greece):
Clear socialist programme for struggle needed

Egypt: Mubarak-era court dissolves parliament
15/06/2012, David Johnson, Socialist Party (CWI England and Wales) and Niall Mulholland, CWI:
The Left and the second-round Presidential elections

Spain: New epicentre of crisis in Europe
13/06/2012, Danny Byrne, CWI:
EU/IMF bank bailout only scrapes tip of iceberg

Syria: Houla massacre deepens fears of slide into full-blown civil war
06/06/2012, Niall Mulholland, CWI:
In struggle against brutal Assad regime, working class must oppose sectarianism and imperialist intervention

Ireland: Fiscal Treaty passed
05/06/2012, Reporters from Socialist Party (CWI Ireland):
A Pyrrhic victory for the establishment that will blow up in their faces

Britain: The phone-hacking scandal - profits, power and corruption
30/05/2012, Peter Taaffe, general secretary of the Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales):
We must remove the undemocratic control of the 1% who deny to the 99% a voice in the media.

Euro crisis: Greece heads for the exit
26/05/2012, Lynn Walsh, editor of Socialism Today, magazine of the Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales):
Eurozone convulsed by turbulent economic forces and political upheavals

Greece: Euro crisis deepens
21/05/2012, Tony Saunois (CWI) with Andros Payiatos, Xekinima (CWI Greece):
Revolution and counter-revolution

Tunisia: General strikes, power struggles and an economic stalemate
15/05/2012, CWI reporters:
Republic’s president, Marzouki, afraid of ‘new revolution’

France: Weekend that shocked Europe
09/05/2012, Robert Bechert, CWI:
Austerity rejected in Eurozone’s second biggest economy

Britain: Legitimacy of Cameron and Clegg further shattered
07/05/2012, Peter Taaffe, Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales) general secretary:
The Con-Dem government suffered a crushing defeat in last Thursday’s elections for local authorities and in the mayoral contests apart from London.

The capitalist “vampire squid” and the class struggle in Europe
06/05/2012, CWI:
As economic crisis worsens and class struggles continue in Spain, Greece, Portugal and elsewhere in Europe, the need for working class fight-back and to build the influence of Marxism grows.