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latest news

World economy in meltdown - we won’t pay for capitalist crisis

04/10/2011: 24 Hour Public Sector General Strike Now - Socialist Party placard, photo Paul Mattsson

  Britain, World Economy

Thousands march and prepare to strike against cuts

04/10/2011: “People First” demonstration in Glasgow on 1st October


Socialist Statement at Occupy Wall Street

03/10/2011: End the Dictatorship of Wall Street!


Horn of Africa
Lives of millions hanging by a thread

03/10/2011: Famine - another weapon of mass destruction

  Africa, Somalia

Police detain campaigners for equal rights for women and LGBT community

01/10/2011: UPDATE: 12 protesters released – Drop all charges and fines!

  Russia, Solidarity

"Kazakh strikers turn to OSCE"

01/10/2011: The Moscow News reports on heroic workers struggle


284 injured in metro system’s “darkest day”

01/10/2011: Manic, uncoordinated and corrupt railway development plans need to be immediately and thoroughly checked and reconstructed under public and democratic control


MEPs condemn repression of opposition activists

30/09/2011: “I, Clare Daly, member of the Irish Parliament strongly condemn threats by the Kazakhstan authorities…” Socialist Party TDs add voices to international outcry

  Kazakhstan, Solidarity

General strike amid intense political crisis

30/09/2011: Indigenous movement and general strike force five ministers resignations


Brutal police crackdown on protestors

30/09/2011: Wall street occupation continues and spreads


Solidarity protest at Kazakh embassy

29/09/2011: London protest against state repression and in solidarity with oil workers

  Britain, Kazakhstan, Solidarity

Failed ‘welfare quarantine’ measures to be extended

29/09/2011: Attacks first tested on Aboriginal population now implemented on all


Parasites’ attitude exposed

28/09/2011: Stock market trader exposes real views of speculators & parasites

  Video, World Economy

Revolutionary movement under threat

28/09/2011: Regime unleashes counter-revolutionary violence


America’s Strange Fruit

28/09/2011: The Execution of Troy Davis


Despair and fury

27/09/2011: New wave of strikes and student protests - But how can the cuts tsunami be halted?


Hong Kong
Socialist Action launches election campaign for district council

27/09/2011: Socialist Action’s (CWI Hong Kong) first election campaign

  Hong Kong

Venezuelan union leader supports Kazakh opposition activists

26/09/2011: Ainur Kurmanov and Esenbek Ukteshbayev to address OSCE Human Rights Conference

  Kazakhstan, Venezuela

Eyewitness account of Sindh floods

24/09/2011: Hundreds of thousands displaced as flood worsens


A hot autumn looming

24/09/2011: Mass and unified resistance needs to be organised


New wave of strikes

23/09/2011: Eight months after the overthrow of Mubarak, workers and youth still face poverty, unemployment, corruption and repression


Hong Kong
Oppose political frame-up of ‘Long Hair’ and six other activists

23/09/2011: Left-wing legislator and six others arrested and charged with ‘disorderly conduct’ after by-election protest

  Hong Kong

Can labour be reclaimed?

23/09/2011: Why socialists must campaign for a new mass workers party


After the fall of Tripoli

22/09/2011: Revolution in grave danger of being seriously derailed


Mass action needed to end occupation

22/09/2011: CWI MEP argues for mass action to liberate the Palestinian masses

  Israel / Palestine, Video

Video of successful lobby of Trades Union Congress

21/09/2011: Public sector-wide action announced for 30 November!

  Britain, Video

Deeper into crisis

20/09/2011: New initiative to build a fighting alternative


The struggle for N18,000 minimum wage

20/09/2011: For a two-day general strike now! No to retrenchment of workers!


Racist ‘Progress Party’ biggest loser in elections

19/09/2011: Labour Party gains less then predicted


Right-wing government loses power after ten years

19/09/2011: Red-Green Alliance trebles its vote


The other 9/11

17/09/2011: Short movie by Ken Loach on Chile’s 9/11 1973 coup


“Sound before the fury of the oppressed”!

17/09/2011: 40th anniversary of Attica Prison Uprising

  History, US

Report from flood-hit Sindh

16/09/2011: Crisis worsens, hundreds killed, millions affected


Region in revolt

Egypt: New wave of strikes

23/09/2011, Eight months after the overthrow of Mubarak, workers and youth still face poverty, unemployment, corruption and repression
David Johnson, Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales)

Libya: After the fall of Tripoli

22/09/2011, Revolution in grave danger of being seriously derailed
Robert Bechert, CWI, from October edition of Socialism Today, magazine of the Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales)

Palestine: Mass action needed to end occupation

22/09/2011, CWI MEP argues for mass action to liberate the Palestinian masses
Video of Paul Murphy, Socialist Party (CWI in Ireland) MEP speaking in European Parliament

Palestine: UN vote on ‘statehood’

14/09/2011, How can the national rights of Palestinians be achieved?
Judy Beishon, Socialist Party (CWI England and Wales)

Libya: After Gaddafi

06/09/2011, Stop the revolution’s derailment - independent workers’ action needed!
Robert Bechert, CWI

Libya: Gaddafi regime crumbles

26/08/2011, No to foreign military intervention · Libyan workers, youth and poor must act independently of imperialism
Robert Bechert, CWI

Egypt: Former dictator Mubarak on trial

23/08/2011, Revolutionary and counter-revolutionary struggle continues
David Johnson, Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales)

Israel: Mass movement against the Rule of Capital

09/08/2011, "Just look at this ground shaking everywhere…"
Shahar Ben-Khorin, Socialist Struggle Movement (CWI Israel/Palestine)

Syria: State unleashes new terror

08/08/2011, The death toll is rising from the Syrian army’s brutal assault on the mass uprising in the city of Hama and other areas.
Judy Beishon, first published in the Socialist, paper of the Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales), 3 August

CWI Summer School: Revolution and Counter-Revolution in North Africa and Middle East

27/07/2011, Report of plenary discussion
David Johnson, Socialist Party (CWI England and Wales)

Egypt: ‘Determination Friday’ sees huge protests

12/07/2011, Workers and youth say, “Save the revolution!”
David Johnson, Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales)

Palestine: Irish Ship to Gaza Sabotaged

30/06/2011, Terrorist-style attack on harboured boat potentially life threatening
Paul Murphy MEP, Socialist Party (CWI in Ireland), participant in flotilla

Syria: Regime steps up repression…

28/06/2011, But opposition continues to grow
Judy Beishon, from The Socialist, weekly newspaper of the Socialist Party (CWI in England and Wales)

Palestine: Paul Murphy Socialist Party MEP joins ‘Freedom Flotilla II’

24/06/2011, “Aim of Flotilla to break siege and highlight blockade impact on Gaza population”
Interview with Paul Murphy by

Egypt: After January 25th uprising…disappointment at speed of change

16/06/2011, Mass party needed to unite workers, youth and poor around socialist policies
By a recent CWI visitor to Cairo

Egypt: Hundreds mark police killing of Khalid Saied

09/06/2011, Struggle against state repression continues under
CWI Reporter, Cairo

Further articles on 'Region in Revolt':





