Debate on the Occupy Oakland General Strike


Yesterday in Oakland, California the Occupy X Movement took a major step when Occupy Oakland called a general strike which shut down the port of Oakland (5th busiest in the US ). The call for the General Strike emerged from the Oakland General Assembly in the aftermath of the police shooting of Scott Olsen on 25th October. The strike could not (for legal reasons) have the formal support of the Oakland unions but we understand that in particular the radical ILWU which organizes the docks had given a 'nod and a wink' that if a large protest was at the port gates work would be halted for 'health & safety' reasons as had happened during the US invasion of Iraq in 2003.

Neoliberalism & the restructuring of Education


In mid-August, Labour Minister for Education Ruairi Quinn announced both further increases to the “registration fee”, which currently stands at €2000, and the return of tuition fees, which will be payable at point-of-entry, for third level education. Coupled with the massive cuts already to the grants system, this will make it prohibitively expensive for many students to enter and complete third level education, and impose a substantial financial burden on those that do. The implications of this will be further falls in the standard of living of ordinary families and increased indebtedness for young people as they begin their adult lives. For many prospective mature students, their hopes of getting back to education will be ruined.

Reports from the first anti-Household tax campaign meetings in Dublin, Cork & Galway


Reports from the first anti-Household tax meetings in Cork, Dublin & Galway.

Review: A Wee Black Booke of Belfast Anarchism


Irish anarchism is a relatively new movement. We do not yet enjoy the popular understanding of anarchist ideas that can be found among thousands of militants and the wider working class in countries like Spain and Italy and across Latin America. However, this is slowly changing, partly as we begin to uncover forgotten events. This pamphlet provides a small glimpse of the history of Belfast anarchism, an idea that continues to grow, spreading the message of radical working class direct action on the streets of Belfast.

WSM activity in the late Summer of 2011


Despite the distraction of the presidential election charade, the past couple of months have been busy ones for WSM members as government spending cuts continue to bite.

London Burns - PDF pamphlet on the August 2011 UK Riots


We are making the text of our popular analysis 'London burns - causes & consequences of the riots - an anarchist perspective' available online as a PDF file.  A limited number were produced for the WSM stall at the London anarchist bookfair but rapidly sold out.  By making the PDF available we are inviting you to print out and distribute copies where you are.

The pamphlet is 28 pages in length and can be printed on the popular A4 (Europe) or US Letter (North America paper sizes).  The text has already been translated into French, if you are aware of additional translations use the contact form above to let us know about them.  

Download the PDF

Poppy day, militarism, imperialism and the promotion of intolerance


The poppy is used as a fundraising appeal by the British Royal Legion and can be traced back to American ex-service men returning home from world war one. It was particularly associated with a poem written by a Canadian doctor, John McCrae (he died of pneumonia in January 1918). His poem begins:

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below....

Workers Solidarity 124


Issue 124 of Ireland's anarchist paper Workers Solidarity  November / December 2011.

Workers Solidarity 123


Issue of Ireland's anarchist paper Workers Solidarity Issue 123 September October 2011.

WSM activity summer 2011 - Galway branch formed


The major development for the WSM of late has been the establishment of a Galway branch, which is now up and running and meeting fortnightly in the city. We have had contacts with various anarchists in the city for a number of years and are delighted to now have a core of people in Galway campaigning and promoting anarchism in the West.

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