
Latest news and events

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01 Nov - David appears on Radio 4's Any Questions
23 Oct - David writes an article for the Mail on Sunday, outlining the case for an EU referendum
15 Oct - David spoke at The People's Pledge Campaign for a EU Referendum
12 Oct - David on the Peter Levy Radio Show
05 Oct - David met with BAe Brough workers at the Conservative Party Conference
03 Oct - David launched 'The Future of Conservatism: Values Revisited' at the Conservative Party Conference
03 Oct - David appears on BBC's Newsnight
02 Oct - David appears on the BBC's Politics Show

Welcome to my campaign against the government's assault on British liberty.
On 12 June, I announced my intention to resign from Parliament, in disgust and dismay at the manner in which Gordon Brown bought and bullied his way to forcing through the vote on 42 days pre-charge detention.

42 days imprisonment - without knowing the charges you face - is a draconian measure that both undermines our fundamental freedoms, and jeopardises our security.  But the issue runs far deeper. Whether it is talking tough on terror, the rise of the database state or the growth of a surveillance society, the size, role and reach of government is now out of control. This government increasingly treats our fundamental freedoms with disdain. I believe it is time to take a stand.

In the few days since I announced my resignation, I have been overwhelmed by the public response. I have received thousands of communications, from across the country. I set up this website to provide a focal point for my campaign. I hope you can let me know your views on these important issues.

I look forward to hearing from you.

David Davis
Promoted by Duncan Gilmour on behalf of David Davis, both at 32 Main Street, Willerby, East Yorkshire, HU10 6BU