Partisan · Patriotic · Internationalist
Páirtíneach · Tírghrách · Idirnáisiúnach

The Communist Party of Ireland is an all-Ireland Marxist party founded in 1933. Its aim is to win the support of the majority of the Irish people for ending the capitalist system and for building socialism—a social system in which the means of production, distribution and exchange are publicly owned and utilised for the benefit of the whole people.  Páirtí Marxach uile-Éireann a bunaíodh sa bhliain 1933 is ea Páirtí Cumannach na hÉireann. Is é aidhm an pháirtí tacaíocht thromlach mhuintir na hÉireann a bhaint amach do dheireadh a chur leis an gcóras caipitleach agus do thógáil an tsóisialachais—córas sóisialta ina bhfuil na córacha táirgthe, dáileacháin agus malairte i seilbh an phobail agus ina n-úsáidtear iad ar mhaithe leis an bpobal iomlán.

Weekly (Belfast)
Seachtainiúil (Béal Feirste)
  Socialist Voice
Monthly (Dublin)
Míosúil (Baile Átha Cliath)

Repudiate the debt!
We are being forced to pay a debt that is not of our making. The banks’ debt is not sovereign debt. It was not borrowed by the Government to build schools or hospitals, or to develop our natural resources: this is private and corporate debt, and we should refuse to pay it.

Séanaimis an fiachas!
Tá iallach á chur orainn fiachas a íoc nár thabhaigh muid. Ní fiachas flaithiúnais é fiachas na mbanc. Ní bhfuair an Rialtas an iasacht seo le scoileanna ná ospidéil a thógáil, ná lenár n-acmhainní nádúrtha a fhorbairt: fiachas corparáideach agus fiachas príobháideach is ea é, agus ba chóir dúinn diúltú dó.

Support the campaign
Support the Repudiate the Debt Campaign.
Tacaigh leis an bhfeachtas
Tacaigh leis an bhFeachtas um Shéanadh an Fhiachais.

Sign the petition
Sign the petition that calls for a referendum on the illegitimate debt.
Sínigh an achainí
Sínigh an achainí a iarrann reifreann ar an bhfiachas mídhlisteanach.

How much do we owe now?
The amount of illegitimate debt the Irish people will have to pay foreign banks:
Cé mhéad fiacha atá orainn anois?
Méid an fhiachais neamhdhlisteanaigh a bheidh le híoc ag muintir na hÉireann do bhainc eachtrannacha:

The economic crisis
• Some questions and answers

An ghéarchéim eacnamaíoch
• Roinnt ceisteanna agus freagraí

News    Nuacht

The Greek people want an election, not a referendum
Toghchán atá de dhíth ar mhuintir na Gréige, seachas reifreann
The Communist Party of Greece has issued a statement condemning the attempted blackmail of the people by the decision to hold a referendum rather than an election.

Tá Páirtí Cumannach na Gréige tar éis ráiteas a eisiúint a cháineann an iarracht ar dhúmhál a dhéanamh ar an bpobal trí reifreann a eagrú seachas toghchán.

Demonstration against the bail-out
Léirsiú in aghaidh na tarrthála

On Tuesday 1 November supporters of the Repudiate the Debt Campaign and Occupy Dame Street held a joint demonstration outside the Department of Finance in Dublin. They were protesting against the payment of $1 billion to unsecured bond-holders and calling for a referendum on the bailing out of the banks.
Dé Máirt 1 Samhain ghlac tacadóirí an Fheachtais um Shéanadh an Fhiachais agus Sealbhaímis Sráid an Dáma páirt i gcomhléirsiú lasmuigh den Roinn Airgeadais i mBaile Átha Cliath. Bhí siad ag agóid in aghaidh íocaíocht $1 billiún do shealbhóirí bannaí neamhurraithe agus ag éileamh reifreann ar tharrtháil na mbanc.

Greek anarcho-fascists in collaboration with the police
Anriail-faisistigh na Gréige i gcomhoibriú leis na póilíní
Hooded “anarchists” co-ordinating their attacks with the riot police, Athens, December 2010

“Ainrialaithe” cochaill ag comhordú a ngníomhartha leis na póilíní círéibe, an Aithin, mí na Nollag 2010

And again in October 2011, accompanied by riot police, preparing to attack trade unionists. (More photographs at showing the “anarchists” with police truncheons and police gas-masks.)

Agus arís i mí Dheireadh Fómhair 2011, i gcomhluadar na bpóilíní círéibe, ag ullmhú le hionsaí a dhéanamh ar cheardchumannaithe. (Tuilleadh grianghraif ag a thaispeánann na “hainralaithe” agus smachtíní de chuid na bpóilíní agus maisc deoirgháis de chuid na bpóilíní acu.)
On the articles by the international media on the murderous attack on the demonstration in Athens, December 2010
Ar na hailt ag na meáin idirnáisiúnta ar an ionsaí modartha ar an léirsiú san Aithin
A statement by the Communist Party of Greece points out that the murderous attack by anarcho-fascist groups on the rally organised by the All-Workers Militant Front (PAME) made the news on a global scale, but there were many attempts by the bourgeois media to distort the facts. Deir ráiteas ó Pháirtí Cumannach na Gréige go ndearnadh nuacht ar scála domhanda d’ionsaí modartha na n-ainriail-faisisteach ar an slógadh a d’eagraigh Fronta Míleata na nOibrithe Uile (PAME) ach go ndearna na meáin bhuirgéiseacha mórán iarrachtaí ar na fíricí a chur as a riocht.
Murderous assault against the rally in Athens
Ionsaí modartha in aghaidh an ollslógaidh san Aithin
The suffocating atmosphere caused by the use of smoke bombs and fire extinguishers by the provocateurs against demonstrators had as a result the tragic death of Dimítris Kotzarídis, construction worker and PAME trade unionist.

Toisc an atmaisféar plúchtach a chruthaigh na buamaí deataigh agus múchtóirí dóiteáin a d’úsáid saighdeoirí i gcoinne na léirsitheoirí tháinig bás traigéideach ar Dimítris Kotzarídis, oibrí tógála agus ceardchumannaí de chuid PAME.
Organised groups, including anarcho-fascists, unleashed an attack with Molotov cocktails, tear-gas, stun grenades, and stones, on the workers’ and people’s rally in Athens, resulting in the death of a trade unionist.

Scaoil grúpaí eagraithe, ina measc ainriail-faisistigh, ionsaí ar shlógadh na n-oibrithe agus an phobail san Aithin le manglaim Molotov, deoirghás, stiúdghránáidí, agus clocha, a d’fhág ceardchumannaí marbh.

On the news of the death of Dimítris Kotzarídis, a minute’s silence was observed.

Coiméadadh nóiméad ciúnais nuair a fuarthas scéala bhás Dimítris Kotzarídis.
Second day of the nationwide general strike in Greece
Dara lá na hollstailce náisiúnta sa Ghréig
The “heart” of the second day of the enormous 48-hour strike mobilisation was beating in the central square of Athens, Syntágma Square, where the All-Workers Militant Front (PAME) organised a huge rally-encirclement of the Greek parliament.

Bhí “croí” dara lá an ollslógadh 48 uair an chloig ag bualadh i gcearnóg láir na hAithine, Cearnóg Syntágma, áit a d’eagraigh Fronta Míleata na nOibrithe Uile (PAME) ollslógadh mórthimpeall ar Pharlaimint na Gréige.
The great oil and gas rip-off
Lomadh mór an ola agus an gháis
The decision by Pat Rabbitte, Minister for Communications, Energy, and Natural Resources, to issue thirteen new exploration licences for oil and gas is nothing more than the complete abandonment of any control of these resources that belong to the Irish people, says a statement by the CPI.

Níl i mbeartas Pat Rabbitte, Aire Cumarsáide, Fuinnimh, agus Acmhainní Nádúrtha, trí cinn déag de cheadúnais nua taiscéalaíochta ola agus gáis a eisiúint ach tréigean iomlán smacht ar bith ar na hacmhainní sin ar le muintir na hÉireann iad, a deir ráiteas a d’eisigh an CPI.

PAME representative speaks in Dublin
Ionadaí PAME ag labhairt i mBaile Átha Cliath
A public meeting in Dublin on 13 October organised by the CPI was addressed by George Pontikós, a member of the Executive Committee of the All-Workers Militant Front of Greece, who explained the policy of PAME in relation to the workers’ and people’s struggle against the EU and IMF. The meeting was also addressed by Eugene McCartan, general secretary of the CPI, and Kevin Doherty, secretary of Belfast and District Trades Union Council.

Ag cruinniú poiblí i mBaile Átha Cliath ar 13 Deireadh Fómhair labhair George Pontikós, ball de choiste feidhmiúcháin Fhronta Míleata Oibrithe Uile na Gréige, a mhínigh beartas PAME maidir leis an streachailt in aghaidh an EU agus IMF. Labhair Eugene McCartan, ardrúnaí an CPI, agus Kevin Doherty, rúnaí Chomhairle Ceardchumann Bhéal Feirste agus an Cheantair, chomh maith.

Eugene McCartan, George Pontikós, Kevin Doherty

Events    Imeachtaí

 Dublin Baile Átha Cliath
 Friday 4 November, 7:30 p.m.
Public talk
The Bolivia of Evo Morales and the Movement Towards Socialism: achievements and challenges

Speaker: Dr John Crabtree (research associate in Latin American politics, St Antony’s College, Oxford; author of Patterns of Protest: Politics and Social Movements in Bolivia, 2005, joint author of Unresolved Tensions: Bolivia Past and Present, 2008).
Followed by questions and answers with Alex Tilley (co-ordinator, Bolivia Information Forum, England)
‣Pearse Centre (27 Pearse Street)

Organised by the Latin America Solidarity Centre and the Venezuela-Ireland Network

Aoine 4 Samhain, 7:30 i.n.
Caint phoiblí
The Bolivia of Evo Morales and the Movement Towards Socialism: achievements and challenges

Cainteoir: an Dr John Crabtree (comhlach taighde i bpolaitíocht Mheiriceá Laidinigh, Coláiste Antaine, Oxford; údar Patterns of Protest: Politics and Social Movements in Bolivia, 2005 comhúdar Unresolved Tensions: Bolivia Past and Present, 2008).
Agus ina dhiaidh, ceisteanna agus freagraí le Alex Tilley (comhordaitheoir, Bolivia Information Forum, Sasana)
‣Lárionad an Phiarsaigh (27 Sráid an Phiarsaigh)

Á eagrú ag an Lárionad um Dhlúthpháirtíocht le Meiriceá Laidineach agus Gréasán Venezuela na hÉireann

 Dublin Baile Átha Cliath
 Saturday 5 November, 2:30 p.m.
Public meeting
Ninety years of struggle
Commemorating 90 years of struggle for sovereignty, unity, and socialism.
Speaker: Charlie McGuire (Teesside University, Middlesbrough)
‣New Theatre (43 East Essex Street)

Cruinniú poiblí
Ninety years of struggle
Ceiliúradh nócha bliain den streachalit ar son na ceannasachta, na haontachta, agus an tsóisialachais.
Cainteoir: Charlie McGuire (Ollscoil Teesside, Middlesbrough)
‣New Theatre (43 Sráid Essex Thoir)

Satharn 5 Samhain, 2:30 i.n.

 Derry Doire
 Saturday 5 November, 4 p.m.
Documentary screening and discussion
Colombia: The New Wave of Social Protest and the Dirty War Against the People
with Javier Orozco, Colombian refugee and trade unionist
‣Sandino’s (Water Street)

Organised by Grupo Raíces / Grúpa Fréamhacha—Colombian Solidarity in Ireland

Satharn 5 Samhain, 4 i.n.
Taispeáint scannán faisnéise agus díospóireacht
Colombia: The New Wave of Social Protest and the Dirty War Against the People
le Javier Orozco, dídeanaí agus ceardchumannaí Colómach
‣Tigh Sandino (Sráid an Uisce)

Á eagrú ag Grupo Raíces / Grúpa Fréamhacha—Dlúthpháirtíocht leis an gColóim in Éirinn

 Derry Doire
 Sunday 6 November, 3:30 p.m.
75th anniversary of the formation of the international brigades
75th anniversary in song and story

Launch of the IBCC song booklet
‣Sandino’s (Water Street)

Organised by the International Brigade Commemoration Committee
Further information: 077 51951785 | 077 59393607

Domhnach 6 Samhain, 3:30 i.n.
75 bliana ó bhunú na mbriogáidí idirnáisiúnta
Comóradh 75 bliana in amhráin agus i scéalta

Seoladh leabhrán amhrán an IBCC
‣Sandino’s (Sráid an Uisce)

Á eagrú ag Coiste Cuimhneacháin na Briogáide Idirnáisiúnta
Tuilleadh eolais: 077 51951785 | 077 59393607

 Cork Corcaigh
 Wednesday 9 November, 8 p.m.
Documentary screening and discussion
Colombia: The New Wave of Social Protest and the Dirty War Against the People
with Javier Orozco, Colombian refugee and trade unionist
‣Solidarity Books (43 Douglas Street)

Organised by Grupo Raíces / Grúpa Fréamhacha—Colombian Solidarity in Ireland

Céadaoin 9 Samhain, 8 i.n.
Taispeáint scannán faisnéise agus díospóireacht
Colombia: The New Wave of Social Protest and the Dirty War Against the People
le Javier Orozco, dídeanaí agus ceardchumannaí Colómach
‣Solidarity Books (43 Sráid na Dúghlaise)

Á eagrú ag Grupo Raíces / Grúpa Fréamhacha—Dlúthpháirtíocht leis an gColóim in Éirinn

 Dublin Baile Átha Cliath
 Thursday 10 November, 7 p.m.
Documentary screening and discussion
Colombia: The New Wave of Social Protest and the Dirty War Against the People
with Javier Orozco, Colombian refugee and trade unionist
‣Pearse Centre (27 Pearse Street)

Organised by Grupo Raíces / Grúpa Fréamhacha—Colombian Solidarity in Ireland

Déardaoin 10 Samhain, 7 i.n.
Taispeáint scannán faisnéise agus díospóireacht
Colombia: The New Wave of Social Protest and the Dirty War Against the People
le Javier Orozco, dídeanaí agus ceardchumannaí Colómach
‣Lárionad an Phiarsaigh (27 Sráid an Phiarsaigh)

Á eagrú ag Grupo Raíces / Grúpa Fréamhacha—Dlúthpháirtíocht leis an gColóim in Éirinn

 Erris, Co. Mayo Iorras, Co. Mhaigh Eo
 Friday 11 November
National Day of Solidarity

To commemorate the death of Ken Saro Wiwa and for people from around Ireland to stand in solidarity with the local community in Co. Mayo.

Organised by Shell to Sea

Aoine 11 Samhain
Lá Náisiúnta Dlúthpháirtíochta

I gcuimhne bhás Ken Saro Wiwa agus chun deis a thabhairt do dhaoine ar fud na hÉireann ar sheasamh i ndlúthpháirtíocht leis an bpobal áitiúil i gCo. Mhaigh Eo.

Á eagrú ag Shell chun Sáile

 Dublin Baile Átha Cliath
 Saturday 26 November
Pre-budget demonstration

Organised by Dublin Council of Trade Unions

Satharn 26 Samhain
Léirsiú réamh-cháinaisnéise

Á eagrú ag Comhairle Ceardchumann Bhaile Átha Cliath

Recent publications
Foilseacháin nua
Repudiate the Debt: For a Better Future · €4 (£3.50)
The Equality Delusion · Published to mark International Women’s Day, 2011 · €2 (£1.50)
Jorge Cadima, The European Union: New Developments in Imperialism (James Connolly Memorial Lecture, 2011) · €2 (£1.50)
Michael Quinn, The Making of an Irish Communist Leader: The Life and Times of Michael O’Riordan, 1938–1947 · €8 (£6)
The Challenge for Trade Unionism · €4 (£3)
From Connolly Books, 43 East Essex Street, Dublin 2. (Postage free within Ireland.)
Ó Connolly Books, 43 Sráid Essex Thoir, Baile Átha Cliath 2. (Postas go haon áit in Éirinn saor in aisce.)

Poster of James Connolly
Póstaer de Shéamas Ó Conaíle
€2.50 | £2

From Connolly Books, 43 East Essex Street, Dublin 2. (Postage €2 within Ireland.)
Ó Connolly Books, 43 Sráid Essex Thoir, Baile Átha Cliath 2. (Postas go haon áit in Éirinn €2.)

Poster of Karl Marx
Póstaer de Karl Marx
€2.50 | £2

From Connolly Books, 43 East Essex Street, Dublin 2. (Postage €2 within Ireland.)
Ó Connolly Books, 43 Sráid Essex Thoir, Baile Átha Cliath 2. (Postas go haon áit in Éirinn €2.)

Lynda Walker (editor), Madge Davison: Revolutionary Firebrand: Recollections (Belfast: Shanway Press, 2011).

£6 (including postage) from Unity Press, PO Box 85, Belfast BT1 1SR. (Cheques payable to Northern Area Trading.)
£6 (postas san áireamh) ó Unity Press, Bosca Poist 85, Béal Feirste BT1 1SR. (Seiceanna iníoctha do Northern Area Trading.)

Boycott Coca-Cola! Join the international boycott of Coca-Cola
Glac páirt sa bhaghcat idirnáisiúnta ar Coca-Cola

Visit the home page of the Connolly Youth Movement, Ireland’s socialist youth organisation.
Tabhair cuairt ar leathanach baile Ógra Uí Chonghaile, ógra sóisialach na hÉireann.

Contact us
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Phone: (01) 6708707 (Southern Area) | 077 51951785 (Northern Area)
Déan teagmháil linn
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Fón: (01) 6708707 (Limistéar an Deiscirt) | 077 51951785 (Limistéar an Tuaiscirt)

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