2 November 2011

Coup fears in Greece over referendum plan

By Peter Schwarz, 2 November 2011

Prime Minister Papandreou sacked the Greek military high command Tuesday amid mounting furor over his proposal for a referendum on an EU bailout plan that spells years of punishing austerity for Greek workers.

US financial trader brought down by eurozone crisis

By Nick Beams, 2 November 2011

MF Global’s demise was the seventh largest bankruptcy in US corporate history and the biggest since the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008.

Anti-Wall Street protests

Anti-Wall Street protesters in New York denounce “Governor 1 percent”

By our reporters, 2 November 2011

Occupy Wall Street protesters denounced New York Governor Cuomo for his refusal to extend the “millionaires’ tax.”

More on the anti-Wall Street protests »

Spain faces economic catastrophe

By Vicky Short and Paul Mitchell, 2 November 2011

Economic growth has slowed and unemployment has soared in Spain, raising fears that the euro zone’s fourth largest economy is in danger of a full-scale debt crisis.

Political tensions rise as Thai flood disaster continues

By John Roberts, 2 November 2011

Amid rising anger and resentment among flood victims, the Thai government’s chief concern has been to reassure big business and foreign investors.

Italian government prepares historic attack on workers

By Marc Wells, 2 November 2011

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi submitted last Wednesday a proposal for the so-called “structural reforms for growth.”

Security official convicted of obstructing probe into West Virginia mine disaster

By Samuel Davidson, 2 November 2011

The security chief at Massey Energy’s Upper Big Branch mine, where 29 miners were killed last April, was convicted October 26 for participating in a cover-up of longstanding safety problems in the mine.

Two Kentucky miners killed in wall collapse

By Naomi Spencer, 2 November 2011

Two miners were killed and two others were injured in a wall collapse at a western Kentucky surface mine Friday.

UK: Manchester’s most vulnerable face devastating cuts

By Dennis Moore, 2 November 2011

Labour-controlled Manchester City Council (MCC) has voted through some of the severest cuts to services in the UK.

Sri Lankan government boosts military spending

By Saman Gunadasa, 2 November 2011

Facing a deep financial crisis, the Rajapakse government is preparing for violent confrontations with working people.

Australian “border protection” regime responsible for more refugee deaths

By Will Morrow, 2 November 2011

Late last night an overcrowded boat that was carrying more than 70 asylum seekers en route to Australia foundered off Java in Indonesia, killing at least 8 people.

Berlin’s new Senate agrees on security buildup

By Clara Weiss, 2 November 2011

The new Berlin Senate’s ruling coalition partners have agreed on a systematic bolstering of police state measures to confront expected protests from the city’s population.

New in French

Le sommet de Bruxelles intensifie les conflits entre nations en Europe

Par Peter Schwarz, 2 novembre 2011

Un problème bien plus fondamental se trouve à l'origine de la crise de la dette européenne. En dépit de la fondation de l'Union européenne, l'Europe reste divisée en Etats distincts où chaque élite dirigeante est déterminée à poursuivre ses propres intérêts nationaux.

Les Etats-Unis planifient un renforcement militaire dans le Golfe persique pour compenser le retrait de l'Irak 

Par Bill Van Auken, 2 novembre 2011

Le gouvernement Obama et le Pentagone planifient un renforcement considérable des moyens militaires dans le Golfe persique pour compenser le retrait des troupes de l'Irak et se préparer à de nouvelles guerres dans la région.

New in German

Nato erklärt Libyenkrieg offiziell für beendet

Von Bill Van Auken, 2. November 2011

Seit Montag gilt der räuberische Krieg der Nato gegen Libyen offiziell als beendet. Die Nato hat ihr Ziel eines Regimewechsels erreicht, und das Land steht nun den westlichen Ölkonzerne zur Ausbeutung offen.

Papandreou kündigt Volksabstimmung über Beschlüsse des EU-Gipfels an

Von Peter Schwarz, 2. November 2011

Mit dem Referendum will der griechische Regierungschef eine Mehrheit für seine Sparmaßnahmen gewinnen, indem er mit wirtschaftlichem Chaos und Diktatur droht.

ISO wirbt für Gewerkschaften und gegen Arbeiterinteressen

Von David Walsh, 2. November 2011

Die International Socialist Organization (ISO) vertritt im politischen Spektrum eine besonders gewerkschaftsfreundliche Tendenz.

Qantas legt Flotte still, um weitreichende Umstrukturierung durchzusetzen

Von James Cogan, 2. November 2011

Die australische Fluglinie Qantas folgt einer gründlich ausgearbeiteten Strategie, die die volle Unterstützung führender Wirtschaftskreise, der Labor-Regierung, der Gerichte und des ganzen Staates hat.

New in Spanish

Un retrato de los Estados Unidos en declive

Por Patrick Martin, 2 Noviembre 2011

Una serie de informes recientes—sobre la pobreza, salarios, desigualdad del ingreso y movilidad social—pintan el retrato de un Estados Unidos muy diferente a la mitología oficial del país como la tierra de las oportunidades económicas ilimitadas y con el más alto nivel de vida en el mundo.

New in Arabic

المجلس العسكري يذبح محتجين سلميين

بقلم يوهان سترن 11 أكتوبر /تشرين الأول 2011

في مساء يوم الأحد أطلق الجيش المصري هجوما وحشياً على متظاهرين في القاهرة،أسفر الهجوم عن مصرع 36 على الأقل وإصابة المئات .

المهام السياسية للثورة المصرية

بقلم يوهان سترن 13 سبتمبر/أيلول

عمت مصر في الأيام الأخيرة موجة جديدة من الإضرابات والاحتجاجات ضد المجلس العسكري المدعوم من أمريكا.

Other Languages


Unemployment and the global financial aristocracy

2 November 2011

The International Labour Organization’s report on global unemployment, released Monday, paints a stark picture of world capitalism.

Earlier Perspectives »


NATO declares formal end to criminal war on Libya

By Bill Van Auken, 1 November 2011

A portrait of America in decline

By Patrick Martin, 31 October 2011

Brussels summit intensifies national conflicts in Europe

Peter Schwarz, 29 October 2011


An exchange with a local union president on the Detroit library closures

2 November 2011

Shannon Jones answers letter by American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 1259 President Todd Kelly attacking WSWS article on the Detroit library closures.

Auto Workers Struggles

US automakers to cash in from new UAW contracts

By Jerry White, 1 November 2011

Video: Warren, Michigan Chrysler workers speak on contract vote

27 October 2011

The UAW and the “reincarnation” of the US auto industry

By Jerry White, 28 October 2011

More on auto workers' struggles »

Arts Review

BetrayedTheater review
Betrayed: An American liberal looks at the disaster he helped bring about in Iraq

By Richard Adams, 31 October 2011

Moneyball, and the uneven playing field of professional sports

By Hiram Lee, 28 October 2011

Toronto International Film Festival 2011—Part 5
The defense of Iranian filmmakers, and their artistic decline

By David Walsh and Joanne Laurier, 26 October 2011

Workers Struggles

Unions move to sell out Southampton Council strike

By Tony Robson, 1 November 2011

25 years ago: Reports reveal US shipped arms to Iran

This week in 1986 reports emerged that officials in the Reagan administration were involved in the covert shipping of arms to the Islamic Republic of Iran under Ayatollah Khomeini.

More »

50 years ago: Kennedy steps up US Vietnam intervention

On November 3, 1961, US General Maxwell Taylor returned from a fact-finding mission in South Vietnam with the recommendation that the US commit thousands of combat troops to defend the regime of Ngo Dinh Diem.

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75 years ago: Roosevelt landslide victory amidst wildcat strike of seamen

In one of the most one-sided presidential elections in American history, Democratic President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was re-elected in a landslide election on November 3, 1936.

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100 years ago: Franco-German Convention ends the Second Moroccan Crisis

On November 4, 1911 France and Germany signed an agreement, effectively bringing to an end the Second Moroccan Crisis, which had raised the specter of a major military conflagration over rivalries in the North African region.

More »

Socialist Equality Party

Ten years on: The SIEV X tragedy and the assault on democratic rights

By the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), 31 October 2011

SEP and ISSE public meetings
Occupy Wall Street and Beyond: Equality and the Fight for Socialism

The Socialist Equality Party and the International Students for Social Equality are holding a series of public meetings throughout the United States on the political significance and implications of the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Sri Lankan NSSP repudiates socialism and the October Revolution

Statement of the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka),
25 October 2011


Thomas S. Kuhn, post-modernism and materialist dialectics

By William Whitlow, 28 October 2011