November 3, 2011
Arianna Huffington

Arianna Huffington: Shakespeare, The Bible, and America's Shift Into a Punitive Society

I'm haunted by a passage in Ron Suskind's Confidence Men in which Paul Volcker questions whether Obama and his economic team are really serious about the financial crisis and is reminded of a phrase that he knew Lawrence Summers sometimes used: "the important thing is just to be caught trying." "Be caught trying." Is there a better description of the mindset of so many of our political leaders at this troubled moment in our nation's history? The fact that there's a crisis, and that people are hurting -- or at least that the people are angry -- has finally sunk in around official Washington. And everyone there wants to be caught trying to do something about it. But what the country, and especially the millions who are suffering, needs are leaders who will do more -- much more -- than just be caught trying. This isn't just about helping those in need; this is about helping keep our society strong.

Occupy Oakland Ends Peaceful Day With Violent Clash

Occupy Oakland

LATEST UPDATES.. Police Unleash Tear Gas On Protesters

Herman Cain Accused Of Sexual Harassment By Another Former Employee

Herman Cain Sexual Harassment

More Politics
Bachmann Jabs Rival.. GOPer 'Despicable'?.. Cain's Surprise News.. Shocking Birther Demand

Obama Jabs Congress For 'In God We Trust' Vote

Obama In God We Trust

Extreme Poverty Leaves Millions In Desolation


WATCH: 'South Park' Takes On Occupy Wall Street

South Park Occupy Wall Street

More Comedy
Colbert Defends Cain.. New 'SNL' Promos.. Letterman vs. Kardashian.. Bachmann Spoof


Shenzhou 8 Tiangong 1

More Tech
Gmail Fails.. Google Maps Shocker.. Yahoo's New Product.. Microsoft Security Flaw

Tammy Baldwin: No Immunity For Banks In Foreclosure Deal

Tammy Baldwin

War Of Words Rages Between Cain, Perry Campaigns

Perry Cain

WATCH: Cain's Chief Of Staff Blasts Perry Campaign

UN Chief: Palestinian Aim To Join UN Agencies Is 'Not Beneficial For Anybody'

Ban Ki Moon Palestine Un Bid

More World
That Was Not The Deal.. Merchant Of Death.. Ping Pong Diplomacy.. Bombing Iran?

Wave Of Deportations Leaves Thousands Of Children In Foster Care


More Latino Voices
Anonymous vs. Zetas.. Texas Shooting Burros.. AZ Smuggling Ring

SHOCK: Judge Allegedly Caught Beating Teen With Cerebral Palsy

Beating Video

Beating Victim: 'Stop Threatening My Father'

WATCH: Rick Perry Criticizes Mitt Romney For Flip-Flopping

Rick Perry Hannity

U.S. Military Role In Afghanistan May Soon Shift From Combat To Training

Us Troops In Afghanistan

More Quake Damage Found In Another D.C. Landmark

Arlington House

Democrats Introduce Bill For Jobless


MORE: Message War Hits Fever Pitch

Perry: I Wasn't Drunk

Rick Perry New Hampshire Speech

Greece Threatened With Eurozone Expulsion

Greece Threatened With Eurozone Expulsion

WATCH: O'Donnell Launches Scathing Attack On Rush Limbaugh

Odonnell Limbaugh

More Media
Coulter Doubles Down.. Murdoch War.. Fox Renews Big Show.. Tom, Barbara Flirt.. Amazing Conan

Herman Cain Accuser Will Not Go Public, Lawyer Says

Herman Cain

Verdict Reached In Lululemon Murder

Lululemon Murder

Man Arrested For Allegedly Raping Occupy Wall Street Protester

Ows Tents

Obama Tops Forbes List Of The World's Most Powerful People

Obama Tops Forbes Most Powerful List

Restaurants Suffering Because Of Unemployed Teens


More High School
Does High School Start Too Early?.. The Case For Abolishing Homework

IZTFpZBYM6Mc2If2%2FwSrds2hCQYDO%2F%2BH1m8xZ%2BeFF5EeWciLjcdRfoemxdhahsmJKLJF2qYhGok%3D eRUXpD3jc8KfZPw%2B%2By%2FeIyoHEKLTueyypikb9REQb%2Bo2JrsUClyAMH0FDn%2B6MWATOrFzlJP%2BQXE%3D 97tg1WVmvMrEJxtZOPGE%2FqFyzOFvP4AOteghIOAggvEnBWPubmjOK0XUkVuOAO1PiA1wPDx3IoI%3D
1 of 3

What A Woman's Face, Walk Reveal About Her Sex Life

Feminie Faces And Energetic Walk Key To Orgasms An

New Bond Film Details Officially Revealed

Daniel Craig

More Entertainment
Seyfried Taking On Porn Star?.. Disney Starlets Going Bad.. 'Dragon Tattoo' Square Off

Doctors Shocked As Ultrasound Reveals Face In Testicular Tumour

Tumour Face Testicular Cancer Ultrasound

PHOTOS: Sofia Vergara, As You've Never Seen Her

Sofia Vergara

Snooki Complains About 'Jersey Shore,' Says The Situation Is Broke


How Close Will The Huge Asteroid Come To Earth Next Week?

Asteroid Passing Earth

More Green
All Eyes On Uranus.. Fracking Triggered Tremors.. Kittens.. Extreme Weather.. 20 Uses For Wine

PHOTOS: Top 10 Model Reunion Covers!

Harpers Bazaar Uk December Cover

More Style
Lea Strips Down.. DVF Gives Dating Advice.. Wanna Buy A $2K Rickshaw?.. SJP's Mega Hat

PHOTOS: Ryanair Gets Sexy


More Travel
Most Underused Airports.. Dreamy Australian Retreats.. Ski Deals

Ricky Gervais Reportedly Returning To Golden Globes

Gervais Golden Globes

PHOTOS: Awkward Family Pet Photos

Awkward Family Photos

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'Wicked' Author: Occupy Oz.. Writing Whole Novel In 1 Month.. Salmon Rushdie On Kim Kardashian

Should You Join The Johnson & Johnson Boycott?

Johnson And Johnson Shampoo

More Parents
How NOT To Talk To Teens.. Woman Passed Road Test While In Labor

Average Student Loan Debt Tops $25,000

Average Student Debt

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Hidden Fees Trap Woman In Airport For 8 Grueling Days

Terri Weissinger

Celebrity Divorce Lawyer Says Kim's Wedding Vendors Could Sue

Kim Kardashian

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Kim Admits She 'Rushed' Into Marriage.. Kris Jenner Talks Divorce.. Protecting Your Assets

WATCH: Student In Wheelchair Scores Touchdown In Final Game

Trent Glaze Wheelchair Touchdown

Confessions Of A N.Y. Street Hustler

Billy Leroy

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Kim's Mom Talks 'Real Wedding'

Kim Kardashian Divorce

More Celebrity
Gosselin's New Gig.. Lindsay's Playboy Reshoot.. Bethenny's Bikini Beach Stroll

Former NASCAR Driver Arrested For Meth Possession

Jeremy Mayfield Arrested

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