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Closing down… again…

I'm closing this blog down. Farewell.

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Bobballs!: Latest post

Inflation fears escalate following Rory’s big win…

Shock revelations: the value of Rory McIlroy's US Open swag bag plummets on the newsstand...

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Bobballs!: Latest post

John O’Dowd’s ‘Liar Liar’ moment…

Isn't the Education Minister, er, savaging his party's own record on education?

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Bobballs!: Latest post

As if we weren’t depressed enough already…

Burning bridges with the past...


  • Round 1: Blogger v Cowell... #
  • Vote Roland Bunce. #
  • Belfast gets sold Manston-stylee. #
  • The Life of Brian. But not worth watching. #
  • Titanic's last supper tastes like 'your granny’s talc'. Still, I'd love to try it. #
  • "From Cairo to Belfast and Dublin, we face the same system of capitalism and statism which is the root cause of all our problems. Like our counterparts across the world, it’s about time we made our own ruling class live in fear". The cry of revolution from Belfast Media Group letters pages. Any takers? #
  • Andersonstown News asks why Invest NI has garnered only £19.86 million in inward investment for West Belfast between 2005 and 2010, whereas £773.90 million was directed towards the East. Seems like a reasonable question to ask - Arlene's not too pleased though... via Belfast Media #
  • A source told The Sun newspaper: "Chris has always had a soft spot for Ash. They were quite close in the early days and have shared a number of bills over the years." I'm sorry Tim, but now I must turn my back on you... via #

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A personal blog. Contains media, music, current affairs, politics. Share links. Leave comments. Suggest music.

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