Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Director of Prince Sultan's Office

Comments on this clip, it says in one version, have been banned because they have been so rude to Saudi Arabia's government.  There are many versions of this clip, and all mock the tears by the director of Prince Sultan's office. This was taken from an interview with the news station of King Fahd's brother-in-law, Al-Arabiyya.  

Please, cheer the NATO rebels in Libya

"The fighting fuelled growing fears that nobody is in control of thousands of swaggering armed men who are still based in Tripoli and that the country's interim government will struggle to impose law and order.
Two people died from bullet wounds and at least seven fighters were injured during a battle that started when militia from the town of Zintan were stopped by guards from the Tripoli Brigade from entering the city's Central Hospital to kill a patient.
The hospital front door and entrance hall were afterwards left pocked with bullets, doctors and patients had to flee the building and two elderly patients died of heart attacks during the shooting, which lasted from about 1am until dawn. Heavy machine guns and anti-aircraft guns were used by both factions, supposed allies who in reality nurse a dangerous rivalry.
The shoot-out started when a group of gunmen arrived at the hospital in search of a man they had shot earlier in the night. Witnesses said the gunmen were drunk, and had come to finish the man off after learning that he had survived and been taken for medical treatment.
Doctors asked them to leave, at which point one of them pulled out a pistol and began shooting."

Potato Job


Senior Analyst, Potatoes | AHDB
Supporting our Potato Council Division you will play a pivotal role in preparing analysis, interpretation and commentary relating to the potato industry. As well as producing key Market Intelligence publications, such as Potato Weekly, you will be a confident presenter able to communicate with farmers and processors. Successful candidates will be able to maintain close contact with industry, academics, government and the media to ensure that the information we provide remains relevant and is effectively disseminated.
Salary : Competitive package. Location : Stoneleigh Park, Kenilworth. Job Type" (thanks Ala`a)

Meet some of the lousy Syrian opposition

Here is a sample of some very lousy elements of the Syrian opposition:  "For his part, Rami Abdul Rahman, director of the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, told Asharq Al-Awsat that “the al-Assad regime is well aware, from the Libyan experience, that the west is in a strong position with regards to transforming Syria into a democratic society.” He also expressed his personal opinion that “Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques is the most influential Arab leader in the Syrian street, more than any other Arab leaders, for he enjoys the love and appreciation from sections of the Syrian street, whilst also having influence with the ruling regime in Damascus.”"  This center is the most cited source on news on Syria in the world today, and it seems to me that it is high time it is introduced as "Saudi-funded".  (thanks Nicholas)

Ignorance at the Council on Foreign Relations

I received an email from the Council on Foreign Relations in which it was bragging about a new blogger on the Middle East that they have.  The dude is so ignorant.  Here is a sample:  "His public attacks on the Muslim Brotherhood come not because he differs with their brand of Salafi Islam, but because they seek to undermine the House of Saud."  I mean, what do you do when you encounter such deep ignorance about the Middle East in the US? Many just tune out.  Oh, forgot to add: he is one of those former terrorists/radicals who saw the Western light and lived to talk about their salvation.  

Abraham Foxman

Abe Foxman, AP

I have no story and no link and no joke.  This is Abraham Foxman.  

Hilarious: Israeli media propaganda

Look at this headline in the Israeli propaganda sheet, Haaretz:  "Israel is a strategic asset for U.S. national interests, according to new report." You then read the article and discover that the the new report was issued by none other by the Israeli lobby's research arm, known as the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.  Hilarious.  The article makes it look as if the report was issued by an objective group.  And look how standards for Israel only get worse in the US: in the 1990s, US media would always refer to the Institute and its staff as "the pro-Israel" so and so.  Not anymore.  The Institute is now cited in the media as if it is an objective think tank.

Mubarak regime rejects

The Egyptian uprising produced its own group of journalists: people like Hamdi Qandil, Yusri Fudah, Ibrahim `Isa, `Abdul-Halim Qandil, and many others.  Those were people who stood up to the Mubarak regime.  `Imad Ad-Din Adib is a reject from the Mubarak regime: he has been a cheap and crude propagandist for Mubarak (and for the House of Saud on the side).  So Adib has just been hired to write a column for the mouthpiece of Prince Salman and his sons, Ash-Sharq Al-Awsat--the queen of Saudi yellow journalism.

Former Israelis

After Palestine is liberated, we may have to impose military rule on the former Israeli residents of Palestine--those who will be allowed to stay.  Palestinians in their land of 1948 (those who were not expelled), were put under military rule from 1948 until 1966.  We may have to install a similar arrangement to root out any terrorist threats from former "Israelis".  Also, they will be subjected to the same searches and questioning that the Palestinian owners of the land of Palestine have been subjected to since 1948.  No, there is no room for forgiveness in my heart whatsoever for Israel and Israelis.  Their war crimes can't go unpunished.

PS After liberation, I may volunteer to work at George Habash International Airport (formerly Ben Gurion) to personally question visiting Zionists to Palestine.

Racism in Lebanon

"Several weeks after a television report purported to expose the dangers posed by foreign workers in Burj Hammoud, details have surfaced of a new sense of fear among migrant workers in the area. The local television station aired its report, entitled “Burj Hammoud … neighborhoods in danger,” Oct. 16. It quoted locals complaining that foreign workers had turned the neighborhood into a hub of prostitution and crime.
The report has since been criticized by activist groups, who warned that the report played on racist stereotypes. A representative of one of these groups, Ali Fakhry of the Anti-Racism Movement, told The Daily Star “the report was made from an extremely racist point of view … that intended to show that migrants are criminals, working as sex workers dealing with drugs, killing people.”
But the report itself is not Fakhry’s main concern – it’s the aftermath. “We blame the report for triggering racism,” he explains, “and for giving people the right to go and harass and beat these migrants.”
He says that in the days following the report’s airing, “we had Lebanese people in Burj Hammoud beating migrants, harassing them, pushing them in the streets under the eyes of the police … at the same time we saw an increasing number of police and security forces.
“We are aware that the Lebanese security forces have the full right of arresting undocumented workers,” Fakhry adds. “What we are against is harassing people, we are against humiliating people, we are against people fearing walking on the street.”" (thanks Laure)

Khalid Al-Faysal

Khalid Al-Faysal has chances of rising in Saudi Arabia; not only is he the son of King Faysal, but he has been cozying up to the Sudayris for years.  As for becoming King, it may be difficult: the sons of `Abdul-`Aziz won't allow the second generation to take over until the last son of `Abdul-`Aziz is dead, officially. 

Ethan Bronner did not know that he was a propagandist for Israel and its war crimes until it was brought to his attention

"Ethan Bronner, who has headed the bureau for three years, is currently the target of something of a campaign from the left, with jabs at his use of a right-wing speaking agent and at his son's service in the Israeli military. (The Times public editors, not exactly making Bronner's job any easier, have devoted two columns to him.)
And it seems to be having an effect: New York's 92nd Street Y announced today that Bronner had canceled an appearance there, after ThinkProgress reported that he'd be on stage with conservative figures John Bolton and Richard Perle and with an official of the Clarion Fund, a controversial group formed to oppose "radical Islam" whose founders officials, including Frank Gaffney, sometimes veer into what even conservative allies view as conspiracy theorizing." (thanks "Ibn Rushd")

Defending Bahraini royal family

"In this context, the situation in Bahrain has much broader strategic implications than many seem to realize. Bahrain is a fundamentally decent society but there are serious injustices there, as many in the Bahraini ruling family will admit. The Bahraini opposition is now infected with the revolutionary Iranian ideology of wilayat al faqih, a self-serving and self-righteous clericalism that rejects accommodation with secular authority."  I don't know if Ambassador Freeman has any business dealings with the Bahraini royal family, but I know that he told me that he had business dealings with the Saudi royal family, after he left the foreign service.  Also, can he point out to us any example where the Bahraini royal family "admitted" "serious injustices"?  Also, did the royal family refrain from repressing opposition when it was led by leftists and Arab nationalists before the advent of the Iranian revolution?  (thanks Matthew)

Einstein and religion

Elie, a scientist at Princeton, sent me this:  "Einstein was certainly a theist. He rejected the uncertainty principle which turned out to be correct because in his words " God does not play dice". He was however secular and he insisted before allowing Yeshiva University to use his name for their medical school to include a clause about non-discrimination based on religion and other factors, not that they have kept ot heir word. They shut of vending machines on jewish religious holidays."

Meet the next Saudi King

The next Saudi King with his son, Muhammad, behind him.  

Bassioni's royal commission on Bahrain

Anonymous sent me this:  "Don't mention my name if you post this:

The royally-appointed Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry certainly doesn't seem independent. Consider the following set of events I just compiled:

August 5, 2011: Bassiouni: "there was never a policy of excessive use of force or torture...that doesn't mean it didn't happen. I think it was a case of people at the lower level acting, and there not being an effective chain of communication, control.""

October 19, 2011: BBC: "US links Bahrain arms deal to human rights report"

October 21: 2011: Boston Globe: "Bahrain panel delays report on protest unrest"

November 1, 2011: Bassiouni "It is clear there was a systematic [torture] policy""

NATO massacre

The massacre of a Libyan family by NATO bombs (this won't make it into the Western press or the Arabic--Saudi adn Qatari--press. (thanks Farah)


"Similar concerns affected negotiations between the United States and Turkey over a NATO missile-defense project under which Ankara agreed to host a key radar station.  Turkey originally said it would refuse if the radar could benefit Israel, a stance that raised concerns in Congress. The Obama administration finessed the issue by omitting any mention of Israel from the accord, which was approved in September."

Hizbullah versus Al-Akhbar Newspaper

So Assange was interviewed at length on LBC-TV of Lebanon.  He spoke about Wikileaks and the Arab world.  He said that the conflict between Hizbullah and Al-Akhbar newspaper erupted over Wikileaks: that Hizbullah requested copies of all the Wikileaks in the custody of the paper and that the paper refused to comply with Hizbullah's requests.

All that you have done to our people is registered in notebooks

"But the marriages of her female relatives made her sad. Her only glimmer of hope was visiting her fiance in prison from time to time in order to renew their vows. Their meetings used to increase her determination. Taher’s wooden gifts, which he made for her while in prison, brought her happiness. She used to hold them until Taher was able to hug her himself. Raeda tells her story with a smile. The long hours of the night are over. Taher promises to compensate her for all those lost years they spent apart."

`Umar Sulayman in Saudi Arabia

Sulayman flies on a private jet to Saudi Arabia for the Hajj.  It is not clear whether he will stay at the Disgraced Rulers City in Riyadh.

Saudi Communist Party

We never talk about the left in GCC countries.  I remember the first time I met communists from Gulf countries.  It was quite delightful.  You may read about the Saudi Communist Party and the history of leftism and communism in GCC countries in `Abdun-Nabi `Ikri, "At-Tandhimat Al-Yasariyyah fi-l-Jazirah wa-l-Khalij Al-`Arabi."  

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Obama Doctrine

Hillary Rodham Clinton, Khalid bin Ahmed al-Khalifa.

"The U.S. will remain in that region to protect and defend the region’s “pathway to democracy” — something it will achieve by further strengthening its “cooperative military relationships” with the tyrannical regimes in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Oman (White House, October 12: “the President and the King reaffirmed the strong partnership between the United States and Saudi Arabia”). But, explained Secretary Clinton, the ultimate U.S. goal in increasing its military presence in the region is to prevent “outside interference” in the region — just as U.S. officials spent the last decade decrying “outside interference” in Iraq and Afghanistan while simultaneously invading and occupying those nations. The only conceivable assumption which can produce this sort of pronouncement is that this region is the property of the U.S., and when it increases its military presence there, that is akin to an owner fencing in his yard to prevent trespassing." (thanks Yaman)

Mustafa `Abdul-NATO shows gratitude to his masters

"At a press conference with Chairman Abdul Jalil, the Secretary General congratulated the Libyan people, stating that "Libya is finally free. From Benghazi to Brega, from Misrata to the Nafusa mountains and Tripoli. Your courage, determination and sacrifice have transformed this country and helped change the region." He said he was proud of the part played by NATO and its partners, many from the region. "At midnight tonight, a successful chapter in NATO's history is coming to an end. But you have already started writing a new chapter in the history of Libya. A new Libya, based on freedom, democracy, human rights, the rule of law and reconciliation.""

Bernard-Henri Lévy

I have no respect for any Arab who even shakes hands with Bernard-Henri Lévy.

Israeli terrorist army on Facebook

Back to the Arabic Facebook page of the Israeli terrorist Army.  I wrote about it below.  It is even more dumb than I described.  Israeli terrorists clearly write under fictitious names and their Arabic is clearly based on Google translation of English, although it is possible that this is the real bad Arabic of Israeli trained terrorists. 

Anti-Semites for Jordanian King

Mahmud Kharabsheh is a former Jordanian MP and high ranking officer in the Jordanian Mukhabarat.  I made my first appearances on Aljazeera by debating him on Al-Ittijah Al-Mu`akis.  He is on now on the shame show still defending the Jordanian King.  He said that the US is his enemy and "the Jews."  These are the propagandists of the Jordanian monarchy.

Somali war lords want NATO

"While the official did not name any countries specifically, he did say that Somalia was interested in help from NATO, whose United Nations-backed intervention in Libya officially ended on Monday."

What Libya owes the US

There was a discussion on CNN on Libya yesterday.  The anchor said that the US is justified to ask Libya to reimburse it for its bombing costs because "we liberated the country for them."

N7W is a SCAM and Lebanon Should Pull Itself Out IMMEDIATELY

"How the hell is a vote fair if every person can vote an unlimited amount of times, so long as they pay the 10 cents. Why can’t you vote online unlimitedly for free? Ever think of that? And don’t give me the population argument, cause no matter how big a population, I can pay 5 million dollars and make my beautiful bottom a world natural wonder!" (thanks "Ibn Rushd")

King PlayStation proves that he can babble

"Do you intend to support Jordan’s treaty with Israel?
We have a peace treaty with Israel and will continue to do so because it helps both parties." (thanks Shihadeh)

A Bowling Alley is a sure sign of democracy

"In an Afghan capital scarred by years of war, a young Afghan woman has bet $1 million that her countrymen could use a little fun.  Located just down the street from Kabul’s glitziest mall, is The Strikers, the country’s first bowling alley and owner Meena Rahmani’s gamble on the capital’s newest entertainment venue. But more than a place for family fun in a city largely devoid of options, the 12-lane center stands as a reflection of both the country’s hope for the future and the challenge of securing one even as NATO’s fight against the Taliban enters its 11th year.   “We can never compare a bowling center ... in Afghanistan and one ... in the West,” said Rahmani. “Afghanistan needed a place like this.”" (thanks Redouane)

Einstein and religion

Steve sent me this on Einstein:  "Einstein was definitely not in the camp of organized religion, but his views on God and such are not simplictically on one side or the other. In fact, he found atheists to be overly dogmatic in their beliefs, in much the same way as religious fanatics. Here is more on the subject if you are interested:"

Judge Goldbladder and Zionism

"In Israel, there is no apartheid. Nothing there comes close to the definition of apartheid under the 1998 Rome Statute: “Inhumane acts … committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime.”
That is precisely what exists. Israel itself declares that it is a “Jewish state” and demands that Palestinians and the world recognize it as such. Stemming from this self-definition, which is based on a genetic, not voluntary, definition of who is a Jew, Israel claims the right to carry out all sorts of inhumane acts especially excluding indigenous Palestinians exiled from their land from returning solely because they are not Jews. Israel explicitly wants to maintain a Jewish majority in order to dominate and exclude Palestinians from having any effective political voice.
The monstrosity of Israel’s siege and war on Gaza exists precisely and only for this purpose. Did Goldstone ask himself how things would be different if the 1.6 million people – 80 percent of them refugees – corralled into Gaza were Jews? Of course Israel would welcome them back to their lands and villages with open arms, restore their property, give them full political rights and a whole range of financial incentives." (thanks Electronic Ali)

Bipartisanship in the US Congress

"Both parties in Congress denounced the Unesco action on Monday. Representative Nita M. Lowey, Democrat of New York, called it “counterproductive,” saying in a statement that “Unesco is interfering with the prospects for direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.” Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, the Florida Republican who heads the House Foreign Affairs Committee, characterized the Unesco move as “anti-Israeli and anti-peace” and called for a quick cutoff of funds."

Israeli terrorist Army on Facebook

This is an example what Arabs are writing on the Arabic facebook page of the Israeli terrorist army:

سلاح الجو يقوم بتحسين ظروف الكلاب العاملة في قواعده
 ·  · Translate ·  · 6 hours ago · 
    • Lana Issa شو دخل الكلاب في سلاح الجو؟
      6 hours ago · 
    • أيمن حمدي الكلاب لا تعرف إلا الكلاب وانت يا أدرعي كلب وحقير
      6 hours ago · 
    • المعتصم بالله ممكن سوال
      6 hours ago · 
    • المعتصم بالله سبحان الله
      6 hours ago · 
    • أحمد أحمد أبوأحمد يعني بداو يهتمو بك و بمسؤاليك أكثر شئ ممتاز
      6 hours ago ·  ·  2 people
    • Mahmoud Kamal اقسم برب العزة لو شفتك يا افيخاي يا أدرعي لهعمل فيك زي ما اتعمل ف القذافي بالسكينة وفطيرك
      5 hours ago ·  ·  1 person
    • Anis Jawarish وللكلاب حظوظ
      5 hours ago · 
    • Mais Ismaail وماذا عن تحسين ظروف الخنازير في الجنوب لديكم ؟!
      4 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

NATO rebels

So the NATO transitional Council said that it "elected" its prime minister and even gave a distribution of the vote count. And Western (and Saudi and Qatari Arab) media reported the story. Elected?  You mean, the council that is not elected and whose members were secret until weeks ago, can perform elections?  I think that because Bin Laden was dead he was not available for the vote.  Election my potato.  Can someone send me the picture of Mustafa Abdul-NATO putting the scarf around the neck of NATO's secretary-general? 

Is it him?

"A Minneapolis news website,, reported Monday that university friends of Ali’s did not believe the voice belonged to him.  “That did not sound like Bullethead,” the website quoted one of the friends saying, referring to Ali’s nickname." 

Can you work for Abu Mazen and not be an idiot?

Look at this PA idiot:  "Muhammad Shtayyeh, a close aide to the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas [said:]   “The P.L.O. is not a terrorist organization anymore. It exchanged letters of recognition with Israel back in 1993.”  So according to the idiot, the PLO was a terrorist organization until it recognized Israeli occupation?  

The Facebook page of the Israeli terrorist Army

I have said that in recent years Israeli propaganda has become more stupid than Ba`thist propaganda--noted for its stupidity.  So I visited the page after I read the free ad for it in the LA Times article, and I must report to what I saw: Most hilarious.  I wont' provide a link to the page but it is in the LA article.  It is so funny.  I was laughing out loud.  Arabs have indeed been coming to the page and they have been unleashing so much mockery and attacks on Israel and its crimes.  It will indeed provide a service for Arabs: a source of amusement and entertainment.  Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 


Many won't like my stance, but here it is.  It is a silly and significant vote and means nothing whatsoever.  But this is the wrong battle, for Palestine. First, no good can come out of anything--literally anything--that is sponsored by the lousy tool of  the Israeli occupation, i.e., the PA. 2) there is no political significance to that move whatsoever. It is an empty gesture.  Some silly PLO spokesperson said that it will save Palestinian archeological sites.  Yeah? Did Lebanon's membership in UNESCO save its sites from Israeli bombing?  3) Not everything that Israel opposes is good: Israel opposed Arafat, and he was lousy to his last day. 4) You can bet that the PA will never carry any diplomatic--only diplomatic because they abandoned the military struggle--battle to its ends. 5) These moves are intended to divert attention from the agenda of resistance. 6) They want to focus on these kind of "gains" to discredit armed struggle.  In other words, no need to celebrate.  

US ambassador at UNESCO after the vote

This is acting for the benefit of Israel and for the benefit of his Zionist bosses in Washington, DC.  Look at him: he was that devastated?

Israel's stupid propaganda efforts

Yes. This will really change the minds of Arabs and make them endorse Israeli war crimes and massacres.  "After months of revamping its social media sites, the Israeli army this week launched its official Arabic Facebook page. The Israeli Defense Forces has been a front-runner in employing user-friendly social media platforms as a way to get Israel's message out, approved public information. in a timely manner."

King `Abdul-`Aziz University

It was announced--this is not a joke--that King `Abdul-`Aziz University has established the Prince Nayif bin `Abdul-`Aziz Chair for Moral Values.  I kid you not.  (thanks Hussein)

Nada Bakri and March 14 press releases

New York Times, as bad as it is, was not as bad on covering Lebanon.  Its reporters on Lebanon, even Robert Worth who I sometimes criticize, kept their distance from the two sides.  Here, Nada Barkri basically rehashes the talking points of the Hariri family press releases, word for word.  She talks about Lebanese police as if there is such an independent entity: in fact, all her "information" is based on an anonymous source cited by Ashraf Rifi.  Worse, she mentions Ashraf Rifi and never once mentions that he is a tool of the Hariri family, and serves as their eyes and ears.  In fact, Rifi provided the scenario for Syria's involvement in the Hariri assassination before the Hariri family switched to accusing Hizbullah after 2006.  Rifi was instrumental in the arrest of the four generals, who were later released after four years in jail. Just yesterday, Rifi's boss, Minister of Interior, testified before the same parliamentary committee and said that there is no clear evidence about what really happened in both cases.  Bakri made no mention of that.  It must have been inconsistent with the propaganda message of the article.  Personally, I think it is very likely that Syrian regime goons were involved, but my comment is about the unprofessionalism of this piece.  Israel regularly abducts Lebanese citizens from South Lebanon (and a fisherman from Tyre, Muhammad Farran, is still missing after being abducted from Tyre, but Barki did not receive a Hariri press release on the matter, I guess).   Also, she does not mention that the Hariri factions in Lebanon which was installed by Syrian intelligence used to allow the Syrian regime to help itself all over Lebanon, and now are trying to make political points of the matter.  And regarding Shibli `Aysami: I wrote about him before, and I accused (without evidence) the Syrian regime of responsibility, but please don't also go along with the propaganda of March 14 and make the man to be a democratic crusader.  He was a key official in Saddam's inner circle in Iraq and was instrumental in key decisions in Iraq that resulted in the deaths of thousands.  

Yusuf Al-Qaradawi: in the service of the House of Saud

When his Qatari masters ordered him, he has made peace with the House of Saud.  Now, he has spoken to a Saudi newspaper and supported a ban on political expression in the Hajj.  He must be ignorant of Islamic history, how Muslims used to discuss politics and arts and poetry during the Hajj.  People used to fall in love and write love poetry during the Hajj. This was before the House of Saud descended on the lands of Arabia.

Correcting the record of the US State Department spokesperson

It is refreshing to see a courageous journalist in Washington, DC.  Who is this courageous man?  (thanks Farah)

PS A. tells me that he is: "Hi name is Matt Lee, he is from the Associated Press and he does this ALL the time, every week he makes them squirm about their record on Palestine, this was rather tame by his standards."

Steve Jobs wanted to hire Thomas Friedman as an adviser

David sent me this:  "The idea that Steve Jobs was some kind of visionary/genius receives a
killer blow on page 516 of Isaacson's biography, when it is revealed that Jobs once tried to hire Thomas Friedman as an advisor..."

PS Some racists accuse me of having a beef with Jobs because he did not have anything to do with his Syrian father.  It is far from the truth: his father abandoned him and for that he deserved to be shunned by Steve.

From Yusuf Al-Qaradawi to Saudi King

You have to read the text of the letter that the Mufti of oil barrels, Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, has sent to the Saudi King to congratulate him on his "recent reforms".  I need a volunteer to translate the text of the brief letter, please. Oh, and I need it NOW. (OK, Arwa kindly translated it into English below).

لقد ابتسمت ثغور المسلمين، وانشرحت صدور المؤمنين، وسعدنا وسعد الكثيرون بتصريحكم الحكيم، ورأيكم الرشيد حول السماح" للمرأة بالترشح في كل من المجالس البلدية والمحلية، ومجلس الشورى، مما يدل الأمة على أن سيادتكم تعالجون الأمور بالتدرج الحكيم، وتعلنون عنه في الوقت المناسب بأناة وحكمة عالية، تُراعون فيها المصالح، وتجتنبون المفاسد، وتُغلِّبون فيها الأصلح.
بالإضافة إلى ما سمعناه في 19رمضان في مكة المكرمة من المشروعات المستقبلية لكم في توسيع الحرمين الشريفين، والإضافة إليهما، إلى عدد من المشروعات الكبيرة.
وإني إذ أبعث إليكم بتهنئتي هذه وتعبيري عن مدى فرحي وتقديري لتصريحاتكم وقراراتكم، لأرجو من الله أن يكون خير البلاد والعباد على أيديكم، وأن يتم في بلدكم العزيز السماح للمرأة المسلمة بمزاولة القيادة واستقلال السيارة بالضوابط الشرعية كغيرها في بلاد المسلمين.
يا جلالة الملك إن الحرام ما حرمه الله في كتابه، أو على لسان نبيه نصا صريحا، والحلال كذلك، والأصل في الأشياء أنها حلال ما لم يرد إلينا نص صريح بتحريمه، وقد فتح الله على المسلمين، وأحل الله لهم ما لم يحله للأمم السابقة.
وإني لأرجو الله أن يمدكم دائما بمَدَدٍ من عنده، وأن يؤيدكم بروح من عنده، وأن يرعاكم ويسدد على الخير خطاكم، ويجعل التوفيق والخير لكم أينما كنتم، وأن يشد عضدكم بالصحبة الطيبة، والبطانة الصالحة، والأعوان الخيرين. آمين
يوسف القرضاوي
رئيس الاتحاد العالمي لعلماء المسلمين"

Arwa kindly translated it:
"Muslims are smiling and elated. We and many others welcome your wise statement and informed opinion regarding allowing women to run for office in all city and local councils as well as the Shura council. This demonstrates your majesty’s insightfully gradual treatment of the issue, taking your own proper time and taking care to safeguard relevant interests, avoid harm and do what’s right. This is in addition to the plans announced on the 19th of Ramadan in Mecca regarding future projects to expand the holy sites, as well as numerous other large projects.

I send you my heartfelt congratulations and express my joy and appreciation for your statements and decisions. I ask that God bring about the country’s best interests through you and that your esteemed country allow Muslim women to drive within Sharia’s constraints, just like in other Muslim countries.

Your majesty, prohibited and permissible matters are those which God expressly prohibited in His book, or through his Prophet. A general rule is that practices are allowed absent a text explicitly prohibiting them. God has allowed Muslims the same things he has allowed previous nations.

I ask God to support you and inspire you and enable you to do good and to provide you with good companionship and aid. Amen.

Yusuf Al-Qaradawi"

Wahhabi cleric

Wahhabi clerics rules that the any Saudi who calls for a reward to kidnap an Israeli occupation soldier is transgressing on the power of the ruler, and that such calls are impermissible from the rational, Shari`ah, and precedent point of view.

Rashid Ghannushi in Qatar

Rashid Ghannushi is visiting Qatar.  Here, he meets with the lousy Oil Dynasties' cleric, Yufuf Al-Qaradawi.