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  1. Today, #OccyupyOakland solidified occupy movement as fully bi-coastal. The energy, support, and numbers here rival that of #OWS.
  2. #Occupy = Indy 500 of smart phones RT @MadSciKat: Whooooaaaahhhhh - dude just showed up with a Droid X battery…
  3. Check out the terrific @MotherJones slideshow of the #oo General Strike by Mark Murrmann:
  4. Glad you made it out ok RT @garonsen: Judging by the looks of others' faces, mine is caked white with maalox right now. #occupyoakland
  5. Shit about to hit fan RT @garonsen: #occupyoakland is barricading street with dumpsters in anticipation of police.
  6. My sources at #OWS say they plan to occupy an indoor space too, likely squatting. So #oo occupation of 520 16th street could = a trend.
  7. This suggests long-term occupation RT @susie_c: #oo banners unfurled from the roof declare the building a free school & community cntr
  8. I wonder if #oo occupation of Traveler's Aid building is a new front for #OccupyOakland. How long will people try to hold it?
  9. The vacant building just occupied by #oo once housed Traveler's Aid Society, a homeless services nonprofit that had its gov't funding yanked
  10. #OO occupation of foreclosed building underway: RT @garonsen: 520 16th Street has been occupied. #oo
  11. @garonsen No deaths. Those rumors were false.
  12. Coast to coast, baby RT @TheOther99: "General Strike! Shut It Down!.. Oakland Is The People's Town!" Chanting at #Zuccotti Park.
  13. Looks like a dozen or so holdouts at @OccupyTulsa are about to get arrested.
  14. I'm supposed to be writing a print magazine story and a #BankTransferDay story right now but I can't pull my eyes off the #oo twitter stream
  15. Wow, according to @OccupyOakland, the ILWU is on board for shutting the port for 24 hours. Way bigger impact than closing for a few hours.
  16. @JeffSharlet No, I'm just struck by the language. Two uses of 99 percent, very direct appeal to working folks.
  17. A lesson in 99% press release writing RT @JeffSharlet: Port of Oakland officially shut down as of 6:15 pacific.