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Today is Sunday, October 30, 2011

President Obama’s jobs speech the same old song; what a disgrace!

President Obama's cry for help in a feeble campaign speech to a joint session of Congress probably hurt him politically more than it helped him. It will do nothing for the American economy.

What a disgraceful pander to public sector and construction unions. How empty can a presidential suit look and sound? Now we've see and heard one of the weakest and most self serving speeches a president has ever delivered in an appearance before Congress.

Posted by Donald E. L. Johnson on 09/08/11 at 04:52 PM
'12 PresidentCongress 112thEconomyPermalink

Mitt Romney and Rick Perry win GOP debate with smart, slick and flawless performances

My quick reaction to the GOP debate tonight is that Mitt Romney and Rick Perry didn't hurt or help themsleves. They both turned in smart, slick and flawless performances. Jon Huntsman's defense of Al Gore's global warming alarmism in the name of appealing to gullible Goreans was the biggest fumble of the night. He's toast.

Whether Perry's strong statements that Social Security is a Ponzi scheme and needs to be fixed and that education and health care in Texas are performing as they should have added to or substracted from his popularity remains to be seen.

The questions by NBC's Brian Williams and Politico's Harris were pointed and tough. Williams put forth the left wing views of NBC and MSNBC and even argued with some of the candidates, but they didn't back down. 

Gottcha questions didn't get anyone on the stage. 

I think everyone performed very well. That means that I don't think anyone will gain much in the polls as a result of tonight's peformances.

Everyone on the stage was more articulate and wiser than President Obama ever has been, I think.

Posted by Donald E. L. Johnson on 09/07/11 at 06:51 PM
'12 PresidentPermalink

GOP debate

Gov. Perry gets the first question. Dodges question about education in Texas.

Perry looks and sounds strong.

Williams hits Romney on MA employment record.

Romney hits it out of the ball park.

Asked about Bain, buys companies, strips them and sells them.

Romney hits that one out. We added 10s of thousands of jobs. Experience in succeeding and failing is what gives him experience needed to turn economy around. Good replies. 

Time for Perry rebuttal.

Perry attacks Romney's job record as gov. i Mass.

Romney says wait a second. 

Texas has oil and gas, zero income taxes. Perry didn't create those things. Takes on Perry strongly and with humor.

Perry and Romney in great dust up that makes both look good.


Santorum: I've done things. Sounds as good as Perry and Romney on tax record. Will get Democratic votes.

Cain: Eliminate current tax code. Refers to his plan. His 9, 9, 9% plan. It makes no sense.  Sounds authoritative, if misinformed.

Is China currency manipulator?

Huntsman. Romney doesn't get that what will fix the relationship is fixing our core at home. Now is not the time to enter a trade war. Recalls Reagan trip to China. Offers governors: we were number one job creator.  Attacks Romney on being 47th. He's swinging for the fences. Promotes his foreign experience.

For Bachmann: Wanting less regulation? Which prohibitive to her small business. Bachmann attacks ObamCare. Leading small business owners say its cutting jobs. ObamaCare is killing jobs. 47% of African American kids without jobs. 

For Paul. Absolutist in opposing roles of Fed government. Does this include making cars, medicine and air travel safe? Paul: I don't believe any these fed regs. Need regs of the free market. If need regs, do it at state level. 

Williams argues with Paul over regs: FDA doesn't do a good job. Lobbyists from drug industry has control of writing the regulations. Paul gets applause.

Gingrich: In intro to Fed UP, Gingrich praised Perry. Talks about his career in House. Attacks Obama.

Harris asks question about health care, plays Romney clip: Said what he did in Mass was great opportunity for the rest of the Country. 

Perry says MA shows individual mandate won't work.

Romney: He will put out waiver to ObamaCare for all 50 states. Mass was different from other states. People were cheating and free riding the system. What Obama put in place isnn't going to work and it's massive expensive.

Perry: 25% of Texans don't have insurance. Texans don't want what MA have. Medicaid needs to be block granted back to the states. Get Feds out of our biz when it comes to healthcare. Will deliver better and more cost effective care.

Why so many uninsured? Perry: Asked Feds for flexibility. Feds won't give them. States can do a better job of delivering health care.

Huntsman on mandate: Mandates wrong. Talk about individual responsibility. Utah did better than Rick and we don't have a mandate. Once ObamaCare is repealed what we do now. Utah perfect example. Huntsman is looking good.

Bachmann: ObamaCare took over 1/6th of economy. Need strong, bold leader to overturn ObamaCare, not just executive order. Says need 13 more GOP senators to repeal ObamaCare. False promise.

Gingrich: I'm not interested in your effort to get Republicans fighting each other. Every person understands ObamaCare is a disaster. Lots of applause. Great statement. Gingrich says he will repudiate every effort of media to protect Obama.

Cain: Individual mandate to buy something is not right at state or at Federal level. Pass patient centered care. Allow assn. health plans. He's better informed and briefed than a few weeks ago.

Hits Santorum as Catholic and on the issue on the poor. Santorum hits it back saying he worked for the poor. We changed the welfare system because it was punishing people. Great answer. Not phased by a pointed question.

Williams on wealth gap between whites and blacks. Perry doesn't answer. We need to create a strong economy for all. Create environment that encourages small business owners to invest in new businesses.

Twitter questions:

4 Romney: Can a president do anything about gas prices? Romney we can stop spending outside the country. Good riff on energy policy. We can become energy secure and create jobs. Attacks Obama energy policies.He's strangling America's economy. Let's have real jobs.

Bachmann: If gov pulled back on regs could see another 1.2 million jobs. Good strong answer.

Huntsman: President can't dictate gas prices. Presidential leadership manners. Tells Obama to get in front of the teleprompter and speak from the heart. We need a president that will provide leadershiop. Another good response.

Paul: Getting rid of minimum wage would be good for workers. Turns to health care. Perry supported HillaryCare. Isn't Medicare a mandate? Everything we do is a mandate.

Perry: Supported Reagan in '76 and all along and all his issues and his programs. But in the 1980s we spent too much and taxed too much. It was not all that great. Huge deficits during the 80s.

Perry handles Social Security question. Calls it a Ponzi scheme. A lie.

Karl has been over the top for a long time in someof his remarks. If Cheney or anyone else says SS is sound, that is just a like. We know that,  the American people know that.

Harris: Dems itching to use that language against Republicans. Romney, funding isn't the issue. SS is not a failure for those living on SS. Our nominee can't be committed to abolishing but saving SS. I will make sure that we make it financially secure. It is working for millions of Americans and I will keep it working. Good answer.

Perry: American people expect results. Maybe it's time to have provacative language.

Cain: SS needs fiing. Chilean model. Give younger people a choice and over time eliminate the broken system we have. 

Paul: About Perry's record in pushing for bail out money for illegals. HIV. Paul says Perry much less conservatie than he says. HIV vaccine not good medicine or policy. Not a good process. Executive order. Legislature overwhelming lly repealed. I will not use executive orders to write law.

Bachmann: Parents need to make that decision. That is just plain wrong on her part. Takes that to education. Says parents must control educaton. Wants no Fed gov. in education.

Perry: Facts. There was an opt out. Admits he didn't handle it right. I always will error on side of saving lives.

Santorum: Dept. of Homeland Security. Explains his vote.  Attacks Perry on HIV and parental rights. What about opt in v opt out. 

Romney: Believes in parental rights. Perry would like to do it differentlly. Give him a Mulligan. I think his heart was in right place. People on stage love America. President has to go. He doesn't have a clue on how to get this coiuntry working again.  Slick.

Gingrich: D Homeland Security. There are people want to kill us. Need capacity to respond to attacks.

Paul: Airlines are responsible for their passengers and cargos. TSA monstrosity. Sexual abuse. Airlines could do it. 9/11 setup by gov regs that told airline employes to not resist.

Brian Williams argues for FEMA and federal aid. What happens without FEMA. We should never have had it. Govt. is broke. I worked real hard to make FEMA work. $20 bill year for air conditionin Afghanistan. Bring that home for FEMA.

Cantor says money for FEMA should come out of other spending in govt. Cain Don 't eliminate FEMA.

The federal govt is not good at micromanaging any thing, Cain says.

Huntsman: Need Homeland Security Dept. that really works. Why spend all of this time on the smaller issues?

14 million unemployed. Huntsman, asks people to look how get country back on its feet.  Touts his econ record in UT. 

We've got to get back in the game as a country, Huntsman says.

Williams attacks Perry on education  and his education budgets. Perry: made thoughtful reductions. Texas grad rates up to 84%. Our 4th & 8th graders highest in country. With illegals, unique situation in TX. We will continue to have one of the finest workforces in the coiuntry when CAT, etc.. moving to the state.

Gingrich: On educations. Promotes charter schools. In favor of school choice. public or private. Will never reform bureaucracy. 

Hispanic questioner. On immigration reform.

What would make the border secure. Perry, need boots on ground. Had request for 1,000 and working for 3,000. Need drones. You can secure the border. Then have a discussion about reform.  Attacks Obama comments that safe on the border. 

Romney: We ought to have a fence. Need enough agents to secure. Regulate employers. Sanctuary cities. They have to be stopped. Turn off that magnet. We can't talk about amnesty. Let 7 million who are waitinh to dome in legally.

Gingrich: Reagan signed amnesty with understanding that control border. Outsource to credit card companies so no counterfeiting. Have to find a way to deal with people who've been here 25 years and have kids.

Santorum. Kid of immigrant. Irrelevant. Filibusters. This is not the 1920s, Senator. Promotes people cominghere legally. Can't discuss what to do with people who are here until secure the border.

If a fence, border secure, gas $2, what do with 11 million people here. Bachmann. In Mexico dealing with terrorists. Can't yield our sovereignity to Mexico. Can do that. Hispanic American community wants us to stop giving subsidies for illegals. What do with 11 million depends on the people. Bachmann hits problem out of park.

Cain: secure bofder, promote current path to citizenship, empower states to enforce the laws.

Huntsman: Agrees with other comments. It's a human issue. Has 2 daughters who immigrated legally. Our legal immigration system is broken. 

Paul: Remove incentives---citizenship, free health care, free education. The drug war driven by our drug laws. Fences and troops not the American way. The fence business will be used against us and keep us in.

Just lost a bunch of copy. 

Posted by Donald E. L. Johnson on 09/07/11 at 05:03 PM
'12 PresidentPermalink

Barack Obama’s non stop campaigning, economic polices are unpopular

Barack Obama is turning out to the president I thought he would be: Weak, rolled, self-interested, untrusted and wrong for America. The Atlantic's blog summarizes three polls that were released Tuesday.

Posted by Donald E. L. Johnson on 09/07/11 at 09:53 AM
'12 PresidentPermalink

Mitt Romney’s 59 economic reforms

Mitt Romney introduced his economic reform plan today in USAToday. The 59 points follow:

  1. Maintain current tax rates on personal income

  2. Maintain current tax rates on interest, dividends, and capital gains

  3. Eliminate taxes for taxpayers with AGI below $200,000 on interest, dividends, and capital gains

  4. Eliminate the death tax

  5. Pursue a conservative overhaul of the tax system over the long term that includes lower,

    flatter rates on a broader base

  6. Reduce corporate income tax rate to 25 percent

  7. Pursue transition from “worldwide” to “territorial” system for corporate taxation

  8. Repeal Obamacare

  9. Repeal Dodd-Frank and replace with streamlined, modern regulatory framework

  10. Amend Sarbanes-Oxley to relieve mid-size companies from onerous requirements

  11. Ensure that environmental laws properly account for cost in regulatory process

12 Provide multi-year lead times before companies must come into compliance with

onerous new environmental regulations

  1. Initiate review and elimination of all Obama-era regulations that unduly burden the economy

  2. Impose a regulatory cap of zero dollars on all federal agencies

  3. Require congressional approval of all new “major” regulations

  4. Reform legal liability system to prevent spurious litigation

  5. Implement agreements with Colombia, Panama, and South Korea

  6. Reinstate the president’s Trade Promotion Authority

  7. Complete negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership

  8. Pursue new trade agreements with nations committed to free enterprise and open markets

  9. Create the Reagan Economic Zone

  10. Increase CBP resources to prevent the illegal entry of goods into our market

  11. Increase USTR resources to pursue and support litigation against unfair trade practices

  12. Use unilateral and multilateral punitive measures to deter unfair Chinese practices

  13. Designate China a currency manipulator and impose countervailing duties

  14. Discontinue U.S. government procurement from China until China commits to GPA

27. Establish fixed timetables for all resource development approvals

  1. Create one-stop shop to streamline permitting process for approval of common activities

  2. Implement fast-track procedures for companies with established safety records to conduct

    pre-approved activities in pre-approved areas

30. Amend Clean Air Act to exclude carbon dioxide from its purview
31. Expand NRC capabilities for approval of additional nuclear reactor designs
32. Streamline NRC processes to ensure that licensing decisions for reactors on or adjacent to

approved sites, using approved designs, are complete within two years
33. Conduct comprehensive survey of America’s energy reserves
34. Open America’s energy reserves for development
35. Expand opportunities for U.S. resource developers to forge partnerships with neighboring countries 36 Support construction of pipelines to bring Canadian oil to the United States
37. Prevent overregulation of shale gas development and extraction
38 Concentrate alternative energy funding on basic research
39. Utilize long-term, apolitical funding mechanisms like ARPA-E for basic research
40. Appoint to the NLRB experienced individuals with respect for the rule of law
41. Amend NLRA to explicitly protect the right of business owners to allocate their capital as they see fit 42. Amend NLRA to guarantee the secret ballot in every union certification election
43. Amend NLRA to guarantee that all pre-election campaigns last at least one month
44. Support states in pursuing Right-to-Work laws
45. Prohibit the use for political purposes of funds automatically deducted from worker paychecks
46. Reverse executive orders issued by President Obama that tilt the playing field toward organized labor 47. Eliminate redundancy in federal retraining programs by consolidating programs and funding streams,

centering as much activity as possible in a single agency
48. Give states authority to manage retraining programs by block granting federal funds
49. Facilitate the creation of Personal Reemployment Accounts
50. Encourage greater private sector involvement in retraining programs
51. Raise visa caps for highly skilled workers
52. Grant permanent residency to eligible graduates with advanced degrees in math, science,

and engineering
53. Immediately cut non-security discretionary spending by 5 percent
54. Reform and restructure Medicaid as block grant to states
55. Align wages and benefits of government workers with market rates
56. Reduce federal workforce by 10 percent via attrition
57. Cap federal spending at 20 percent of GDP


58. Undertake fundamental restructuring of government programs and services

59. Pursue a Balanced Budget Amendment 

Colorado one of 7 super swing states in 2012 presidential election

Colorado is one of the seven "super swing states" that President Obama and his Republican opponent will fight over in next year's presidential election, says Larry J. Sabato.

So we'll see much more of the candidates than most other states between now and November 2012.

In 2010, Ken Buck and Tom Tancredo proved that social issue radicals like Perry can't win Colorado. Three smart, good government Republicans---Walker Stapleton, John Suthers and Scott Gessler, won the other three statewide races. State Treasurer Stapleton, Attorney General Suthers and former Gov. Bill Owens are supporting Romney.  
That tells you who the successful politicians think will win in 2012.

Posted by Donald E. L. Johnson on 09/06/11 at 06:28 AM
'12 PresidentPermalink

Jennifer Rubin likes my 8 ideas for stimulating the economy and hiring

Every Friday, Jennifer Rubin, the Right Turn blogger on the Washington Post web site, asks her readers a question. On Sundays, she picks one or two answers posted by commenters on her blog and comments on the thread that she started.

This week's question: "What does [Rick] Perry need to do to maintain his momentum and begin to minimize doubts about his electability?"

This morning she picked two answers. My post about my eight ideas for stimulating consumer spending and hiring was one of the two answers she picked out of a bunch of good comments that followed her question. That thread is here. My slightly edited and expanded version of my comment, which I posted on this blog, is here.

Rubin summarized the answers this way:

I was struck by two important assumptions running through the answers. First, unlike many in the right blogosphere, the readers did not dismiss criticisms of Perry out of hand or characterize them as creations of the liberal media. They want to put Perry through the paces, and they understand there are real concerns about his candidacy. Second, it is apparent that readers are sick of platitudes and one-liners; they want detailed proposals and an explanation as to how the candidate’s background equips him to deal with our current national challenges. If Right Turn readers are representative of the Republican primary electorate, the party is in very good hands. The primary process is a time for not only choosing, but probing and testing.

How Eric Cantor Republicans can stimulate consumer spending, jobs

U.S. House Majority Leader Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA) is promising to work with President Obama to stimulate consumer spending that is needed to create jobs, and he asked for comments on his response to Friday's dismal jobs report. I doubt that President Zero really wants to work with Cantor or the Republicans, because that would cost him the support of the House Progressive Caucus and the Hard Left.

I posted this comment, which I've edited and expanded a bit:

How to stimulate consumption that will cause businesses to hire more people:

1. Stop double taxation of corporations by cutting corporate taxes to zero. Tax and treat all businesses like multilateral partnerships.
2. Maintain dividend income taxes at 15% so investors will put more money to work in the bond and stock markets and spend more on cars, boats, houses, home furnishings, landscaping services, travel and iPads.
3. Condition repatriation of corporations' foreign profits on their agreement to invest the money in new businesses and on expanding existing businesses. They should agree to pay dividends to investors instead of buying back stock or making acquisitions. They should payout 70% to 90% of free cash flow in dividends after capital expenditures.
4. Capital expenditures should be depreciated in one to two years so that companies can reduce costs quickly and be more competitive in global markets.
5. Reform taxes to the advantage of all Americans, not to exceptional benefit of the favored few who can afford to be K Street clients and big campaign contributors to Congressional and presidential candidates.
6. Cut the budgets of the Education, Energy, Interior, HHS, Homeland Security, Labor, USDA and Commerce Depts. as well as those of EPA and the NLRB by as much as needed to balance the budget in five years. These are job killing agencies that must be defanged, shrunk and reformed.
7. Reform k-12 education to ensure that all kids with basic academic potential will enter the working world with outstanding reading, writing and arithmetic skills. No kid should study anything else until the basics have been mastered. Then learning anything else will be a snap. Penalize colleges that admit kids who don't belong in  colleges because of their academic skills or disinterest in higher education. They should be learning the trades. Educated people make good decisions for themselves and society, and they get good jobs that enable them to buy health insurance and live well.
8. Cut the 37 new agencies created under ObamaCare and eliminate all mandated benefits and exceptions that are in the legislation. Strip the pork, cut ineffective preventive care benefits from entitlement programs and make sure that castastrophic costs are covered by Medicare and Medicaid.
Posted by Donald E. L. Johnson on 09/02/11 at 08:40 PM
Congress 112thEconomyTaxesPermalink

Al Gore’s global warming alarmists attack a skeptic

Global warming skeptics know that Al Gore's global warming alarmists use bad data, rigged computer models and poor science to convince gullible politicians like George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman that humans play significant roles in warming earth.

Roy Spencer recently published an article that may totally undermine the propaganda spready by Gorean alarmists. So they're attacking his integrity and science with the kind of vicious and sensless posts on his blog that you would expect to find in the comments sections of the NY Times and Washington Post.


Editor in chief of Remote Sensing resigns from fallout over our paper, by Roy W. Spencer.

Posted by Donald E. L. Johnson on 09/02/11 at 05:47 PM

Barack Obama’s running for president of his 6th grade class (His grades are a secret)

President Barack Obama is looking very juvenile today after trying to shut down the Republican's long-scheduled joint apperance on Sept. 7. Having been put in his place by Speaker Boehner, the president will give his latest campaign speech before a joint session of Congress next Thursday, Sept. 8.

Obama's an empty suit, even with teleprompters. Unlike Reagan, Clinton and W, he has nothing to say and no understanding or comprehension of economics.  
Obama has rejected American values and political customs since he entered politics and voted "present." He's still voting "present" and will attempt to surprise with a "bold" speech next Thursday. 
But he doesn't want to offend public sector union bosses, and he's pandering to construction union bosses with his "infrastructure" spending proposals. He continues to work for his favored few in the unions and ignore the needs of 30 million unemployed and under employed. 
Look for Obama to give a Clinton-type laundry list of vote-buying proposals aimed at every special interest on K Street. 
Boehner comes off as the adult in Washington. He handled Obama's stunt perfectly, leaving the president looking like someone who's running for president of the 6th grade.

Posted by Donald E. L. Johnson on 09/01/11 at 07:54 AM
'12 PresidentPermalink

Mitt Romney says President Obama is confused; U.S. near ‘profound economic misery’

Mitt Romney has attacked President Obama's confusion and warned that the country is near profound economoic misery, the Washington Post reports.

What Romney is saying that if he's elected president, he would end the confusion and he would be a hands on Commander in Chief of cutting waste out of defense spending and using the savings to maintain the country's military strength. He also went after Rick Perry as a career politician. Perry is known as a hands-off leader who delegates the job of figuring out how to get things done.

Posted by Donald E. L. Johnson on 08/30/11 at 12:31 PM
'12 PresidentPermalink

Michele Bachmann pioneers YouTube advertising in Iowa

Michele Bachmann's campaign is doing pioneering Google and YouTube targeted advertising in Iowa, Politico reports.

Posted by Donald E. L. Johnson on 08/30/11 at 12:09 PM
'12 PresidentAd agenciesCampaign MgmtPermalink

What are Rick Perry’s and Michele Bachmann’s religious beliefs?

Christians and non Christians are asking whether Rick Perry and Michele Bachman advocate Dominism of America by Christians. It isn't clear whether Dominism will become a hot topic or win or lose votes for Perry or Bachmann in a general election race against President Obama. This year, I'm more concerned about economic than social and religious issues, but if Perry or Bachmann is the GOP candidate, I won't vote for one of them. I'll vote against Obama.

The religious beliefs of presidential candidates or candidates for other offices matter only when voters and their opponents think those candidates are exploiting their religious beliefs in efforts to attract gullible and relgious voters. And when candidates wear their beliefs on their sleeves, they open themselves to questions about whether their preachers or the Constitution would guide them if they were elected.

Separation of church and state is a huge issue for me and for others who fear that candidates religious beliefs represent more than their core values. When imposing one's religious beliefs on non believers is a political candidate's mission, beware.

Former President George W. Bush exploited his born again Christianity in his campaigns for the White House. While that strategy helped him win elections, it cost him respect and legitimacy in the eyes of those Christians and non Christians who believe that America's long tradition of a separation of church and state must be continued. In short, I believe that the Left very effectively used the fear of fanatical Christians to build a cult of Bush hatred, especially during his second term.

Perry and Bachmann are being protrayed as even more radical Christians than Bush. See especially these articles and blogs:

Asking candidates tougher questions about faith, by Bill Keller.

Michele Bachmann recommended book that blamed North for Civil War, praised slavery.

Leap of Faith, the making of a Republican front-runner, by Ryan Lizza.

Why I'll be paying attention to Michele Bachmann's religious beliefs, by Peregrin Wood.

Michele Bachman was inspired by my dad and his his Christian reconstructionist friends—here's why that is terrifying, by Frank Schaeffer.

Michele Bachmann submitting to husband: Submissive question; we have a right to know sacred beliefs, by Jocelyn Anderson.

NYT's Bill Keller questions faith of GOP candidates, compares belief in God to belief in aliens, by Clay Waters.

Rick Perry is no libertarian, by Dana Milbank.

Posted by Donald E. L. Johnson on 08/28/11 at 04:11 PM
'12 PresidentPermalink

It’s Mitt Romney v. Rick Perry and maybe Paul Ryan

This year it's easier to figure out who I can't support for president than who I want to become president.

As a Small Government Republican on social and economic issues, I can't vote for Barack Obama, Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Rick Santorum, Herman Cain, Ron Paul or Jon Huntsman. 
Mitt Romney's smart, relatively honest, panders to polls, lacks experience in politics and may not have the needed presidential political talent to win the WH or govern if he does. 
Rick Perry plays corrupt Texas politics aggressively, wants state legislators to elect U.S. Senators, believes Christians should rule America and the world and is a Big Intrusive Government Republican on social and economic issues. 
Paul Ryan is smart, wonky, inexperienced beyond Congressional politics, clean and yet to show that he is a good retail politician. I think he'd be crazy to run. 
Chris Christie says he's not ready to run for president, and I agree. 
Warren Buffett wants to tax the rich so that his tax loopholes won't be closed.


Rick Perry and Texas job numbers, by Political Math. (Makes Texas look pretty good despite intro.)

What's the truth aout Rick Perry's Texas Miracle? By Megan McArdle.

Seven ways Rick Perry wants to change the Constitution, by Chris Moody.

Rick Perry's Texas miracle is a big fat lie, by Benzinga.

Rick Perry's gifts: Boots, trips, medical tests, by Kenneth P. Vogel & Lucy McCalmont.

Romney v Romney, by Allysia Finley.

Romney, Perry and the GOP's summer of discontent, by E. J. Dionne, Jr.

Paul Ryan's vulnerabilities, by John McCormack.

Paul Ryan? Yeah, Right, by Ed Kilgore.

Posted by Donald E. L. Johnson on 08/20/11 at 06:41 AM
'12 PresidentPermalink

Perry, Bachmann, Romney Big Intrusive Government Republicans

What's interesting is that Perry, Bachmann and Romney all are Big Intrusive Government Republicans on both fiscal and social issues. 

Perry has a long record of using state and federal funds to create government jobs and invest in the business startups of his largest campaign contributors. That he's played Texas politics as far as legally possible makes him look like a Chicago Obama Democrat.

Romney is trying to appeal to U.S. Chamber of Commerce government contractors, The Business Roundtable's beneficiaries of government spending and higher taxes and Obama Democrat Warren Buffett who wants higher taxes for the rich instead of tax reforms that would eliminate his lucrative tax loopholes. Ethanol and Mandate Romney endorses Gorean global warming alarmists who want more centralized planning and government spending on not only ethanol but other GE green energy and medical products and services.

Elvis Bachmann is known for a gaffe a day, and today she predicted that as president she would have her centralized Big Government planners cut the cost of gasoline below $2. Of course, that would be after her secretary of Commerce, Mitt Romney, who's known as Mr. Fixit, turned the economy around during Bachmann's first three months in office.

All three of these Big Government Republicans say they would create jobs as president. How they can say this after watching Obama's job-creating efforts actually kill jobs is as baffling as Bernanke's quantitative easings and devaluations of the dollar.

Posted by Donald E. L. Johnson on 08/17/11 at 08:58 PM
'12 PresidentTaxesPermalink
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