Workers at Baiada struck for 13 days to win permanent jobs and fairer pay
Workers at Baiada struck for 13 days to win permanent jobs and fairer pay

As Gillard sinks the boot in: Stop the deportations

Julia Gillard has always been willing to go that extra mile when it comes to putting the boot into refugees. In spite of being nominally in the Left, she sided with the Labor Right at the 2004 national conference to vote against Labor for Refugees motions. December’s national Labor conference is going to be no different.

Political challenges for the Occupy movement

For the past two months, the Occupy movement has electrified US politics and inspired movements in its image around the world. The occupations themselves have been relatively small, but hugely popular: a sign of the deep crisis of legitimacy facing those that run the world.

Baiada workers win victory over bullying bosses

Baiada Poultry workers in Melbourne have won a major victory for fair pay and job security after 13 days on strike. These 300 mostly migrant workers stuck together in the face of harassment and intimidation from their bosses, the media and police to humble a major corporation through indefinite strike action.


The Greens: between parliament and principles

Amy Thomas analyses the The Greens’ role in left politics since the federal election

Egypt: from people power to workers’ power

Freya Bundey looks at the way forward for the revolution that toppled a dictator

Labor in power: the lessons of the Accord

Hawke and Keating’s Accord agreement was designed to hold back wages and conditions and weakened union power, argues Feiyi Zhang

2.5 million strike in the UK to bring down the Tories’ cuts

1 December 2011

It was a historic day. Britain’s biggest strike since 1926 saw the working class march firmly on to centre stage of the political arena, reports UK Socialist Worker

Egypt fights for the future of the revolution

25 November 2011

The Egyptian revolution has reached a new turning point. People in their hundreds of thousands have returned to Tahrir square and the streets across the country, in response to a brutal crackdown by the military.

Egyptian Revolutionary Socialists statement: Workers of Egypt, rise up!

24 November 2011

Statement from the Revolutionary Socialists, released on November 21, 2011, calling on Egyptian workers to take strike action to help bring down the military regime.

Egypt’s Revolutionary Socialists: Down with military rule, down with Mubarak’s rule!

21 November 2011

The Egyptian Revolutionary Socialists’ statement on the crisis in Egypt

Support swells for Baiada workers’ fight (in pictures and video)

14 November 2011

On the weekend, striking poultry workers at Baiada’s Laverton factory and their supporters defeated police attempts to break up their picket, which has now been going strong for nearly a week. Then on Sunday, the workers and their union held a successful union and community rally to support the workers’ demands for better wages, safety conditions and permanent jobs. Click here for photos and videos.

Striking Baiada workers hold the line at Laverton despite police violence

12 November 2011

Striking poultry workers have pushed back police attacks on their picket at the Baiada factory in Laverton, Victoria. Read more for the latest news on the struggle and what you can do to get involved.

Upcoming Solidarity Meetings


Solidarity meets in cities all around the country. Check here for details of the latest upcoming meetings.


15 June 2011

Free the refugees

20 May 2011

It is all too clear that the current Labor government is determined to out flank Tony Abbott to the right on refugees. We need a strong movement can turn the tide. Join the campaign in your city to call for an end to mandatory detention of refugees and offshore processing.

Stop the Intervention

22 February 2011

Get involved in the campaign to stop the racist Northern Territory Intervention

Climate action movement

1 February 2011

Labor has announced they will pursue another version of a price on carbon. Much like the emissions trading scheme proposed by Kevin Rudd, the scheme is likely to dish out billions of dollars to polluters and do nothing to stop the mass expansion of coal-fired power happening all around the country. Get involved to demand real action on climate change.