Oct 28

*German accent* I'm here to cast a spell of heal light wounds... *bass guitar*Click for full image

Tom Noir’s Art Direction:
“Are you sure you’re a licensed massage therapist?”

“Of course dear, now just relax and let me work. Your thighs look very… tense.”
Published 1986

Actually, that cover is a visual feast!I would pick that one up.Neaaa, I\'ve seen worse.Interesting, but I would still take it on a train.It is somewhere in between the awful/good scale.Would not like to be seen reading that!Awful... just Awful...I swear, that\\\'s my flatmates!Gah... my eyes! They are burning!Good Show Sir.... Good Show! (Rating: 7.45 out of 10)
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Oct 27

No boarder can hold me!Click for full image

Matthew’s Art Direction: So we’ll be requiring evil insect eyes and a bloomin’ great sword, oh yeah and an absurdly oversized helmet too…
Published 1987

Actually, that cover is a visual feast!I would pick that one up.Neaaa, I\'ve seen worse.Interesting, but I would still take it on a train.It is somewhere in between the awful/good scale.Would not like to be seen reading that!Awful... just Awful...I swear, that\\\'s my flatmates!Gah... my eyes! They are burning!Good Show Sir.... Good Show! (Rating: 5.36 out of 10)
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Oct 26

Can't look at the explosions... can't... I'll look so lame...Click for full image

Art Direction: Lets just get Jim from accounting, he works out right? We’ll put him in my air-soft kit and spice it up a little. People who read books love that type of stuff. It will be just like a TV show, but on a book.
Published 2011

Actually, that cover is a visual feast!I would pick that one up.Neaaa, I\'ve seen worse.Interesting, but I would still take it on a train.It is somewhere in between the awful/good scale.Would not like to be seen reading that!Awful... just Awful...I swear, that\\\'s my flatmates!Gah... my eyes! They are burning!Good Show Sir.... Good Show! (Rating: 4.08 out of 10)
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Oct 25

Iron Side got a lot better when they replaced him with a robot.

SteveAsat Comments: You know what robots really don’t need? Polio. For more than three decades I have wondered whether anything even remotely resembling this scene appears in the novel. But it’s Saberhagan, so the mere thought of flipping through the actual text induces naptime.
Published 1981

Actually, that cover is a visual feast!I would pick that one up.Neaaa, I\'ve seen worse.Interesting, but I would still take it on a train.It is somewhere in between the awful/good scale.Would not like to be seen reading that!Awful... just Awful...I swear, that\\\'s my flatmates!Gah... my eyes! They are burning!Good Show Sir.... Good Show! (Rating: 5.80 out of 10)
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Oct 24

Welcome to my world. I'm here to rip the females clothes in select tantalizing places!Click for full image

Boaz Comments: Two people — enraptured, motionless, poised, transfixed by a flying troll/dragonfly/scaled creature…
Published 1975

Actually, that cover is a visual feast!I would pick that one up.Neaaa, I\'ve seen worse.Interesting, but I would still take it on a train.It is somewhere in between the awful/good scale.Would not like to be seen reading that!Awful... just Awful...I swear, that\\\'s my flatmates!Gah... my eyes! They are burning!Good Show Sir.... Good Show! (Rating: 7.43 out of 10)
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Oct 21

HOLY CRAP! Look! He hasn't shaved his chest!!!Click for full image

Scott B’s Art Direction: OK, I want a triad of spiritual guru, alien Venus, and bull-man, linked by a strip of computer punch tape (futuristic!).  Also, it must have a hummingbird-whale.  I insist.
Published 1977

Actually, that cover is a visual feast!I would pick that one up.Neaaa, I\'ve seen worse.Interesting, but I would still take it on a train.It is somewhere in between the awful/good scale.Would not like to be seen reading that!Awful... just Awful...I swear, that\\\'s my flatmates!Gah... my eyes! They are burning!Good Show Sir.... Good Show! (Rating: 7.71 out of 10)
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Oct 20

Looks like I didn't put my best jumpsuit on today for nothing!!Click for full image

Joachim Comments: Even this Captain Kirk clone wouldn’t run after that alien woman….  The crazy yellow acorn headed face must be compelling him.
Published 1968

Actually, that cover is a visual feast!I would pick that one up.Neaaa, I\'ve seen worse.Interesting, but I would still take it on a train.It is somewhere in between the awful/good scale.Would not like to be seen reading that!Awful... just Awful...I swear, that\\\'s my flatmates!Gah... my eyes! They are burning!Good Show Sir.... Good Show! (Rating: 7.50 out of 10)
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Oct 19

Gwaddd.. stop trying to kiss me. Spello Repulse-o!Click for full image

Tim Comments: This cover had me simultaneously going, “I don’t ever want to be spotted with that book,” and, “Awesome, I need to know what’s going on here!”
Published 2008

Actually, that cover is a visual feast!I would pick that one up.Neaaa, I\'ve seen worse.Interesting, but I would still take it on a train.It is somewhere in between the awful/good scale.Would not like to be seen reading that!Awful... just Awful...I swear, that\\\'s my flatmates!Gah... my eyes! They are burning!Good Show Sir.... Good Show! (Rating: 3.33 out of 10)
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Oct 18

Turn it off Inquisitor General. He's had quite enough of William Shatner's spoken word albums.Click for full image

Phil Comments: Coming up next on Radio Free Albemuth, the latest from Lynyrd Skynrd. But first, here’s the weather forecast.
Published 1988

Actually, that cover is a visual feast!I would pick that one up.Neaaa, I\'ve seen worse.Interesting, but I would still take it on a train.It is somewhere in between the awful/good scale.Would not like to be seen reading that!Awful... just Awful...I swear, that\\\'s my flatmates!Gah... my eyes! They are burning!Good Show Sir.... Good Show! (Rating: 6.60 out of 10)
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Oct 17

Artists and their apples... and BOOBS!Click for full MIGHT AS WELL BE PORN image

Art Direction:

Oh yeah... that's the cover I like...mmmmmmmm.

Published 1988

Actually, that cover is a visual feast!I would pick that one up.Neaaa, I\'ve seen worse.Interesting, but I would still take it on a train.It is somewhere in between the awful/good scale.Would not like to be seen reading that!Awful... just Awful...I swear, that\\\'s my flatmates!Gah... my eyes! They are burning!Good Show Sir.... Good Show! (Rating: 8.60 out of 10)
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