
Beltane 2011

Beltane 2011 Table of Contents

Could the Jaguar Be Poised for Recovery in the United States?
and "Eastern Cougar Declared Officially Extinct; Panther Still has a Chance"
-Michael J. Robinson

The Armadillo Forest & The Bio-Economy
or the joys and nightmares of south florida forest defense
-Etienne Doyle

Into the Muskeg Swamps of Northern Alberta
A Brief Ideological History of the Tar Sands

My Name is Emma Murphy-Ellis
and I support sabotage

Recent Comments

Mabon 2001: OIcDgZZsZjSp (11/3/11)

Eostar 2007: HWrdKORuZsMJHjSZfL (11/2/11)

Lughnasadh 2006: fZOqfCsuQnlNFqxD (11/2/11)

Samhain 2001: XtiwSeBtAvGQVa (11/2/11)

Mabon 2006: WyDRzThWhueSZeax (11/2/11)

Beltane 2011 : BOdaiydQWolrwvXSD (11/2/11)

Get your daily dose of news and updates from the frontlines of eco-resistance at the Earth First! Newswire

Volumes I and II of the 30th Anniversary are OUT! Order copies here today!!

We are still in the process of settling into our new south Florida office and beginning a new publishing schedule, so please bear with us as we make updates and corrections on this website.

SUBSCRIPTIONS We are able to keep this publication alive primarily thanks to paid subscriptions, which are now $30 a year for a quarterly publication. The Journal is back to being bound like a magazine, rather than a newspaper format. You can subscribe right now, for yourself or as a gift to someone (including one of the prisoners on our waiting list) by clicking here!

NEWSLETTER For those subscribers who requested to receive a copy of Earth First! News in the mail recently (that is our effort at a small supplemental newsletter between Journals), we are bummed to tell y'all that we will not be producing that for the time being. The intention was for another collective to take on this project, and none have stepped up so far. We simply do not have the time or money to continue that project right now. If you wanna help make it happen, get in touch. For what its worth, we still continue to post daily news online via, and PDFs of the recent newsletters are available there for distributors to copy and print. 

CONTRIBUTORS We are searching out writers, artists, photographers and poets from the frontlines of the eco-resistance. If you think this might be you, click here for details

All checks and money orders should be made out to "Earth First Journal" and sent to our new address:

Earth First! Journal
PO Box 964
Lake Worth, FL 33460

You can reach us by phone at 561-249-2071. Also, if you are looking to host an EF! Speaker in your community, please check out the new EF! Speakers Bureau.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The website is NOT a movement-oriented project. There is no accountability on where the 'donations' go, nor the content that is posted. Unless this changes, we ask that you please do not use that site. If you have donated there in the past, we suggest you ask for a refund so that your money goes to a project which is accountable to the EF! movement, such as the Journal, or directly to one of the many active campaigns out there.

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Beltane 2011 - Volume 31, Issue 3

How the "EF" did the Everglades get stuck with the Journal?

Editorial by Russ McSpadden

   When I arrived in Tucson in late July of 2010 I was ready to learn the hell out of the publication and business ends of the Journal—and real quick at that. Along with two other long time friends (and one post-long time estranged lover “YIKES!”) a group of semi-feral swamp anarchists with a good history of Earth First! boondoggles were prepping to create the 30th Anniversary edition while simultaneously uprooting the whole damned project from its cozy—albeit rat infested—nook in the Sonoran desert. None of us had a damn clue what we were doing. What is a dangling participle and what do you mean we gotta pay taxes? I’m not giving those dirty sos-and- sos any money just so they can monitor our stupid Facebook, you might of heard me say.

   And if it weren’t for Nettle (one of the previous long termers that taught us everything she could about OPTICaslon-Antique and Univers T1 45 Light fonts, donation letters, workaholism, sunday morning bloody mary’s and backing up hard drives) the whole thing would be dead today. We learned a good bit—mostly everything but cleanliness and time-management—to keeping the business afloat. We put out the first perfect bound edition—a big change from the flimsy one time use newspaper of recent years—and then got to packing the whole thing up. We shuffled burned and boxed 30 years of letters, random publication exchanges, bumper stickers, half-working computers and other gadgetry, and two million copies of old Journals, for a new stint of publishing on the east coast. I personally drove the thing near 2,000 miles and put it smack in the middle of the dystopic tourist/end-of-life-industrial complex of South Florida, which itself is smack dab in the middle of a big skeeter swamp.

   “Little did I know,” says every idiot after jumping head first into a shit storm without an umbrella. Little did I know that the Journal—besides its position at the gleaming pinnacle of radical eco-pagan-feminist-redneck-anarchist think tanks—was so near to death that I would hear the beast flat-line a time or two. How the holy monkey-wrench did I get myself into this? I mean, I may have been a little hung-over at the organizers’ conference (OC) in Santa Barbara when, after hearing that the Asheville move was dead, we whispered that we'd take the damn rag (and the same can be said when, a bit later at the Summer Rondy in Maine we took on the next OC). When the weight of the responsibility hit me [this happened on the day that we went to pick up 5000 copies of the Journal in Phoenix and found ourselves embroiled in a full on sticks’n’stones street riot against Nazis and riot cops] I almost had a panic attack. This 30 year publication was now our baby, our grumpy, always hungry, and still not potty trained 30 year old geriatric baby. As the sun set gold and caliche yellow, we drove that borrowed pick-up back to Tucson carrying our first collective publication with tear gas still burning in our eyes.

   “But I’d like you all to know,” starts every idiot feigning optimism, that things are kickin. We’ve gotten out two issues, beautiful ones I might add, and some subscribers are coming back. The Journal isn’t dying anymore. I mean sure, it fights for breath from time to time, is fed via a tube, and hasn’t had a bowel movement in three months, but its on the trail to recovery. We are committed to promoting a biocentrism that encompasses a demand for justice for all life and we are reinvigorating EF!s place on the front-lines of the war for the wild.

   So now because of the Journal’s arrival in our bioregion, me and my collective buddies are not only eco-agitators when we wear our Everglades Earth First! hats, but also radical office slaves, computer nerds, and late-night over-the-phone eco-therapists (“what the hell is the Journal doing about the wolves!?”) Because of the Journal we are now an underground cell of printer-repair technicians, website updaters, credit card processors, and spell-check applicators. We are truly the rulers of our own destinies (outside of our regular Journal office hours of course)!

   I love this work, seriously. Getting letters from bad ass radicals from around the world, from our friends behind bars, telling us how important the publication is, and from people who have just read their first Journal and have been reborn with radical inspiration makes everything worth it. And editing stories about blocking the machines of wilderness destruction just gets me in a good mood every time—kinda makes me want to smash our own computers here. Besides, I have no boss except for when Panagioti blasts Bruce Springsteen, and I have no money! Look mom, I really am an anarchist.


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jHUsYtXGDVWrMqPE • posted by Chartric <> at Oct 29, 2011 10:21am

Hey, sbutle must be your middle name. Great post!

VhOsuNaFSGarVTyxo • posted by Alex <> at Oct 30, 2011 10:27am

Hey, that's peowrful. Thanks for the news.

KeYKqPvnDKjmPuodhJY • posted by Denisha <> at Oct 30, 2011 10:27am

If time is money you've made me a welathier woman.

wlkKNggWpJMwMcCNwf • posted by Blondy <> at Oct 31, 2011 7:37pm

That's not just the best anwser. It's the bestest answer!

xFMpAuqtTXVFj • posted by Stella <> at Oct 31, 2011 7:46pm

Home run! Great suliggng with that answer!