Welcome to the ASF

The purpose of this site is to provide a range of basic information about the Anarcho-Syndicalist Federation, as well as general information about organisation and unionisation, the theory and practise of revolutionary unionism and anarcho-syndicalism, and news and information from the front lines of the class war ...

Sep 25 22:39

ASF action at the Serbian Consulate

Recently members of the ASF presented a letter of protest to the Serbian government in protest about the arrest of IWA comrades in Serbia. The letter is shown below and a video of the event can be seen here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyuzLBbvpMo

Open letter to the Serbian Consulate, Australia

May 20 11:46

'Boiling the Billy', Opportunities and Challenges of Radical Unionising.

ASF 7th June 2009 Conference.

With speakers including Gary Foley.
Entry by gold coin donation.

10am start.
Party at night.

Refreshments and softdrinks will be provided.

Melbourne Anarchist Resource Center,
64 St Georges Road, Northcote.

Presented by the Anarcho Syndicalist Federation Melbourne,

For more info ph 0404105403 or email asfmsec@gmail.com

Aims, Principles and Statutes

Basis for Federation
(Incorporating Aims and Principles)

The Anarcho-Syndicalist Federation is a libertarian workers movement organised according to anarcho-syndicalist principles. We aim to create a society based on liberty, mutual aid, federalism and self-management.

We believe the working class and the employing class have nothing in common. Between these two classes a struggle must go on until the workers of the world organise as a class, take possession of the earth and the machinery of production and abolish the wage system.