Support Rod

Solidarity with Eco-activist Rodney Coronado

Update from home

by Shana - January 23rd, 2011

As part of the conditions of his parole, Rod has been placed on home confinement for the next three months, in addition to monitoring and other restrictions. He can leave for work and to attend classes, since he is returning to school this spring. Despite the limitations imposed on him, Rod is in a positive and healthy space and is happy to be home with his family.

Rod is home!

by Shana - January 14th, 2011

Rod was released from prison today! He was met by his family this morning and brought home, where he’s doing well.

More updates to come…

Another visit, facing forward

by Shana - November 7th, 2010

On Friday, Chrysta and Rod’s friend Kevin, were able to see him for a 3 1/2 hour visit. At first, Rod seemed distracted and a little hardened, as would be expected with prison culture and life. But he was quickly able to shake the heaviness, relax, and have fun with his wife and friend. Rod was jovial, and excited to have the company of people close to him. At one point, he mentioned some candy bars he had back “home”, and began laughing as he caught himself referring to the prison cell as home. The remainder of the visit was light, full of plans for the future and dreams of time with his family.

Rod is feeling strong about pursuing work with Indigenous youth when he is released. He was doing this work in the Yaqui village before his first arrest, and he is feeling it is time to reconnect to that. He also wants to work with education of young people around native foods, outdoor skills, and plant identification.

Rod now has many nonfiction books which he has been enjoying reading. He said these books, including The Guernsey Potato Peel Society, have made him think deeply about life in time of change and the ability of community to work together during times of need. He asked specifically for a few books that will lend toward his future plans:

Toolbox for Sustainable City Living, by Scott Kellogg and Stacy Pettigrew (


Volume 3 Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands: Cisterns and Catchment Systems, by Brad Lancaster (

Thanks to everyone who has been writing and sending material to keep him thinking and feeling connected!

Rod is counting the days… it was 69 to be exact… but in his laughing words, “but who’s counting?”

A Family Visit

by Shana - October 17th, 2010

Over the weekend, Rod’s partner, Chrysta, and two children, were finally allowed to visit Rod! It was long overdue and eagerly anticipated. Rod seemed healthy, and reaching into that deeper place which is necessary to sustain oneself in such a place created to remove all power.

He was extremely happy to have his little ones climbing all over him once more, and they were glued to him the entire 5 hours! Unfortunately, the prison is non-contact which means Chrysta and Rod were unable to hold hands or be affectionate except at the beginning and end of the visitation.

Rod is reading a lot and spending time in solitude, which has become his prison routine. He sweats in the Inipi ceremony every Tuesday, which gives him a chance to connect with Creator and other folks in a meaningful way. Rod will be getting a job soon, which will also help the time pass more quickly.

If you are interested in sending Rod books, he is able to receive used paperback books sent in a manilla envelop. They must be marked, Prison Approved Material: 1 book, or what ever is enclosed. Magazines are also allowed. Please consider sending used books, or magazines, as these help the time pass by quickly and are appreciated by not only Rod, but other inmates who may not receive books and such.  Instructions for sending materials to the prison can be found here. Winter is quickly approaching and Rod is in need of winter clothes. Please consider donating to his commissary fund in order to help him buy long underwear and long sleeve shirts.

Thank you to everyone who has been supportive of Rod and the Coronado family. Your kindness and love is felt deeply and strongly appreciated!

Articles about the Facebook friending

by Shana - October 16th, 2010

Here are some articles about the incident that resulted in Rod’s latest imprisonment:

Update on Rod Coronado (EF! Newswire, Aug 21)

Facebook “friending” lands activist Rod Coronado in Prison (Missoula Independent, Aug 24)

When Facebook Friending Violates Parole: The Persecution of Rod Coronado (Counterpunch, Sept 1)

Support Rod Site Launched

by Shana - October 4th, 2010

Today we’re officially launching this website and the Support Rod Facebook page. There’s also a Twitter feed, so follow us if you want to be notified of any updates. Thanks for reading!

Rod’s Sentence Begins Today

by Shana - September 16th, 2010

Rod begins his time in prison today. For the next four months, he’ll be in the Federal Correctional Institution in Milan, MI. We are sorry to see him sent away from his family and his community, and wish him strength during his time there.

Rod’s Story on Democracy Now!

by Shana - September 8th, 2010

Rod’s story was profiled on Democracy Now! Today: Jailed for Facebook Friending. Amy Goodman and Sharif Abdel Kouddous spoke with Dean Kuipers about Rod and the context of this latest sentencing.

Rod Sentenced to Four Months for Violating Conditions

by Shana - August 3rd, 2010

Rod was sentenced to four months in federal prison today. At the hearing, he was convicted of violating terms of his probation by accepting a friend request on Facebook. He will be sent to federal prison next month. See our backgrounder for details.