Indigenous Sovereignty Week 2011
Indigenous Sovereignty Week 2011

activism, featured, Indigenous Struggles, organizing

Indigenous Sovereignty Week 2011 – Toronto

Posted on 01 November 2011

For the third year in a row Defenders of the Land (DoL) has issued a call to First Nations / Indigenous communities and supporters across Canada to host a week of events celebrating Indigenous Sovereignty. The purpose of Indigenous Sovereignty Week is to gather with the intention of building local relationships among groups and individuals [...] Continue Reading

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featured, organizing

Poster Campaign: “United for Justice, Not Divided by Racism”

Posted on 01 November 2011

A new campaign to rally support for immigrants' rights. Continue Reading

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activism, featured

End-of-Growth Uprising Goes Global

Posted on 31 October 2011

It began in Tunisia and Egypt, then spread throughout the Middle East and North Africa. It spilled into Spain, Greece, and Ireland. It leapfrogged to Wall Street. And this past weekend it erupted in London, Rome, Paris, Tokyo, Taipei, and Sydney. In hundreds of towns and cities around the world the uprising’s refrain is similar: [...] Continue Reading

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News: Protesting “Stop and Frisk” in New York

Posted on 30 October 2011

Two protests took place on October 21 and 22 against the New York Police Department’s racist “stop-and-frisk” policy and against police brutality. According to a New York Civil Liberties Union study, the NYPD is on pace to stop and frisk over 700,000 people in 2011–more than 1,900 people each day. More than 85 percent of [...] Continue Reading

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analysis, featured

Cops & #OccupyWallStreet: Are Police Part of the 99 Percent

Posted on 30 October 2011

Part two of weekend posting on cops and the Occupy struggle. Continue Reading

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analysis, featured

Cops & #OccupyWallStreet: Reach Out to People Before Pigs Do

Posted on 29 October 2011

The first of two weekend posts on police and the Occupy movement. Continue Reading

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analysis, colonialism, general, history


Posted on 28 October 2011

Two centuries ago, a former European colony decided to catch up with Europe.  It succeeded so well that the United States of America became a monster, in which the taints, the sickness, and inhumanity of Europe have grown to appalling dimensions. Frantz Fanon The Wretched of the Earth, page 313   Continue Reading

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featured, organizing

Justified Rage from an Unsafe Space: Reflection on Occupy Wall Street

Posted on 28 October 2011

Thoughts on prejudice in the Occupy Wall Street space. Continue Reading

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general, opinion

A Letter to the Occupy Together Movement

Posted on 27 October 2011

"In order to get this power into the hands of the many, it will be necessary for the many not only to fight the powerful few but to fight and clash among themselves." Continue Reading

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activism, featured

Stepping Up the Struggle in #OccupyWallStreet

Posted on 26 October 2011

We want to build the occupations and defend them against police attack. And we also want to build a political space that goes beyond the occupations. Continue Reading

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