Göttingen, October Events at Flaming Star: G20 and Repression in Canada (Test Their Logic Concert!), Anarchism in Quebec, Soccer vs The State!

Flaming Star has quite a few interesting events planned for the course of the next few weeks, which we would like to share with you…

Samstag, 8. Oktober 2011 – Vortrag 19 Uhr, Konzert 21 uhr

Vortrag und Performance von “Test Their Logik” (Hip-Hop) –
Der G20 Gipfel in Toronto – Mobilisierung, Aktionen, Repression

„Test Their Logik sind Musiker und Basisaktivisten aus Toronto. Auf Grund ihrer Musik und antiautoritaeren Politik sahen sich Test Their Logik während des G20 Gipfel 2010 in Toronto verschiedenen Angriffen ausgesetzt, unter anderem “conspiracy charges”, die in etwa den deutschen §129 entsprechen.

In ihrem Vortrag werden sie eine kurze Einführung in radikale Politik in Kanada geben. Sie werden berichten, was letztes Jahr im Vorfeld und während des G20 passiert ist und die Nachwirkungen für sie und alle BasisaktivistInnen aufzeigen, die immer noch mit Anklagen wegen Bildung krimineller Vereinigungen durch die Gerichte geschleift werden.“

After the presentation, they will be playing live. It should sound something like this…


Samstag, 15. Oktober 2011 – 19 Uhr

Lesung mit dem Autor Mathieu Houle-Courcelles
Auf den Spuren des Anarchismus in Quebec (1860-1960)

„Die Forschungsarbeit “Auf den Spuren des Anarchismus in Quebec (1860-1960)” vermittelt ein lebendiges und ergiebiges Bild vom Einfluss anarchistischer Ideen in der Geschichte Quebecs. Zum Vorschein tritt eine Denkströmung, die bereits lange vor den politischen und kulturellen Umwälzungen von 1968 im Umlauf war. Mathieu Houle-Coucelles lässt exilierte Kommunarden, Maler und Dichter der Künstlergruppe “Les Automatistes”, Antiklerikale der Arbeiter-Universität und jüdische Aktivisten aus Montreals “Jiddland” vorbeiziehen. Dabei schildert er die Ereignisse plastisch und haucht den verschiedenen Protagonisten neues Leben ein. All das ist ein wichtiger Beitrag zur fortdauernden Debatte über das kollektive Gedächtnis von Französisch-Kanada.

Zur Zeit engagiert der Autor sich im Comite populaire Saint-Jean-Baptiste in Quebec City. Diese Bürgerinitiative steht in Opposition zur Gentrifizierung des genannten Stadtteils, bekämpft dort Armut und plädiert dabei u.a. für den Bau von mehr Sozialwohnungen.“

Mittwoch, 19. Oktober 2011 – 20 Uhr

Buchvorstellung: Gabriel Kuhn
Soccer vs. the State: Tackling Football and Radical Politics

„Soccer vs. the State: Tackling Football and Radical Politics“ beschäftigt sich mit der politischen Geschichte des Fußballs, progressiver Fußballfankultur und dem nicht-kommerziellen DIY-Fußballnetzwerk, das sich heute mit eigenen Vereinen, Turnieren und Ligen von Sydney bis San Francisco erstreckt. Dabei werden die Schattenseiten des Sports – Kommerzialisierung, Machtpolitik, Nationalismus – ebenso in Betracht gezogen wie die libertären und egalitären Potentiale. Der Autor/Herausgeber Gabriel Kuhn spielte in seiner Jugend im Leistungszentrum Tirol und in der zweiten österreichischen Liga. Diavortrag mit anschließender Diskussion.“

Atlanta de Villa Crespo vs The Almighty Cub Atletico River Plate

River Plate, Argentinas most successful futbol club, finds itself playing this year for the first time in their history in second division. Their relegation game loss to Belgrano included some spectacular anecdotes, once again very probably unique to the Argentine futbol world.

During the away game, losing 2-0, River fans invaded the pitch…pushed, kicked, and insulted their own players. They then returned to their terrace, without being arrested, and the game continued as if nothing had happened…

After relegation became an unavoidable fact, the riots were of a scale even unusual for the standards of Argentine futbol. These videos dont necessarily do them justice, but you might get the idea…

And so it was, with Atlanta having been promoted and River relegated, that our humble neighborhood club played yesterday against the mighty River Plate…. and lost 7-1!

But at least our fans looked good….

(Thank to Sentimiento Bohemio)

The match was particularly tense because, with the return of away fans to second division matches (thanks River!), Atlanta fans and River fans had had two encounters in the past three weeks. In this one, you can see what appears to be two busses of River fans being chased by…10 Atlanta fans!!??
No vengas mas por Villa Crespo River….

Greece: General Strike, October 5th

Default at Last!
In order to build from scratch a society of freedom and prosperity for all!

General non-stop Strike! Everyone on the Streets!

Two years now you hypnotize people with the tale about the bankruptcy of the state. This beautifully molded story, succeeded in short time to squandered achievements coming after several centuries of sacrifices and struggle of working people.

Let them therefore to defualt to see what happens! Let their banks to shut down, let their factories to close down, let their universities to close, let the troops to dispel, let them go to the pits of history.

We’re here to get back what was stolen from us!

We, through the encounter with our fellow people will be able to put in motion this world anew for the benefit of everyone as we always have done. We may not have their own organization, but we will manage to survive like we survived after so many wars and disasters they dragged us in their seek for money and power.

Because we do not want to live at the expense of others.
Because we want to co-decide instead of ordering people.
Because we want knowledge to be diffused to everyone for the benefit of all and not for that of just a few.
Because we can live in harmony with nature without destroying everything on our way.

We are here to see the collapse of the rotten system and we will do all we can in order to see this happening earlier. To build from scratch a society of freedom, humanity and prosperity for all!

(via: Occupied London)

Finally a Game Worth Playing and Racing vs Los Amargos: The Summary

Stereotypes are bad, but sometimes one just cant help it. This is my case with video/computer game prejudices. In typical Argentine fashion, I have always been of the firm conviction that computers are for working and consoles for playing, anybody who plays games on a computer is to be judged a hopeless nerd and be mocked for eternity. And if you play on a console, only futbol games are acceptable, playing (god forbid talking about) other games the equivalent of social suicide. So basically only playing FIFA is acceptable, and even then talking about it while not actually playing it, or even worse posting something about it online, constitutes a mildly serious faux pas.

But if exceptions are what make rules, then this is the mother of all of them, as FIFA12 brings with it groundbreaking news…

(Ok, so maybe this isnt the cover, but it definitely should have been!)

Brutal honesty…Ive even taken the supernerd step of learning how to download music onto the Playstation so that I can play with the songs of our fans in the background. :-)

While on the subject of Racing, a short summary of what was the clasico this weekend…

On the field, 1-1, which was unfortunate. After Racing took the lead in the first minute, we were expecting a historic day, but it was not to be. Off the field of course, the day lent itself to all sorts of, ummm, „colourful“ anecdotes.

Racing fans arriving, with a couple of trophies as well….

Racing takes the field. Not bad, would have been much better though if the cops hadnt got wind of what was planned and „confiscated the materials“ shortly before the game. Unfortunate.

The cops try to enter the terrace to remove some smoke bombs…and quickly realize that this is not a good idea. Notice their retreat from maybe 15 Racing fans!

The Independiente scum, being the cowards they are, shot a Racing fan in the course of a confrontation before the game…

They also entertained themselves during the game by throwing huge pieces of cement from their terrace down to where the Racing fans were. This led to Racing fans trying to exit their section to storm the Independiente section. Of course, they didnt get far, as quickly another confrontation with the cops ensued. Racing fans and cops also had a confrontation before the game, during which the Cops made use of rubber bullets and horse charges.

Finally, it looks like our sour friends lost a little something…

Racing vs Los Amargos

Short and to the point…its derby time again today. All there is to say about it Ive already said here, here, and here in images, videos, and anecdotes. Some historical footage to put you in the mood…

Los clasicos no se juegan, se ganan.
Y a los Amargos… se les pega.

21:00, rojadirecta.es

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