Black Blog

The Final Countdown

The Black Rose collective is at a point where we are questioning the ongoing relevance of the project. While we think the existence of anarchist spaces such as Black Rose could be necessary, it seems that it does not have much resonance with many of the other revolutionary projects in Sydney. Coupled with the reality of the struggle to pay rent and the amount of energy invested by our small collective to maintain this dysfunction, the situation is not sustainable.

A year ago there seemed to be a lot of people with a lot of energy around Black Rose as we made a big decision to entirely change the focus of the project. While we had great visions of the space being a hub of meetings and events and general radical activity, this has proven to be far from the reality. It has been hard to convey the idea to comrades that use the space, that it is their space to take responsibility for and engage with.

We are now calling out for an entirely new group of people to take on the project of this anarchist social centre. Black Rose has always been a reflection of those involved and so we are open to the new collective determining what it's revolutionary character should look like. Revolutionary spaces ARE awesome. Even if we're currently a bit drained there have been many inspiring moments. And you don't simply have to pick up from where we've left off – it's your ideas and energy that will now be important.

Over the month of september we will be preparing for what the future may hold with the current collective aiming to begin work on different projects by october.

If you are interested in taking it on please get in touch ASAP.
You can contact us by email:

If Black Rose does end it is not necessarily a bad thing, revolutionary spaces can exist within all aspects of our lives.

In Struggle
Black Rose Collective

Villawood Survival + Resistance: Exhibition, opening night talks and performances

Thursday, September 8 · 5:30pm - 10:00pm

ICE: Information and Cultural Exchange
8 Victoria Road
Parramatta, Australia

'Villawood: Survival+Resistance'

Despite the negative portrayal of asylum seekers in our media, the Villawood Detention Centre is filled with amazing stories of survival, resistance and hope. Every day, refugees inside Villawood find ways to resist the dehumanizing restraints of our detention system.

Villawood: Survival+Resistance will present artworks, film, talks, hip hop, music, poetry, performance art about the Villawood Detention Centre and what it means for Western Sydney.

Events include:
The Refugee Art Project presents an art exhibition by detainees inside detention.

'Villawood Mums': A short film screening followed by Q&A with the film makers.

Refugee Action Coalition spokesperson Ian Rintoul will discuss the current problems of Immigration Detention.

Performances by poets and hip hop artists from the Auburn Community Development Poets Group, including Rima aka Soul Beats, Bhagavadas Sriskanthadas & Nashaa Hamody Abdul-Hassan.

Thursday 8th of September, 5.30pm - 10pm. (The art exhibition continues until 29 September, 10am-4pm, Monday – Friday)

ICE: Information and Cultural Exchange, 8 Victoria Road, Parramatta.

$10 Waged, $5 Unwaged, no one turned away due to lack of funds. (The art exhibition is free)

Event night food and drinks served by donation from 5.30pm.

A collaboration between The Refugee Art Project, the Cross Border Collective, The Refugee Action Coalition and the Justice and Arts Network. Supported by ICE & Matta Media.

See also

Snapdragon Zine Fair - Come browse the Black Rose zine library at the fair

Black Rose will be running a table at the Snap Dragon Zine Fair organised by some folks from Take care zines & Vanessa Berry World

We will also be bringing our rad zine library to be set up for all to browse.

Work is in progress setting up our print workspace and the rizo printer is up and running having printed some of the last edition of Mutiny Zine.

come to the fair!

-Black Rose


Snapdragon Zine Fair Call Out

Join us for the Snapdragon Zine Fair on Sunday 4th September. From 11am-4pm the Red Rattler will be a place to celebrate all things zine: to meet other zine makers, trade, buy and read zines, and participate in the world’s first zine pinata!
Would you like to be involved? There are a number of ways to do this:

1. Have a table at the zine fair.
If you’d like to apply for a stall, please contact with the following details:
Your contact details.
A brief description of your zine/s.
An image of your zine/s.

We have limited tables available so want to make the best use of space possible. Each stall space is ½ a table. We’ll be hiring the tables so ask that each stall contributes $5 to cover the cost of this (we’ll collect this on the day).
Please contact us by June 30th if you’d like a stall.
We will try to accommodate as many zinemakers as possible, but if you don’t get a stall, or can’t make it due to being thousands of kilometres away or just don’t want to sit behind a table all day, you can:

2. Send zines for the Absent Zinesters table.
This table is for people who can’t make it but still want to sell their zines at the fair. If you’re interested in sending zines for this please email with the same details as above.
At the moment we’re seeing how much interest there is in this so we’ll get back to you with the fine details later. The basic idea is that you’ll send us copies of your zines and we’ll sell them for you on the day.

3. Contribute to the world’s first ever zine piñata! Join the ziñata! We’ll be busting open a papier-mâché treasure chest of tiny zines!
Want to be involved? Make a zine! Zines can be about anything but must be A8 in size. Please register your interest by emailing and we’ll put you on the list.
You will need to send 1 – 10 copies of your zine to us by 26th August.

Snapdragon Zine Fair
Sunday September 4th 11am – 4pm
Red Rattler: 6 Faversham Street Marrickville


A discussion about the social insurrection in London and its aftermath.

7pm, Wednesday August 24th@
Black Rose Anarchist Library,
22 Enmore Rd, Newtown.
(100m from the station)

Accessibility: there are three steps at the entrance, the toilet is not easily accessible

Screen Printing Skillshare

Bring: images, fabric, knowledge/interest

For: patches, propaganda and other creative dissent

Basic Materials provided. $5 suggested donation


Black Rose Anarchist Library & Social Centre

22 Enmore rd Newtown

Jock Palfreeman loses final appeal

quick repost from slackbastard's blog.

Despite abundant and obvious evidence supporting his case, as expected, in Sofia, Bulgaria, 24-year-old Australian man Jock Palfreeman has lost his final appeal to the Supreme Court of Cassation against a 20-year prison sentence for ‘murder with hooliganism’. The next step in the legal process will likely be the European Court of Human Rights.

UK resistance to government strikes

To get in touch with the Sydney Workers Solidarity Network contact

Arrest & Court Solidarity

Continuing the discussion around the process of being arrested and
solidarity. To talk about ways it might be possible for revolutionary
politics to have some play in how we formulate our collective response
to being arrested and the ways in which we think of enacting
solidairty. How is it possible to walk the line between necessary
legal formalities and our antagonism towards the state? Is it possible
to gain some sense of power from this process? Is it possible for
those arrested to take actions beyond meekly bowing before the courts?

7pm Thursday, June 30th

Stop the Coup in Honduras - Real news

Real News Video Screening, Discussion, People´s Kitchen:
Time: 6.30pm
Wednesday 22nd June 2011
The Peoples Kitchen, Black Rose Books

A protest is happening on Sunday 26th June 2011 midday against the now 2 years old neoliberal coup regime in Honduras. The coup paved the way for imposition of neoliberalism (attacks against people) left only to the unrestrained imagination of capitalism.

Public Enemy

Sunday June 19
22 Enmore Rd Newtown
(100m from the station)
hearty winter dinner and drinks available (vegan & gluten free, probably spicy)
food served from 5:30pm, film to begin before 6:30pm (length: 1.28hr) and there will be time for discussion until 9pm.
suggested donation of $5 for dinner and $5 for the film, drinks will be arranged on the night.
Black Rose Anarchist Library & Social Centre Screens:

Public Enemy (1999)
A Film by Jens Meurer

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