Friday, April 18, 2008

Hitler fetishists prepare for celebrations, run into trouble


Alto Adige: 16 Neo-Nazis Arrested by Police

"(AGI) - Bolzano, 17 April - Bolzano state police are in the processing of arresting 16 individuals in Merano, Scena, Tirolo, Lagundo and the surrounding areas as part of the "Odessa" operation. The latter is an operation conducted by the DIGOS section of police (special investigations) and is the conclusion to a complex and articulated investigation which identified and disbanded a consolidated and sizeable South Tyrol group between the ages of 17 and 27, accused of incitement to discrimination, hatred and violence for racial, ethnic and national reasons. The 8 violent acts by the youths (assault and battery as well as intimidation) were committed against young Italians and foreigners held to be different for racial, ethnic or social reasons. The group had been in contact with extreme right movements in Austria, Switzerland and Germany."

Neo-Nazi gang arrested in South Tyrol with links to Austrian far-right

"A gang of violent neo-Nazis arrested in South Tyrol on Thursday have links to right-wing extremist groups in Austria, police believe. It was announced on Thursday that 16 men were arrested in Bolzano, Italy, all between 17 and 27-years-old, on charges of violence and instigation of racist, ethnic, and nationalist discrimination. Propaganda materials, Nazi symbols, and German Navy war flags were confiscated from members of the group who held regular meetings at a cabin in the woods - with "One Tyrol" carved into the door - where ritual induction ceremonies would take place for new members. Police could give no further clarification as to the links with Austrian extreme far-right groups but it is believed the Austrian and Italian neo-Nazis met regularly."


Neo-Nazis plan Hitler birthday events
Elana Kirsh
Jerusalem Post
April 17, 2008

"...An "Adolf Hitler Memorial and BBQ" planned in association with the neo-Nazi Hammerskin Nation in Houston will involve live entertainment and a swastika lighting."

Locally, the Hammerskins are also organsing a party. Well, by 'locally', I actually mean Wellington, where local (and by that I mean 'Melbourne') boneheads Bail Up! are scheduled to play a gig, presumably at the same location as last year's event: the Satan's Slaves MC HQ in Berhampore, where Blood Red Eagle played.


Court overrules town's decision, permits neo-Nazi march
April 18, 2008

"Litvinov, North Bohemia, April 17 (CTK) - The court has permitted Czech neo-Nazis to stage a march through Litvinov which the town hall previously banned, said Thursday, adding that the extremists organise the march annually to commemorate one of them who was stabbed to death in Litvinov nine years ago. The court said there was no evidence proving that law might be violated during the march, the server writes. "Unfortunately, this is true. The court has abolished our ban saying we did not meet the legal conditions for the march to be banned. Nothing can be done about it. We respect the court decision," Litvinov town hall's secretary Alexandra Sixtova is quoted as saying. She said the town hall would not be opposed to a commemorative meeting, but it minds the march that is to follow. "Last year, cases of violation of law occurred during the march," she added. The participants in the Litvinov neo-Nazi march annually move from Litvinov to the nearby town of Most, where left-wing extremists protested against their march last year. A 26-year-old right-winger then ran with his car into a group of anarchists, injuring two girls. The court sentenced him to three years in prison."

I believe I noted this at the time on my previous blog. The dead bonehead, Reho Miloš, was stabbed to death at a railway station in May, 1999. The person responsible was supposedly a Romany, and sentenced to 10 years in jail for the crime. Every year since then, on May 20[?], fascists have organised a protest march, often confronting counter-protesters. The year before last (2006) the fascists were attacked by antifa, who threw bottles, rocks and Molotov cocktails.