Ron Paul

1283 Responses

Ron Paul is the real deal among the contenders for the Republican nomination.

When Rick Perry was getting Ds in Economics 101, Ron Paul was writing books on Austrian Economics.

When Michele Bachmann was campaigning for Jimmy Carter, Ron Paul was one of four congressmen to endorse Ronald Reagan on his second run.

When Herman Cain was working for the Federal Reserve, Ron Paul was trying to end it.

When they were working for the IRS [Bachmann], managing a presidential campaign for Al Gore [Perry], instituting forced vaccinations of pre-teen girls in exchange for campaign donations [Perry], and signing into law the state version of Obamacare [Romney], Ron Paul was the lone voice and Nay vote in opposition to government expansion.

Ron Paul is the only candidate who predicted and warned against the economic crisis, who understood and explained the reasons for it, and who offers a viable solution.

Ron Paul is the only candidate who really means it when he says he wants to bring our troops home and scale down our unsustainable and unreasonable empire.

Ron Paul is the only candidate who is serious about slashing spending and eliminating taxes.

Even though others are now trying to sound like him, there is only one Ron Paul. And there is only one candidate who can beat Obama: Ron Paul.

Congressman Ron Paul is the leading advocate for freedom in our nation’s capital. As a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, Dr. Paul tirelessly works for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies. He is known among his congressional colleagues and his constituents for his consistent voting record. Dr. Paul never votes for legislation unless the proposed measure is expressly authorized by the Constitution.In the words of former Treasury Secretary William Simon, Dr. Paul is the “one exception to the Gang of 535″ on Capitol Hill.

Ron Paul was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He graduated from Gettysburg College and the Duke University School of Medicine, before proudly serving as a flight surgeon in the U.S. Air Force during the 1960s. He and his wife Carol moved to Texas in 1968, where he began his medical practice in Brazoria County. As a specialist in obstetrics/gynecology, Dr. Paul has delivered more than 4,000 babies. He and Carol, who reside in Lake Jackson, Texas, are the proud parents of five children and have 17 grandchildren.

While serving in Congress during the late 1970s and early 1980s, Dr. Paul’s limited-government ideals were not popular in Washington. In 1976, he was one of only four Republican congressmen to endorse Ronald Reagan for president.

During that time, Congressman Paul served on the House Banking committee, where he was a strong advocate for sound monetary policy and an outspoken critic of the Federal Reserve’s inflationary measures. He was an unwavering advocate of pro-life and pro-family values. Dr. Paul consistently voted to lower or abolish federal taxes, spending and regulation, and used his House seat to actively promote the return of government to its proper constitutional levels. In 1984, he voluntarily relinquished his House seat and returned to his medical practice.

Dr. Paul returned to Congress in 1997 to represent the 14th congressional district of Texas. He presently serves on the House Committee on Financial Services and the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. He continues to advocate a dramatic reduction in the size of the federal government and a return to constitutional principles.

Congressman Paul’s consistent voting record prompted one of his congressional colleagues to say, “Ron Paul personifies the Founding Fathers’ ideal of the citizen-statesman. He makes it clear that his principles will never be compromised, and they never are.” Another colleague observed, “There are few people in public life who, through thick and thin, rain or shine, stick to their principles. Ron Paul is one of those few.”

Brief Overview of Congressman Paul’s Record:

  • He has never voted to raise taxes.
  • He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
  • He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.
  • He has never voted to raise congressional pay.
  • He has never taken a government-paid junket.
  • He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.
  • He voted against the Patriot Act.
  • He voted against regulating the Internet.
  • He voted against the Iraq war.
  • He does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program.
  • He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year.

On the Issues: Audit the Federal Reserve, Our Money, Taxes, National Defense, Border Security, Civil Liberties, Health Care, Abortion, Education, War on Drugs, Global Warming

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ShanePrice 5 pts

The reason I see people and media burry RP is that these people are scared of the type of change RP will bring, the very drastic change that RP will bring. He will upset and untangle the very lifestyles that people are acustomed to. Like a family who has been living the fat lifestyle of beyond their means and it has caught up to them and the only way to make it is to trim and sacrifice, this why RP is burried, this I why RP is unknown, this is why RP is unpopular.

vanessaaa 5 pts

We can do this together! Give liberty a chance! Give REAL CHANGE a chance.

bushhog77 6 pts

Thank you Dr. Paul for making me a believer again in the Constitution. All this lip service over the years made me give up any hope of the way it should be. I'll do every thing I can to put you in the Oval Office. You were made for it !!!!!

Killalex 5 pts

Hello ,I am from Czech republic. Its too late for us. We were been too stupid to realize problem of EU and we stept to the shit :( But you American people,please don't make the same mistake. Mr. Ron Paul is going to help not even you, but the rest part of the world too.Because rest of the world depends on the America.Go and fight for your country and for our global freedom. Sorry for verbal mistakes and my english. !!FED stink!! GOOD LUCK seriously

szwedtom 5 pts

the same with us - Poles :-) but you at least have Vaclav, who seems to be quite reasnoble (sceptic) in terms of EU..Killalex

Blue Republic 6 pts

Have The Crystals endorsed Ron Paul yet?

Well, I heard him make a speech,

I thought he said it all

Do Ron Ron run do do run Ron

Somebody told that his name was Paul

Do Ron Ron run do do run Ron

Yeah, his name was Paul,

for liberty and justice standing tall

To make our homeland feel like a home

Do Ron Ron run do do run Ron

For thirty years and more he’s always said it straight

Do Ron Ron run do do run Ron

Warned about debt and wars

and the all powerful state

Do Ron Ron run do do run Ron

For Republic not for Empire,

bring our people home

Do Ron Ron run do do run Ron

He’s been running hard for

Freedom and for enterprise

Do Ron Ron run do do run Ron

He’d be a great president,

I want to make him mine

Make our homeland feel like a home

Do run run Ron do do run Ron

Do Ron Ron run do do run Ron

(repeat and fade)

New Lyrics by Blue Republic

original performance (rocks!) here:

Blue Republic 6 pts

C'mon, people - this song rocks!

You could almost say it was written for Ron.

No doubt my lyrics could be improved on,

but this would be great as an intro for rallies

& such...

Do run run Ron...

BTW - to the lady in this video - are you still around?

You are articulate (and hot)... can you sing?

elvis.aron42 5 pts

It doesn't take a great mathmetician to kno when u get into the trillion dollars in debt that an economic crisis is cumin and a trillion started in 82 or so and I'm sorry butt reality is he is to old he could die of old age in office n I mean no disrespect I like his idea on gettn government out of the citizens lives but duz that mean he would cancel food stamps there r sum people who need them

DaveRodriguez 6 pts

What do you mean? Do you mean he's not campaigning enough? It takes millions to run a successful, competitive campaign; you gotta pay for traveling, advertising, security, staff and campaign offices all over the country, and various other expenses; it ads up.

JenniferSihayaRavenCrow 5 pts

whats he doing with all that donated money???

DaveRodriguez 6 pts

After finding a guy like Ron, there is absolutely no way I can vote for anyone else, at least not with vomiting. What we, especially every one who has donated money is demand Ron runs independent if he does not win the primary!

david devore 6 pts

I'm following the lead of others on these message boards and promising not to accept the lesser of two evils. IF the media, the corporations and the bankers successfully keep Ron Paul from the Republican nomination I and hopefully ALL Ron Paul supporters will write his name in for President come November.

Ron Paul for President !!!!

Blue Republic 6 pts

(second part)

It seems like there has to be some role for national government

in dealing with pollution that can cross state or national boundaries,

If Pennsylvania, for example, wanted to dump huge quantities of

industrial waste in the Delaware River, do the states across the

river or downstream just have to accept it? Institute a trade

embargo? Declare war?

If Idaho wants to appropriate 90 percent of the water from the

Snake River for Simplot potatoes and water parks do Oregon

and Washington have any say or recourse?

It seems like there has to be some sort of reasonable federal role to

be played in dealing with situations like the examples above.

But I think that many people assume that a Paul administration would

simply turn the Halliburton's, BP's and such loose to rape and pillage at will.

If that is *not* what Dr. Paul intends, (and I certainly hope it's not) then

I hope he articulates what his alternative is. IMO he could start by

distancing himself from Perry's and similar plans. Even if they accomplish

what they claim they will, the damage will almost certainly outweigh the

benefits and it will just delay serious efforts (which smarter societies are

already undertaking) to end our dead end addiction to fossil fuels.

Blue Republic 6 pts

What little I've read of RP's statements about the environment and

climate change sound reasonable enough, he at least seems to

think we should take care of the environment and pay attention to

climate change.

In my opinion, though, he needs to refine and articulate what he

would do, or like to see done, WRT environment and energy issues.

I'd like to hear, for example, what he thinks of Perry's energy/jobs

plan - which seems to amount to ditching any environmental reg's

that get in the way and drill/mine *everywhere*. Perry and Santorum

are big on unconventional gas development which is big in PA and


This development has produced jobs and gas, but it is coming at

tremendous environmental cost and raises a whole raft of questions

about how or whether it's possible to have a libertarian approach to

such situations that allows private enterprise to function without

undue restriction while protecting the commonweal.

FWIW - if you look at the energy economics and overall

environmental impact of gas fracking, it may not even be as

clean as coal as a fuel. You do get clean burning fuel at the end, but

you burn a lot of diesel, generate lots of methane emissions

(and in some places probably radioactive ones as well), and

pave over miles of woodland and farmland to get your nice, clean

fuel. I'll defer to someone else as to whether it's a worse idea

than ethanol from corn...


JoeChabot 12 pts

Go vote here to knock Cain off the top. Paul is 2nd.!/questions/262776163764592/

ronpualismyhero 10 pts

Who should you vote for in 2012? Who are you willing to elect? Another president who is inept? Are you willing to hire a man who has been bought, without even giving it a second thought? Are you going to let the media vote for you, having nothing to show for it besides a strong boo? Shouldn’t the Whitehouse house a wise and honest man or yet another smooth talking politician with another nice tan? Surely you are willing to elect a man who is willing to abolish the IRS, its ok to confess, for you know they make your life one big mess. Are you going to be fooled yet again, before you can even count to ten? Aren’t you upset over the lives we have lost overseas, just to keep our reputation at ease? Do you seriously want to continue to police the world, is it because you think our brave solders are bored? When will we wake up, and realize there is nothing left in America’s tin cup? We are going broke, and that is no joke, but there is a man who can give this great country a great big jolt. Are you okay with spending trillions of dollars on these never ending wars, only to have the rest of the world look at us like a bunch of whores?

ronpualismyhero 10 pts

Are you fine voting for someone who continually changes their story, doesn’t that make you worry? Certainly there is someone who can find a remedy in a hurry, or is he lost because the media has him buried? Do you want your kids to look back and think their parents were whack, for the man with all the answers is sharper than a tack, and is the man who can get America back on track? He has a solid voting history, why is this man such a mystery? Are we blind, for he is not only extremely smart, but also kind. He never puts out a negative attack add, for that is nothing but bad. He respects the constitution and the law of the land, and thinks the past few presidents should have all been canned.

ronpualismyhero 10 pts

Are we not willing to raise the bar, because Dr. Ron Paul is the most qualified candidate thus far? He has been warning us for three decades about this crazy mess, something no one else had the balls to address. He wants to secure our borders, while putting the silver back in our quarters. He wants those responsible for this mess behind bars, so why does everyone think this man comes from mars? He has laid before us a dire plan, but needs us all to take a stand

ronpualismyhero 10 pts

. He will secure our civil liberties for us all, because he knows without them this country is destined to fall. You will not have to tell your kid you dropped the ball, all you have to do is vote Ron Paul, and our great country can once again stand tall. Good luck to you all, and if you want to learn more about the defender of our constitution, YouTube Ron Paul. America’s last chance, last gasp, last breath, don’t worry there is a man who is willing to uphold the constitution even if it means death.

WhoisRonPaul 7 pts

Who is Ron Paul? He's the only candidate we can trust to do what he says he will. Just look at his record...

Blue Republic 6 pts

Like a lot of other things, health care is something Dr. Paul doesn't see

as being something the national government should, or is even authorized

by the Constitution to provide.

*But* I would like to hear specifically to hear from him whether he believes

that a state should be able to implement such programs if their people

want to establish them. Personally, I can't see why there should be any

problem with a state implementing a Swiss or Canadian style health

care system if the people of the state clearly indicate they want that kind of


For all that I would hate to see Perry in the White House, I think he got

a raw deal when people jumped on him for Texas' supporting schooling

for the children of illegal aliens. Whatever you think of the wisdom of

the law, as Perry pointed out, Texas voters voted the law in and it was

their prerogative to do so. If people elsewhere don't like it let them make

their own laws in their own states...

JoeChabot 12 pts

@Blue Republic Ron Paul has no problem with States exerting states rights as they see fit. In fact, his model encourages it as it improves the vibrance of state to state immigration. If one state has something that others don't, like health care, then it encourages migration. This can be great for states that have slow economies, but offer good opportunity. The issue there then becomes one of "residency". For example, would you want people from South Carolina travelling to North Carolina for "state" run health care and taking the benefits that South Carolinians are paying for? Well, the answer would be no, but it might be possible to offer a model for making that an affordable option for travellers so as to not gouge the system into unaffordability.

DaveRodriguez 6 pts

Blue Republic I'm not comfortable with anything that has to do with socialized healthcare, for the very same reason I'm not comfortable with national I.D. cards. The next thing you will find happening are executive orders to be implanted with Verichip's implantable microchips with your number in it.

DaveRodriguez 6 pts

Blue Republic They would say these chips are necessary because first responders can scan them and instantly know your info and the hospital would automatically have all that necessary life saving info. All though state or national socialized health care, and even implanted chips all seem logical and great, the next thing you know that your entire life will be wrapped up in this number, to the point that one day you will not be either to buy nor sell without it, and they will be able to track your every move by satellite or street scanners (which do exist. This is no longer conspiracy theory or Orwells, this all real, you can find this info at Plus, all of your constitutional rights, (all your bill of rights) will be in jeapordy because if you speak out against the state, if they for ANY reason choose to label you as enemy of the state, they simply need to put a notice in your file in the database, or turn your chip off barring you from all of your accounts, and track you, find you, and "detain" you. If you are staying informed, you know that this is not just hype or theory anymore, this should be common knowledge for any one keeping up with the news.

DaveRodriguez 6 pts

"I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it." -Thomas Jefferson

Blue Republic 6 pts

DaveR - I agree with you about the evils and dangers of

the total surveillance regime. I'm not prepared, though,

to say there is no way for socialized (or "communitized"?)

health care to be delivered without privacy being unduly infringed.

Although I'm not prepared to tell you exactly how it *can*

be done either.

The privacy threat is not inherently less under a privatized

system, is it? The threat seems pretty inherent in the system

we have now, anyway...

Anyhow, if communities/states/tribes/countries decide simply

to provide at least basic health care to everyone as a

matter of right who is in a position to tell them otherwise?

If a state wants to model its health care system on Canada's or Switzerland's or Somalia's it should be up to the people of

that state, right?

I was always hoping someone would ask Sarah Palin

if she supported Alaska's Right to Privacy provisions

in the state constitution - and whether she'd support

such an amendment at the national level.

Anyone know if RP supports such an amendment?

Maybe he figures that if we were following the

Constitution we'd be acknowledging privacy rights

as a matter of course.

ronpualismyhero 10 pts

Blue Republic

Ron Paul would repeal the patriot act, the bigest pricacy breach in American history, an voted against it.

DaveRodriguez 6 pts

This is a democracy, so yes, if the people voted in socialized healthcare at the state level then i don't think the federal government can (or should) bar it. But I would hope the people pay close attention to every detail of that bill.

ronpualismyhero 10 pts

Here is what I think of Ron Paul. I cannot tell you everything about the man for you should see and hear his own words with your own eyes and ears, but here is what gravitated me to his party. Let me begin by saying I used to be democrat, which I found later was due to the name, Democrat which sounds like DEMOCRACY. You see, they fool you with words like that, kind of like the patriot act which is severely unpatriotic. I endorse Dr. Ron Paul for many reasons. None could be clearer as him running this great country off the U.S. Constitution like the forefathers wanted and expected.

ronpualismyhero 10 pts

When I was just a kid in school, I learned about the U.S. Constitution and how many lives were sacrificed to put it in effect. It was then I had a great awakening and my life was never the same. It was then that it felt like America was on a discourse to tyranny and for the most part it is whether you agree or not. It felt as though my father and his before him had given up not only their civil liberties, but mine and the future generations after me as well. I had always thought that there was no way out of this mess. Then, so many years later I seen Dr. Paul on c-span, and I was so intrigued by him. I had to know more about this man, so I did so much research and read some of his books. But let me tell you, he never stops inspiring me. He not only says he will run the country off the constitution again, but he has the voting record to prove it. He returns some of his pay back to congress which tells me he isn’t in it for the dough. He undoubtedly is the only candidate with common sense and he is on point with every problem this country has.

ronpualismyhero 10 pts

He has a solution to every problem. He in my belief is America’s last stand, last hope, last gasp, and her last breath. We will never see a man so sincere and candid as this man ever in America. I do not know if the rest of America will wake up to our problems and realize that Dr. Paul has real solutions to remedy them. Perhaps it’s everyone letting the news vote for them. However a great man once said “Those who read nothing but newspapers know less than those who read nothing at all.” –Thomas Jefferson. Also he wants to give the people their liberties back (“Thos who are willing to give up essential liberties for temporary security will not get and deserve neither.” Ben Franklin) which leads me to say yes to Ron Paul 2012. I am not a Republican, but I have re-registered so I can vote for him to be on the ballot for the primaries, as should all of you. See for yourself, but before you make an uninformed decision you should educate yourself. Look at his voting history. Also he will get rid of the IRS! Who isn’t in agreement with that? My parting words are Ron Paul is not saying anything new, just simply repeating what the founders of this great country had in mind for it. YouTube Ron Paul, good luck to you all, and my best wishes to you Ron Paul!

“If you expect to have freedom and ignorance, you expect something that never was or never will be.”-Jefferson

elvis.aron42 5 pts

as a republican if someone tells u the preamble says PROVIDE the general welfare tell them to read it the word is PROMOTE these words do not mean the same thing and mr paul it doesnt take somone graduating from duke to have noticed the government was getting into trouble with the national debt its bn increasing for a very long time

RonPaulFanHermanCainIsFake 5 pts

You have my vote without a doubt. Every single vote counts people, even yours. Don't think your single vote will not make the difference. If everyone thought that way we would be screwed for sure. Also spread the word that herman cain is a fake and wants nothing more than to keep the federal reserve from getting audited. Apparently calling a federal reserve bank is as effective as auditing the federal reserve, according to him. Also, he was chairman of the Federal Reserve bank of Kansas City at one point. The less votes for herman cain, the higher probability of Ron Paul winning the election = freedom

JCalifornia 5 pts

It's sad how much information our media hides from us. From the sources I've read and the vidoes I've watched on Youtube, Ron Paul is really bringing to our attention the real issues this country is facing now. We need a leader who understands this country and its constitution. I noticed in his record that he was against regulating the internet, but I'm curious as what he would think about the Postal Service struggling against ecards, the online billing, and other aspects of the internet mail systems?

counrty boy 5 pts

I would like to know what Ron Paul thinks of this situation and how would he address it; or would he countinue in the same fashion.

I am in a dispute with a US government agency(not the IRS) over said moneys due.

To this date I have never been afforded a day in court. Non the less, my citizenship has been revoked. and is being used by US government agencys i must pay all taxes on all profits.

In an attempt to get a court hearing, a state of ohio agency aquired two sheriffs deputies to stop me with-in the court house walls and warn me to drop my case or be charged with attempted terrorism. one deputy was armed and his weapon was unholstered. it has since been relayed to me that if i pay $10,000USD in cash. i could possibly get part of my citizenship returned. But if i continued and did not drop my case and or if i returned to ohio i can be imprisoned or worse.

I have gone as far as writing the President and homeland security. they claim no-jurisdiction. I'am now suing the President and most of his cabinet for abuse of the homeland security act among other listed issues, that case has been filed in federal court. Currnetly the state of ohio is trying to dismiss without any proper hearing or my presense.

mmike 7 pts

Hello Dr. Paul if you or if any of your staff are listening would you please do the american people a favor, during your next dabate could you please ignor the talking puppet who is giving youa gargabe question and explain to the rest off america who are sitting on the side lines and have not decidedwho they will vote for, tell them the truth about the fed since they corporate would not dare bring it up in the debates. tell the rest of the sheepeople that its the fed who are enslaving us and also one last last piece of ammunition that would destroy Rick perrys chance of becoming commander in chief and that is, tell the world or inform the rest of america that he attenedd a Bilderberg meeting and that is a violation of the logan act, because honestly sir we the people need you to fight for us since you are in the belly of the beast, thank you very much and may GOD watch over you and your family thankyou

PauloPaul 7 pts

Fantastic work clarifying and garnishing support for your foreign policy, Dr. Paul! non-intervention isn't just what we ought to do under the constitution, it's what we NEED to do to start to get us out of this mess. And now you have people's attention!

Their next concern is, without the massive government spending, how are you going to be able to provide jobs? The answer of course is that you're NOT going to be able to provide jobs, but you'll let the market do that for us by de-regulating and putting an end to the welfare state. But the people aren't making the connection.

We're in desperate need of your presidency. Please find a simple concise way of explaining this to the masses that can be easily repeated. The ball is rolling. And while you have their attention (by dismissing their initial concern about you) you need to address their primary concern. Show them your way is better than Obama's.

To Realistically...

Seriously, this 2012 administrative team is the last economic hope for the United States and Americans:

- President Michele Bachmann ... You have to be kidding!!!!!!!!

Seriously, this 2012 administrative team is the last economic hope for the United States and Americans:

- President Michele Bachmann (Current Chair of the Tea Party Caucus in Congress, and on the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence that overseas the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency. Bachmann is a strong Libertarian-Conservative in a heavily Democrat state)

- Vice-president Newt Gingrich (Successful Speaker of the House during the 1990s, which is very relevant in the Vice-presidential role of being President of the Senate)

- Secretary of State Mitt Romney (Businessman and former Governor of Massachusetts making Romney an excellent representative for US Foreign Affairs. Romney is the most left leaning candidate of the GOP candidates)

- Secretary of Treasury Ron Paul (Career Congressman from the strong GOP state of Texas. Paul is an advocate of reducing government spending and abolishing the Federal Reserve Bank. At the age of 76, Paul will be retiring from congress)

- Secretary of Commerce Gary Johnson (Businessman and former Governor of New Mexico. Johnson, a strong Libertarian, is an advocate of abolishing the current tax system and implementing a consumption tax)

- Secretary of Energy Rick Perry (Current Governor of Texas, which produces more energy than any other state and has a GSP that makes it the 11th largest economy in the world. Texas is home to the city of Houston, which is known as the energy capital of the world)

"Recession is when your neighbor loses his job. Depression is when you lose yours. And recovery is when Barack Obama loses his."

There are 4 things that need funding in my book and those would be defense, disabled people, education, and the elderly.

DaveRodriguez 6 pts

Defense, as opposed to militarism, nation building, policing the world, and imperialism, right? Education, in my opinion, needs to be reformed. Care for the elderly and the disabled is right, but, families should be the first line of care for these people, and social security of any kind should be 100% opt-in, and applied for, like it originally was, and the SS number should NEVER have been used for identification, just like it says on the back of the cards (at least it used to say it, I know mine does.)

I would be far more interested in "Health Education" then " Health Care" After all, if we know all we can about taking care of ourselfs, and our ellments, then the only Health Care we would need, is Catostrophic Coverage. Its dumm as hell, I see so many people go to the Doc., or even the Emergency for a freak'n sniffy nose, or soar finger, you know, stupid crap like that. C'mon, you want to bring the GIANTs to their knees? Stop funneling money to them.!

Patriot Dave - Your comments on Obama Health Care.... Amen!!!!!!!!!

Maybe there is a place for socialized healthcare, but not under our current system. Government has gotten way too comfortable ruling over a sedated nation of apethetic people who were raised to believe that our good ol' US-of-A has nothing but the best interest for its citizenry. But the Republicans hold the Evangelical Bible Belt hostage by their own religion by lying to them, saying that we love Israel because they're God's chosen people, when it's our foothold on the middle east that keeps a military presence to look after our oil-industrial interest there. The Democrats holds our peace-loving hippies hostage to their beliefs by constantly and consistanly lying to them about ending foreign wars and imperialism and globalism but NEVER delivering on their promises, only more wars, and more globalism. If you lie to me, I believe you'll also steal from me. Senetor Obama clearly said on Television during his campaign that there would be "NO MANDATE" concerning national healthcare, guess what happened, he lied; so I believe he'll steal also. He said that he'd end the wars in the Middle East and bring the troops home, instead he bombs Libya; he lied, so he'll also steal from me.

Under our current system of entrenched socialist/fascist globalist, if we were to have anything that looked like national socialized healthcare, before you know it, there would be executive orders to get injected with implantable microchips too. That's why Perry is a lying fascist as well. So do me a favor, under these conditions, keep your national healthcare where it is, in your socialist/fascist utopia, and out of my civil rights.

Healthcare a "right"?
No offense Debbie... but I can't even understand where that kind of thinking comes from. Far too close to socialism for me. But I'll defend your right to voice your opinion.....

Well; with that being said of health care. With many people in USA out of work and cannot afford it, we pay for the uninsured anyway. That's socialism without taxes.

Precisely, "we pay for the uninsured anyway"....... so there is no need for yet another government program that would most likely be as riddled with fraud as the school lunch programs are. Or the welfare syetem, unemployment, etc.... This country can't even pay the interest on it's debt now. Government healthcare is not even an option, nor should be in the foreseeable future.