Rally for the Republic 09/2008

31 Responses

Ron Paul‘s historic Rally for the Republic took place in Minneapolis on September 2, 2008. More than 10,000 lovers of liberty gathered in the Target Center in Minneapolis across the river from the RNC convention that same day. The Rally was was not a protest, or a “counter convention” – it was a celebration. And it was not the end of the Ron Paul Revolution – it was the beginning.

Watch the exciting videos and speeches below!

Ron Paul’s Entrance:

Ron Paul‘s full speech at the Rally for the Republic:

Read Ron Paul’s personal notes for this groundbreaking speech

Jesse Ventura‘s speech at the Rally for the Republic:

Lew Rockwell‘s speech at the Rally for the Republic:

Gary Johnson’s‘s speech at the Rally for the Republic:


11:30 – Doors open
12:30 – Intro: Tucker Carlson
12:40 – National Anthem: Matt Colvin
12:50 – Invocation: Barb Davis White
12:55 – Howard Phillips
1:10 – Doug Wead
1:30 – Tom Woods
1:50 – Grover Norquist
2:10 – Lew Rockwell
2:30 – Bill Kauffman
2:50 – Special Guest
3:10 – Bruce Fein
3:35 – Gov. Jesse Ventura
4:05 – John Tate, Campaign for Liberty Presentation
4:25 – Gov. Gary Johnson
5:00 – Aimee Allen
6:00 – Break
7:00 – Intro: Barry Goldwater
7:05 – Ron Paul
8:05 – Sara Evans
9:30 – End of Program
9:30 – Jimmie Vaughan After Party

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Ron Paul is one of the greats to ever walk the earth. GOD BLESS HIM. I really wish he was the republican candidate this year. It's too bad that we have candidates like turd sandwich Barack "Insane" Obama vs Giant Douche John McCinsane. To hell with them and their dumb policies and I am sick and tired of these liars and cheats. May America wake up and smell what these 2 candidates really are and who Ron Paul is. He is a true hero.

As Ron Paul stated in his speach this message will not go away. We need to get a Constitution Party started in every State.

It just goes to show how Ron Paul is not out to promote himself or puff himself up, unlike the Dems and repubs, Ron Paul stands for everything that the majoritry of people in our Government do not.

Ron Paul teaches the Constitution and stands for the way our Government is supposed to but fail miserably.

I salute you Ron Paul.


There has to be a way that all of Ron Paul supporters can send in a partition signed by all of up requesting Ron Paul to be put on the ballot. They stopped the delegates from voting for him. Nothing is different from the the last four elections. It was still fraud. There has got to be a way ??????????????????

I loved the convention. Wished I could have been there in person. The question I pose and maybe others do as well. Can we vote for Ron Paul on November 4th. Will this benefit him. Is he running for President? He did not give the impression he was running for President in his speech. Are we waiting until the last minute to surprise everyone? Keep me informed. Thank you


You need to be alerted to the shenanigans of AOL. The website has created a site for polling supporters or opponents of Ron Paul as to which group is more numerous. A second poll is entitled, "what's your take on him overall". The first poll places a "no" as 1st choice, with "yes", second. This is exactly the reverse of normal procedure. It has succeeded in creating a negative image of the general support for the congressman. I fell for it. Any proof? The next poll has 3 categories: mostly positive, mostly negative, or neutral.

The mostly positive totals exctly equal the "no" totals. The mostly negative, and neutral totals equal the "yes" totals. The results have been deliberately skewed.

What is interesting, should the neutral 20% have been added to what should have been have the 55% yes vote 75% of those voting would have been receptive to the congressman.

All the best results to Dr. Paul.



Rally for the Republic will this event be televised

I'm surprised Mr. Paul would sell tickets through Ticketmaster where a $15 ticket becomes a $30 ticket in a blink. You know, $4 for reading the order, $4 for stuffing the tix in an envelope, $4.00 for licking the envelope, $4 just because I'm a schmuck.......etc, etc....

I cannot believe, much less comprehend, how McCain and Obama ever got nominated for the highest office in the WORLD!! I have since lost all faith in the entire system of voting in this country. If I can't vote for a person; man, woman, black, white, whatever, that is running on his merit, sincerity and experience as an honest politician (are there any left?), I choose not to vote for anyone!


I agree with Jeff Bronson about getting around. It will be doubly difficult for people with limited mobility or in wheelchairs like me. We will be in the area so I definitely want to attend but don't know if it will be possible.

I flew from California (my first flight ever, by the way) to see Ron Paul and people like him speak at the rally, and to meet new friends during the march in D.C.

September 2nd will be my next flight to show Dr. Paul that he has a strong following.

I will also swing by the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank (at 90 Hennepin Ave- 1 block NE of the corner of Hennepin and Washignton) for some sarcastic photos before the rally.

hope to see some people there.

I am coming. This convention is going to be very informative and Id love to see ron paul speak. :)

The coming rally has been very poorly planned. most all the attendees will be visitors to the area and will not have cars. There is no way we can travel eight miles one direction and be expected to then attend another part of the function in yet another satellite town! With the times overlapping?!?!

We cant all rent cars and the logistics of taking public transportation in a strange city; or worse, trying to what, organize rides between fellow patriots....honestly this is IMPOSSIBLE!

Perhaps the organizers do not realize that just getting a room is a NIGHTMARE. You see the RNC is taking place and we are already having to take rooms further and further away.

Is this an attempt by a mole to sabotage the whole event? It seems so. The organizers are scattering your troops all over a huge area, when what is absolutely ESSENTIAL is a centralized grouping for LARGE crowds!

Look I am not a genius but it seems like a no-brainer that the organizers are not only insuring that these events will look small and sad if anyone bothers to notice them; But this whole plan (I use the term loosely) is throwing away some fantastic opportunities for media coverage. No camera crew is interested in events that NO ONE CAN GET TO!

So there are really only two possibilities. This is a direct attempt at sabotage or the organizers are so far out of their depth that they need to be replaced.

Mr. Paul you are a great leader and an inspiration to an ever growing horde of patriots. There is still time to straighten this out. Please sir, get these organizers to use their heads, and don't let their poor planing derail what is very likely one of the biggest and most important political events
of our area.

I'm very excited! Can't wait to see you Mr. Paul.

Will there be truck parking? For us Ron Paul supporter that drive for a living.

I'm coming from Orlando. Going to try and bring as many friends as possible.

Where can I find out info regarding the RP Convention? what time it starts? How to obtain tickets? etc...

McBomba is NOT a Choice

My idea for a bumper sticker and/or sign to carry.

Im thinking about spending what little money i have to come (Btw thank you for taking 25 % out of each of my paychecks each week IRS and Fed appreciate living on scraps ^^ much fun indeed). But im gonna ask a few friends if they want to come also so yea as soon as the website that sells tickets or has any more information about this event PLEASE post it. BTW the 12th march was great NOT as good as we expected but still every patriot counts. VIVA LA REVOLUTION !!

Please provide information on any tickets required to attend the Ron Paul Convention Sept. 2, 2008 and where is such information posted. This information should be easily available before anyone makes plans to attemd. Please advise.

How do I get two tickets? I live and work in St. Paul, and can't stand the thought of missing the real convention Labor Day week!

So how do I go about finding out information on how to attend, get to, and see the Ron Paul Convention??

I work at the University of Minnesota just a block away from Williams Arena. I'm telling everyone, it's ok, just show up!! There will be PLENTY of room at Williams Arena!! The University of Minnesota is a huge campus and there is talk that there will be "spill over" room if there are more than 11,000 people. The more people who show up the better! There will be a website soon where you can find places to stay. People in the Twin Cities are working on getting camp grounds reserved, hotels, and some people are even offering to let people stay with them if need be.

OK when will they be available and where will they be available? Thanks!

AFAIK tickets are not available yet!

How do I get tickets for the convention? Thanks.

need 2 tickets for the R.P Convention, how do we register and get those? Plz Help!

I'll be in town visiting family over Labor Day weekend and I'm wondering how I can get some tickets to this event. Help!

I am interested in obtaining tickets for this event, Ron Paul Convention.

I am interested in two tickets.

How do I get three tickets for the Ron Paul Convention? Please let me know the procedures ASAP so I can start plannning.



How does one get tickets to the Ron Paul Convention?