National ID Card

91 Responses

We must stop the move toward a national ID card system. All states are preparing to issue new driver’s licenses embedded with “standard identifier” data – a national ID. A national ID with new tracking technologies means we’re heading into an Orwellian world of no privacy. Ron Paul voted against the Real ID Act in March of 2005.

Ron Paul’s Opposition to the National ID Card

Legislation brought forward to stop National ID (July 15, 1998)
In response to a national outcry against Department of Transportation rules to establish a national ID system by the first of October, in the year 2000, US Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) on Wednesday introduced the Freedom and Privacy Restoration Act, HR4217. Rep. Bob Barr (R-Georgia) is an original cosponsor of the bill.

Paul leads effort to stop National ID (June 24, 1999)
Calling on the federal government to end its war on the privacy rights of American citizens and the prerogatives of state governments, US Rep. Ron Paul (R, Texas) is leading a bipartisan team attempting to stop the national ID card, which is set for implementation on Oct. 1, 2000.

National ID killed by House (October 1, 1999)
In approving the House-Senate compromise on the Transportation Appropriations legislation Friday, the House of Representatives killed an ill-conceived plan that would have prevented Americans from getting new jobs, boarding airplanes or exercising their Second Amendment rights without holding a National ID card. The National ID was slated to go into effect Oct. 1, 2000.

Reject the National ID Card (September 6, 2004)
The much-hailed 9/11 Commission report released in July recommends a federal identification card and, worse, a “larger network of screening points” inside the United States. Does this mean we are to have “screening points” inside our country where American citizens will be required to “show their papers” to government officials? It certainly sounds that way!

Paul Denounces National ID Card (December 7, 2004)
Congressman Ron Paul today denounced the national ID card provisions contained in the intelligence bill being voted on in the U.S. House of Representatives, while urging his colleagues to reject the bill and its new layers of needless bureaucracy. “National ID cards are not proper in a free society,” Paul stated. “This is America, not Soviet Russia. The federal government should never be allowed to demand papers from American citizens, and it certainly has no constitutional authority to do so.”

A National ID Bill Masquerading as Immigration Reform (February 9, 2005)
I rise in strong opposition to HR 418, the REAL ID Act. This bill purports to make us safer from terrorists who may sneak into the United States, and from other illegal immigrants. While I agree that these issues are of vital importance, this bill will do very little to make us more secure. It will not address our real vulnerabilities. It will, however, make us much less free. In reality, this bill is a Trojan horse. It pretends to offer desperately needed border control in order to stampede Americans into sacrificing what is uniquely American: our constitutionally protected liberty. What is wrong with this bill? The REAL ID Act establishes a national ID card by mandating that states include certain minimum identification standards on driver’s licenses. It contains no limits on the government’s power to impose additional standards. Indeed, it gives authority to the Secretary of Homeland Security to unilaterally add requirements as he sees fit.

National ID Cards Won’t Stop Terrorism or Illegal Immigration (May 9, 2005)
This REAL ID Act establishes a massive, centrally-coordinated database of highly personal information about American citizens: at a minimum their name, date of birth, place of residence, Social Security number, and physical characteristics. The legislation also grants open-ended authority to the Secretary of Homeland Security to require biometric information on IDs in the future. This means your harmless looking driver’s license could contain a retina scan, fingerprints, DNA information, or radio frequency technology.

A National ID Card? Outrageous! (March 10, 2010)
Ron Paul explains on Fox News why he is opposed to a national ID card: “To me it violates the whole principles of privacy, the principles of the Constitution, the principles of the Republic and to me that’s a gross distortion of what we should be doing. It’s part of an authoritarian society and dictatorships have this but not a republic. We’re not supposed to have that…”

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Kurisuti 6 pts

I do not support the National ID card for many reasons, but here is the one that is the most practical and that I think most people will understand, especially if they have grown up around tech-savvy teens or a computer whiz.

No system is safe from hackers. You can put up all the encryption, firewalls, and code up that you desire, but there will ALWAYS be someone who can hack it, and compromise the information stored within. While I believe that most people are good, all it takes is ONE malevolent person to completely screw up the system.

It's safer to keep ID methods more localized, if a state's ID system somehow gets compromised, it's only them affected, rather than the entire country. Better some, than all.


You saw how bush was elected by the "chad" AND if you will search a little you will find that the manufacturer of the electronic voting system says that it is very tamperable...Look what the hackers on the internet get away with...Welll you'll be easy to find when it comes time for the "round-up"AND if this gov't. CONTINUES ON CURRENT COURSE,,,IT WILL BE SOON...I CAN SEE THAT SOME BRAINS HAVE BEEN PURGED AND WASHED CLEAN OF "WE THE PEOPLE"..IT IS NOW "WE THE GOVERNMENT"...Our gov't is out of control...We are not stupid and are capable of self-gov't..That is what the constitution is for...only by consent of the governed. Bring our soldiers home to control our borders and ports..ARM OUR NATION INSTEAD OF OCCUPYING OTHERS...

God bless you and this nation

McCordRM 7 pts

I'm actually for a National ID Card.

How do you ensure that voters are, in fact, legal voters? We've already seen the issue where politicians were getting votes from dead people, or illegals. We are in desperate need of some electronic system to track people with.

The outcry of an abuse against our privacy is idiotic in this case. The second you leave your home, you have neighbors that know you've gone. Privacy violated! When you go to the store and buy something, not only do the other people in the store know you're there, but they also know what you bought. Privacy violated! And the credit card companies? Privacy violated! Or how about the people on the street, or sitting at the stoplight with you? Privacy violated!

This isn't the 1800s, anymore. Our towns and cities aren't made up of small populations, anymore. The people taking your votes do not know you, have never heard of you, and they can't verify by sight that you are a legal member of their community. Having one card which identifies you as an American citizen, your driving record, etc. is exactly what we need because no person can possibly keep up with that amount of data... only a computer can.

A naitional ID card makes total sense. After all, most everyone gets a social security number. Does he want to eliminate that number as well?

You already have the chip in the form of SS#, And driver licensing...WHICH BOTH ARE UNCONSTITUTIONAL...I have been in jail once already for not licensing myself or my vehicle...I will go again if necessary in order to prove that I AM a SOVEREIGN CITIZEN of my State and COMMON LAW CITIZEN of the United States....Congress CANNOT force any citizen to purchase anything they don't want to buy...PERIOD..THEY SAY IT IS LEFT TO THE STATES SEVERALLY...WELL, THE CONSTITUTION ALSO CLEARLY STATES THAT NO STATE CAN PASS OR ENFORCE ANY LAWS THAT CANNOT BE MANDATED BY CONGRESS... Just say no!!! I have a constitutional driving license that only cost the paper and ink to print it...We ARE the people!!! We do not have to consent or accept any contracts with an unconstitutional gov't. My driving license has the constitutional provisions and U.S. Supreme Court rulings to back it up...The american bar association has control of our courts..Did you know that a judge by their (aba)regulations must first be a lawyer???conflict of interest....the judges and lawyers are of the same organization working toward the same goal...MONEY..NOT crime and common law...they are committing treason..and I hope to prove it.. Driving w/o a license on vehicle or person IS NOT a crime at any level...By getting a driver license and vehicle tabs, you sign your real person and identity over to the gov't..Have you ever noticed that when referring to you the gov't uses all capital letters? That is the person they have created with your permission. ie; MARY JANE JONES (gov't name) Mary Jane Jones (name and heritage given at birth) Doesn't seem like much, but it is huge. just a couple of pieces of seemingly harmless paper turn you into a STRAWMAN..Look it up then free yourself...GOD BLESS YOU

Have anyone here ever heard of NESARA? Please Google to find out more. I wonder if Ron Pual knows about this.This will knock your socks off!

I can not believe this is being kept from us!!!!!!!!!!!

I can see the govt using cards and chips to control our employment, purchase of food, and pretty much everything else.
Imagine....they find out that you are rallying against them with others. loose the job you have or can't get a job, can't buy anything, can't go anywhere.
It will come if they are allowed to do these types of things.

Yeah, kind of like what the corporations do to people when they find out employees don't go along with their politics. Job gone, etc. Whats the difference between corrupt govt and corrupt corporations? Don't see any difference.

If you check the constitution,,again, corporations are unconstitutional. The "we the people" need to wake up!! We went to sleep and the beast is creeping in...GBY

Trust God to guide you HE made you and our great Nation..He will help if we allow HIM...GOD BLESS YOU

I am a (small-L) libertarian Republican who is strongly in favor of a national ID card.

The fact is, your personal information is already out there, and you have no control of it. Also, the documents used for identification are haphazard and flawed.

There should be an act enshrining specific privacy protections, such as a notification system whenever your information is accessed (even by law enforcement). In exchange, an ID with a biometric parameter would make illegal immigration, fraud and identity theft much more difficult.

I recognize that a national ID card offers the potential for abuse, and protections against this are essential, but the worst abuses are already occurring, de facto, without enough safeguards. I think Libertarians need to get away from the kooky extreme positions and offer practical solutions that will improve liberty and quality of life.

Fact is natn'l i d cards is the last step to communism..wake up and smell the stink this nation is emitting since we allowed gov't to take over...

Communism??? National I.D.'s would be another step towards an OLIGARCHY. This nation is already been bludgeoned by the greed of the few: wall street, the oil industry, the federal reserve. Corporate interests and pure greed are chipping away at our rights, BIG BROTHER is out to control us all by slowly stripping us of the rights granted to us by the UNITED STATES CONSTUTION. The vast majority of voting Americans take there political advice from the talking heads that are today's "news" media. America, we need to WAKE UP!!!

All I have to say is that: if it works, don't fix it. The system we currently have works well enough -so why change it?

I don't see what all the fuss is about a national ID card. I think it'd be nice to just use a single ID good for any state, any country, any purpose. I don't see the point of needing a new ID every time my address changes or having different IDs for traveling outside of the country. What would be the difference between this an a social security identifier, other than this could be loaded with features that make it inherently more secure (e.g. a picture for starters)? It would be so much more convenient if I had a card that says I'm a citizen of the U.S., I'm allowed in these countries, I'm a resident of some state / county, and I can drive instead of four other IDs in its stead (insecure IDs to boot). It's not like they're giving you a GPS tracking device. How does this really adversely affect my privacy any more than a drivers license, a social security card, a passport, and a birth certificate?

Really, I'm just curious. I haven't heard any arguments against it that I thought had any real merit. Everyone just screams "big brother!!" and the conversation ends.

Thanks. :)

Anthony, I believe the main issue is the federalization of an issue and a power that should reside with the States. Remember we are the 'United States' of America, in that we are only united under one thing ,and that is the Constitution of the United States. The Costitution does not call for, nor require a unified ID card of any type, so where does the power to require one lie? Not currently with the federal government, it is the state's (in which you reside) sovereign authority to decide what type, if any, ID card you may require.

And on a lighter note, the Feds are very good at any thing they attempt, and yes passport 'snooping' has been proven to be quite easy with the new embedded RFID chips, so security isn't guaranteed under any federally managed system either!!!

I am shocked that you would want someone to know your every move, your spending habits, your travel plans, how much money you have in the bank and what is your credit limit all before you get in their city. The electronics we have now are amazing and can be damaging, just from this little example i have given you, could keep you out of a state or a country because in their eyes you can not afford it. This is appalling our government is trying to pass this and you should be upset not closed minded. Just another attack on your civil liberties did we not learn anything from our parents? Did our parents not protest and hold rallies on Washington, ohhh forgot they can't afford to teach that because funding was cut? Our country needs to wake up from this consumerism coma, with no manufacturing companies and 700 people applying for a janitors job when will it end? Take a look around our country, Detroit looks like Iraq with 50% unemployment, with the other 50% being government jobs soon to lose theirs. We have people pitching tents in California, children still suffering the effects of Katrina but lets spend $500 million on bombs. If this keeps going will the bombs be focused on us, will our own money be our end?

A national identity card? We already have one. It's called our Social Security number. The government and its agencies can already track our every movement. How many times have you had to list your SS number? This confusion and the outdated articles above fail to explain the source of the misinterpretation of the REAL ID ACT. Before you all start worrying about Big Brother, go to (Library of Congress) search out the REAL ID ACT. Then read the entire bill. You could also check NumbersUSA, a public policy group dealing exclusively with immigration, for more analysis. The REAL ID is a way to prevent illegals from getting drivers licenses. Some states freely hand them out to illegals. Remember how many 9-11 terrorist got caught with multiple drivers license, which they used for ID. It does not violate state rights. No national card will be issued. Each state will still issue their own drivers license. There will be a central data base, as there already is one (SS.) The type of documentation required is the same information we normally give: full name, date of birth, gender, drivers license number, address, signature, proof of citizenship and photo. All this information will then be verified and the license issued. I think it is ludicrous to think that the government would ever 'chip' us. Americans would start another Revolution over that one. Mr Paul needs to revamp his opinions on illegal immigration in America. His views are often contrary to the will of the people. His new book, Liberty Defined., will be his downfall due to his section on illegal immigration. Information and quotes from the book can be found at

Well, based on the website you suggested we go to to read the "Real" ID bill,, I'm concerned that you don't really know what you're talking about. and, both take us to the RAnd McNally mapbook site......I'm still checking the Library of Congress....

I feel that a National ID is just one more step closer to the "Mark of the Beast"

The smart meter has arrived, Public Service Company of Oklahoma, a subsiderary
of American Electric Power. Who I think is a Japanese firm? officed in Dayton Ohio.
Will be installing these meter's in some cities in Oklahoma.
Big Corporate Brother will be watching. You think the Real ID is bad just wait and see.

You are what this country needed all along..
To bad we couldnt see what was right in front of us.


The officials that are in Washington have been put there by there constituents from their states. The members of the Congress and the Senate need to remember who they work for. They do not work for the President, the House Speaker, or any special interest group. THEY WORK FOR THE PEOPLE who elected them. ( US ) Many of them were replaced in the November election by Tea Party participants. This sould be a lesson to both Republican and Democrate leaders that they can be replaced by the will of the people. If they continue to violate our Constitutional Rights they may all lose their jobs permanantly.

With Radia Frequency Technology "they" can burn anyone by GPS and HAARP when they find necessary to do.

a national I.D won't stop terrorism, just like a locked door won't stop a thief. If someone wants to break in or hack bad enough, they will. This is just another step in taking away our constitutional privacy, all in the name of "national security". Stop national I.D. Way too much has transpired in recent years all in the name of "national security". I'm now opposed to the Patriot Act, and Obamas' sweeping new wire tapping bill, that invades everyones' email,phones, blackberry, etc. per yahoo news on 8,27,2010.

Hi guys.

Anyway, i used this quotation in response to a comment on another blog and then remembered this one. This does illustrate the true intent and purpose of such a thing as a national ID card, and its purpose is for the state and the F'ing banks that own it to actually establish registration and ownership of the American people themselves, much as a farmer does over his livestock.

The statement was made by Colonel Edward Mandell House, at a meeting between himself and president Woodrow Wilson, detailing the purpose of the banks in establishing the Federal Reserve which was enacted during Wilson’s presidency:

“[Very] soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a national system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will effect our security as a chargeback for our fiat paper currency. Every American will be forced to register or suffer being unable to work and earn a living. They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions.

Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges. They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two should figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability. After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor to this fraud which we will call “Social Insurance.” Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur and in this manner, every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and, we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America.”

This is exactly why both myself and a great many others on here are doing everything we possibly can in order to try to inform and organize the American population into killing off our banking system before they can actually finalize the plots which are detailed here, and we need each and every one of you to come and help us do it too. How much of this scheme does each of you recognize that's already in place today ? The only thing i don't see in place right now is the people registration, that's what they need the national ID card for. How much better off do each of you think all of us would be without them ?

We need to destroy these bastards by whatever means, and soon !

HUMOR; Have a laughter for crying out loud!

Smart dog won't except treats from B. Obama.
I felt the same way when Obama introduced "cash for clunker deal."!

Hehehehe, this is cute.

I had this German Shepherd, and my ex once tried to feed her chicken McNuggets from McDonalds, she just spit them out and wouldn't eat them, i was very proud of her for that, she had good taste in food. This is even better LOLOL :)

Maybe we can get it to the point where people will actually be as smart as the dogs :)

we had a rabbit who would eat nuggets from McDonald's is the bunny !!!!

Amen to our sovernty. Your probably the only one in there that understands what our forefathers ment when they creited this great nation. United we stand and hopefully everyone, because if not divided we will fall. This socialism about makes me sick, you know the signers are probably rolling in their graves over this executive branch and the little helpers of the progresive far, far left Dems. I'm not saying all of them. The 6-10 real Dems left should recreate that party. Because the rest just take checks and or are told what to do. I just hope to the good lord above that you can deleiver us from this evil in 2012. Luger is my Sen. and I asked him to look into this conspireing with the enemy that you know who is doing. And from the inside of our own Big chair. I geuss if you were a Markx socialist and wanted America like Russia that would be the best way to screw our great nation up. I would call it high treason but we would probably play heck tring to prove it. But haveing devout communist next to him and all around him would go good for the conspireing theory. I noticed how it looks like they writen out the third part of the 2nd. addm. And it was never to be amended. You know the part that says its every Americans reasponsiblity to say when on a treasiones gov. Probably because peaple think violence when they think that but it can be done peacefully, everyone just wants it back the way it's suppost to be. 1789. God bless our great republic, "for now" Hopefully it stays that way and then gets better. Need someone to go in there and be another Garfield and clean house 50% accross the board except military we need them.

Thanks Christopher;

That's exactly what many of us are trying to motivate too, a peaceful economic revolt, and if we can somehow motivate and organize enough of the population to act collectively for their own benefit, and simply stop making all bank payments and federal taxes at the same time, we would have destroyed the banking system which would take our individual sovereignty and make us their property, and we would have forced the creation of a public currency as well, as without taxes no government would have any other way to sustain itself. Then without the banks to influence the political process, we could actually elect a government that would secure our freedoms and use this currency in order to generate prosperity for the country and population as it should have been all along.

This is why i've been asking everyone to log onto the sound money blog and start scrolling through the posts and forwarding the relevant ones to the people on their email lists to get them into circulation among the general population. The big problem we face is that so many people are sheep and the don't want to think for themselves and simply want to be told what to do. Until now its been those guilty of the treason against them doing the telling, but if we can actually inundate them with enough information and do it enough times in order to get them acting for their own benefit instead of their own destruction, we might be successful. If we can just keep doing this for the next 6 months or so and then propose a plan or action, i.e. a date to stop paying them maybe enough of them will do it to make this work, and if not, we just keep sending information and proposing again until there are enough. Short of an armed revolution, this is the only course of action we have, and if we cant make this work then that is the next necessary option too, the only problem then is will they be wise enough to secure the freedom they are trying to defend and recognize the source of the threat to it.

Lol i love you bringing up Communism / Marxism in this context as well. We've had this banker under the name "the other david" on here trying to defend the banking system by comparing the public currency many of us are proposing to Communism, and when i or anyone else responds he's not able to defend his posts in regards to same. This is actually a good thing too, as it indicates their fear and desperation in sending someone like him around to places like this in order to try to scare people into maintaining their power. In reality the statement by Mandell House describes Communism and Socialism perfectly, where the people have been deprived of all wealth and property which is owned by the state, and hence the banks that own the state, and where the people themselves become the property of the state, and exist simply and only to serve the state, and hence the banks that own the state again. I believe that Woodrow Wilson, the president responsible for helping the banks establish the Federal Reserve Board was also a great admirer of Marxism, which was in its infancy at the time, which was around the time that the Bolshevik Revolution was taking place as well. This is no surprise either since Marxism was invented by the banks and Wilson's treason was to give them the means to allow their great grandchildren to establish it here as well. A treason which almost every President, Senator, and majority of congressmen, both democrat and republican, have been guilty of ever since.

Hopefully we can get enough information in front of the sheep for them to figure it out and realize that the "good shepherd" they have trusted and believed in all these years is getting ready to slaughter and devour them, and turn them into wolves who will devour the shepherd instead.

The “Social Insurance” he talks about is Social Security. A Social Security number is how "Every American will be forced to register or suffer being unable to work and earn a living." It is already here. This is the number used to enforce taxes, whereby "Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur..."
The National ID is the next step. This is the way they will be able to track our every move, not only every dollar we earn.
I don't know about other states, but Indiana now has a scanning bar on the back of the drivers license and ID cards. Who knows what information is already there? Are there already tracking chips in them?

You do not need a SSN to work -- you only need it to pay taxes, and if you are not obligated to pay the taxes then you have no obligation nor reason to have an SSN.

You do not have to pay income tax unless your "income" comes from privileged activities relating to the Federal government.

If you have mistakenly declared your private-sector unprivileged earnings to be taxable income in the past the money does not belong to the IRS just because they have recieved it. You can get all this money back, seriously.

THATS 70%.

It's all manipulation.
The government is deliberately leaving the borders open and then the media is publishing the frightening details of how unsafe we are so that eventually the public will ask for a national ID card.
You wait and see.
We will never be safe until we ask for national ID cards.
Once we ask for the cards this big brother gov't will close the borders using any and all means.
Then they will say ''see...ID cards are who wants a computer chip''?
It's a trick.

First a National ID card, next a computer chip imbedded in us. This is not the answer, and its not constitutional or American. We cannot not let our fear of Illegals overide our commitment to true freedom, More police equals more government plain and simple, True conservatives should understand this, and liberals should agree as well

A national identification pregram is the first step towards deporting illegal immigrants. There is no other practical way of identifying and separating legal residents and illegal immigrants. It is not legitimate to complain about illegal immigrants if there is no effective plan to remove these people from the country. Cutting them off state services such as medical care and schooling will just force these people to live outside the law - it will not make them leave. Forcefully deporting twenty million people is of course a huge undertaking. People can not just be individually marched to the border; they will have to be collected into camps concentrated in key areas around the country and then removed by mass transportation - buses, trains, army vehicles, etc. It will not be possible to carry out such a program (it will take a couple of years) without the temporary suspension (for everyone) of some of the rights and freedoms Americans might take for granted.

A 'National ID Card' is not the answer! This is 'too-high' of a price to pay for what is rightfully ours. 'The Law'! If schools, welfare agencies, employers, & the general public would uphold 'The Law', immigration would be greatly decreased . If your nieghbor is selling Heroin, do you just look the other way & say "someone else will catch them, someone else will have to 'Rat-Them-Out' !" What if that 'Drug-Dealer' gives your children drugs to get them 'Hooked'! Would you then say "why didn't someone else catch them?!" ................. It's our 'DUTY' to our children & our Nation to tell of thier actions! It's up to "US" , the REAL-US-Citizens, to report these illegal immigrants & send them home to manage on thier own until they can enter our Nation 'LEGALLY' !! You may soon see 'community-efforts' to rid our Nation of these 'Fee-Loaders'! Bounty-Hunters in a manner of speaking............. Now you see 'Terroists' entering our country acting as Mexicans! We The People need to get off our ASSES & send 'ALL-Illegal-Immigrants' back from where they came! I'm sick of 'pressing 1 for English' in my own country. I know for a fact I'm only one of MILLIONS that are disgusted with supporting Mexico. Why don't we just call Mexico a 'STATE' & make them pay property TAXES, Social-Security, & serve this country that feeds them & thier children!! This 'The Other David', should reconsider his foolish comment or maybe move to Mexico. I'm sure 'They'll let him in!' For FREE!!!

until the problem of ID theft is solved- imagine if your national identity gets stolen and everything depends on it.

Just found out about a new way our identity info is leaving the country in droves and ther is no law enforced to protect it-

Until every computerized device and device with a hard drive is secured as a mandatory procedure and disposed of between owners well, I would not want an National ID.

OMG, can anyone believe this guy ?

"It will not be possible to carry out such a program (it will take a couple of years) without the temporary suspension (for everyone) of some of the rights and freedoms Americans might take for granted."

I will simply quote Ben Franklin in response to this.

"Those who would sacrifice freedom for the sake of security deserve neither freedom nor security'

In response to Clay's comment, he does not belong in Mexico but in the former Soviet Union, which is now extinct, and i dont think there is a country in this world where he actually belongs, for as bad as some of them are, he is worse.

His statement is an outright lie as well, i'm in an area where the potential for hiring an illegal immigrant is great, and both i and everyone else around here has more than enough means to determine legal status before we hire. Green cards, resident cards, drivers licenses (which if the person is present here and does not have the right to work here, will state so), all of which will more than satisfy the border patrol if they check on hiring practices.

Bottom line is that a national ID card is a means of keeping track of and maintaining data on citizens by a police state, in order to determine and deal with any potential threats to their power. Since this guy has been repeatedly trying to defend America's banking system which craves and is trying to establishexactly such power, and can't defend his posts on same, he's involving himself in the immigration issue now in order to try and distract people from the real threat and problem.

If were going to set up Nazi or communist style concentration camps then let it be for the Bankers who have committed acts of treason against the United States and its population by manipulating our economy and gaining control of our political system against the interests of the American people. Personally id have no desire for this though, simply kill them for their treason, and seize their assets and return what we can to the population from which they have been stolen (i tried to estimate this amount on the sound money blog awhile back and if my calculations are anywhere close it comes out to about $ 500,000.00 owing to each American at this point). Then establish a Ben Franklin style economy, without the benefit of banks designed to maximize useful production and the prosperity of the American population.

An awful lot of people are beginning to figure out the lies they've been fed and the need for this by now and the banks must be living in absolute terror of us, if they are desperate enough to send people like this around to blogs like this in order to try and defend their interests. I don't expect that there are too many on here who would actually be foolish enough to believe him, and from what i'm seeing at this point, it seems that his days are also numbered, and he and those he defends are about to be destroyed by the single and only population in the world who understand and values freedom to the extent where they will do whatever they must in order to maintain it. If not, then they will destroy us instead, and this is where 100 % of everyone's efforts need to be concentrated right now.

I'm with ya my man...If we pay too close attention, or buy into to all the hype, its easy to become one of those fearmongering sloths ready and willing to just give up Liberty and Independence by further militerizing our police,and creating more government policies for Security....'ol Ben is rolling over in his grave!!!
What gets me all fired up is when these morons state that "times are different" and that we need to modify the U.S. Constitution, and reform the first 10 ammendments...Well yes times are different, but do these egomaniac racist elitist assholes for one second actually believe that dismantleing the Constitution and reforming the first tem ammendments is the answer to resolving the issues we are faced with???

Revolution is easier than reform!!!!

If we truely believe in Freedom, Independence, and Equality, than we will not jeapordize what has always allowed for people to prosper.

Yeah, times are different, but the natural right of each person to be free to live their lives as they choose, and to prosper from their efforts is eternal and will never change.

People have also never changed and never will. There are only two kinds, those who like to see the people around them happy and successful, and those who enjoy inflicting suffering and misery on them because it makes them "FEEL" powerful. This guy is definitely one of the latter, and would abrogate such freedom and prosperity for the sake of feeling powerful. Such need to be dealt with as one deals with a rabid dog, as this is exactly what they are. Then Freedom, Independence, and Equality can exist and remain.

i dont no about any of you but when this shit gets outta hand im willing to kill for my freedom

Anonymous, I don't know, I live in a welfare city in CA where everyone is mean to everyone because of lack and scarcity thinking, no one is happy, and people are just short of homicial to one another. It came out on the news last night that this city has the second highest crime rate in CA, behind Oakland, CA, which is the murder capitol of the country. Nothing good comes from people fighing and being mean. I lived in San Francisco for over 40 years, people are very nice to one another and I can tell you that working together, being politically involved, treating every person with respect goes a long, long way in solving problems, in people being happy and feeling safe. Most people where I live now are physically and mentally sick. They get so sick from everyone being mean, it breaks the body down. No good comes from any of it.

Truth is, there are way too many people in the world. Mexican people don't practice birth control because a majority of them are Catholic. As long as humans continue to reproduce with no means to provide for their children, we will have massive immigration, illegal immigration, now we see people talking of genocide, Hammas supporters openly talking about it), we have people murdering in the name of their religions, people fighting to stay in this country illegally. It all stems from overpopulation, lack of jobs, lack of money, lack of food and clean water in many countries. But, the solution isn't where we appear to be going, nuclear war, terrrorism and genocide. The real answers lie in ending welfare, and limiting populations so they are workable. In the 1970s, the population of this country was half of what it is now. In those days most people were very kind, no one lived on permanent disability, there was enough space, enough jobs, there was no section 8 housing and massive give away programs, a small percentage of the population was on social security, so it was sustainable. If the population was smaller, we wouldn't need pesticides to do massive farming, nor hormones in the meat to do massive production, nor massively produced processed foods with chemicals, there wouldn't be smog and global warming and water pollution, we wouldn't need to drill baby drill. Look at the mess in the gulf over drilling for oil. It will adversly affect the ocean for the next 50 years. They still can't fish in many places in Alaska decades after the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Overpopulation makes everyone violent and nuts, but humans are selfish, so they never deal with it. Then, it ends up in genocide and terrorism and nuclear wars because everyone does know there's only so much space and so many jobs and so much air and so many fish in the ocean and so many forests. The other problem with overpopulation is now so many childen are born with autusm and many other illnesses due to decades of their parents and grandparents eating the pesticides and hormones and chemicals in processed foods and breathing polluted air. It all comes back to bite us one way or another. This is why people are obese now, and the newest prediction is that the next generation coming up with get Alzheimer's Disease in their 30s because of so much pollution and toxic food due to the necessity to mass produce food.

It's long since time to cut all the populations of every country down to something workable and humane. If we stay stuck in denial about it, one day Iran or some other rogue country will start a nuclear war and then the populations of the world will go way down. One out of 91 children born now have autism which often times means they have an IQ of 70. 100 is considered averge idiot in this country, so we now have a higher and higher rate of having idiot children do to the pollution from overpopulation. In ten more years, it will be one in 25 children are born with idiot IQs, and 30 year olds will have Alzheimer's.

A lot of truths in what you said at length, but you lost me completely with the global warming - (which there isn't) - the autism, idiot children and the alzheimers.
Absent of greed the world is a bountiful place with enough for all. And true, while we're told to "be fruitful and multiply", I don't think it was meant to mean that we should do so until we stand elbow to elbow. Point is - we're already "there" in an exagerated way of speaking. And our problems are now.
We simply need to be responsible for ourselves, those we are responsible for and manage our personal affairs in a way that is somewhat meek in it's effect on our fellow man. End of all problems! But selling that to our fallen human nature is like selling the desert to a fish, unfortunately.
We're a mess we really can't fix, but it'll all be o.k. in the end. Just keep your eyes in the right direction.

Me too, and willing to die for someone else's freedom as well, as life without it is simply and only a completely intolerable thing.

I am willing to die for freedom,
I am not willing to kill for freedom;

Has anyone ever asked our government, how other countries are finding their illegal immigrants?
How do other countries handle this? I am sure if I, as an American, go to a foreign country to work and speak only English, am white, with Strawberry Blonde hair, and am not a citizen, that they would profile me, by the color of my skin, hair and that I could not speak, Italian, German, French, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, Indian. I know those countries would also profile me for my religion being different from theirs!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Illegals know that, they know they
are breaking the law and you our Government do why try to protect them and NOT
protect the people of USA? If Greece did that to their country do you think their people would not scream Tyranny?










• A JOB, - it is illegal in the US to hire an illegal alien. Penalties are stiff, but often times not enforced. It is also a felony to aid or abet an illegal alien.
• A DRIVERS LICENSE, - After the terrorist attacks of September 11, the federal government implemented heightened security measures when obtaining state-issued identification cards, such as a driver’s license or a social security number. As such, new federal laws were introduced that made it a requirement to show proof of legal residency status and identity in order to obtain a state driver’s license or any other state-issued id.
• SOCIAL SECURITY CARD, - The requirements to obtain a social security number for work purposes are that the applicant must be either a citizen of the United States or a permanent U.S. resident (Green Card holder). Immigrants must be able to show that they are authorized to live and work in the United States in order to obtain certain documentation.
• WELFARE, - Undocumented immigrants are not eligible to receive any "welfare" benefits and even legal immigrants are severely restricted in the benefits they can receive. As the Congressional Research Service points out in a 2007 report, undocumented immigrants, who comprise nearly one-third of all immigrants in the country, are not eligible to receive public "welfare" benefits -- ever. Legal permanent residents (LPRs) must pay into the Social Security and Medicare systems for approximately 10 years
before they are eligible to receive benefits when they retire. In most cases, LPRs can not receive SSI, which is available only to U.S. citizens, and are not eligible for means-tested public benefits until 5 years after receiving their green cards. A 2007 analysis of welfare data by researchers at the Urban Institute reveals that less than 1 percent of households headed by undocumented immigrants receive cash assistance for needy families, compared to 5 percent of households headed by native-born U.S. citizens.

• FOOD STAMPS, Here is the one area that in some states is true: By law, illegal immigrants are ineligible for food stamps — unless there is at least one U.S. citizen in their household, which describes all U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants. In many cases, illegal immigrants can also receive emergency medical treatment, short-term government disaster relief and immunization against communicable diseases. Their children can attend public schools. States may provide other benefits, such as driver’s licenses and worker’s compensation, In Kansas, for example, illegal immigrants can get tuition breaks at state universities and colleges.

• CREDIT CARDS, These cards are not free, they still must pay for what they buy. So who cares as long as they pay.
• SUBSIDIZED RENT OR A LOAN TO BUY A HOUSE, - I didn’t research this one.
• FREE EDUCATION, This is true for public education and it costs a fair amount. In California it is particularly expensive. This does not apply to higher education.
• FREE HEALTH CARE, Under the current health care bill illegal aliens are NOT able to benefit from free health care. However, their children born in the US are therefore US citizens and they can receive health care – but it is not free.
• A LOBBYIST IN WASHINGTON – cannot find any evidence of this other than interest groups that benefit from illegal immigrants. The immigrants as far as I can find have no lobbyist in DC.
• BILLIONS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF PUBLIC DOCUMENTS PRINTED IN YOUR LANGUAGE – As far as I can tell, there is no way to determine this number.
• AND, IN MANY INSTANCES, YOU CAN VOTE. - In 1996, Congress enacted the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act, making it a federal crime for non-citizens to vote in any federal election (or state election, unless authorized by state law). As a penalty, ineligible non-citizens who knowingly vote may be deported. Additionally, a non-citizen who falsely claims to be a United States citizen is in violation of this law.

"However, their children born in the US are therefore US citizens"

Jan, that is one of the myths that has spawned the border crossing. Tens of thousands of women crossing the border to give birth on US soil having the belief that born in the USA means citizen of the USA. The correct interpretation of the 14th Amendment is that an illegal alien mother is subject to the jurisdiction of her native country, as is her baby. With illegal aliens who are unlawfully in the United States, their native country has a claim of allegiance on the child.

Here is the link that will explain the correct understanding of the 14th Amendment;