How Can I Help?

There are many different ways you can get involved in spreading the message of liberty. One of the best options is to make a donation to, or volunteer for, Ron Paul’s Presidential Campaign (official site here).

We also encourage you to support this website,, which is independently run and operated by some of Ron Paul’s top supporters in their spare time.

  1. Proofread Our Transcripts

    We aim to transcribe all Ron Paul videos within 24 hours of their release. Finished transcripts are immediately posted to as “rush transcripts”, but they usually still need to be proofread by a fresh set of eyes.

    To find the latest rush transcripts available for proofreading, search for “rush transcript” or click here. Simply start at the top. (You will notice that while most rush transcripts are from very recent videos, some are from 2010. With your help we’ll get to them eventually!)

  2. To proofread a rush transcript, simply go to the respective writeboard and enter with the password provided. Then click the “Edit this page” button to make changes. We check all writeboards daily and will update with your proofread transcript ASAP.


  3. Blog New Videos & Interviews to

    We’re looking for 2-3 permanent bloggers/posters who are online many hours each day. You will find new videos, interviews and articles about Ron Paul, and post them to with a quick summary of 3-4 sentences per post. Many people don’t have the time to watch all Ron Paul videos, so our summaries will provide them with an opportunity to stay up-do-date in seconds.


    1. You must be online at least 8 hours each day so you can immediately post the latest videos, articles and interviews.
    2. You must be good at quickly and accurately summarizing videos, articles and interviews.
    3. You must be good at writing catchy headlines that will attract readers to our posts.

    Let us know if you already have a blog or post on a Ron Paul-related forum so we can check out your writing style. Alternatively, send us a few writing samples. If we feel there is a match you can initially start out at one of our smaller Ron Paul-related sites, and if you are good and consistent we will invite you to participate at

    To apply, contact us here with the subject “Blogger Application”.


  4. Design T-Shirts and Bumper Stickers (Reward: $100 Cash)

    We’re always looking for new original t-shirt and bumper sticker designs related to Ron Paul, including “Ron Paul Revolution” designs, or visualizations of famous Ron Paul slogans and statements.

    Check out our current t-shirts and bumper stickers for a few examples.

    Size Requirements

    • T-Shirt Horizontal: 2100 x 1800 pixels (14″ x 12″)
    • T-Shirt Vertical: 1800 x 2100 pixels (12″ x 14″)
    • Bumper Sticker: 2200 x 600 pixels (11″ x 3″)

    Please send your finished design(s) to with the subject “T-Shirt Design Submission” or “Bumper Sticker Design Submission”. We pay you $100 for each original design that we end up using. (The famous “Ron Paul Revolution” logo is in the public domain. Feel free to incorporate it into your designs.)


  6. Design a New Header for (Reward: $100 Cash)

    We need a new header for our site (desired size: 940 x 150 pixels). Our current header is here. We’d like something a bit more fancy, but without using too many colors (the black/grey/white/red combination works great; maybe you can add some blue).

    Please send your finished design to with the subject “Header Design Submission”. We’ll pay you $100 if we end up using your banner.


  7. Design a Ron Paul Cartoon (Reward: $100 Cash)

    A few weeks ago we had some funny ideas for cartoons but ended up doing nothing in that regard for two reasons: 1) we’re not sure they’re really as funny as we think they are, and 2) we can’t draw. So, it’s up to you! Send your finished cartoon (featuring Ron Paul and some current event) to with the subject “Cartoon Submission”. We’ll pay you $100 for each published cartoon.


  9. Write a Jingle or Song

    We’ve had an idea for a 5-10 second “Ron Paul Revolution” jingle that could be used for YouTube videos etc., but we have neither the time nor the expertise to get it produced. Any ideas? Contact us at with your suggestions or submissions.

    We’re also looking for several Ron Paul Revolution grassroots songs in different styles for the 2012 elections. Here are a few that have already been made. We actually like this style best (but that particular song mentions Ron Paul only once). We need something that prominently contains “Ron Paul Revolution” or “Ron Paul 2012″, such as this song. Contact us at with your ideas and suggestions.


  11. Become a Ron Paul Girl

    We’re looking for an enthusiastic woman to record occasional video announcements for our site. Do you have what it takes? To be considered, please email us a video of yourself with the following statement:

    “Welcome to, the top Ron Paul fan site on the planet! Ron Paul is America’s leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, honest money, and a pro-America foreign policy. As a twelve-term Congressman from Texas, Ron Paul never votes for legislation unless the proposed measure is expressly authorized by the Constitution. And right now, Ron Paul is running for President! Enjoy and contact us anytime with your suggestions. Ron Paul 2012!”

    Also, as far as we’re aware the de-facto position of the 2012 Ron Paul Girl is still available. Can you sing, do you play an instrument, can you write intelligent songs? (Or do you have friends/band members that can help you with the latter two?) We don’t have the time to micromanage anyone, but if you have what it takes we’ll feature you at our sites as “the Ron Paul Girl” and promote the heck out of you.


  13. Do You Speak Spanish, French, German?

    If you are fluent in any languages other than English (in particular Spanish, French and German) and have a lot of time on your hands, you can help us translate Ron Paul’s speeches and interviews to those other languages. We’ll also be setting up separate websites in these languages as soon as we find a few reliable people to manage the sites. Contact us at


  15. Anything Else? Do What You Want, But Do It!

    Is there anything else you can think of to advance the Ron Paul Revolution? As Ron Paul said, “Do what you want, but do it!” In particular, help us spread the message of liberty by sharing posts and articles with your friends. It’s easy with the Facebook “Like” button at the top of each post and the “ShareThis” button at the bottom of each post.


Thank you for your support!

