CPAC 2011

2 Responses

Ron Paul fired up the crowd at this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) with his trademark message of downsizing the federal government, bringing our troops home, balancing the budget and ending the Federal Reserve.

While the congressman did not address rampant speculations about a potential 2012 run for the presidency, he emphatically stated that the liberty movement will not need an electoral majority in order to achieve important changes for the better. The welfare state, the police state and the runaway fiat money system will be defeated if each of us assumes personal responsibility for promoting the ideals of liberty and defending the Constitution.

Full transcript and media reactions here

During the conference, Ron Paul spoke with Wolf Blitzer on Egypt and the GOP nomination.

Full transcript here

CPAC Presidential Straw Poll Results

The results of this year’s CPAC straw poll of potential presidential candidates are in. For the second year in a row, the winner is Ron Paul, with 30% of the vote. Mitt Romney came in second with 23%. Gary Johnson was third with 6%.

Ron Paul: 30%, Mitt Romney: 23%, Gary Johnson: 6%, Chris Christie: 6%, Newt Gingrich: 5%, Tim Pawlenty: 4%, Michele Bachmann: 4%, Mitch Daniels: 4%, Sarah Palin: 3%, Herman Cain: 2%, Mike Huckabee: 2%, Rick Santorum: 2%, John Thune: 2%, Jon Huntsman: 2%, Haley Barbour: 1%, Other: 5%, Undecided: 1%

Total votes: 3,742

The next day, Ron Paul appeared on three different shows to discuss his groundbreaking CPAC victory and his plans for 2012.

CNN American Morning:

MSNBC’s Morning Joe:

CNBC’s Kudlow Report:

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I am very encouraged about Ron Paul 2012, we had a great time Saturday morning getting the final details of banners completed and sending them to Iowa for the upcoming Iowa Straw Poll,

and envision this going on many places as we approach the Iowa Straw Poll.

We are so excited about Ron Paul and his campaign for PRESIDENT!!!

and look forward to VICTORY with the CONSTITUTION making a much needed Resurrection.

Thank you Mr. Paul for your faithfulness to Liberty and Freedom for all.

Why would there be boos because Ron Paul won the CPAC Straw Poll for the second year in a row? Isn't that a GREAT THING?!