SRLC 2010

2 Responses

The Southern Republican Leadership Conference (SRLC) took place in New Orleans from April 9 – 11.

Watch a video of Ron Paul’s speech:

Full transcript here

Ron Paul came in a close 2nd at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference’s straw poll. The Congressman defeated Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Mike Huckabee, and four other potential presidential candidates. Mitt Romney won the poll with 439 votes while Ron Paul obtained 438 votes.

Vote count: Mitt Romney 439 (24%), Ron Paul 438 (24%), Sarah Palin 330 (18%), Newt Gingrich 321 (18%), Mike Huckabee 80 (4%), Tim Pawlenty 54 (3%), Mike Pence 58 (3%), Rick Santorum 41 (2%), Gary Johnson 3 (1%)

Second Choice:
(Who would be your second choice in the Republican Primary Election for president?)
Sarah Palin 332 (20%), Newt Gingrich 339 (20%), Mitt Romney 242 (14%), Mike Huckabee 178 (11%), Mike Pence 141 (8%), Tim Pawlenty 114 (7%), Rick Santorum 125 (7%), Gary Johnson 104 (6%), Ron Paul 98 (6%)

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Anyone have any info on when RP is speaking? Or a schedule for the event?

Ron Paul is speaking on Saturday, April 10 sometime between noon and 5 pm. Check out the schedule at