Audit the Federal Reserve

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You are viewing the 2009/2010 version of the Audit the Fed page. Please click here for the 2011 version or read on for the amazing history of Ron Paul’s efforts to bring transparency to the secretive banking cartel.

The Federal Reserve is the chief culprit behind the economic crisis. Its unchecked power to create endless amounts of money out of thin air brought us the boom and bust cycle and causes one financial bubble after another. Since the Fed’s creation in 1913 the dollar has lost more than 96% of its value, and by recklessly inflating the money supply the Fed continues to distort interest rates and intentionally erodes the value of the dollar.

For the past 30 years, Congressman Ron Paul has worked tirelessly to bring much-needed transparency and accountability to the secretive bank. And in 2009 and 2010 his unfaltering dedication showed astonishing results: HR 1207, the bill to audit the Federal Reserve, swept the country and made the central bankers shudder at their desks. The bill passed as an amendment both in the House Financial Services Committee and in the House itself.

But the usurpers of America’s future didn’t take it lying down. They weren’t about to allow their secrets to be exposed and their magic money machine to be put under close scrutiny. They worked frantically behind the scenes to quietly derail all efforts to open up the Federal Reserve to an independent audit.

A handful of Fed-loving U.S. senators led by Chris Dodd rewrote the Senate version of the Financial Reform Bill to strip out Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed amendment and actually expand the Fed’s power over banks, lending and money. As Alan Grayson pointed out here, and Ron Paul commented on here, the Dodd bill completely eliminated legislation to audit the Federal Reserve, which already passed in the House.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) introduced an amendment on the floor effectively adding the Grayson-Paul language to the Senate bill, but later changed his amendment under pressure by the Federal Reserve and the Obama administration. The altered Sanders amendment passed the Senate on May 11, 2010 by a unanimous 96-0 vote.

Sen. Vitter reintroduced an amendment with the original Audit the Fed language. The Senate rejected the amendment on May 11, 2010 by a 37-62 vote.

The House and Senate went to the conference committee which attempted to reconcile the differences between the two bills (and their amendments). Unfortunately, Ron Paul’s tough language ended up not being included in the final bill.

On June 30, 2010, the GOP introduced Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed bill as a motion to recommit, which was the last chance to alter the financial regulation bill. Audit the Fed failed by a vote of 229-198. All Republicans voted in favor of the measure with 23 Democrats crossing the aisle to vote with Republicans. 114 co-sponsors of HR 1207, all Democrats, jumped ship and voted against Audit the Fed.

But let’s start from the beginning. Here’s the fascinating history of Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed bill:

02/2009: Ron Paul introduces bill to Audit the Federal Reserve

On February 26, 2009, Ron Paul introduced HR 1207, the bill to audit the Federal Reserve:

“I rise to introduce the Federal Reserve Transparency Act. Throughout its nearly 100-year history, the Federal Reserve has presided over the near-complete destruction of the United States dollar. Since 1913 the dollar has lost over 95% of its purchasing power, aided and abetted by the Federal Reserve’s loose monetary policy. How long will we as a Congress stand idly by while hard-working Americans see their savings eaten away by inflation? Only big-spending politicians and politically favored bankers benefit from inflation.”

After a groundswell of grassroots support, HR 1207 and its counterpart in the Senate, S 604, went on to attract 320 and 32 co-sponsors respectively.

10/2009: Mel Watt Introduces Competing Placebo Amendment

With HR 1207 gaining momentum, Congressman Mel Watt introduced a competing banker-approved “placebo” amendment that would have replaced HR 1207 and actually increased the Federal Reserve’s secrecy.

11/2009: Victory over Mel Watt Amendment

On November 19, 2009, after a historic debate lasting several hours, Ron Paul’s and Alan Grayson’s “Audit the Fed” amendment passed 43-26 in the House Financial Services Committee. The amendment called for a comprehensive audit of the Federal Reserve and replaced the opposing “placebo” amendment proposed by Mel Watt.

How they voted on Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed amendment (HR 1207 co-sponsors in bold):

Note: Due to a clerical error, until 5/26/2010 this roll call erroneously listed Rep. Gary Miller (CA-42) as a Democrat who supposedly voted “nay”. However, the reality is that Rep. Miller is a Republican who was absent on the day of the vote. He is a co-sponsor of HR 1207. We apologize!

MA-04Rep. Barney Franknay
PA-11Rep. Paul E. Kanjorskinay
CA-35Rep. Maxine Watersnay
NY-14Rep. Carolyn B. Maloneynay
IL-04Rep. Luis V. Gutierreznay
NY-12Rep. Nydia M. Velázqueznay
NC-12Rep. Melvin L. Wattnay
NY-05Rep. Gary L. Ackermannay
CA-27Rep. Brad Shermanaye
NY-06Rep. Gregory W. Meeksnay
KS-03Rep. Dennis Moorenay
MA-08Rep. Michael E. Capuanonay
TX-15Rep. Rubén Hinojosaaye
MO-01Rep. William Lacy Clayaye
NY-04Rep. Carolyn McCarthynay
CA-43Rep. Joe Baca
MA-09Rep. Stephen F. Lynchnay
GA-13Rep. David Scottaye
TX-09Rep. Al Greennay
MO-05Rep. Emanuel Cleavernay
IL-08Rep. Melissa L. Beannay
WI-04Rep. Gwen Moorenay
NH-02Rep. Paul W. Hodesaye
MN-05Rep. Keith Ellisonnay
FL-22Rep. Ron Kleinnay
OH-06Rep. Charles Wilsonnay
CO-07Rep. Ed Perlmutteraye
IN-02Rep. Joe Donnellynay
IL-14Rep. Bill Fosternay
IN-07Rep. Andre Carsonnay
CA-12Rep. Jackie Speieraye
MS-01Rep. Travis Childersaye
ID-01Rep. Walt Minnickaye
NJ-03Rep. John Adleraye
OH-15Rep. Mary Jo Kilroynay
OH-01Rep. Steve Driehausaye
FL-24Rep. Suzanne Kosmasaye
FL-08Rep. Alan Graysonaye
CT-04Rep. Jim Himesnay
MI-09Rep. Gary Petersaye
NY-25Rep. Dan Maffeiaye

AL-06Rep. Spencer Bachusaye
TX-19Rep. Randy Neugebaueraye
DE-01Rep. Michael N. Castleaye
NY-03Rep. Peter Kingaye
CA-40Rep. Edward R. Royceaye
OK-03Rep. Frank D. Lucasaye
TX-14Rep. Ron Paul (sponsor)aye
IL-16Rep. Donald A. Manzulloaye
NC-03Rep. Walter B. Jonesaye
IL-13Rep. Judy Biggertaye
NC-13Rep. Brad Miller
WV-02Rep. Shelley Moore Capitoaye
TX-05Rep. Jeb Hensarlingaye
NJ-05Rep. Scott Garrettaye
SC-03Rep. J. Gresham Barrettaye
PA-06Rep. Jim Gerlachaye
GA-06Rep. Tom Priceaye
NC-10Rep. Patrick T. McHenryaye
CA-48Rep. John Campbellaye
FL-12Rep. Adam Putnamaye
MN-06Rep. Michele Bachmannaye
TX-24Rep. Kenny Marchantaye
MI-11Rep. Thaddeus McCotteraye
CA-22Rep. Kevin McCarthyaye
FL-15Rep. Bill Poseyaye
KS-02Rep. Lynn Jenkinsaye
NY-26Rep. Christopher Leeaye
MN-03Rep. Erik Paulsenaye
NJ-07Rep. Leonard Lanceaye

12/2009: Audit the Fed Passes in the House

The Audit the Fed amendment was attached to Barney Frank’s HR 3996, also known as the “Financial Stability Improvement Act of 2009″. That bill was later combined, along with several other bills, into “The Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009 – Financial Stability Improvement Act of 2009″ (HR 4173). The House passed the new bill on December 11, 2009 on a vote of 223-202.

03/2010: Treasury Officials Still Support Mel Watt Amendment

On March 8, 2010 Huffington Post reporter Sam Stein participated in a bizarre meeting with unnamed high level treasury officials:

The Treasury Department is vigorously opposed to a House-passed measure that would open the Federal Reserve to an audit by the Government Accountability Office (GAO), a senior Treasury official said Monday. Instead, the official said, the Treasury prefers a substitute offered by Rep. Mel Watt (D-N.C.), and would like to see it enacted as part of the Senate bill.

The Watt measure, however, while claiming to increase transparency, actually puts new restrictions on the GAO’s ability to perform an audit.

03/2010: Mel Watt Amendment Used in Senate Version of the Financial Reform Bill

Ron Paul: “In the Senate, we didn’t get enough strong support over there and the Republicans didn’t really fight for it and at the Senate side it is not included. Matter of fact, they have included Mel Watts’s language. His language and my language competed in the House Financial Services Committee and of course we won that pretty easily. But they inserted that in so Mel Watt and the bankers were able to influence the senators enough to put their language in there. So what probably will happen is the two bills will be passed. It’ll be in one bill and not the other and then the fight will be to put pressure on the conference to go with the House [bill] instead of the Senate.”

04/2010: Bernie Sanders Introduces Audit the Fed Amendment in the Senate

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) introduced an amendment on the floor effectively adding the Grayson-Paul language to the Senate bill.

05/2010: Bernie Sanders Sells Out, Senate Passes Watered Down Amendment

On May 6, 2010 Bernie Sanders sold out to the bankers by modifying his amendment to the extent that it would allow the Fed to keep many of its activities secret. On May 11, 2010 the Sanders amendment passed the Senate by a unanimous 96-0 vote.

05/2010: David Vitter Comes To The Rescue But His Amendment is Defeated

Sen. David Vitter reintroduced an amendment with Ron Paul’s original Audit the Fed language. The Senate rejected the amendment on May 11, 2010 by a 37-62 vote.

06/2010: 114 Democrats Jump Ship and Vote Down Audit the Fed

On June 30, 2010, Ron Paul’s attempt to audit the Federal Reserve, which was previously co-sponsored by 320 members of the House (HR 1207), failed by a vote of 229-198. All Republicans voted in favor of the measure with 23 Democrats crossing the aisle to vote with Republicans. 114 co-sponsors of HR 1207, all Democrats, jumped ship and voted against Audit the Fed.

The GOP had offered the Fed audit as the minority’s last chance to alter the financial regulation bill. The bill does have an watered-down audit provision in the conference report, but it is limited to loans made by the Fed during the height of the economic crisis. Ron Paul’s bill would have allowed a total examination of the Fed’s books.

How they voted

Democrats, Republicans, HR 1207 Co-Sponsors


Barrett (SC)
Barton (TX)
Bono Mack

Brady (TX)
Broun (GA)
Brown (SC)
Brown-Waite, Ginny
Burton (IN)

Coffman (CO)

Davis (KY)
Diaz-Balart, L.
Diaz-Balart, M.

Edwards (TX)
Franks (AZ)

Garrett (NJ)

Gingrey (GA)
Graves (GA)
Graves (MO)

Hall (TX)
Hastings (WA)

Johnson (IL)
Johnson, Sam
Jordan (OH)
King (IA)
King (NY)

Kirkpatrick (AZ)
Kline (MN)
Lee (NY)
Lewis (CA)

Lungren, Daniel E.

Markey (CO)
McCarthy (CA)

McMorris Rodgers

Miller (FL)
Miller (MI)
Miller, Gary
Moran (KS)
Murphy, Tim


Poe (TX)
Price (GA)
Roe (TN)
Rogers (AL)
Rogers (KY)
Rogers (MI)

Ryan (WI)

Smith (NE)
Smith (NJ)
Smith (TX)


Thompson (PA)

Wilson (SC)
Young (FL)


Adler (NJ)


Bishop (GA)
Bishop (NY)


Brady (PA)
Braley (IA)
Brown, Corrine

Carson (IN)
Castor (FL)

Connolly (VA)
Davis (AL)
Davis (CA)
Davis (IL)
Davis (TN)

Donnelly (IN)
Edwards (MD)

Frank (MA)

Gordon (TN)
Green, Al
Green, Gene
Hall (NY)

Hastings (FL)
Herseth Sandlin


Jackson (IL)
Jackson Lee (TX)
Johnson (GA)
Johnson, E. B.

Kilpatrick (MI)

Klein (FL)

Larsen (WA)
Larson (CT)
Lee (CA)
Lewis (GA)
Lofgren, Zoe

Markey (MA)
McCarthy (NY)

Meek (FL)
Meeks (NY)
Miller (NC)

Miller, George
Moore (KS)
Moore (WI)
Moran (VA)
Murphy (CT)
Murphy (NY)
Murphy, Patrick
Nadler (NY)

Neal (MA)
Pastor (AZ)

Pingree (ME)
Polis (CO)

Price (NC)

Rothman (NJ)
Ryan (OH)

Sánchez, Linda T.
Sanchez, Loretta

Scott (GA)
Scott (VA)

Smith (WA)

Thompson (CA)
Thompson (MS)

Van Hollen

Wasserman Schultz

Wilson (OH)

Not Voting

Bishop (UT)
Young (AK)

THE END? Not yet! Audit the Fed will be back in 2011.

(The information below covers the original HR 1207 and S 604 bills.)

Ron Paul’s bill to audit the Federal Reserve (HR 1207) now has 320 co-sponsors, and the numbers keep growing! HR 1207′s companion bill in the Senate, S 604, has already attracted 32 co-sponsors.

This is history in the making, and victory is within reach. Imagine what will happen if HR 1207, The Federal Reserve Transparency Act, comes up for vote in Congress! With two thirds of the House of Representatives already co-sponsoring this bill, it has real potential to pass — BUT only if we educate and rally the people to support it and get our Congresspeople to put it to vote and pass it.

HR 1207 Co-Sponsors

Rep Abercrombie, Neil [HI-1] – 2/26/2009
Rep Aderholt, Robert B. [AL-4] – 5/6/2009
Rep Adler, John H. [NJ-3] – 5/6/2009
Rep Akin, W. Todd [MO-2] – 3/19/2009
Rep Alexander, Rodney [LA-5] – 3/10/2009
Rep Altmire, Jason [PA-4] – 5/20/2009
Rep Arcuri, Michael A. [NY-24] – 9/23/2009
Rep Austria, Steve [OH-7] – 5/6/2009
Rep Bachmann, Michele [MN-6] – 2/26/2009
Rep Bachus, Spencer [AL-6] – 4/29/2009
Rep Baird, Brian [WA-3] – 7/10/2009
Rep Baldwin, Tammy [WI-2] – 4/21/2009
Rep Barrett, J. Gresham [SC-3] – 4/28/2009
Rep Barrow, John [GA-12] – 5/12/2009
Rep Bartlett, Roscoe G. [MD-6] – 2/26/2009
Rep Barton, Joe [TX-6] – 5/4/2009
Rep Berkley, Shelley [NV-1] – 5/21/2009
Rep Berry, Marion [AR-1] – 5/20/2009
Rep Biggert, Judy [IL-13] – 4/28/2009
Rep Bilbray, Brian P. [CA-50] – 4/21/2009
Rep Bilirakis, Gus M. [FL-9] – 5/4/2009
Rep Bishop, Rob [UT-1] – 4/21/2009
Rep Bishop, Sanford D., Jr. [GA-2] – 10/27/2009
Rep Bishop, Timothy H. [NY-1] – 7/10/2009
Rep Blackburn, Marsha [TN-7] – 3/16/2009
Rep Blunt, Roy [MO-7] – 3/24/2009
Rep Boccieri, John A. [OH-16] – 7/28/2009
Rep Boehner, John A. [OH-8] – 6/10/2009
Rep Bonner, Jo [AL-1] – 6/9/2009
Rep Bono Mack, Mary [CA-45] – 4/29/2009
Rep Boozman, John [AR-3] – 5/7/2009
Rep Boren, Dan [OK-2] – 12/1/2009
Rep Boswell, Leonard L. [IA-3] – 6/9/2009
Rep Boucher, Rick [VA-9] – 7/20/2009
Rep Boustany, Charles W., Jr. [LA-7] – 5/13/2009
Rep Boyd, Allen [FL-2] – 7/14/2009
Rep Brady, Kevin [TX-8] – 4/22/2009
Rep Braley, Bruce L. [IA-1] – 6/11/2009
Rep Bright, Bobby [AL-2] – 6/11/2009
Rep Broun, Paul C. [GA-10] – 2/26/2009
Rep Brown, Corrine [FL-3] – 6/11/2009
Rep Brown, Henry E., Jr. [SC-1] – 4/28/2009
Rep Brown-Waite, Ginny [FL-5] – 5/20/2009
Rep Buchanan, Vern [FL-13] – 3/17/2009
Rep Burgess, Michael C. [TX-26] – 3/19/2009
Rep Burton, Dan [IN-5] – 2/26/2009
Rep Buyer, Steve [IN-4] – 4/30/2009
Rep Calvert, Ken [CA-44] – 4/29/2009
Rep Camp, Dave [MI-4] – 6/18/2009
Rep Campbell, John [CA-48] – 5/4/2009
Rep Cantor, Eric [VA-7] – 6/23/2009
Rep Cao, Anh “Joseph” [LA-2] – 6/11/2009
Rep Capito, Shelley Moore [WV-2] – 4/1/2009
Rep Carney, Christopher P. [PA-10] – 6/9/2009
Rep Carter, John R. [TX-31] – 3/31/2009
Rep Cassidy, Bill [LA-6] – 5/4/2009
Rep Castle, Michael N. [DE] – 3/17/2009
Rep Chaffetz, Jason [UT-3] – 3/6/2009
Rep Chandler, Ben [KY-6] – 7/7/2009
Rep Childers, Travis [MS-1] – 6/9/2009
Rep Chu, Judy [CA-32] – 10/6/2009
Rep Clay, Wm. Lacy [MO-1] – 11/19/2009
Rep Coble, Howard [NC-6] – 6/11/2009
Rep Coffman, Mike [CO-6] – 6/16/2009
Rep Cohen, Steve [TN-9] – 10/22/2009
Rep Cole, Tom [OK-4] – 4/21/2009
Rep Conaway, K. Michael [TX-11] – 5/7/2009
Rep Conyers, John, Jr. [MI-14] – 6/23/2009
Rep Courtney, Joe [CT-2] – 7/8/2009
Rep Crenshaw, Ander [FL-4] – 5/4/2009
Rep Cuellar, Henry [TX-28] – 9/24/2009
Rep Culberson, John Abney [TX-7] – 3/26/2009
Rep Dahlkemper, Kathleen A. [PA-3] – 7/22/2009
Rep Davis, Danny K. [IL-7] – 6/26/2009
Rep Davis, Geoff [KY-4] – 5/6/2009
Rep Davis, Lincoln [TN-4] – 9/30/2009
Rep Deal, Nathan [GA-9] – 3/23/2009
Rep DeFazio, Peter A. [OR-4] – 3/9/2009
Rep Delahunt, Bill [MA-10] – 9/9/2009
Rep Dent, Charles W. [PA-15] – 5/6/2009
Rep Diaz-Balart, Lincoln [FL-21] – 7/10/2009
Rep Diaz-Balart, Mario [FL-25] – 6/18/2009
Rep Doggett, Lloyd [TX-25] – 4/21/2009
Rep Doyle, Michael F. [PA-14] – 9/29/2009
Rep Dreier, David [CA-26] – 6/10/2009
Rep Driehaus, Steve [OH-1] – 10/6/2009
Rep Duncan, John J., Jr. [TN-2] – 3/6/2009
Rep Edwards, Chet [TX-17] – 6/16/2009
Rep Edwards, Donna F. [MD-4] – 6/11/2009
Rep Ehlers, Vernon J. [MI-3] – 4/21/2009
Rep Emerson, Jo Ann [MO-8] – 7/15/2009
Rep Fallin, Mary [OK-5] – 4/2/2009
Rep Farr, Sam [CA-17] – 7/8/2009
Rep Filner, Bob [CA-51] – 7/28/2009
Rep Flake, Jeff [AZ-6] – 5/11/2009
Rep Fleming, John [LA-4] – 3/18/2009
Rep Forbes, J. Randy [VA-4] – 5/20/2009
Rep Fortenberry, Jeff [NE-1] – 5/12/2009
Rep Foxx, Virginia [NC-5] – 3/10/2009
Rep Franks, Trent [AZ-2] – 3/23/2009
Rep Frelinghuysen, Rodney P. [NJ-11] – 6/3/2009
Rep Fudge, Marcia L. [OH-11] – 7/9/2009
Rep Gallegly, Elton [CA-24] – 7/7/2009
Rep Garrett, Scott [NJ-5] – 3/5/2009
Rep Gerlach, Jim [PA-6] – 5/11/2009
Rep Giffords, Gabrielle [AZ-8] – 6/16/2009
Rep Gingrey, Phil [GA-11] – 3/30/2009
Rep Gohmert, Louie [TX-1] – 4/23/2009
Rep Goodlatte, Bob [VA-6] – 4/28/2009
Rep Gordon, Bart [TN-6] – 9/8/2009
Rep Granger, Kay [TX-12] – 4/28/2009
Rep Graves, Sam [MO-6] – 4/22/2009
Rep Graves, Tom [GA-9] – 6/17/2010
Rep Grayson, Alan [FL-8] – 3/11/2009
Rep Griffith, Parker [AL-5] – 6/16/2009
Rep Grijalva, Raul M. [AZ-7] – 6/3/2009
Rep Guthrie, Brett [KY-2] – 5/7/2009
Rep Hall, Ralph M. [TX-4] – 4/29/2009
Rep Halvorson, Deborah L. [IL-11] – 6/3/2009
Rep Hare, Phil [IL-17] – 5/11/2009
Rep Harman, Jane [CA-36] – 7/7/2009
Rep Harper, Gregg [MS-3] – 5/11/2009
Rep Hastings, Doc [WA-4] – 5/11/2009
Rep Heinrich, Martin [NM-1] – 11/2/2009
Rep Heller, Dean [NV-2] – 3/6/2009
Rep Hensarling, Jeb [TX-5] – 5/4/2009
Rep Herger, Wally [CA-2] – 4/21/2009
Rep Herseth Sandlin, Stephanie [SD] – 5/6/2009
Rep Higgins, Brian [NY-27] – 10/13/2009
Rep Hill, Baron P. [IN-9] – 10/22/2009
Rep Hinchey, Maurice D. [NY-22] – 6/2/2009
Rep Hinojosa, Ruben [TX-15] – 9/10/2009
Rep Hirono, Mazie K. [HI-2] – 7/8/2009
Rep Hoekstra, Peter [MI-2] – 4/28/2009
Rep Holden, Tim [PA-17] – 6/4/2009
Rep Hunter, Duncan D. [CA-52] – 5/13/2009
Rep Inglis, Bob [SC-4] – 4/23/2009
Rep Inslee, Jay [WA-1] – 5/12/2009
Rep Issa, Darrell E. [CA-49] – 6/16/2009
Rep Jackson, Jesse L., Jr. [IL-2] – 7/30/2009
Rep Jenkins, Lynn [KS-2] – 4/23/2009
Rep Johnson, Eddie Bernice [TX-30] – 9/15/2009
Rep Johnson, Henry C. “Hank,” Jr. [GA-4] – 6/9/2009
Rep Johnson, Sam [TX-3] – 4/22/2009
Rep Johnson, Timothy V. [IL-15] – 4/23/2009
Rep Jones, Walter B., Jr. [NC-3] – 2/26/2009
Rep Jordan, Jim [OH-4] – 6/2/2009
Rep Kagen, Steve [WI-8] – 2/26/2009
Rep Kaptur, Marcy [OH-9] – 4/23/2009
Rep Kildee, Dale E. [MI-5] – 9/21/2009
Rep Kilpatrick, Carolyn C. [MI-13] – 12/1/2009
Rep King, Peter T. [NY-3] – 6/4/2009
Rep King, Steve [IA-5] – 6/11/2009
Rep Kingston, Jack [GA-1] – 3/6/2009
Rep Kirk, Mark Steven [IL-10] – 7/15/2009
Rep Kirkpatrick, Ann [AZ-1] – 7/14/2009
Rep Kissell, Larry [NC-8] – 11/5/2009
Rep Kline, John [MN-2] – 4/29/2009
Rep Kosmas, Suzanne M. [FL-24] – 6/17/2009
Rep Kratovil, Frank, Jr. [MD-1] – 6/4/2009
Rep Kucinich, Dennis J. [OH-10] – 6/11/2009
Rep Lamborn, Doug [CO-5] – 4/21/2009
Rep Lance, Leonard [NJ-7] – 5/11/2009
Rep Langevin, James R. [RI-2] – 9/8/2009
Rep Latham, Tom [IA-4] – 4/21/2009
Rep LaTourette, Steven C. [OH-14] – 4/28/2009
Rep Latta, Robert E. [OH-5] – 5/20/2009
Rep Lee, Christopher J. [NY-26] – 6/10/2009
Rep Lewis, Jerry [CA-41] – 6/24/2009
Rep Lewis, John [GA-5] – 9/23/2009
Rep Linder, John [GA-7] – 5/6/2009
Rep Lipinski, Daniel [IL-3] – 6/4/2009
Rep LoBiondo, Frank A. [NJ-2] – 5/4/2009
Rep Loebsack, David [IA-2] – 6/10/2009
Rep Lofgren, Zoe [CA-16] – 7/7/2009
Rep Lucas, Frank D. [OK-3] – 4/21/2009
Rep Luetkemeyer, Blaine [MO-9] – 4/21/2009
Rep Lujan, Ben Ray [NM-3] – 11/19/2009
Rep Lummis, Cynthia M. [WY] – 3/19/2009
Rep Lungren, Daniel E. [CA-3] – 5/7/2009
Rep Mack, Connie [FL-14] – 5/12/2009
Rep Maffei, Daniel B. [NY-25] – 5/12/2009
Rep Manzullo, Donald A. [IL-16] – 4/21/2009
Rep Marchant, Kenny [TX-24] – 3/11/2009
Rep Markey, Betsy [CO-4] – 6/25/2009
Rep Massa, Eric J. J. [NY-29] – 4/22/2009
Rep McCarthy, Kevin [CA-22] – 5/4/2009
Rep McCaul, Michael T. [TX-10] – 4/21/2009
Rep McClintock, Tom [CA-4] – 3/6/2009
Rep McCotter, Thaddeus G. [MI-11] – 3/19/2009
Rep McDermott, Jim [WA-7] – 4/29/2009
Rep McGovern, James P. [MA-3] – 6/10/2009
Rep McHenry, Patrick T. [NC-10] – 4/30/2009
Rep McHugh, John M. [NY-23] – 5/4/2009
Rep McIntyre, Mike [NC-7] – 6/10/2009
Rep McKeon, Howard P. “Buck” [CA-25] – 6/11/2009
Rep McMorris Rodgers, Cathy [WA-5] – 5/4/2009
Rep McNerney, Jerry [CA-11] – 3/16/2010
Rep Melancon, Charlie [LA-3] – 7/10/2009
Rep Mica, John L. [FL-7] – 5/12/2009
Rep Michaud, Michael H. [ME-2] – 5/7/2009
Rep Miller, Brad [NC-13] – 9/22/2009
Rep Miller, Candice S. [MI-10] – 4/28/2009
Rep Miller, Gary G. [CA-42] – 6/10/2009
Rep Miller, Jeff [FL-1] – 3/24/2009
Rep Minnick, Walter [ID-1] – 5/13/2009
Rep Mitchell, Harry E. [AZ-5] – 6/9/2009
Rep Moran, Jerry [KS-1] – 5/4/2009
Rep Murphy, Christopher S. [CT-5] – 7/7/2009
Rep Murphy, Patrick J. [PA-8] – 6/9/2009
Rep Murphy, Scott [NY-20] – 7/9/2009
Rep Murphy, Tim [PA-18] – 4/29/2009
Rep Myrick, Sue Wilkins [NC-9] – 4/28/2009
Rep Nadler, Jerrold [NY-8] – 9/10/2009
Rep Neugebauer, Randy [TX-19] – 4/30/2009
Rep Nunes, Devin [CA-21] – 6/12/2009
Rep Nye, Glenn C., III [VA-2] – 9/17/2009
Rep Oberstar, James L. [MN-8] – 7/31/2009
Rep Olson, Pete [TX-22] – 4/21/2009
Rep Ortiz, Solomon P. [TX-27] – 5/14/2009
Rep Pascrell, Bill, Jr. [NJ-8] – 6/9/2009
Rep Pastor, Ed [AZ-4] – 5/20/2009
Rep Paulsen, Erik [MN-3] – 3/30/2009
Rep Payne, Donald M. [NJ-10] – 7/30/2009
Rep Pence, Mike [IN-6] – 4/21/2009
Rep Perlmutter, Ed [CO-7] – 6/10/2009
Rep Perriello, Thomas S.P. [VA-5] – 5/13/2009
Rep Peterson, Collin C. [MN-7] – 3/19/2009
Rep Petri, Thomas E. [WI-6] – 3/10/2009
Rep Pingree, Chellie [ME-1] – 10/6/2009
Rep Pitts, Joseph R. [PA-16] – 4/28/2009
Rep Platts, Todd Russell [PA-19] – 3/19/2009
Rep Poe, Ted [TX-2] – 2/26/2009
Rep Polis, Jared [CO-2] – 6/11/2009
Rep Posey, Bill [FL-15] – 2/26/2009
Rep Price, Tom [GA-6] – 3/10/2009
Rep Putnam, Adam H. [FL-12] – 4/28/2009
Rep Quigley, Mike [IL-5] – 3/9/2010
Rep Radanovich, George [CA-19] – 5/6/2009
Rep Rehberg, Denny [MT] – 2/26/2009
Rep Reichert, David G. [WA-8] – 5/20/2009
Rep Reyes, Silvestre [TX-16] – 12/1/2009
Rep Richardson, Laura [CA-37] – 7/28/2009
Rep Rodriguez, Ciro D. [TX-23] – 12/1/2009
Rep Roe, David P. [TN-1] – 4/21/2009
Rep Rogers, Harold [KY-5] – 7/14/2009
Rep Rogers, Mike D. [AL-3] – 5/13/2009
Rep Rogers, Mike J. [MI-8] – 5/20/2009
Rep Rohrabacher, Dana [CA-46] – 3/6/2009
Rep Rooney, Thomas J. [FL-16] – 4/22/2009
Rep Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana [FL-18] – 4/28/2009
Rep Roskam, Peter J. [IL-6] – 6/2/2009
Rep Ross, Mike [AR-4] – 5/21/2009
Rep Rothman, Steven R. [NJ-9] – 6/18/2009
Rep Royce, Edward R. [CA-40] – 5/12/2009
Rep Ruppersberger, C. A. Dutch [MD-2] – 10/20/2009
Rep Ryan, Paul [WI-1] – 5/14/2009
Rep Ryan, Tim [OH-17] – 10/23/2009
Rep Salazar, John T. [CO-3] – 7/15/2009
Rep Sarbanes, John P. [MD-3] – 6/15/2009
Rep Scalise, Steve [LA-1] – 5/20/2009
Rep Schakowsky, Janice D. [IL-9] – 5/6/2009
Rep Schauer, Mark H. [MI-7] – 5/20/2009
Rep Schiff, Adam B. [CA-29] – 7/14/2009
Rep Schmidt, Jean [OH-2] – 6/11/2009
Rep Schock, Aaron [IL-18] – 5/6/2009
Rep Schrader, Kurt [OR-5] – 9/15/2009
Rep Scott, David [GA-13] – 7/20/2009
Rep Sensenbrenner, F. James, Jr. [WI-5] – 5/7/2009
Rep Sessions, Pete [TX-32] – 3/23/2009
Rep Shadegg, John B. [AZ-3] – 5/7/2009
Rep Shea-Porter, Carol [NH-1] – 6/9/2009
Rep Sherman, Brad [CA-27] – 6/23/2009
Rep Shimkus, John [IL-19] – 4/22/2009
Rep Shuler, Heath [NC-11] – 6/12/2009
Rep Shuster, Bill [PA-9] – 5/7/2009
Rep Simpson, Michael K. [ID-2] – 4/28/2009
Rep Slaughter, Louise McIntosh [NY-28] – 6/17/2009
Rep Smith, Adam [WA-9] – 4/22/2009
Rep Smith, Adrian [NE-3] – 4/28/2009
Rep Smith, Christopher H. [NJ-4] – 6/15/2009
Rep Smith, Lamar [TX-21] – 4/2/2009
Rep Snyder, Vic [AR-2] – 6/23/2009
Rep Souder, Mark E. [IN-3] – 6/16/2009
Rep Space, Zachary T. [OH-18] – 6/23/2009
Rep Speier, Jackie [CA-12] – 6/11/2009
Rep Spratt, John M., Jr. [SC-5] – 10/13/2009
Rep Stark, Fortney Pete [CA-13] – 3/26/2009
Rep Stearns, Cliff [FL-6] – 3/6/2009
Rep Sullivan, John [OK-1] – 7/8/2009
Rep Sutton, Betty [OH-13] – 10/6/2009
Rep Taylor, Gene [MS-4] – 3/6/2009
Rep Teague, Harry [NM-2] – 6/12/2009
Rep Terry, Lee [NE-2] – 3/30/2009
Rep Thompson, Bennie G. [MS-2] – 7/17/2009
Rep Thompson, Glenn [PA-5] – 4/22/2009
Rep Thornberry, Mac [TX-13] – 5/21/2009
Rep Tiahrt, Todd [KS-4] – 4/28/2009
Rep Tiberi, Patrick J. [OH-12] – 4/28/2009
Rep Tierney, John F. [MA-6] – 7/20/2009
Rep Titus, Dina [NV-3] – 7/14/2009
Rep Tonko, Paul D. [NY-21] – 6/9/2009
Rep Turner, Michael R. [OH-3] – 5/13/2009
Rep Upton, Fred [MI-6] – 4/29/2009
Rep Visclosky, Peter J. [IN-1] – 7/20/2009
Rep Walden, Greg [OR-2] – 5/4/2009
Rep Walz, Timothy J. [MN-1] – 5/7/2009
Rep Wamp, Zach [TN-3] – 3/16/2009
Rep Weiner, Anthony D. [NY-9] – 11/5/2009
Rep Welch, Peter [VT] – 5/21/2009
Rep Westmoreland, Lynn A. [GA-3] – 4/2/2009
Rep Whitfield, Ed [KY-1] – 5/14/2009
Rep Wilson, Joe [SC-2] – 4/29/2009
Rep Wittman, Robert J. [VA-1] – 4/1/2009
Rep Wolf, Frank R. [VA-10] – 6/11/2009
Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. [CA-6] – 2/26/2009
Rep Wu, David [OR-1] – 7/13/2009
Rep Yarmuth, John A. [KY-3] – 7/14/2009
Rep Young, C.W. Bill [FL-10] – 6/3/2009
Rep Young, Don [AK] – 3/6/2009

Step 2: Your Senator

HR 1207′s identical companion bill in the Senate is known as S 604, the Federal Reserve Sunshine Act, sponsored by Sen. Bernie Sanders.

S 604 Co-Sponsors

Sen Barrasso, John [WY] – 7/15/2009
Sen Bennett, Robert F. [UT] – 7/15/2009
Sen Boxer, Barbara [CA] – 9/17/2009
Sen Brownback, Sam [KS] – 7/8/2009
Sen Burr, Richard [NC] – 7/9/2009
Sen Cardin, Benjamin L. [MD] – 7/28/2009
Sen Chambliss, Saxby [GA] – 7/8/2009
Sen Coburn, Tom [OK] – 7/20/2009
Sen Cochran, Thad [MS] – 10/1/2009
Sen Cornyn, John [TX] – 7/20/2009
Sen Crapo, Mike [ID] – 6/25/2009
Sen DeMint, Jim [SC] – 6/11/2009
Sen Dorgan, Byron L. [ND] – 9/9/2009
Sen Feingold, Russell D. [WI] – 7/15/2009
Sen Graham, Lindsey [SC] – 7/24/2009
Sen Grassley, Chuck [IA] – 8/3/2009
Sen Harkin, Tom [IA] – 7/20/2009
Sen Hatch, Orrin G. [UT] – 7/24/2009
Sen Hutchison, Kay Bailey [TX] – 7/20/2009
Sen Inhofe, James M. [OK] – 7/9/2009
Sen Isakson, Johnny [GA] – 7/8/2009
Sen Landrieu, Mary L. [LA] – 12/17/2009
Sen Leahy, Patrick J. [VT] – 9/17/2009
Sen Lincoln, Blanche L. [AR] – 7/15/2009
Sen McCain, John [AZ] – 7/15/2009
Sen Murkowski, Lisa [AK] – 9/15/2009
Sen Risch, James E. [ID] – 8/3/2009
Sen Thune, John [SD] – 9/22/2009
Sen Vitter, David [LA] – 6/16/2009
Sen Webb, Jim [VA] – 8/3/2009
Sen Wicker, Roger F. [MS] – 10/1/2009
Sen Wyden, Ron [OR] – 1/28/2010

Step 3: The People

Tell everyone you know about HR 1207 and S 604 ask them to support the bills and to contact their representative as well. Link to this page and to



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Why Audit The Federal Reserve?

Ron Paul’s legislation is aimed at pulling back the curtain from a secretive and unaccountable Federal Reserve. Congress and the American people have minimal, if any, oversight over trillions of dollars that the Fed controls.

With recent bailouts and spending decisions shining a spotlight on the actions of the Federal Reserve, more and more pressure is bearing down on Congress to take action and demand accountability and transparency.

Auditing the Fed is only the first step towards exposing this antiquated insider-run creature to the powerful forces of free-market competition. Once there are viable alternatives to the monopolistic fiat dollar, the Federal Reserve will have to become honest and transparent if it wants to remain in business.

Introducing HR 1207

Ron Paul introduced bill H.R. 1207 on February 26, 2009 with the following speech to Congress:

Madame Speaker,

I rise to introduce the Federal Reserve Transparency Act. Throughout its nearly 100-year history, the Federal Reserve has presided over the near-complete destruction of the United States dollar. Since 1913 the dollar has lost over 95% of its purchasing power, aided and abetted by the Federal Reserve’s loose monetary policy. How long will we as a Congress stand idly by while hard-working Americans see their savings eaten away by inflation? Only big-spending politicians and politically favored bankers benefit from inflation.

Serious discussion of proposals to oversee the Federal Reserve is long overdue. I have been a longtime proponent of more effective oversight and auditing of the Fed, but I was far from the first Congressman to advocate these types of proposals. Esteemed former members of the Banking Committee such as Chairmen Wright Patman and Henry B. Gonzales were outspoken critics of the Fed and its lack of transparency.

Since its inception, the Federal Reserve has always operated in the shadows, without sufficient scrutiny or oversight of its operations. While the conventional excuse is that this is intended to reduce the Fed’s susceptibility to political pressures, the reality is that the Fed acts as a foil for the government. Whenever you question the Fed about the strength of the dollar, they will refer you to the Treasury, and vice versa. The Federal Reserve has, on the one hand, many of the privileges of government agencies, while retaining benefits of private organizations, such as being insulated from Freedom of Information Act requests.

The Federal Reserve can enter into agreements with foreign central banks and foreign governments, and the GAO is prohibited from auditing or even seeing these agreements. Why should a government-established agency, whose police force has federal law enforcement powers, and whose notes have legal tender status in this country, be allowed to enter into agreements with foreign powers and foreign banking institutions with no oversight? Particularly when hundreds of billions of dollars of currency swaps have been announced and implemented, the Fed’s negotiations with the European Central Bank, the Bank of International Settlements, and other institutions should face increased scrutiny, most especially because of their significant effect on foreign policy. If the State Department were able to do this, it would be characterized as a rogue agency and brought to heel, and if a private individual did this he might face prosecution under the Logan Act, yet the Fed avoids both fates.

More importantly, the Fed’s funding facilities and its agreements with the Treasury should be reviewed. The Treasury’s supplementary financing accounts that fund Fed facilities allow the Treasury to funnel money to Wall Street without GAO or Congressional oversight. Additional funding facilities, such as the Primary Dealer Credit Facility and the Term Securities Lending Facility, allow the Fed to keep financial asset prices artificially inflated and subsidize poorly performing financial firms.

The Federal Reserve Transparency Act would eliminate restrictions on GAO audits of the Federal Reserve and open Fed operations to enhanced scrutiny. We hear officials constantly lauding the benefits of transparency and especially bemoaning the opacity of the Fed, its monetary policy, and its funding facilities. By opening all Fed operations to a GAO audit and calling for such an audit to be completed by the end of 2010, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act would achieve much-needed transparency of the Federal Reserve. I urge my colleagues to support this bill.

HR 1207

This is the bill itself, H.R. 1207:

111th Congress – 1st Session

H.R. 1207


To amend title 31, United States Code, to reform the manner in which the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System is audited by the Comptroller General of the United States and the manner in which such audits are reported, and for other purposes.

1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

This Act may be cited as the “Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009″.


(a) IN GENERAL. – Subsection (b) of section 714 of title 31, United States Code, is amended by striking all after “shall audit an agency” and inserting a period.

(b) AUDIT. – Section 714 of title 31, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:


“(1) IN GENERAL. – The audit of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal reserve banks under subsection (b) shall be completed before the end of 2010.

“(2) REPORT -

“(A) REQUIRED. – A report on the audit referred to in paragraph (1) shall be submitted by the Comptroller General to the Congress before the end of the 90-day period beginning on the date on which such audit is completed and made available to the Speaker of the House, the majority and minority leaders of the House of Representatives, the majority and minority leaders of the Senate, the Chairman and Ranking Member of the committee and each sub-committee of jurisdiction in the House of Representatives and the Senate, and any other Member of Congress who requests it.

“(B) CONTENTS. – The report under subparagraph (A) shall include a detailed description of the findings and conclusion of the Comptroller General with respect to the audit that is the subject of the report, together with such recommendations for legislative or administrative action as the Comptroller General may determine to be appropriate.”.

Ron Paul’s Quotes on HR 1207

In this speech to Congress, Ron Paul refutes Ben Bernanke’s interpretation of HR 1207, the bill to audit the Federal Reserve, and explains why only an audit will protect the public’s interest.

Date: 7/30/2009

Ron Paul: Mr. Speaker, the big guns have lined up against HR 1207, the bill to audit the Federal Reserve. What is it that they are so concerned about? What information are they hiding from the American people? The screed is: transparency is okay except for those things they don’t want to be transparent.

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, argues that HR 1207, the legislation to audit the Federal Reserve, would politicize monetary policy. He claims that monetary policy must remain independent, that is; secret. He ignores history because chairmen of the Federal Reserve in the past, especially when up for reappointment, do their best to accommodate the president with politically driven low interest rates and a bubble economy.

Former Federal Reserve Board Chairman Arthur Burns, when asked about all the inflation he brought about in 1971 before Nixon’s reelection, said that the Fed has to do what the president wants it to do, or it would lose its independence. That about tells you everything.

Not by accident Chairman Burns strongly supported Nixon’s program of wage and price controls the same year, but I guess that’s not political. Is not making secret deals with the likes of Goldman Sachs, international financial institutions, foreign governments and foreign central banks politicizing monetary policy?

Bernanke argues that the knowledge that their discussions and decisions will one day be scrutinized will compromise the freedom of the Open Market Committee to pursue sound policy. If it is sound and honest and serves no special interest, what’s the problem?

He claims that HR 1207 would give power to Congress to affect monetary policy. He dreamt this up to instill fear, an old statist trick to justify government power. HR 1207 does nothing of the sort. He suggested that the day after an FOMC meeting, Congress could send in the GAO to demand an audit of everything said and done. This is hardly the case. The FOMC function under HR 1207 would not change.

The detailed transcripts of the FOMC meetings are released every 5 years, so why would this be so different and what is it that they don’t want the American people to know? Is there something about the transcripts that need to be kept secret, or are the transcripts actually not verbatim?

Fed sycophants argue that an audit would destroy the financial markets’ faith in the Fed. They say this in the midst of the greatest financial crisis in history brought on by none other than the Federal Reserve. In fact, Chairman Bernanke stated on November 14th 2007, “A considerable amount of evidence indicates that Central Bank transparency increases the effectiveness of monetary policy and enhances economic and financial performance”.

They also argue that an audit would hurt the value of the U.S. dollar. In fact, the Fed, in less than a 100 years of its existence, has reduced the value of the 1914 dollar by 96%.

They claim HR 1207 would raise interest rates. How could it? The Fed sets interest rates and the bill doesn’t interfere with monetary policy. Congress would have no say in the matter and besides, Congress likes low interest rates.

It is argued that the Fed wouldn’t be free to raise interest rates if they thought it necessary. But Bernanke has already assured the Congress that rates are going to stay low for the foreseeable future. And again, this bill does nothing to allow Congress to interfere with interest rate setting.

Fed supporters claim that they want to protect the public’s interest with their secrecy. But the banks and Wall Streets are the opponents of HR 1207, and the people are for it. Just who best represents the public’s interest?

The real question is: why are Wall Street and the Fed so hysterically opposed to HR 1207? Just what information are they so anxious to keep secret? Only an audit of the Federal Reserve will answer these questions.

Excerpt from Ron Paul’s 4/22/2009 appearance on Judge Andrew Napolitano’s Freedom Watch:

Ron Paul: After we came back yesterday from our 2-week break, I think have 15 new people signed on and somebody came up to me and says, “I signed on your bill this morning because I went to my town hall meetings, I went four of them and in every meeting people were there and say, “It’s time that we have transparency of the Fed.’”

But I call them the Fourth Branch of government. Some people don’t think of them as part of the government because they’re so secretive. But we created it, we can end it, we take no responsibility to supervise it, and look at what they’re doing. We spend hundreds of billions, but the Fed deals in trillions, and they don’t have any responsibility to tell us about it. So there’s a lot of power there and it deserves looking at.

And I think I have to say Barney Frank has been sympathetic with this. He’s for transparency. He’s not for hard money and the type of monetary policy I’m talking about. He believes that we should have more transparency of the Fed, so whether this bill gets passed or something very similar, the mood in the country is such that not only do they want us to be better in handling the appropriated fund and knowing where these TARP funds went, the American people have awakened to this whole idea of what the Federal Reserve does behind the scenes.

So I’m delighted. I’ve been pushing this monetary issue for more than 30 years believing it was THE significant economic issue of our time, and I think people are starting to realize this and we’re going to keep hearing about it and there’s a good chance that it will eventually make it to the floor.

Excerpt from Ron Paul’s 3/5/2009 appearance on Judge Andrew Napolitano’s Freedom Watch:

Judge Napolitano: Before we switch gears, Congressman Paul, how did Ben Bernanke react to the legislation that you introduced calling for an audit of the Fed. Did he give you a call on the phone?

Ron Paul: Oh yes, he called me, wanted to congratulate me and he wanted to support my bill. You know, interestingly, just recently, I cannot name his name but I was talking to a former member of the Federal Reserve board and told him about the bill and he was friendly enough.

I said, “What do you think of that?” He said, “I think it’s not a very good idea”. And I said, “Do the people at the Federal Reserve ever talk about, are concerned about the dollar”. I said, you know, I’m always talking about the dollar and what this is going to do to the dollar. And I said, “Do they know that all this debt and inflation could hurt the dollar?” He says, “Yes, they do.” He confirmed it. He said, “They absolutely do.” He says, “But they can’t answer your questions in public because it would cause panic.”

Judge Napolitano: This administration came to power and we all knew the words that they used, “hope” and “change”. But one of the words that they really used was “transparency”. I would think the President himself should be in favor of transparency at the Fed if he wants to be ideologically consistent. What are they afraid we will find out, Congressman Paul?

Ron Paul: Well, what they’re going to find out is, that’s the first step. Once we get the audit bill passed and we can reveal what they are doing, I think the next step is to end the Fed. That’s why they don’t want that.

You know, we had some very good comments made by our Senator Bernie Sanders yesterday from Vermont. I talked with him this morning and we’re going to be talking a lot about the need for having transparency.

And I think the mood is right. The mood is right both with the Democrats and the Republicans, because they don’t know exactly what is going on but they know the American people are sick and tired of just throwing money out there, whether it’s to the Treasury and nobody knows where it goes, whether they send it to Iraq and nobody knows where the bundles of money go, or whether the Federal Reserve can create 2 trillion dollars, and they don’t even have to tell us.

As a government all onto itself, it’s bigger than the whole U.S. Congress. They create trillions in a day, you know, in a short period of time, and in the Congress we do talk a little bit when we pass 400 million or 800 million. But the Fed is a much bigger problem.

Excerpt from Ron Paul’s 3/10/2009 interview with Alex Jones:

Alex Jones: Every few weeks they come before the banking committee and you bring up the fact that what they are doing is destroying us. What do we need to do to bring the private Federal Reserve under control?

Ron Paul: Well, there has to be an uprising by the people. There has to be enough people who will demand that their Congressmen respond, and that is building. You know, a year or two ago nobody in Washington even thought about the Federal Reserve. Today there is a lot more thinking going on and a lot more support for our position. So it is growing. And yet, we’re not on the verge of changing it. I have the bill to get rid of the Federal Reserve, that’s the major step and the ultimate step and they’ll probably self-destruct before we actually pass legislation.

But the bill that is more important in the short run is the auditing bill, the 1207 bill, because that means they have to start answering our questions. Today they are protected. They are in total secrecy and they are protected by the law. If 1207 is passed we have an audit and they have to answer the questions. And I figure if we ever get that far and get the exposure and get the transparency that we need, then people will wake up and realize, ‘why do we have them at all?’

Alex Jones: Senator Sanders grilled them, as you know, last week saying that he is supporting 1207 or a version in the Senate because, Bernanke, the private Fed chief just said, “I’m not going to tell you where the money, buddy.” I mean, that’s amazing to see our elected Congress, the most powerful branch of the government according to our founders, being told to kiss off.

Ron Paul: Right, and I know Sanders real well. He was on the banking committee with me before he went into the Senate, and I called him after that, and I believe he has now introduced my version of the transparency bill and I’ve introduced his version. So both bills exist. Mine is a little bit more conclusive, in that it removes the total authority for them to not answer questions. His is specifically designed to answer certain questions and reveal where certain trillion dollars went. They are very similar, but somewhat different in nature, so we both support each other’s bill and they’ve been introduced in both chambers.

Alex Jones: Well, public support for this and the majority of the Congress itself are saying they are angry, they don’t know where the money is and Bloomberg sued to find out and he’s been told No on their foyer. If this gets media attention I can see now way that Congress wouldn’t vote for a proper audit of the private Federal Reserve.

Ron Paul: They’re going to, if we can get it that far. It’s a good issue, like so many of our issues, we bring different many factions together, liberals and conservatives, under the constitution. Because, if you’re a good honest liberal like Bernie Sanders, he is an honest person but is very, very liberal. He calls himself a socialist, but he agrees on the transparency issue.

So this whole idea that we expose them to bring populists, libertarians, constitutionals, liberals, socialist all together and think, “If we can’t do this, what’s left of representative government? There’s nothing left.” So it’s a good unifier, I think it’s a great issue.

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w1945 23 pts

Just watching Megan Kelly on Fox News. Up come the polls which showed Ron Paul in third place, They talked about Romney, Perry, Cain and Newt but not one word about Paul. Would anyone like to say biased? If Paul does not get the GOP nomination I will help shove Obama right up their biased rear ends. I truly hope Paul runs third party so we can give them four more years of Obama. They stinking deserve it.

w1945 23 pts

Ron Paul should come out tomorrow and tell the world that if he does not get the GOP nomination then he will be third party. If he does that the Republicans will then have two choices and only two choices which will be Obama or Ron Paul. If Ron runs third party then they the Republicans can not win and they will have no other choice but to throw their support behind Ron Paul. There are more registered Independents in New Hampshire than there are Democrats or Republicans. Does Ron have the support to pull this off? Absolutely!

drmaddogs 5 pts

So, with real light put on Opponets, general backing for them can be eliminated. Their greed and desire

which is the motifying factor is now transparent.

Danger- can the subject candidate utilizing exposure withstand the same treatment/exposure?

The best way to observe this is in an inverse manner.. take the case of Congressman Rangel:

"Congressman Rangel Faces Ethics Charges" for those whom watched Senate hearing, and observed his, what was discrbed in some manners as a tirade, reply to a general assembly, and taking in the group mentality(none are innocent'all are guilty) one can easily see where for 20 minutes Rangel was warning all that he was not doing anything that hadn't been done before and he would not go down alone should his peers push "too much".

Ron Paul=extreme change=peer resistance. Extreme change requires force. Can he use force without "too much" push?

Also force is only useful at appropriate time. If R.p. decides to use Force/Exposure now is the time. At some point, anything else other than Force is letting someone else use Force. He will lose if Force does not overcome resistance.

One has to start the Slinkey down the stairs at some point, or be a "also ran".

drmaddogs 5 pts

Destroy the resistance.- All whom participate in a malfomed system are guilty. The malformed system simply provides a means to an end. Group dynamics affords coomonality.

The commonality is advancement using the system. Success in the system we have is to advance over the interests of others.(Capitolism).

The expression is derived from avoiding the closed loop. Advantage is gained from deciet. Advantage is destroyed by deciet exposed.

Group dynamics are such that the members of a group cannot be held to the light of day.

All are guilty.

Romney Advisors have conspirded with some terrible people= his advice is tainted. His selection of people is questionably failed on the basis of policy for the grater good.

Romney quit attaining wealth, when the "favoring" of Junk Bonds lessened. Junk is Junk. His "growth since then is just passing time. Do Americans want a President whom based his rise on the "Junk".

Perry position has bee based intirely on satisfying his Donators, without which he could not maintain his office. Donators include "For Profit Prisons" with some of the most ghastley human rights accusations found in American Justice Sysytems,, his refusal to deal with the complaints for 1/2 a decade infer a general somatic condition reminisent of defamed Roman Emporers.

drmaddogs 5 pts

There could is a Solution. R.P. does not want to use it . He wants to "slowly work within the system. It is a factor of reality divided by hope x time(or any formula of social progression you preffer). The slinky- comparrison; all objects are subject to universal force(gravity) and least resistance mechanical form easily seen or promulgated. The same can be said for awareness and emotional content.

Force=change/time. common denominator. how much force can the social order stand, before disruption from 'Force versus time ROI is not apparent. If winning is everything, bring the 'Force as nessesary.

Destroy the resistance.

Leave "other solutions behind.

Remember, even a slinky does not work at too fast a progression.

Bookends 6 pts

w1945 reply - With looking to the future it is wonderful to embrace Ron Paul's inspirational views. it's too bad that there's not a way to clone his eyes for this man of visionary views of Liberty is everything at least to begin with, for there will be others come along who will improve upon Ron Paul; but now, we must begin with Ron Paul, who, speaks of the past of the great politicians who courageously built and secured this country with the Bill of Rights & the Constitution. I tell my granddaughters, that if Ron Paul gets to be President, he's going to be the first President since JFK. Ron Paul is genuine with "Constitutional Living."

w1945 23 pts

Look folks the primary's will be on us before we know it. It then will be do or die for Ron. If he can get the GOP nomination then it will be a cake walk pass Obama. Ron is the only one that can pull a truck load of Democratic votes along with Independents. If he get the GOP nomination then the Republicans have only two choices, Obama or Ron and we all know how that will go down. So we need to rack our brains for something that will fire up the voters for Ron. I have been busting my head but so far I have not come up with the one thing that we need. We need something that will catch on fire and quick. So cog in your brains and post it on here. I know it is out there, we just have to find it. So crank it on and post it. No matter if it sounds silly just post it. A million brains is mighty powerful stuff. So lets all go for it. I mean after all the Slinky caught on like wild fire.

w1945 23 pts

Lets see says the blind man, congress authorized $1.487 trillion in bailouts. The Fed being the upright and honest good boys that they are doled out $14.5 trillion above and beyond that and they were good enough to send $3 trillion of that to foreign banks. But it gets better, they paid them selves $600 million for doing this for us. And be still my heart they contracted that to the likes of JP Morgan and other big banks, you know the clowns who caused the crises in the first place. Remember what good old honest Herman said, "call them up". Herman needs to give an explanation to all the ones who lost their retirement funds when he ran the board at that Western energy company and how he doled out $30 million in bonuses to four or five top executives when he knew the stock was tanking. But not to worry old Herman is like Romney he has had a change of heart since them days. Sure!

drmaddogs 5 pts

The "Fed audit" IS.. the problem. Deloitte is the "auditor", the Fed TELLS the auditor, what things are worth what. The epitomy is the case of Dexia, 2times it's failed now in 3 years..whom was the Auditing company? Deloitte. As such, there is no " Independant" Audit on most companies/Banks as Mark to Market, hardley exists. The Fed, by it's own mandated FASB standars is 53 to one leveraged, when the U.S. markets collapsed, the Money Center Banks were over 30 to one, E.U. is now over 26 to one.

Now U.S. Money Center Banks back to 12 to one.

There is no "independant" audit in existance.. for the Fed.

Bookends 6 pts


WeRockNetwork wants to audit the FED!

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Problem is... Congress did this to themselves, and to us... It is really the Congress to Blame. They should have payed attention to what the Secretary of State was doing in 1913 with the Likes of J.P Morgan and John Rockefeller... Maybe if they'd done that, the Monetary Power, and the very definition of Money, as well as it's value, would still belong to Congress and the People.

My Question to Ben Bernanke regarding his answer to Ron Paul:

I have a Question for all the Bankers, and in particular, Ben Bernanke, CEO of the Federal Reserve, who said “NO”… When asked by Ron Paul “Is Gold Money?”

If Gold is not Money Mr. Bernanke, Then Explain to me, why a $1000.00 Dollar, Point 9999 Fine Gold, 1 Ounce Liberty Dollar Coin, Minted by Bernard von NotHaus in 2007… Is Now 4 years later… Worth $1,831 Dollars?

Mr. Bernanke? Did you understand the Question?

It is Clear to myself, and Everyone in this Country, that this “Competing” (not Counterfeit) Currency, has a much greater Value than your worthless Federal Dollar Bill… And if Gold is not Money, then why do you and the Federal Government Hoard it, while making it unlawful for the People to Possess in this form or that?

You Mr. Bernanke, have a serious problem.

One third of your problem Sir, happens to be that the Value of Gold is Determined by World Demand, and that you have no control of it. Therefore, Gold is Money, always will be Money, and will forever and ever, put your idea of Money to Shame, as it will always carry greater Value.

The Second Part of your Problem is simply that the American People know what you’re doing to the purchasing Power of the Dollar, that you make them work so hard to earn. They know you Manipulate it at will, making them poorer by the Day, all as you sit and blame the People themselves for not spending enough, as if it’s their Fault! Be very Clear Mr. Bernanke… The People WILL have a Competing Currency of THEIR choosing… It’s simply a matter of time. Which I might add Sir… You and your Cohorts are fast running out of.

The Third part of your Problem, is quite possibly the Strongest Name in History since Washington Himself… RON PAUL. In case you haven’t noticed Sir, Your Persistent and unrelenting grab for Power is Failing you. You no longer have the Power to control and Enforce the dwindling Value of this Country and it’s People… Because you simply cannot devalue it any more. We have nothing left… You can no Longer threaten the Congress with Martial Law if they Fail to Agree to, and Cover up your Crimes. This Republic Sir, has come out of it’s Slumber. You have awoken a Sleeping Giant… And You have already Lost this War of yours… You just don’t know it yet.

You Mr. Bernanke, and the entire Congress should be quite careful in your Unlawful and Unconstitutional Monetary agreements… As I think it quite Possible Sir, that the People of this Country who have made you so Rich, will soon be the very People who throw Congress out on their Ear, Make Ron Paul President, and Drive you and your Mafia to the Furthest reaches of the Planet, Never to return to this Soil.

This Country’s Dealings with you and yours… Are coming to an End.

I guess I owe you a Certain debt of Gratitude… For if there ever comes a Revolution… It will be your doing… And no one else’s… Because You Incite Violence against the People by depriving them of the ability to gain real wealth of any kind.

I have a great deal of Faith in my Country and it’s People Sir… That said, you can rest assured: Though you may think you control our Military and our Congress… That Military and Congress is made up of the Hearts and Minds of Men and Women who Believe in our Constitution even though you Don’t, And those People will take orders only so far before they begin to turn all of their collective might against you, and those who protect you. And those who do protect you, will only do so as long as Congress and the People allow them to do so.

Let me break that down into laymen’s terms for you: Just because the D.O.J. and the Treasury Protect you now, it doesn’t mean they always will.

A Legitimate Competing Currency will simply Transfer Wealth from you, Back to the People of the United States… And that Sir, you SHOULD be Afraid of.

So… Mr. Bernanke? Do you think Gold is Money now?

Thank you for your time.

R.S. Buck
New Hampshire

w1945 23 pts

Darn I have some gold. I guess since uncle Ben says it is not money then I might as well chunk it out the door. HaHaHaHaHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Ben is dumber in the head than a Hog is in the ass.

drmaddogs 5 pts


Ben is a tool, just that., not smarter than, or dumber than.. just a tool, acog. What happens when a better tool is invented?

Pedro say be careful essay........ meester Quadafi was going to his own gold standard and look what they did

Japan, haiti, indonesia pedro say these not natural disasters... Haarp... now Japan has central bank...

How long before big big earthquake in Iran

The US Federal Reserve is a international private banking company and not part of our US Government, yet they own our politicians.

They have created the biggest global Ponzi sheme ever contrived!

Do some research and you will learn how corrupt these people are and how deep this corruption runs thru American history.

These people kill those who oppose them.....

w1945 23 pts

I would about welcome them to come and try and kill me. I have a lot of frustration built up that only trigger pulling can ease. And yes I have read the "Creature from Jekyll Island".

Pedro say be careful essay look at meester Kennedy, Grafield, Mckinley, Lincon and Anrew Jackson...All wanted to end the fed

Great website! Visit to view the most recent Ron Paul videos that are out. Leave your feedback on them also!


still waiting on the zombie apokolypse

w1945 23 pts

Do keep it well oiled and free of dust. That is unless it is the old faithful AK-47 which can be dragged through the mud and will keep on clicking.

All makes sense, just robbery in broad daylight. You see it everyday when not even realizing it. Our lives are in the hands of loose people. People who have every thing, to be exact. All because a bill is passed by a congressman married into a family of bankers in 1913. Pretty lame. Not to be far-fetched about these things, yes technology is advancing and it's all new. But I can't wait for us to hit the 100 trill. mark, where neighborhoods have metal trees with cameras aimed at every house. I know what I'm saying sounds is a ticket to power, and power can pretty much give those, in a respectable position, vial tendencies to control; not talking about politicians ;). Most Democrats, on the other hand, are selfish radicals and they love their juiced connections, in bounds of the Fed.
I laugh when I read a dollar bill and see "This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private." So I really own nothing? I own a piece of what everyone including myself doesn't have? But since there's something with germs and dried up hepatitis blood in my hand that's previously been in a hooker's dirty not washed for 10 days g-string, I guess it's existence means I could actually use it as leverage. I guess our currency is really backed by what someone in a foreign country is forced to help produce who receives no work compensation. As we receive massive amounts of imports in this country. A country that hides behind glam and a retarded media that says women aren't pretty unless they are 6'1" and 80 lbs. financed by the same bullshit...I'm a dude, and if you think supermodels are hot, then go have sex with your next door neighbors twelve year old son. It's great to be an American. It ain't great to be a Federal American.

We know the national debt went from 1 Trillion with Regan to 14.5 Trillion now, I wouldn't be susprised to learn the FED gave away an additional 13 Trillion in the same time without any public outcry. I can only find evidence of the past 3.5 Trillion given to banks in as many years. It appears to me political concern over Social Security and Welfare is the smoke and mirrors for the real theft of the nations wealth.

Sure makes me wonder if taxes would double if we quit borrowing and printing money. How else could we pay for the Nations army.

I would love to see an amount and timeline of the FED give-aways for the past 30 years showing any numbers that we do know - something that would look like the history of the national debt.

w1945 23 pts

They were suppose to hand out $1.43 trillion in bailouts, they over shot that by $14.3 trillion and $3 trillion of that went to foreign banks. They they turned around and charged us the tax payer $600 million for doing it.

Audit the federal Reserve I can see a movie being made ...

Go Ron Paul :-)

This is one issue I agree 100% with Ron Paul on. Did you know that the amendments which created the Fed and income taxes were never ratified by the states, as required by our constitution, before being put in action?

Super post it is actually. My friend has been searching for this information.

Antidisestablishmentarianism. The time has come to put this word to our daily speech.

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I emailed my representative Jeff Denham (19 District of California) asking why he isn't supporting H.R. 1207 and basically indicating that I think they are a criminal organization (sorry I don't have my original email). If anyone is interested, here's what Jeff Denham thinks about the subject:

May 16, 2011

Dear Jeff,

Thank you for contacting me regarding the Federal Reserve Transparency Act. It is a pleasure to hear from you on this issue.

The Federal Reserve (Fed) was established in 1913, and has historically been primarily concerned with the execution of monetary policy through open market operations. The Fed has been a central actor in the government's response to the current financial crisis that began in August 2007. The Fed has greatly increased reserves to the banking system through open market operations and lowered the federal funds rate and discount rate on several occasions. Through the long duration of this economic recession, the Fed's focus has shifted from providing stability to expanding the scale of it lending, first to the banking system, and then by further extending direct lending to non-bank financial firms.

To increase transparency and keep Americans informed in the Fed's activities, Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) introduced H.R. 459, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2011. This bill removes restrictions on the Government Accountability Office (GAO) regarding Congressional investigations of the Fed. While the GAO can audit the Fed's non-monetary policy functions, the Federal Banking Agency Audit Act of 1978 restricts GAO from auditing certain Fed activities. H.R. 1207 removes the audit restrictions and requires GAO to perform an audit of the Fed,

In today's economy, the Fed plays an important role in keeping American financial institutions and our economic infrastructure running efficiently in both the domestic and international marketplace. Rest assured, I have the state of our economy and your family's best interest in mind as I consider H.R. 459 and other related issues.

Once again, thank you for contacting me. I encourage you to stay up to date with my activity in Washington, D.C., and in California's 19th District on my website,, and on my social media sites: @RepJeffDenham on Twitter and Representative Jeff Denham on Facebook.


United States Representative

What the fed did under Greenspan and now Berneke is nothing short of criminal-why they are not in jail, along with half of wall street, is beyond me. The fact that people are seemingly ok with this-where is the outrage?-is depressing. But this is a good place to start. As soon as we do a full audit, and people have a chance to fully realize what happened to bring on the financial meltdown, and how our tax dollars have been used to fund the greatest ponzi scheme of all time-there will be no way to contain the outrage. YES, audit the fed, and do it fast before they have time to destroy any evidence. I'll be calling my congressman every day until this gets done. Thank you Dr. Paul, for standing up for the American people. I'm a lifelong democrat and social liberal, but would vote for you in a heartbeat.

Audit the federal reserve right away people should be able to see how our money is spent and wasted in this country. I can see why they do not want us to know this because I am sure it is embarassing and shameful the way they have wasted away 9 trillion dollars and want to spend even more on programs that do not work!!!!!
Politicians should start with there own pay and benefits cut it all right away you have failed us anyway. You want healthcare for everybody why don't you buy yours like I have to then we would be the same!!! I know of a lot of people who feel the same way on this!!!

(P/C)/P = I

Noncredit money as a gift is only real money.
With noncredit money, we must have new system of national accounts.
P = price or GDP
C = costs
I = income (utility)
I - C = noncredit money as a gift
National income is income from costs and income from noncredit money.

Understanding Mathematically Perfected Economy Solution.

Under MPE a National NON PROFIT Accounting Common monetary foundry (CMF) will be established by the people for the people to handle all loans & deposits (NO BANKS), credit & money will be issued by the people themselves via promissory obligations with NO INTEREST attached based on a simple 1.1.1 ratio where all DEBT is equal or no more than remaining CIRCULATION & equal to no more of remaining depreciating VALUE OF PROPERTY,all principal is payed back at the rate of depreciation then retired/canceled/deleted (NO ONE KEEPS IT) out of circulation along with the debt after a loan is repaid in full

MPE Is a sovereign economy for any nation where money will serve man rather than rule man.

Mike breaks down a 60 minute interview will Ben Bernanke word for word exposing the lies and deception of banking.
Mike also breaks down Ron Paul's reply to that 60 minute interview with Ben Bernanke word for word also.
And finally mike exposes Dennis Kucinich's Plagiarisation of MPE and the world mandate in Dennis's latest reform bill.

Mike Montagne 1/18 (MPE) 60 minutes Lie of Economy 01.01.11

1/18 to 18/18

I hope someone with a voice to the world can see this!
We the people, Love our/GODS country. prooven by law to be the best place on earth to live. (ask the southerners?). help us tell the gov. to stop cheeting US!

It´s not your country. It belongs to the indian people.

are you not awake?

are you going to sell you,re soul? Truelly sell the souls of your children to this administration? just because he is a man of color? lies have no color. Lies have an adjenda!

w1945 23 pts

Well half of that useless piece of crap is white, which is something I hate to admit.

His mom was a real winner.

Tiered of the government lies. YOU, the government work for me! the people I LOVE, the people that elected YOU. forget the dream of being a king or queen, we don't work that way!
I love my father, all he stood for. Now I love the Father of use all! you are going to loose, fools! THE USA is the voice of truth. Obama the lier is the enamy of our family!

Is there anyway I can go about and get thousands of signatures to audit the fed?
I love talking to people about our corrupt government, federal reserve, and where our money is going. I KNOW I can get a whoooole shit load of signatures if it would even help. I want to help!! what can I do!?! I live in Crawfordsville, Indiana.
so who would i email? what should i say? help me help you

You can help but, you ned to learn first. You have to read the contracts and understand how to help.
You CANNOT AUDIT THE FED. End of story. There is no legal way you can accomplish this and all the signatures on the Eastern Seaboard wouldn't weigh in a feather.
You need to read the contracts, The Federal Reserve Act to start.
The bank was no fool and exemption from any over sight is embedded.
You need to understand what "money"is, Federal Reserve Notes are not money, they are a lie and a tool used by bankers to keep countries in poverty and to collapse economies. It is a global epidemic and we watch the fall out on television every day.

You need to learn that it is a much bigger, more sinister picture than just "abolish the Fed". The Fed is an evil, forign mechinisim used to strip America's resources.
They are operating illigally and are prohibited by the constitution.
You need to understand whether you are under the protection of the constitution or if the acting corporate government has jurisdiction over you. If you belong to the Fed Gov.,...then there is nothing you can, or will ever be able to do to change the Fed.
Only education and understanding and standing up will end this, but it is much greater than just the Federal Reserve, I reiterate.

The acting government is in place to protect the Federal Reserve, this is how they infiltrated and remained. They have effectively enslaved the American people and made them forigners and enemies of their own country....and it is every bit the truth, and you can read all about how it was done, by their own records, treaties and agreements.

I am not opposed to an audit but the Fed must remain independent. If the Fed has to pander to the public the way congress does we are doomed. Maybe everything they do is not perfect but at least they can do what they think is best without all the pandering and nonsense we get from the congress.

I apologize for my sarcastic arrogance however, "are you for real?". Seriously? Is that you Mr. Bernake? Really?
I think you really need to look a little deeper into what the Fed is and how it operates in the US and the world.
The Fed needs to go, completely. It is illegal to be functioning as it is. It is un-constitutional and, thanks to the Fed, so are you. The bastards.
You need to learn a little more. This is getting frustrating.


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