Liberty Defined

39 Responses

Pre-order Ron Paul’s latest book, “Liberty Defined: The 50 Urgent Issues That Affect Our Freedom“, which is a brand new, comprehensive, A-Z guide to his position on 50 of the most important issues of our times, both foreign and domestic.

Ron Paul’s supporters will be able to use the book as a guide book for 2012 and beyond, for all of their political and educational efforts. With entries ranging in length from a few pages to over ten, Liberty Defined is accessible, easy to digest, and clear cut in its ideology.

Pre-order Liberty Defined now!

Official release date: April 19, 2011

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I read this book, and I really liked it.
I can't agree with chapter 40 - Religion and Liberty. I am from Poland (Europe), I am atheist, but I am definitely not a socialist! I believe that Austrian Economics and the Liberty is the right way to go.
It is not the religion that i don't agree with, it is the church. In Poland we have only one very strong Catholic Church. It has great influence even in politics and economics. Every other churches are seen as religious sects. I think it is that power that corrupts, not a religion.
I really hope we have many insignificant religions, as You do in USA.

Anonymous said:

"If these 50 points are so important, why the hell doesn’t he address these issues on the floor of the House when it’s in session? Why isn’t it posted as a blog article?"

Have you tried to look him up on youtube? There are loads of C-SPAN vids of him speaking on the floor of the House. Tons of vids of him giving detailed descriptions of his various views. Tons of vids from his debates in '88, '08 and the present Republican primary debates. Tons of vids of media interviews. Ron Paul couldn't hide his ideas now if he wanted to. And with ideas as terrific as personal and economic freedom, why would he want to?

I just read this book and it has revealed to me the true corruptness of government. . My favorite quote: "The glory of victory in a senseless war should never replace the dignity of peace in a sane world."

I am ordering this book now, on audio.
I have all his books on audio. I buy audio books to share with the drivers at my company ( i work in the trucking industry) there are many of them ready to vote for Ron Paul. this is small way i help get the word out for Ron Paul. As it seems to me as those in power fear him. And shun him from media attention, Please help get the word out VOTE RON PAUL! Or i fear United states is doomed.

Can't say that I agree with Dr. Paul on every detail but this is a very thought provoking book. It should be compulsory reading for all people that consider themselves to be a Republican or a Democrat.

Think about the issues for yourself and then compare their positions to YOURS ... not the other party's. You just might find you're a victim of false advertising.

I have read Liberty Defined. It is the first time I have ever felt like I knew exactly where a candidate stood on all of the important issues. As a result of the information in this book, I will not need to listen to the media "Talking Heads" interpreting, misinterpreting or outright lying about what Ron Paul stands for. His position on the issues is stated clearly and simply. There is little room for misunderstanding. Whether or not you agree with his positions, you will certainly feel like he is an honest and courageous person who has been true to his convictions for many years. For the record, I agree with most of his conclusions and intend to vote for him at every level of his presidential campaign.

He is our best hope for the survival of the Constitution of the United States. Without it, the United States is meaningless and lost.

Although as I have posted here I own the book but have not read the book yet but I think I have seen every video there is of Doctor Paul on YouTube and my favorite and most informative overall in one single clip was when he announced he is running for President again 2012 YES! With that said, I agree totally with you sir.

Great comment Mr. Arter! I copied it to my "Liberty Defined - Author, Ron Paul" facebook page. I invite you, and everyone to "like" this page. It is a place for discussions regarding liberty.

I have bought the book but have not read it yet. I have been busy watching every video and reading everything I can find about Doctor Paul. I am a strong supporter of the Congressman both emotionally and financially.

An idea, an honest man, whose time has come. Get out there and feed the masses with who Ron Paul really is. The neoconservative media will be attacking in force with lies and twisted truth to discredit Ron and all Americans who love and desire liberty, honest money, peace and small Constitutional government.

While I support 95% of Dr. Paul's viewpoints, I have one major issue. Regarding his view on religion and liberty, he seems to have fallen for the old christian propaganda that more people have been killed by atheistic regimes than were killed by religious regimes throughout history. Somehow he equates these atheistic regimes with "secularism" as if to say secularism = atheism = mass murder. Anybody who can read will see that the killings committed by communists, fascists, or socialist dictatorial regimes in the past were not ordered on the basis of the religious preference of the victims, but rather their political philosophies, or their real or imagined position as a threat to the regime's power.

And conversely, in the crusades and other religious wars of the past, the killing was done as a direct result of the religious belief of the victims.

As an atheist, our position is that people are free to believe in whatever invisible being in the sky they want, but poselysation should NOT be done on public property or in places that are funded by public money such as public schools. When christian politicians make religious based laws to the exclusion of other religions or non believers they are in effect stealing tax money from those who don't support them and handing it to the religious. Mr. Paul is against this practice when it comes to supporting special interests or the welfare state but seems to not see anything wrong when its done to support the furtherance of christianty.

And regarding what he says about the golden rule - that it has been expressed by all the great religions of the world including buddhism and zoroastrianism - is direct evidence that Jesus, if he even lived at all, was simply expressing a long held social philosophy developed long before he walked the earth, and yet he's the one that gets credit for inventing it.

We won't agree on this, but religion has absolutely no place in government. All you have to do is look to the recently deposed taliban regime and the long deposed roman empire to see what a theocracy brings the people; which is misery and death.

…but I'll vote for you anyway. :)


While it makes sense to not allow teachers or administrators to spread religious ideas in public schools, I think at the bottom of it all we should remember that Ron Paul doesn't even think the government should be providing public education in the first place. If instead of taxes running through an inefficient system we had cheaper, better quality schools (as they will be in the free market), provided directly by groups and individuals in the community, we wouldn't even have this problem of "God in schools" or whatever. Churches, mosques, etc. could still provide religious schools, and non-religious organizations could also provide schools. Parents and children could choose where they wanted to go and just accept that school's policy. If education was done the right way, this wouldn't even be an issue. I do think Ron Paul has made that point before, though I don't remember if it's in the book.

To Jay the evil atheist, irregardless of whether you believe in an invisible force, God or whatever you want to call the force still exists. A story I have only told my immediate family members and one close friend occurred in the early 70's when I was in the Army. When I returned home on leaved I noticed my father sitting on the foot of his bed as I walked down the hallway and my mother crying. I stopped and asked what was the matter. He said your mother isn't crying because she is said but because she is deeply moved. He then explained to me that he had been working on a theory where when he approached people he would send a feeling of love to them. He was a probation officer at the time but he had been a minister earlier in his life. He said that recently while he was working on the house (he was building a new home) he felt extremely filled with energy and was exuberant. That night when he turned off the lights an energy, a golden light showed all around his body like a human sparkler as he moved across the room. He told me that he believed this was coming from the feelings of love that he had been putting forth. I asked if I could see this spectacle so he shut off the light and sure enough as he moved about an intense golden light flew from his body. I of course felt this was rather astounding and he explained his philosophical viewpoint and I later read about the transfiguration of Jesus. I am certain that the transfiguration, the halos depicted throughout time for religious persons and this glowing were all of the same origin. He also explained to me that his clients could obviously tell he cared about their life so they were opening up to him in an astounding manner. It does matter that we care for one another and although I am not a religious zealot I certainly realize that God is here even though we can't explain how it all works. I have used the laws of attraction and it is exciting to watch things develop from only a thought. Someday I will probably write a book about how this event has affected my life but for now I merely accept the fact that there is a power present that is unexplained. Have a fantastic life and may Ron Paul win the Whitehouse!!! Keep an open mind Jay, it's great fun! Oh, there is follow up to this story but I'll save that I guess.

I'd love to hear the followup!

It is the first line from what I recall the start of Chapter 3. It went something like ---Dictatorships are a form of government there the dictator does as he wishes and the people must obey---

The people, forever, in any form of government, possess the RIGHT to alter, abolish, and/or throw off ANY form of government over them that they, IN A UNIFIED FORCE, desire to correct. That includes dictatorships.

The people of one country DO NOT possess any rights to alter, abolish, or throw off any form of government that the people subject to that government might desire.

For those who are not terrified about Constitutional conventions read (at no cost) the book published here ---

Sincerely and respectfully,

Daniel Kingery

I read the book.

I deeply, fundamentally agree with everything Dr Paul said. I am stunned that there is actually a politician, scratch that, ANYONE in America with his courage and integrity. He is the only man in politics that I would trust with my life, unconditionally. Watching him champion such difficult issues, regardless of their popularity, standing often alone against the hysterical masses with a reasoned, intellectual and considered approach is just amazing, year after year.

How America fell from George Washington, who famously could never tell a lie, to Obama, who does little else, is a tragedy. Dr Paul will rank up there with Washington as one of America's greatest Presidents, if he can get elected. Sad that getting elected always seems to require great skill at lying. Maybe this time it will be different.

Huge fan of Ron Paul and the Liberty movement, I got straight A's the two constitution tests I've taken, and I hope others read it and see whats going is completely contrary to the United States founding( Whereas all throughout history "elitists," have wanted a dominate majority, Socrates, Aristotle, Plato) etc. have in more or less words stated that the "learned," or that the aristocrats have are more intellectual and are more knowledgeable to rule over the minds of the masses, and let me tell you being a very well educated, "peasant" and how these aristocrats usually end up allowing themselves to be killed due to their own narcissism, greed, or megalomania, that alone shoots many holes in their divinity of the natural born right to rule alone. Not to mention, most of the "peasants" are fair, honesty, respectable people who would if allowed to govern themselves, the world would not be in any sense perfect, but damn near close. God bless you all, and please encourage others to vote for Ron Paul, a real American hero

I'm reading the book now, and I am concerned about Dr. Paul's views on immigration, and our military readiness. I agree with most of what I have read so far, I am still undecided on whether he would be the best choice for president in 2012. Seems as if Dr. Paul is popular with those of us who take an active interest in the substance of our candidates, but, at election time, he never can gather enough votes. I don't see a real solid candidate yet, am hoping and praying. God save the USA.

Liberty Defined is so courageous and to the point! When I saw that no-no word "Zionism" at the back explained calmly and clearly, my eyes teared up. Many, many people are being distracted with that term, and talking about it in MSM is as close to political death as talking about a new 911 investigation, yet RP jumps right in. I'm so glad the 3 years between when he dropped out and now are over!

any kindle version soon ?

Just bought it today on Kindle.. great read so far.

I love this book. Really perked up my thinking on issues.

Dr. Paul is the most liberal man I know in politics if liberal = tolerance.

Vive la Liberte!

I loved the book, and the timing of the release of it. I read it in hours, your perception on on American foreign policy causing all this madness is a message that needs to be heard right now, with the news of Bin Laden. Already seems they are wanting to go attack even more people without fixing our problems in the way we act throughout other countries.

Read the book. Finally someone gets it. I flew through the book saying "yes!, yes!"

The federal government has completely gotten away from us. We are truly under the thumb of the "ruling class" and they must be stopped.

Dr. Paul's message is our last chance to save this great nation. If we don't listen, we will see an the gruesome end of our great republic.

"Liberty". I can't wait to hear what Ron Paul has to say on the subject. May it equal "Common Sense" in its historical impact. (No pressure Ron.)

Liberty: Sine qua non, for that which not.

"Liberty". I can't wait to hear what Ron Paul has to say on the subject. May it equal "common sense" in it's historical impact. (No pressure Ron.)

Liberty: Sine qua non, for that which not.

I hope Ron runs in 2012!! This country needs a man with his forward thinking!!! Going out to buy this book tonight!!

If these 50 points are so important, why the hell doesn't he address these issues on the floor of the House when it's in session? Why isn't it posted as a blog article?

Because he wants to rake in the dough on his book deals. That's why.

This guy will never run in 2012. He's only a distraction...a keep your attentions on the illusion of hope.

I don't care anymore.

Why not read the book and then decide for yourself whether these 50 points are important or not?

Oh, that's right -- you don't care anymore.

Well, I care a great deal, and so do many other people.

He did make a comment on Alex Jones shoe recently that all the procedes from the book will go towards the foundation he has set up and not for his personal gain. Im from the UK and have never heard of this guy until yesterday, I was very moved by one of his speeches, I actually wished that he was one of our MPs. He's not a 'repeater' he speaks from his own mind ....that's pretty unusual these days!!! hope you find some hope amongst the seeming 'rubbish' of humanity out there every one us counts.

how is he a distraction? Discussing $38 billion in cuts in a #3,700 billion budget is a distraction. Isn't Obama your 'hope' and 'change'?

Obama's more like Bush than I ever thought possible.

'Keep the change' Obama....

Really???....rake in the dough....The book costs about 14 bucks. I guess if we look at things from your point of view...he is a distraction.....a distraction from American Idol, Jersey Shore, and your iPod. He's the only one that puts things bluntly....this country is a mess and we need his help.

He does discuss these things on the floor of congress when they allow him fact every chance he gets! Lets show the elite that the PEOPLE want to take America back. YOU have to do the work and get him elected instead of sitting back and and accusing him of doing nothing. What are YOU doing?
Do your homework. Spread the word. Stand up for what is right. Have faith.
Believe in the truth , righteousness, and the only man in politics I trust, because he has a 30 year track record of wisdom and trustworthiness.

daniel.j.fordice 5 pts

He does address them, whenever he can. He is not about making money! He even returns part of his pay because he thinks it is too high. Do your own research before you slander such a great and rare statesman.

ron pauls new book liberty defined would make a great gift for your friends and neibors and great for your book clubs please go to the web sites and do some book reviews for this great book and go to the fox news shows and tell them about this new book and ask them to have ron paul on their show whean it comes out there all listed on the fox news web site at the very bottom

This is the man for my country.
He has served faithfully for years and years, with incomparable devotion to America, and he is the rightful President.

Want to support you.

I'm looking forward to reading Congressman Paul's new book. I've enjoyed all his books.

I can't wait. Perhaps the proceeds will help him run in 2012?