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Please read this novel, Black Market Medicine, if you haven't yet.
It helps to give an inside look at what America's health care may be leading to.
Thank You!

It is very possible the book ~ "The Creature From Jekyll Island" ~ (The history of the Federal Reserve) is the correct interpretation of Revelation 13:1 ~"And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy."~ Read page 24 of my ~"book"~ on line at

What could/would it ~“do”~ to ~“everyone’s”~ ~“attitude”~ about ~“everything”~ to see ~“evidence”~ of ~“proof”~ of ~“God”~ in the ~“structure”~ of the ~“text”~ of my ~“book”~ ~ “DIVINE 9/11 INTERVENTION” ~!
It is my ~”opinion”~ what I have been ~”given”~ has ~”the power”~ to ~”enlighten”~ and ~”awaken”~ the world!
~“Feeling”~ ~“led”~ almost ~“compelled”~ to ~“write”~ my ~“book”~ (which you can read and download for free at ) ~“thus”~ I ~“discovered”~ a ~“77”~ ~“alignment”~ of ~“seven...”~'s (MY DOB IS 7/7/48!) ~“hidden”~ in the book of ~“Revelation”~! Do you think ~“this”~ ~“physical evidence”~ of ~“Spiritual Intelligence”~ (i.e.~“God”~) might cause more of ~“us”~ to sit up and take notice of what it ~“truly”~ means to ~“Love thy neighbour as thyself.”~! ~“Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous.”~ Albert Einstein. Also, at watch “The Curtain is Moving Again”. Here is the link: ~”Whoever”~ or ~”Whatever”~ is ~”moving”~ my curtain. It ain’t me!

I'm looking forward to reading more books by Paul. I'm in the middle of Gold, Peace & Prosperity.

I have written a book titled: Save Tax Dollars. The book examines the disorganization of State, County and Local Governments and the oversized, dysfunctional Federal Government. It suggest corporate management for governments. When corporations have financial problems they merge to increase market share and reduce administrative cost. Merger of governments would increase the tax base and reduce administrative cost. When corporations become over grown and difficult to manage they divide the corporation into profit centers. This brings decision-making nearer to the areas affected by the decisions. Less government means less spending on administrative cost. With the number of governments and the size of the population, on the average less than seventeen thousand citizens are supporting four governments: the Federal, State, County, and Local governments.

get dick armeys new book "give us libertey" it is a very hard to put down book its about the tea party and it has some great ideas in there for getting active and making a difference great to go with any ron paul books for 2012.

I want the new book "Ron Paul Speaks" on my kindle. when will they have a digital version of this book! I won't buy it on paperback, its not why i paid a fortune on a ebook reader. But i'm dying to read it!

I should have a great respect for Dr. Ron Paul's fortitude to keep personal liberty and economic stability. I am deeply impressed by Dr Paul's books, The Revolution, End the Fed. I totally agree with those opinions that the root cause of the current economic crisis is a mountain of public debt including fiat money created through thin air. For spreading the truths in Korea, I would like to translate and publish "End the Fed" into Korean, already translating about half of the book. How should I get a permission? l am looking forward to your kind reply. I also ask you to write a preface to Korean edition if you give a permission.

P.S: I am a senior economist working for the central bank of Korea for thirty years. I got Ph. D in economics at Michigan State University in 1990. I have one book and many papers about interaction between monetary and fiscal policy.

With best wishes
Byung H. Seo

Hey Byung Han Seo,

I'm so glad I found a fellow Korean in the know. My girlfriend's father is a president of a small company in Korea, and I've been wanting to give him this book with a Korean translation. It would be so awesome if you could give/sell me a copy of your book (after copyrights and whatnot are worked out). It doesn't even have to be in book form. Please keep me updated on your status.

- Jae Pak

Mr. Seo,

I am also looking for a Korean translation of Dr. Paul's book "End the Fed." How can we connect regarding this?


whean you have to buy a gift for your friend or family member why not get them a ron paul book or a gift from this web site and e mail sean hannity and ask him to have ron paul on his show also ask greta van sustren to have ron paul on her show and e mail fox and friends and ask
ron paul to be on their show

Heh. Why would we want Ron Paul on Hannity's program? That guy was a total prick to Ron Paul during the presidential campaign. Perhaps the unfolding of recent events has changed his mind. If that's the case, he could and should simply invite Ron Paul to appear on his show. may interest your viewers

I think Ron Paul put forward a bill in the house to allow for offshore drilling.

I would like to know what Rep. Paul's view on the state of America's energy system is and what ideas he has to fix it. If he has no inclination already, my belief in the new nuclear technology that is available to refine depleted materials to be re-used is a idea to be studied. With this new capability, nuclear energy becomes the safest, most renewable, "greenest", and for decades the most researched energy source available to us. Please do America the favor of researching this truth.