Black THIS Out

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The mainstream media continues to ignore, censor and downplay Ron Paul‘s 2012 presidential candidacy.

Fed up with this outrage, thousands of liberty lovers and Ron Paul grassroots supporters decided to fight back.

They created the Oct. 19-21 Black THIS Out Money Bomb, a 3-day online fundraising event for Ron Paul.

Their goal?

To raise a donation total so large that it will be impossible for the media to ignore it.

More than 25,000 people pledged to participate in the money bomb. By the end of the first day, more than $2.1 million had already been raised!

Find out more at

All donations are made at Ron Paul’s official campaign website

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PhilippeBissonnette 5 pts

I will try and be a little more discreet sorry folks I just get a liitle disturb at all these phoney pieces of ballony

nandor.vass 5 pts

I can't donate if i'm not u.s. citizen, right? Despite I see him as the last chance of the entire transatlantic world. Shit. Count me in.

debizaff 5 pts

All this talk about energy etc. The first step is to get troops out of other countries, esle world war over Iran with Russia and China involved!

JenniferNie 5 pts

I believe in freedom of speech, but also think our words should be used responsibly.

Today, Black THIS Out has been a big success as of 2pm, please encourage anyone you have been speaking with that is interested in seeing Ron Paul reach this goal and become our next president, please call them and ask them to donate. $20.12 is a good place to start.

Keep up the good work Ron Paul, your supporters are growing.



AdamCurl 5 pts

We love you here in Tennessee Ron!! We hope you make a trip to Knoxville soon!

JohnnyCocheroo 6 pts

Hey Paul supporters - you guys need to tone down the bashing of other candidates on conservative websites. It's ok to point out flaws but name calling just turns people away. I'm open to Ron but many people are getting turned off by the tone of supporters. Just letting you know.

Good luck.

jbellamy7 5 pts

JohnnyCocheroo "Hey Paul supporters - you guys need to tone down the bashing of other candidates on conservative websites. It's ok to point out flaws but name calling just turns people away. I'm open to Ron but many people are getting turned off by the tone of supporters. Just letting you know."

But they're all such bumper heads except Ron Paul!

Bachmann takes too much time to say nonsense,

Romney is just a lying flip-flopper,

Cain has recently been exposed (by Dr. Paul during the first Oct. debate) as a liar as well,

Santorum is too religious, you can't put your trust in somebody to run the country because they're the best Family Guy.

Perry violated the rights of parents and health of children (google: Perry + vaccinations),

Huntsman is too shady, too status-quo.

Gingrich is a lot better than the other 6.

JenniferNie 5 pts

Thanks Johnny, I am a Ron Paul supporter and I agree. I have been stressing the point that we as Ron Paul supporters need to show that we are above name calling, swearing and stero typing, we need to promote whith our best faces on. Get it everyone? Please ask yourself if Ron Paul would approve of what you post before your post it. I understand we are all very passionate here, but we want people to listen to the positive messages we have to share, not tune us out because of the negative comments of a few. Thanks again Jennifer Nie

PhilippeBissonnette 5 pts

just goes to show how strong Mr. Paul is and how scared out of their pants the elitists globalists and the banking gangsyer world cartel are of Ron Still they should all be arrested and put behind bars for the rest of their days