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BillyCollins 5 pts

As a truck driver I have had to put up with DOT and TSA 4th amendment violations for years, welcome to the party America. Oh and how about all those Mexicain trucks that just got clearance onto American highways.

McKGraKucPauNad 8 pts

Homeland Police State is having a good ol' time

Liberty 11 pts

What other agencies are in the works to take away more of civil rights? If it can't be passed through Congress than they use their agencies to continually erode at our Constitutional Amendments. We need judges at the local, state, and Federal levels to uphold the laws of the Constitution in which they took a solemn oath to do. Lets start with the repeal of the Patriot Act. The adjective Patriot should be changed to the most Unpatriotic destruction of our civil liberites.

Ron Paul was right to want to eliminate the TSA. Let the airlines provide their own security. Have your ever been pulled out of line and searched? It's demeanig and embarrassing. I saw a elderly person in a wheel chair being searched. Eroding of our liberties must stop.


MikeConlin 5 pts

We know they are a fundamental problem - the thing is Nobody in America want these NAZIs but people have lost their way - they dont know how to organize and fight this on a street level - provide some guidance on what steps to take to combat these people

Conversation from Facebook

Teresa Fallon
Teresa Fallon

You have my vote Dr. Paul.

Christopher Norte
Christopher Norte

bullshit! what are they trying to secure?

Reggie Knowlton
Reggie Knowlton

I wonder how they'll like a gun stuck in their face.

Melitta Vahalik
Melitta Vahalik

How are all these bad administration actions going to be undone?

Efrain Rojas
Efrain Rojas

Please Ron, get on the Adam Carolla show.

Courtney Keith
Courtney Keith

This is absolutely atrocious I for one am sick of this out of control Government.It is time for an end, these liberty stealing so called defenders of security gotta go along with the majority of Washington's politicians. RON PAUL 2012!!!

William Munger
William Munger

You know, I think the Terrorists have accomplished their goal.

Rashadi Bakari
Rashadi Bakari

Ron Paul is the best man for the job thats running for president of the U.S. of America.

Reebis Randazzo
Reebis Randazzo

HEY!!! Who needs "freedom"? It's ok America. Just keep your faces in your TV watching X-Factor or whatever bs brainwashing crap they have you on now. WAAAAAAAAAAAKEEE UUUUUUUUUUUUP!! OMFG!!!!!'

David Cox
David Cox

This way they can grope and probe us anywhere and everywhere. All in the name of safety!

Don Brown
Don Brown

It's another example of the on going out of control government agencies. ATF and their gun running. EPA shutting down a family dairy over spilt milk. Pick any 3 letter agency and I bet you can find something of outrage they have pulled in the last year.TSA is just the is just the flavor of the month.

Andrew Clock
Andrew Clock

it's just lovely how Ron Paul is the ONLY one addressing this heinous problem right now...

John Boughter
John Boughter

Because of the way the TSA is set up, at some airports like Atlanta you have to pass through security to EXIT the airport after an international arrival in the US (i.e. They can't distinguish between those exiting and those connecting). That's right, you have to put your tiny bottles in a baggy and walk through an xray machine or take a patdown to LEAVE the airport. I was incensed; couldn't believe most people just accepted this.

Toufic Kahale
Toufic Kahale

TSA is the modern day Brown shirts that lead to Nazi Germany dangerous and scary times ahead.

Andrew Marcik
Andrew Marcik

Take back America without having to set up a tent in your city like a hippie. Vote Ron Paul and stop the insanity!

Andrew Marcik
Andrew Marcik

Were building a new wall. Welcome to the New world order!

Yoseph Abdel Kader
Yoseph Abdel Kader

where can I buy Heckler & Koch MP5 ??

Micah Ely
Micah Ely

and the government is getting BIGGER!!

Yoseph Abdel Kader
Yoseph Abdel Kader

I've been noticing them for a while ,,, they're always after me !!! SHEEESH!!

Toufic Kahale
Toufic Kahale

Scary times ahead. !! But my heart goes out to Obama who's side lined for Hilary to take the Center stage while he's left sulking, someone stole his TelePrompTer !! When you sell your soul to evil that's what happens Oba boi ! Your no longer needed !!!!

Anton Dybal
Anton Dybal

I remember hearing a really funny idea somewhere. One day, like 20 people should take some Viagra, put on some sweatpants, and go down to the airport or one of these checkpoints, and demand to be thoroughly searched. That way, they'll have to awkwardly pat down some guy with a boner, lol

Thomas Waltemyer
Thomas Waltemyer

If Americans are so terrified they allow this invasion by the TSA, then the terrorist have won correct?

Ascending Wind
Ascending Wind

I'd love to see them try that shit with me, I'd beat their ass. If I'm on the street I aint stoppin for shit.

Semaj Recnad
Semaj Recnad

I also think a TSA agent should walk through the scanners with EVERY passenger.

Semaj Recnad
Semaj Recnad

I would be fine with the TSA searching me if I got to search them in return, exactly how they searched me.

Search the TSA!!!

Douglas Lysher
Douglas Lysher

Sounds like a lawsuit that's agianst the constitution.They think they can just do whatever they want to us and they can as long as people don't wake up and vote Ron Paul and put a stop to these crooks ounce and for all......

Scott Hinton
Scott Hinton

Complete bs. Don't be afraid to assert your 4th amendment rights!

Rebecca Hagman
Rebecca Hagman

This is how Hitler got to power as well. We look at the Germans & think hopw could they let a man like that get to power but his control gains were incidious, people acqiuesced many rights in the name of public safety & economic security. Indeed it is a slippery slope that we're going to pay for w/ our lives. TSA agents are now at NFL football games zapping people w/ nuclear device "to check for weapons & bombs" if they ride shuttle bus to the stadium from parking lot. (I know b/c I work security)

Robert Menje
Robert Menje

Make sure to vote against this if it ever comes to a vote. See sec. 295.

David Ball
David Ball

what the?

Imma Ninety-nine Percent Caractere
Imma Ninety-nine Percent Caractere

They're not "Licensed" to do so...!

Donna Tricarico
Donna Tricarico

The Police State is happening.. next is Marshall Law.