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Updated November 2, 2011 - 11:03 PM EDT
UK Steps Up Plans for Iran Attack
  Netanyahu Pushes Cabinet to Back Attack on Iran
  Escalation: Israel Green-Lights Invasion of the Gaza Strip
  Citing UNESCO 'Tragedy,' Israel Announces Settlement Expansions

Assange Loses Fight Against Extradition

Regional NTC Fighters Refuse to Disarm
  US Citizen Chosen as New Prime Minister of Libya

Civilians Still Bear Brunt of US Drone War in Pakistan

Afghan Security Forces 'Unprepared' to Take Over
Syria Accepts Arab League Plan to End Crackdown
Kyrgyz President-Elect Wants US Air Base Closed
Kenya Threatens Airstrikes Against Somali Towns
Iraq Provinces Emboldened in Bids for Autonomy
Egypt's Military Rulers Increasingly Domineering
Bahrain Probe Finds Torture Was Systematic
DHS Struggles to Farm Social Media for 'Intelligence'
Honor, Sacrifice, and Other Civilian Delusions  by Fred Reed
History Repeats Itself With Somalia Invasion  
by Francis Njubi Nesbitt
Controversy Is No Stranger to Nobel Peace Prize  by Hiroaki Sato
Yes, Let's Leave Iraq – Completely  by Rep. Ron Paul
Get Over It Getting Over Over There  by Jeff Huber
Libya's Islamist Turn Is No Surprise  by Lysiane Gagnon

More Viewpoints


New Book Disputes Obama Administration's Account of bin Laden Raid

10 Years After Anthrax, How Safe Is Your Mail?

AP Journo Tweaks State Dept Over Stance on Palestinians

DoD Offers 'Error' Headline for Disputed Attack on USS Liberty

UN Group Warns of Resurgence of Mercenaries


Cash Flows, but Can Afghan Training Legacy Last?

Afghan Fuel Truck Blast Kills 10, Injures 25

Rogue US Army Unit Leader Saw Afghans as 'Savages'

NATO: Man in Afghan Army Uniform Kills Two Foreign Troops

Taliban School Head Offers to Help Afghan Talks

Pentagon Downplays Report It's Planning for Afghanistan Drawdown

Haqqani Militants Act Like Pakistan's Protected Partners


Rice: White House Infighting Cost US in Iraq

Iraq Declines Military Training From Turkey, Iran

Iraq Arrests More in Wake of Tip About Coup

Army Report Rips Platoon Boss Behavior in Fratricide in Iraq

United States

Guantanamo Authorities Reading Attorney-Client Mail, Lawyers Say

Soldier Charged in Mysterious Espionage Case

Supercomputers Offer Tools for Nuclear Testing – and Solving Nuclear Mysteries
US Government Glossed Over Cancer Concerns as It Rolled Out Airport X-Ray Scanners

The Kyrgyz President-Elect Who Wants to Share Power

Nepal Reaches Deal on Integrating Former Maoist Rebels Into Army

Millions at Risk Due to North Korea Food Crisis: UNICEF

Mexico/Drug War
Mexican Security Forces Find 8 Dead in Mangrove Swamp, Latest Body Dump in Veracruz State

US Fears Uncoordinated Israeli Strike on Iran

Report: Israel Improving Nuclear Abilities

Resistance Is Fertile: Palestine's Eco-War

Israel Arrests Hamas West Bank Leader

Sites the Palestinians Want on UNESCO Heritage List

After UNESCO Palestine Vote, Could US Defund Nuclear Watchdog IAEA, Too?
US Jewish Group Appeals Against Placing 'Jerusalem, Israel' on Passports
Middle East

In Libya, Fighting May Outlast the Revolution

Bahrain Has 'Investigated Every Death and Torture Case'

Rights Groups Raise Concerns Over Journalists Missing in Syria

Qatar to Hold First Ever Parliamentary Election in 2013

German Peace and Church Groups to Mobilize Against Saudi Tank Deal

Large Stash of Weapons Left Over From War Found in Beirut


Ahmadinejad Admits Impact of Sanctions on Iran

Iran Seeks US Apology Over Saudi Ambassador Murder Plot Claims


Rally Against Kenya Air Raids in Somalia

A Trickle of Aid Reaches Somalia

US Extends Long-Standing Sanctions on Sudan

Read more

Justin Raimondo
Herman Cain: Nein, Nein, Nein!

Philip Giraldi
The Merchants of Death and Me

Ivan Eland
Libya Victory Portends Endless Intervention

Nebojsa Malic
A Most Stubborn Reality

Kelley B. Vlahos
City of the Living Dead

Ran HaCohen
Was Elliott Abrams Hitler's Senior Advisor?

Charles V. Peņa
Doomsday Defense Cuts?

David R. Henderson
The Left's Antiwar Movement in Monterey: Down but Not Out

Additional Contributors
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