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Ron Paul Spartanburg GOP Debate Highlights (11/12/2011)

November 13th, 2011

In yet another disgrace of a debate forum, CBS News and The National Journal hosted a neocon-inspired Commander-in-Chief debate, in which Dr. Ron Paul was almost completely ignored (despite a strong 3rd place in the polls the early primary states). The debate was moderated by CBS' Scott Pelley, and was held at Wofford College in Spartanburg, SC. The Congressman was consistently cut short during his responses and was not even given the opportunity to respond to challenges from other candidates! To add insult to injury, CBS News actively promotes John Huntsman as the anti-war candidate, in contrast to the others who absurdly tried to get to the "right" of Obama on militarism and aggression! Dr. Paul did answer a few questions about the Iranian threat, torture/enhanced interrogation, and assassinations. To listen to this debate in its entirety, CLICK HERE. Video compliments of YouTube User: realjoeplummer.

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10th Republican Presidential Debate - Spartanburg, SC (11/12/2011)

November 13th, 2011

On Saturday night, the Republican candidates met once again- this time for a debate purely focused on foreign policy and the job as commander and chief. The CBS News and National Journal Republican Presidential Debate took place at the Ben Johnson basketball arena, on the campus of Wofford College, in Spartanburg, South Carolina. CBS News’ moderator Scott Pelley ran the event which, despite the tea party movement and the GOP's lip-service to the Constitution in recent years, reminded one of the 2008 debates and the neoconservative-led George W. Bush administration. The familiar contestants stood (from left to right on the stage): John Huntsman, Michele Bachmann, Ron Paul, Herman Cain, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry, and Rick Santorum. The final 30-minutes of the debate (which were not broadcast on television) included questions by SC Senators Lindsay Graham and Jim DeMint. This file includes the entire debate, available free of charge to anyone interested. I only ask that the listener get to know Ron Paul! He is not a trendy, or hyped candidate, but a man with a long career of principled independence, and a reverence for the Constitution! Video compliments of YouTube User: MOXNEWSd0tCOM.

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Ron Paul Speaks at Veterans Rally in Spartanburg, SC (11/12/2011)

November 12th, 2011

Congressman Ron Paul met and rallied with local Veterans for Ron Paul on Saturday in Spartanburg, South Carolina. The campaign meet and greet was held at at the Summit Pointe Conference & Event Center, where the Congressman spoke with a backdrop of soldiers and veterans. On this day after Veteran's Day, the Congressman made the case for non-intervention in the affairs of other nations (a quaint idea, IIDSSM), and spoke about war, national defense, diplomacy, the Patriot Act and the economy. Dr. Paul repeated his call for an audit of the Federal Reserve before later posing for photographs with dozens of supporters. Video compliments of YouTube User: myebay4u.

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Ron Paul Hosts a Town Hall Event in Rochester, NH (11/11/2011)

November 11th, 2011

On Friday evening, Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul hosted a townhall forum at The Governor’s Inn in Rochester, New Hampshire. The event was moderated by state Senator Andy Sanborn and the Congressman was introduced by state Rep. Laura Jones. Dr. Paul spoke to another enthusiastic, standing-room-only crowd about the unsustainability of our current fiscal/government structure, and laid out the utterly reasonable steps America must take to right itself. Audio was recorded during CNN Live web broadcast.

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Posted in Press Conferences/Q&A | Comments (0) » | *****(2 ratings)

Ron Paul 2012: Campaign Related Talk Radio

November 11th, 2011

I've got another two-hours of riveting and insightful coverage of the Ron Paul 2012 presidential campaign, as told by various friends and allies of our r3VOLution. All the included clips are timely, specifically from the last month of broadcast coverage of the race for the Republican nomination. We have seen the hyped candidates rise and fall in the polls- now is the time for the Congressman to have his day! Links to original media sources are included in the file description, included audio can be heard in the order listed below:

(0:00) Brian Wilson of ( Toledo, OH) News Talk 1370 WSPD talks to RP2012 Senior Advisor Bruce Fein about the campaign, the electorate, and the man himself- Ron Paul. (10/12)

(17:19) A Ron Paul Revolution? Republican strategist Jack Burkman tells Fox Business' Judge Andrew Napolitano why this could be Ron Paul’s moment in the 2012 campaign for President. (10/11)

(21:22) NPR's "Job 1" series (of presidential contenders) broadcast on Morning Edition: "Before He Delivered for Voters, Paul Delivered Babies." Excellent Piece! (10/25)

(26:53) Official pollster for the campaign, Fritz Wenzel, joins News Talk 1370 WSPD's Brian Wilson to talk about trends and Ron’s recent straw poll victories. (10/17)

(44:59) Ron Paul disqualified from Bill O'Reilly's Presidential Town Hall Straw Poll after supporters "slam" the internet poll. Video compliments of YouTube User: RonPaulSource. (11/7)

(48:20) Jerry Doyle Gives Props to Ron Paul and Blasts The Phony Conservatives In Talk Radio. Video compliments of YouTube User: GuyFawkes2009. (11/7)

(56:08) Jerry Doyle Slams Bill O'Reilly for Disqualifying Ron Paul Voters. Video compliments of YouTube User. GuyFawkes2009. (11/9)

(1:03:15) Jerry Doyle to CNBC (pulled a post debate poll when Ron Paul won it) - You Just Pulled A Bill O'Reilly. Video compliments of YouTube User: GuyFawkes2009. (11/10)

(1:08:49) Jerry Doyle on Ron Paul at the CNBC Debate: Ron Paul Is Right! Video compliments of YouTube User: GuyFawkes2009. (11/10)

(1:20:31) The Christian Case for Ron Paul: Tom Woods on Iowa Talk Radio (Steve Deace Show). Video compliments of YouTube User: nifaron. (11/9)

(1:46:54) Is Ron Paul Wrong Occasionally? Yes, Mike Church tells caller Clay in Michigan (who is also anti RP-supporter). (10/27)

(1:51:55) The Mike Church Show: DeceptiCON Callers Predict Ron Paul Gets The Planet Blown Up. (11/3)

(1:56:55) The Gospel According To Saint Cain: National Sales Tax or Bust! Mike Church exposes the Cainiac's 999 BS! (11/7)

(2:01:57) Caller 17 Yr Old Kelsie from Indiana asks the 'King Dude': Why Are There DeceptiCONS Mitter Church, Why!? Mike Church tells the neocons to shove it! (11/8)

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Posted in Talk Radio, Media Coverage, Clips/Audio Montage | Comments (0) » | *****(0 ratings)

Ron Paul Rochester GOP Debate Highlights (11/9/2011)

November 10th, 2011

Rep. Ron Paul was one of the eight candidates at CNBC's Republican Presidential Debate on Wednesday night, hosted by Oakland University and the Michigan GOP. This file contains all of the Congressman's statements, exchanges, and responses from the debate. The Congressman spoke to several economic issues, namely: taxation, Fed monetary policy, the student loan bubble, and bailing out the European banks. To listen to this debate in its entirety, CLICK HERE. Video compliments of YouTube User: realjoeplummer.

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9th Republican Presidential Debate - Rochester, MI (11/9/2011)

November 10th, 2011

Eight candidates took to the stage on Wednesday for the CNBC Republican Presidential Debate, hosted at Oakland University by the Michigan GOP. The debate was moderated by John Harwood and Maria Bartiromo, and several other CNBC personalities participated in questioning the candidates throughout the night. The participants included (from left-to-right on the stage): Rick Santorum, Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, Herman Cain, Rick Perry, Ron Paul, and John Huntsman. This file includes the entire debate, available free of charge to anyone interested. I only ask that the listener get to know Ron Paul! He is not a trendy, or hyped candidate, but a man with a long career of principled independence, and a reverence for the Constitution! Video compliments of YouTube User: MOXNEWSd0tCOM.

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Posted in Debates, Cable News, MSNBC/CNBC | Comments (0) » | *****(0 ratings)

Ron Paul with WTPL’s Jack Heath on NH Today (11/9/2011)

November 9th, 2011

Dr. Ron Paul returned to New Hampshire Today with Jack Heath on WTPL for an interview that was simulcast on C-Span on Wednesday afternoon. Brad Card joined the discussion, which focused in on the presidential campaign, foreign policy and the Iranian threat, and budgetary reform. Choppy audio is from C-Span coverage.

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Congressman Ron Paul with Fox Business’ David Asman (11/8/2011)

November 9th, 2011

Ron Paul visited with David Asman on Fox Business' Tuesday night edition of Power and Money, to talk about Ohio voter's rejection of Obamacare (Issues 2 & 3), the administration's flirtation with executive dictatorship, and the latest comments by Herman Cain.

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Rep. Ron Paul on CNBC’s Closing Bell (11/8/2011)

November 8th, 2011

On Tuesday, Rep. Ron Paul appeared on CNBC's Closing Bell with Bill Griffeth to talk about tomorrow's Michigan GOP/Oakland University debate, asset bubbled created by the Federal Reserve, and improving the environment for real job creation.

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Posted in Interviews, Cable News, MSNBC/CNBC | Comments (0) » | *****(0 ratings)

My Government Did What? Sen. Paul and Gov. Ventura Speak Out

November 8th, 2011

Do the American people have any clue what Ron Paul is talking about when he warns them that their liberties are threatened most not by a shadowy foreign threat, but by their own federal government? If they had any idea what kind of rogue activity this government was involved in, they would vote Ron Paul in 2012! Senator Rand Paul held his own hearing last month on regulatory overreach, and the harm done by overzealous bureaucrats, entitled: "Property Wrongs: A discussion with victims of the US government's Assault on Private Property." Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura also fought for the dignity of the American people, unsuccessfully suing the TSA for their outrageous groping procedures at the nation's airports. The republic that America's founders envisaged in their revolution looks more like the King's England in 2011, as our federal government ironically claims many of the same powers that they rebelled against. Links to original media sources are included in the file description, included audio can be heard in the order listed below:

(0:00) Sen. Rand Paul makes an opening statement at PROPERTY WRONGS: A Discussion With The Victims of the U.S. Government's Assault on Private Property. Video compliments of YouTube User: SenatorRandPaul. (10/12)

(3:34) Gibson Guitars CEO Henry Juszkiewicz testifies at PROPERTY WRONGS. Video compliments of YouTube User: SenatorRandPaul. (10/12)

(11:23) Mike and Chantell Sackett of Idaho testify at PROPERTY WRONGS. Video compliments of YouTube User: SenatorRandPaul. (10/12)

(17:15) John and Judy Dollarhite testify at PROPERTY WRONGS. Video compliments of YouTube User: SenatorRandPaul. (10/12)

(20:01) Sen. Rand Paul's closing statement at PROPERTY WRONGS. Video compliments of YouTube User: SenatorRandPaul. (10/12)

(22:55) Jesse Ventura full press conference, after district court judge refuses to give the former Governor standing, citing "national security." The Gov has had it with the Fascist States of America, and this former Navy Seal and great patriot denounces any allegiance to the US government. The TSA is coming to the streets and highways- and is coming your way! Video compliments of YouTube User: how2findtruth. (11/4)

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Posted in Uncategorized, Clips/Audio Montage, Controversies/Topical | Comments (0) » | *****(0 ratings)

Newsmakers: Ron Paul ABC News/Yahoo Interview (11/8/2011)

November 8th, 2011

Dr. Ron Paul was interviewed live online from Clute, TX as part of ABC/Yahoo Newsmakers series of interviews with the Presidential contenders. ABC's Terry Moran had the honor of speaking with the Congressman about his personal drive to win the Presidency, his bold $1T budget cutting proposal, libertarian ideals vs. communitarians like Elizabeth Warren, compromise vs. coalition-building, and much more...

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Ron Paul on the Bill O’ Reilly Presidential Town Hall (11/7/2011)

November 7th, 2011

On Monday night, Dr. Ron Paul braved the company of the master of condescension, Bill O' Reilly on the Radio Factor, to participate in O'Reilly's Presidential Town Hall. The Congressman talked about his campaign thus far, and the libertarian ideological struggle taking place. The discussion turned towards the exertion of executive power, from the Civil War to the Global War on Terror. Audio captured through live stream.

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Texas Straight Talk: Taking Executive Orders Too Far (11/7/2011)

November 7th, 2011

In this weeks Texas Straight Talk update, presidential contender Ron Paul calls out the Obama administration for its blatant abuse of executive orders. Did the "constitutional scholar" not get elected by castigating the Bush administration's illegitimate executive power grab? Is Barack Obama the nation's first elected dictator? We're in troubling times, my friends... Video compliments of YouTube User: RonPaul2008dotcom.

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Ron Paul Talks with News Talk AM 1130’s Davis & Emmer (11/7/2011)

November 7th, 2011

While he was in St. Cloud over the weekend, Congressman Ron Paul sat down for a discussion with Twin Cities News Talk AM 1130's Bob Davis and Tom Emmer (broadcast out of Minneapolis, MN). The interview, which was broadcast on Monday morning, covered the media coverage of the 2012 campaign, the presumptive economic illiteracy of the people, and foreign policy- along with Governor Ventura's unsuccessful lawsuit against the TSA.

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Dr. Ron Paul Returns to Fox News Sunday (11/6/2011)

November 6th, 2011

Rep. Ron Paul returned to the Fox News' studios to talk with Chris Wallace on FNS about presidential politics and the campaign, fiscal policy and government spending, and national security.

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Posted in Interviews, Cable News, Fox/Fox Business | Comments (0) » | *****(0 ratings)

Rep. Ron Paul Gives Speech in Fargo, ND (11/5/2011)

November 6th, 2011

On Saturday, Congressman Ron Paul delivered his 'Legalize Capitalism' keynote address at the North Dakota Policy Council 4th Annual Free Market Forum. As many as 700 people packed the Fargo Civic Center to hear the doctor's conservative libertarian gospel of free markets and smaller government. Video compliments of YouTube User: manofcourage18.

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Ron Paul Weekly Update - October 30th thru November 5th

November 6th, 2011

The campaign is heating up, and only a couple months remain before the first real votes are cast! In place of the weekly Rand Paul audio updates, I will now be posting campaign news and views from the previous seven days. Last week, the media continued to fret over a Ron Paul 3rd party run. As if votes for Ron Paul would belong to Mitt Romney! The Congressman campaigned extensively in Iowa (where he returned to a solid 3rd place in the polls), and brought the revolution to Minnesota and North Dakota! Links to original media sources are included in the file description, included audio can be heard in the order listed below:

(0:00) Fox19's Ben Swann (WXIX - Cincinnati, OH) takes a look at Ron Paul's 'Restore America Plan' on Reality Check. (10/18)

(2:54) Will Ron Paul make a 3rd party run? FoxNews.com's Chris Stirewalt asks former John Kerry adviser Mary Ann Marsh. (10/28)

(4:02) RP/GOP candidates lay out economic plans on PBS' Republican Presidential Forum on Manufacturing in Pella, Iowa. (11/1)

(6:58) Ron Paul speaks at Smokey Row in Oskaloosa, IA (partial speech). Video compliments of YouTube User: IslandReefStudio. (11/1)

(19:36) Community Research Institute at William Penn U. speaks with Ron Paul. Video compliments of YouTube User: CRIWPUTV. (11/1)

(21:31) KTVO 3 (CBS- Kirksville, MO) Reports: Ron Paul visits supporters in Ottumwa (southeast Iowa). (11/1)

(23:06) Ron Paul Says 'Yes' on Ohio Issue 3 (health freedom amendment). Video compliments of Vimeo User: Jason Rink. (11/2)

(24:29) Ron Paul coming to Fargo, ND - Joel Heitkamp with Stephanie Goetz on KXJB (CBS- Fargo, NC). Video compliments of YouTube User: VoteRonPaul12. (11/3)

(33:11) Fox News' Juan Williams opinion piece: Should Ron Paul continue as an Independent in 2012? (11/4)

(37:01) Ron Paul talks in-studio to KCCI NewsChannel 8's (Des Moines, IA) Cynthia Fodor and Kevin Cooney. (11/4)

(43:23) Jack Hunter - 'Fixing' Big Government is Not Conservative. Video compliments of YouTube User: southernavenger. (11/4)

(47:46) Mike Church: Herman Cain asked if he would cut spending, winds up sounding like Obama.

(49:47) Ron Paul talks liberty in Bachmann territory WCCO (CBS4- Minneapolis, MN).

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Dr. Ron Paul Speaks to Supporters in St. Cloud, MN (11/5/2011)

November 5th, 2011

Over 3,000 activists and supporters filled the Saint Cloud Convention Center to hear Congressman Ron Paul kick-off the campaign in Minnesota on Saturday morning. In his "Legalize Freedom" speech, Dr. Paul told the crowd that the US must reverse course on monetary policy, erosion of the rule of law, and military engagement in the middle-east. Audio comes via Minnesota Public Radio.Video is available via YouTube User: howarddeanyeah.

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Congressman Ron Paul on FNC’s The Cost of Freedom (11/5/2011)

November 5th, 2011

Ron Paul appeared on Fox News' The Cost of Freedom with Neil Cavuto on Saturday to address the Greek/European debt crisis, and the United States' debt becoming greater than its GDP. Video compliments of YouTube User: libertywriters.

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Posted in Interviews, Cable News, Fox/Fox Business | Comments (0) » | *****(0 ratings)

Rep. Ron Paul Speaks at Iowa Republican Reagan Dinner (11/4/2011)

November 5th, 2011

Congressman Ron Paul addressed the Iowa Republican Party at the Iowa Events Center in Des Moines on Friday night. Dr. Paul shared some wisdom having fought these many years for American values, and he also shared his fondness for President Reagan with the audience. Senator Rand Paul introduced his father via video message. Video compliments of YouTube User: revgen11.

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Ron Paul on WHO’s Mickelson in the Morning (11/4/2011)

November 5th, 2011

On Friday morning, Ron Paul returned to the airwaves of Newsradio 1040 WHO (Des Moines, IA) to speak with Jan Mickelson about the issues of the day. The Congressman speaks about the campaign, the fiscal meltdown in Washington, gold as money, and the dependency of the American people.

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Ron Paul 2012 Campaign Advertisements (Part 2)

November 4th, 2011

The Ron Paul 2012 campaign has released five additional television ads in the last six weeks- which have been broadcast in early primary states and nationally during the Republican debates. The campaign created three 60 second spots, and two 30 second spots. The ads have been truly well done, and during a national media blackout, the paid broadcast time must be effective! Links to the videos are included in the file description, included audio can be heard in the order listed below:

(0:01) Ron Paul 2012 campaign ad- "He Served." Released September 21, 2011. Video compliments YouTube User: ronpaul.

(1:05) Ron Paul 2012 campaign ad- "Secure." Released October 6, 2011. Video compliments YouTube User: ronpaul.

(1:39) Ron Paul 2012 campaign ad- "Life." Released October 12, 2011. Video compliments YouTube User: ronpaul.

(2:43) Ron Paul 2012 campaign ad- "Consistent." Released October 18, 2011. Video compliments YouTube User: ronpaul.

(3:47) Ron Paul 2012 campaign ad- "Plan." Released October 18, 2011. Video compliments YouTube User: ronpaul.

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Ron Paul 2012 - Campaign Related Talk Radio

November 4th, 2011

Three hours of Ron Paul related talk radio! I still have untold hours of interesting audio- it's just a matter of posting it all in a logical manner. Radio hosts from across the country talk to callers in their audience about Dr. Paul's campaign for the White House. Compelling audio that will make you think- might make you angry, might make you laugh. Note: Many radio show podcasts are only archived for a limited period of time. The links below will take you to the podcast or radio show homepage. The particular show being linked may no longer exist. Links to original media sources are included in the file description, included audio can be heard in the order listed below:

(0:00) The Bill Meyer Show on AM 1440 KMED (Medford, OR): Who says Ron Paul isn't electable? August 16, 2011

(20:19) Col. David Hunt sits in on AM 680 WRKO's The Howie Carr Show (Boston, MA): The Tea Party and Ron Paul aka The Invisble Man. August 18, 2011

(33:40) Pat Campbell and Eddie weigh in on the GOP debates and Dr. Paul's 'true colors' on Talk Radio 1170 KFAQ (Tulsa, OK). September 8, 2011

(38:49) Newsradio 1040 WHO's Jan Mickelson (Des Moines, IA) talks about Bill O' Reilly's attack on RP, the gold standard. September 8, 2011

(1:07:51) News Radio 590 KLBJ's (Austin, TX) Todd and Don (and Sgt. Sam) try very hard to dismiss their pro-Paul callers. September 13, 2011

(1:20:07) AM 600 KOGO (San Diego, CA) host Chip Franklin says some nice things about the Congressman. September 14, 2011

(1:26:51) RP wins California straw poll- has he gone mainstream? Listen to The Roger Hedgecock Show. September 19, 2011

(1:36:59) Syndicated radio host Jesse Lee Peterson talks with his callers about Rep. Ron Paul. September 23, 2011.

(1:41:18) Alex Jones talks again with former MN Governor (and the next Vice President) Jesse Ventura about the Paul/Ventura 2012 ticket! September 27, 2011

(1:50:05) TX political activist Richard Reeves talks with AJ about why he doesn't think Dr. Paul will run 3rd party in 2012. Video by YouTube User: TheAlexJonesChannel. September 28, 2011.

(1:55:15) Posted on The Lew Rockwell Show: Jan Mickelson of newsradio 1040 WHO interviews Lew about RP's necessary freedom agenda. September 27, 2011.

(2:00:38) Ron Paul: The Real Deal - Discussed on GCN's syndicated Free Talk Live with Mark, Wayne, and Nemi. September 28, 2011.

(2:16:04) I called into WTPL's (Hillsborough, NH) NH Today to ask Jack Heath: "Is New Hampshire still not ready for the message of Ron Paul?" October 27, 2011.(*no archive)

(2:23:44) Jason Lewis is a libertarian-leaning conservative, against the war, who won't support Ron Paul! Why? Because of US! October 14, 2011.

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Posted in Talk Radio, Media Coverage, Clips/Audio Montage | 2 Comments » | *****(0 ratings)

Rep. Ron Paul on MSNBC’s Morning Joe (11/3/2011)

November 3rd, 2011

After about six months since his last appearance, Ron Paul appeared in studio on Thursday's episode of MSNBC's Morning Joe. The Congressman spoke with Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski, Sam Stein and co-panelist Bob Woodward about the economic crisis in Greece and the looming deadline for the Super Committee. Conversation then turns to the President's supposed pullout of Iraq by the end of the year. Powerful interview- Scarborough makes up for his lack of coverage Ron Paul over the last six months.

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Posted in Interviews, Studio Panels (2 or more guests), Cable News, MSNBC/CNBC | Comments (0) » | *****(0 ratings)

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