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Liberal blue blood with ties to Labor red

March 28, 2004

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Mitch Fifield relaxes before his induction into the Senate this week.
Picture: Ken Irwin

He has links to both sides of politics but is about to take a casual Liberal vacancy in the Senate. Phillip Hudson spoke to Mitch Fifield.

Victoria's new Liberal senator Mitch Fifield knows how to help inseminate a cow, he has served in the Army Reserve, is an unashamed fan of Peter Costello and proudly displays a photograph of a union leader on his desk.

And even before he takes his red leather seat in the Senate chamber, the 37-year-old senator-elect is vigorously campaigning for Victoria to establish more taxpayer-funded selective government high schools to give "smart working-class kids" better education options.

Fifield is expected to be formally accepted by the Victorian Parliament on Wednesday as the Liberal replacement for former minister Richard Alston who retired from the Senate last month after an 18-year career.

For the past seven years Fifield has worked for Peter Costello as one of his political advisers and fix-it men. In 1999 Fifield's quest to move into state politics became front-page news when he contested, and lost, a bruising battle for the blue-ribbon seat of Brighton against Louise Asher.

It was a preselection that became a de facto showdown between Costello and his supporters and the then-premier Jeff Kennett over who was more powerful in the Liberal Party.

Fifield - and Costello - had the last laugh by scoring a thumping endorsement from Liberal members to take Alston's vacancy in Canberra. Fifield describes his former boss as "very down to earth and a really thoughtful guy". He says Costello would make a good leader, "one day I'm sure he will be prime minister".

Fifield's closeness to Costello - and previous roles working for former Victorian transport minister Alan Brown, former NSW transport minister Bruce Baird and a short stint with National Party leader John Anderson - invites the charge that he is nothing more than a party political hack who has no real world experience and won his passage to Parliament to boost the numbers for Peter Costello.

He supports a minimalist republic but not an apology to the stolen generation.

It is an allegation Fifield strenuously rejects.

"I'm a friend and fan of Peter's but I was an independent political entity before I went to work for him and I remain so," he says. "I don't think that it's your occupation that determines whether you have a narrow or broad view. It is your experience of life, it's how you live your life.

"I've served in the Army Reserve, I've lived for three years on a beef property. I think we want people with a wide range of backgrounds in Parliament and I think it's useful to have people with my background and experience as well." It was while living on the beef property in Yea that Fifield learnt to help inseminate cows, although he says he was only ever the assistant.

Politics runs in Fifield's blood - the only surprise is that it is Liberal blue blood and not Labor Party red.

The photo on Fifield's desk is of his grandfather Bert Fifield, a professional trade unionist and national secretary and NSW president of the Printing and Kindred Industries Union.

"It's a picture of his union executive, like a class photo. It's another Fifield who has been in public life. A bit of a family tradition," he says.

An uncle worked for the Whitlam Government and an aunt worked for Labor ministers Ros Kelly, Laurie Brereton and Graeme Richardson. Ironically, it was Costello who played a central role in ending Ros Kelly's political career over the sports rorts whiteboard affair.

Fifield, a divorced Hawthorn-supporting father of three-year-old Ruby, describes himself as a socially conservative person who believes in economic and personal freedom. He supports a minimalist republic but not an apology to the stolen generation. He says he "does not like abortion" but would not support changing the law because that would only lead to dangerous backyard operators.

Similarly, he would not support legalising euthanasia. "I think there is enough space in the law as it currently is to allow patients and doctors to resolve this," he says.

As the son of a bank manager, he went to five schools in three states. "It teaches you to be adaptable," he he says.

One of his passions is education. He falls in line with Prime Minister John Howard's view that non-government schools deserve funding as much as government schools but wants Victoria to create more academically selective government high schools.

Fifield says there are only two in Victoria compared to 32 in NSW and creating more would benefit smart working-class kids.

"Entry is on the basis of a test that you sit and if you're an academically able person you get to . . . make the most of your aptitude," he says. "People with learning difficulties receive special attention but we should also provide something for those who are academically able."

Fifield says he is worried about the growing cycle of violence in the community, citing gangland murders, the bashing of cricketer David Hookes and allegations of rape against footballers.

"People are worried about the simple things in life," he says. "Is it safe to be in a park or having a drink in the local pub? Even the simple pleasure of supporting a footy team has become more a moral dilemma. People are wondering what sort of society we are becoming."

Fifield, who supporters say will be a Liberal minister one day, may be the lucky-last federal pollie to qualify for the generous superannuation scheme being closed down at the election later in the year.

He also becomes the seventh member of the 76-strong Senate who has not technically been elected by voters, but is instead filling a vacancy created by the resignation of another senator from the same party. Unless there is a double dissolution election, he will remain in the Senate until at least June 2008.

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