Saturday, April 12, 2008

slackbastard v mathaba : update and cheers!

So anyways, I be wearing my publicity hat, seeking to draw attention to's attempt @ silencing my blog. Thus far, you can find info on, links to (and from) and discussion of the subject here and here, as well as @:


Antony Loewenstein (comment)
Aotearoa Indymedia
Australian Anarchy Bulletin Board
Austrolabe (comment)
Hoyden About Town
Larvatus Prodeo
Leftwrites (comment)
(The Legendary) One People's Project Forum
Pathologically Polymathic (Danny Yee)
run amok
Sydney Indymedia
The Partisan*
Voice of Reason (comment)

*Have re-published the controversial post in question.

and elsewhere, including racist and fascist forums Australian Identity and Stormfront -- the latter of which claims credit for the legalese on behalf of the New Right / 'national anarchist' mob (PanEuropeanAnglo, 'New Right Strikes Back', April 8, 2008). AustralianGrenadier (April 12) is also terribly excited:

FDB idiots Cam Smith and @ndy Slackbastard of Melbourne


As many of us here and in the movement may know, there are two ardent communist/anarchist dorks that have been and are currently operating out of the metropolitan area of Melbourne, these two misfits go by the names of Campbell Smith or 'Cam Sexenheimer' and Andrew Moran or '@ndy Slackbastard'.

[Note that while I am happy to wear a hat marked 'anarchist', Doctor Sexenheimer modestly describes himself thusly: "Advertising Dude, Anti-Racist Activist and THE BEST JOURNALIST IN THE WORLD!"]

Smith and @ndy have been the main knob jockeys from the Fight Dem Back! group that has whinged and lied about pro-white activists to scumbags like Greg Roberts and Jew, I mean Joe Hildebrand of the Zionist run media in Australia [that is, The Australian and The Daily Telegraph, respectively].

That[']s right people, these are the two main people that have been hyping the media up with mostly bullsh*t stories about White Australians who disagree with multiculturalism/multiracialism.

If you think you might know something about these two social rejects then by all means, POST IT HERE!

These idiots really value their anonymity even to the point where @ndy[']s blog recently was totally removed from the internet by the host after rightful legal pressure as a result of his extensive vilification and defamation of others and from using a fake name to register his blog along with a PO box address - you can not use PO Box addresses to register websites. See here for more [blah blah blah].

Once again, post what you know about these cretins and let[']s play a bit of a game of join-the-dots!

EDIT- [in case] this is against Stormfront policy, please PM me here with all relevant information. I am posting this here as only true Australians can post on Stormfront and not our enemy. I will not post an email contact as this will only attract our enemies to attempt to cause trouble.

Hmmm, yes, teh enimy. If any of teh enimy would like to draw further attention to fascist attempts at censorship and intimidation, please feel free to do so, and/or to get in touch with me via my blog. E-special thanks to Ana, Andrew, Anonymous, (the wonderful) Asher, Denise, Dreck, Hoyden, Insultadarity, Juan Castro, THR and Weezil for their props.

NB. The list above will be up-dated as the slackbastard publicity juggernaut gathers steam.
