Tuesday, February 07, 2006

(100% Organic) Briefs

* Wikipedia is currently investigating 'Socialism and sexual orientation' here.

* With just 40 days left to the Stolenwealth Games in Melbourne, this Wednesday, February 8, the Black GST Campaign is holding a public meeting @ Trades Hall @ 6.30pm. Robbie Thorpe, Gary Foley & Targan will provide campaign updates, including reports of a meeting with (Victorian) State Government Ministers.

* Russian comrades have made available an English-language summary of recent anti-fascist activism in Russia and you can read it @ the invaluable @-Infos anarchist news service here.

* Finally, Carl 'Dirty' Thompson // 'Wodensvolk' has lost the case brought against him by the Executive Council of Australian Jewry:

Material published in The Nation, the newspaper of the Queensland division of One Nation, has been declared to be unlawful under the Racial Discrimination Act in the Federal Court today.

An article in the paper alleged Jews are running a conspiracy to steal freedoms from ordinary people, using a combination of pornography and internet censorship, and was accompanied by a gross anti-Jewish cartoon.
Read more here.