Crisis in Greece

Crisis in Greece from brandon jourdan on Vimeo.

Produced by Brandon Jourdan

Greece has become ground zero of the Eurozone’s fiscal crisis. The austerity measures promoted by the IMF/EU/ECB, otherwise known as the troika, are at the core of the social crisis in Greece. This short documentary looks at the current crisis in Greece and social reactions to structural adjustment measures.

We are the 99%

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This week:

1. Worldwide Occupations
2. Romanarchists fight back
3. Storming Athens
4. Chile’s Paco Assault Unit
5. Support the G20 prisoners
6. The new code of the streets
7. Japan’s anti-nuke movement

Dear Auntie Civ: You’ll just have to die

Auntie Civ

Ask Auntie Civ -- the world's first anti-civilization advice columnist!

Dear Auntie Civ,

I am wondering how a post-civilization society will be able to handle chronic illnesses like Crohn’s disease. You see, I have Crohn’s disease and the only treatment that works for me requires me to go to a hospital every few weeks to get a 2 hour IV treatment.

Of course, my situation is kind of a Catch-22. Crohn’s is most likely caused by some kind of environmental factor in so-called developed nations (my guess is it’s the food, but who knows). So it looks like civilization gave me Crohn’s, but I can’t survive without civilization.

I’ve met a lot of Primitivists who have flat-out told me I’ll have to die for their utopia, to which I’ve quickly replied, “fuck you.” Surely there must be some kind of way to do away with civilization without asking me and comrades with similar sicknesses to die.


– Chronic Illness

Continue reading ‘Dear Auntie Civ: You’ll just have to die’

Occupy Wall Street

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This Week:

1. Rick Roll
2. Troy Davis R.I.P.
3. Pelican Bay hunger strike
4. The Zeta Killers
5. Kidnapping to stop highways
6. 350′s Political theatre
7. Indigenous resistance to pipelines
8. Son of Nun and Rev1
9. Occupy Wall Street


This week:
1. ILWU ainapos;t noting to fuck with
2. The other 911
3. Making out for education
4. The motherfuckin ultras
5. LowKey
6. Leslie James Pickering of the ELF Press office


Oil Gateway

Stop the Flows is the working title for subMedia.TV’s next project. Over the next five years we will document resistance movements that are working towards stopping the flows of hydro carbons, mineral extraction, natural resources and capital, through grassroots and underground organizing. We will publish our dispatches as we complete them with the goal of compiling them into a feature length documentary to be released on 2016.

In this dispatch we look at how members of the Unis’toten nation are pre-empting the construction of 4 pipelines through their traditional territories.

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Opening the Bombay Doors

Sometimes it’s as incredulous as living inside a Bollywood film. Mandatory synchronized dances included. The chase scene. Bit of a relaxing, sideline story in the Shakespeare style that mimics the main storyline.

I’m talking about the curious mix-melange of everything going from the middle east to through the central Asia, into the south and all the way back. And then around the south east, back to north Africa and so on. I had been relaxing like an absolute villain off the Omani coast when I heard the blast that could not be ignored. Mumbai looked like 2008 all over again. Continue reading ‘Opening the Bombay Doors’

A Tale of Three Bin Ladens

A year of juggling school and two jobs and other first world problems, a short and phenomenal stopover in Montreal, and all of a sudden I was back in the old country: touching down at Dubai’s ever-growing airport. My dad picked me up at the arrivals lounge, and after telling me I had gained a fair bit of weight (breakfast in Montreal was chocolate croissants and cheese curds), he said with a wink, “So you hear they killed Osama?” all the while showing parenthetical quotes in the air with his fore and mid fingers. The gesture was surprising to me not just because it was a very western one but also since my dad was as always using his outdoor voice indoors and dozens of people had heard him; none of whom seemed to have any issue with what he had just uttered. Over the next few days I heard similar sentiments from: people at cafes I ran into randomly, my uncles, the gentleman who cleans my parents’ house, and my cousin’s hairdresser. Continue reading ‘A Tale of Three Bin Ladens’

Puck Shit Up!

This Week:

1. 100 Seditions!
2. Riot in my Town
3. Nuck Block
4. Chilean Urban Eco-Defense
5. For the Lulz
6. Anti-G20 Comrades

Dear Auntie Civ: You’ll just have to die

Ask Auntie Civ -- the world's first anti-civilization advice columnist!

I am wondering how a post-civilization society will be able to handle chronic illnesses like Crohn’s disease. You see, I have Crohn’s disease and the only treatment that works for me requires me to go to a hospital every few weeks to get a 2 hour IV treatment.

Of course, my situation is kind of a Catch-22. Crohn’s is most likely caused by some kind of environmental factor in so-called developed nations (my guess is it’s the food, but who knows). So it looks like civilization gave me Crohn’s, but I can’t survive without civilization.

I’ve met a lot of Primitivists who have flat-out told me I’ll have to die for their utopia, to which I’ve quickly replied, “fuck you.” Surely there must be some kind of way to do away with civilization without asking me and comrades with similar sicknesses to die.


– Chronic Illness

Dear Chronic,

I’m so sorry to hear you have Crohn’s Disease. Derrick Jensen, the guy who wrote Endgame and popularized a lot of this anti-civ philosophy, also has Crohn’s. I have a similar condition myself.

You wrote,

“I’ve met a lot of Primitivists who have flat-out told me I’ll have to die for their utopia”. Please tell me more about that. How many “primitivists” have you talked to? What did they say about this “utopia”?

From your letter, it sounds like you’ve talked to one “primitivist” who was kind of a jerk, and you’re misrepresenting what s/he said.

If you have names for any  kill-off-the-weak-and-sick eugenic “utopians,” send them over. Because, you know, that’s fascism, and I will call them out.

About your question: I’m here to advise people who understand and appreciate the reasons why we need to dismantle civilization. I’m not here to argue about whether that’s desirable. I suggest you learn more about the subject and then try again.


Auntie Civ

Dear Auntie Civ,

I by no means meant to misrepresent your philosophy or the anti-civ movement as a whole. I actually quite like it. Like I said, there’s a lot of evidence that would suggest civilization is a factor in diseases like mine, Derrick’s, and yours.

My question is grounded in the assumption that other sick comrades have come across the population-control crowd (although there are few of them, the internet has certainly given them a new platform that makes them seem larger than they are) and that they have also had bad experiences with people who lack a basic understanding of an anti-civilization stance while calling themselves primitivists or anti-civilization.

I thought the sickness question would be a good one for you to answer so that this misunderstanding can be curbed. I do see how my question may have sounded antagonistic, but I honestly believe this is a question a lot of sick Anarchists deal with at some point, and I’d rather they heard a good answer than someone basically saying, “Shit, sucks for you.”

Civilization is unsustainable, but the (few) Greens that say I just have to die post-civ, and the (few) Reds that say we need to try to hold on to industrial civilization as we know it, are both Anarchists who have no imagination when it comes to creating sustainable alternatives to civilization and capitalism. Since I see how my wording failed, and I really do think this is a worthwhile question for you to answer, let me rephrase.


Dear Auntie Civ,

I am wondering how you think a post-civilization society will be able to handle chronic illnesses like Crohn’s disease. You see, I have Crohn’s disease and the only treatment that works for me requires me to go to a hospital every few weeks to get a 2 hour IV treatment.

Of course, my situation is kind of a Catch-22. Crohn’s is most likely caused by some kind of environmental factor in so-called developed nations (my guess is it’s the shitty food, but who knows). So it looks like civilization gave me Crohn’s, but it also looks like civilization is keeping me alive.

There must be a way that sick comrades like me can be against the civilization that gave us these illnesses without being self-destructive. Thanks,

Chronic Illness

Dear Chronic,

Thank you so much for editing the letter. I assume you live in the US, so let me ask you this. What happens to people who don’t have private insurance or public assistance? If you lost your insurance, got cut off the government program, spent all your money, and there was no charity hospital, what would you do then?

What I’m getting at – in my slow way – is that civilization is not the universal rock-solid foundation that many privileged folks take for granted. Insurance companies go bankrupt, states and cities cut programs, and people become “illegal” for whatever reason. I expect to see more of that in the coming years.

Meanwhile, millions of people are dying around the world – and in America – from preventable illnesses, because it’s just not profitable to care for them. They’re not getting any benefit from this great and mighty civilization of ours. In fact, their misery subsidizes the health care that you and I receive. US health insurance corporations cull the poor and weak and sick from their rolls, so you can enjoy the best health care in the world (as long as your insurer gets your monthly premiums).

Socialized medicine is not much different. The Canadian government, for example, rakes in billions of dollars in royalties and taxes from mining companies. Along with wholesale destruction of ecosystems, Canadian corporations profit from poisoning people at home, exploiting them abroad, and murdering them if they get uppity. Their taxes and income keep the health care system going – at least until the commodity price of minerals falls, the cost of oil rises, or people revolt.

So this is a good time to ask oneself: Where does my privilege come from? At whose expense?

Civilization is going to collapse, because that’s the end result of over-exploitation and population overshoot. We’ve exceeded the carrying capacity of the planet, and there’s no way back (short of fantasies of colonizing another planet, and that ain’t going to happen.)

There won’t be any magic formula to trump that reality. There isn’t going to be any “utopia” after the collapse, either. I’m afraid it’s going to be brutal, and I have to keep reminding myself that the system is brutal now, just not for me, because I have the privilege of living in a rich country. I know what kind of violence is carried out in my name — not only against people, but all living things, right down to micro-organisms in the soil. That’s why I say this culture hates life. But life will win.

If civilization was sustainable, if it wasn’t killing the planet, we wouldn’t be advocating for an end to it. There would be no need. The problem is, civilization is unsustainable. That means it can’t be sustained, so it will come to an end. The collapse is already starting. I know many cling to a desperate belief that a  solution will come from technology or spiritual transcendence or raw vegan spirulina diets. (Much like someone who’s been diagnosed with fatal cancer.)

I’m sorry. There is no solution. That’s the bitter truth. We must rescue what we can.

As you noted, civilization sets up a Catch-22: it’s killing us (and everything else) but we depend on it to live. But even though I depend on it, I can’t defend it. Where I’ve put my energy is defending the land, the water, the climate, the air – because without those things, *no one* will survive the coming centuries.


Auntie Civ

Auntie Civ,

Thanks for the response. I think the thing that was hardest for me, and is hardest for others, is that by acknowledging that civilization is going to collapse we have to confront that we may die. Or rather, we’re going to die, at some point anyway. I realize that no one is asking me to die. That’s just what happens when you’re sick, old, or standing under the wrong rock. Anyways, the response was very nice. If I come across any more loud, belligerent eugenics folks I’ll let ya know so you can call them out.

– C