International Labour Organization
ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations
Adrian Kinloch
World of Work Report 2011
ILO says world heading for a new and deeper jobs recession, warns of more social unrest, in its annual World of Work Report .
  1. ILO video interview
  2. BBC report
2012: International Year of Cooperatives
Cooperative business model: an alternative means of doing business and furthering socioeconomic development.
  1. Statement from the ILO Director General
Anne Holmes
Cooperatives provide some 100 million jobs around the world. Many of these jobs provide for basic human needs, such as the dairy farms of Kenya.
  1. Watch the slideshow
Geneva, 3-18 November
The Governing Body of the ILO is to examine the latest developments and current outlook for employment and the social dimension of globalization amongst other issues.
Update 2011
ILO warns of a generation “scarred” by a worsening global youth employment crisis.
UN Photo
Social protection programmes can act as stabilizers attenuating the adverse impact of economic crises on labour markets, shows the Report of the Advisory Group chaired by Michelle Bachelet.

Key resources

  1. Multilateral cooperation

    ILO and G20

    The ILO, in collaboration with the OECD, have produced a series of documents on labour market developments in G20 countries and on a range of policy measures taken in response to the crisis.

  2. Monitoring the crisis

    Global Job Crisis Observatory

    Analytical and statistical information on the impact of the crisis on the world of work, and on policy responses to the job crisis.

  3. Database

    Short Term Indicators of the Labour Market

    Each month the ILO publishes the latest national data for indicators which have been selected for their ability to reflect recent and short term changes.

  4. Information and support service

    ILO Helpdesk for Business on International Labour Standards

    New one-stop shop for company managers and workers on how to better align business operations with international labour standards and build good industrial relations.

Policy initiatives

  1. The ILO Global Jobs Pact: A policy framework to accelerate a job rich recovery

    Adopted by ILO constituents in June 2009, the Global Jobs Pact provides a set of policy measures centred on investments, employment and social protection.

  2. Social Protection Floor: Access to essential social services and income security for all

    A global social policy approach promoting integrated strategies for providing access to essential social services and income security for all.

  3. ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization

    Adopted in 2008 by the representatives of governments, employers and workers from all ILO member States, the Declaration expresses the contemporary vision of the ILO’s mandate in the era of globalization.

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