Grassroots LGBT news

New website coming soon, new country pages and reports coming online soon!

Iran executes three men for sodomy!

By Dan Littauer, Executive Editor, 7.9.2011

The Prosecutor General Office of Khuzestan Province, Iran announced in a press conference that three people were hanged at Karoun prison in Ahwaz city, for sodomy on early Sunday morning, 4.9.2011.  Full story
30.8.2011 at 19:30GMT

Wath a live stream event about IRAQ LGBT refugees. Includes an Exhibition, short video documentary and talks, including with an Iraqi refugee. WATCH LIVE HERE

More Dangers for Gay Syrians
By Sami Hamwi 10.8.11

As the situation worsens in Sryia LGBT citizens face further dangers. MANJAM, unwittingly or not, collaborates with the Syrian Regime against LGBT people! Please spread the word!  Full story

Has Weill Cornell Sold Its Soul with Shiekha Moza and Qatar?
By Ramzy GME Qatar Editor  7.7.11

What can be said when the President of the main funding body for Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar an overseer on the board of directors for Weill Cornell as a whole is also the same person who has proudly set up a charity and center that tries to rehabilitate gays and lesbians? Full story

Turkey - Amnesty report reveals widespread discrimination against LGBT people
By Amnesty International 22.6.11

People in Turkey are often compelled to conceal their sexuality from employers, officials and their own families due to fear of violence and prejudice, according to a new report launched by Amnesty International today  Full story

Gay Middle East responds to smear campaign 


Gay Middle East responds to smear campaign that uses slurs in an attempt to undermine our work and LGBT activists. It uses false allegations that endanger LGBT campaigners. Full Story

Transphobic incident in Kuwait highlights many unreported cases

By Dan Littauer and Sami Al Ali 15.6.11

A group of four transgeder people were arrested on the 12..6.11 simply for wearing women's clothes.  The incident highlights many unreported incidents, claim activists. Full story

From Damascus with Love: Blogging in a Totalitarian State

By Sami Hamwi and Daniel Nassar,  12.6.11

Following the revelation that "Amina" was a hoax two LGBT Syrian Activists speak out. Full Story


Lady Gaga speaks out for LGBT rights in Lebanon and the Middle East

Dan Littauer, Executive Editor, 12.6.11

Rome – Last night, Lady Gaga, the queer celebrity pop queen, sealed EuroPride March in Rome with an inspiring call to governments to defend LGBT rights and end discrimination and censorship, mentioning Lebanon and the Middle East. Full Story


Frances Guy, British Ambassador to Lebanon, speaks out on LGBT rights in Lebanon and the Middle East

Dan Littauer, Executive Editor of GME interviews Frances Guy  26.5.11

Dan Littauer, Executive Editor of Gay Middle East interviews Frances Guy, Her Majesty's Ambassador to the Lebanese Republic, about LGBT rights in Lebanon and throughout the Middle East. This interview follows her seminal statements in the UK FCO blogs and her meeting with head of Helem in Beirut in honour of the International Day Against Homophobia (IDAHO). Full Story


Murder attempt over outing highlights LGBT issues in Middle East

By Dan Littauer and Sami Al Ali,  25.5.11

A man was accused on the 25.5.11 in Dubai, of tying up his colleague and roommate, then stabbing him in the neck after accusing him of spreading rumours that he’s gay.  This story highlights important issues in the Middle East faced by its LGBT communities. Full Story

ILGA blocked at the United Nations

By Dan Littauer, Executive Editor 24.5.11

ILGA was blocked for the second time round this year for consultative status, in the United Nations.  It has been over ten years that ILGA has been consistently blocked consultative status. Full Story 

British Foreign Office praised for IDAHO contribution
By Dan Littauer, Executive Editor 21.5.11

To mark the IDAHO, the International Day Against Homphobia and Transphobia, the British Foreign Office issued an unprecedented message of support for LGBT rights. Full Story


Kuwaiti school expels two boys for being gay

By Dan Littauer, Executive Editor 16.5.11

Kuwaiti school expelled two school boys after receiving persistent complaints from students’ parents that the two are gay. Full Story


The International Day Against Homophobia in Lebanon

By gaytheist, 12.5.11

Find out about the International Day Against Homophobia in Lebanon here!

Syria during the Protests: more fear, more arrests

سوريا خلال الاحتجاجات: خوف أكثر واعتقالات أكثر

Sami Hamwi,Syria Editor, 9.5.11

Damascus now looks very different than it used to be only a few weeks ago when it was known for its late-night life especially for LGBT people. Full Story

  سامي حموي لموقع GME من سوريا

تبدو دمشق مختلفة عما كانت تبدو عليه قبل بدء الاحتجاجات قبل أسابيع قليلة عندما كانت لياليها تضج بالساهرين، خاصة من المثليين والمثليات.  المزيد


Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood: "Homophobia is the solution"?
By "IceQueer", 4.5.11

A while ago the ex.vice-president, Omar Suleiman, used "Muslim Brotherhood" as an "Islamophobic" straw-man in all his interviews during the Jan25 Revolution to scare the world of what would happen if Mubarak left. The Muslim Brotherhood are using homophobia and xenophobia to attract people's votes like they did before during the constitutional referendum and influenced people to vote "yes"! Full Story

A Gay Eye on Syrian Unrest: 5 weeks of protests, 5 weeks of bloodshed

By Sami Hamwi,Syria Editor, 26.4.11

Our Syria Editor speaks about what has been happening in Syria in the last five weeks and the implications of the Syrian Uprising to the nation and, in particular to its LGBT citizens. Full Story


Turkey bans internet domain names with the word gay!

By Dan Littauer, Executive Editor 28.4.11

The word "gay" and its turkish pronunciation "gey" have been banned from Turkish Internet domain names.  Any sites containing such words faces immediate closure. Full Story


Saudi gay man entrapped by the religious police

By UAE Editor, 28.4.11

Ta’if, Saudi Arabia: A man who wrote his mobile number on the walls of a local Mosque’s toilet, asking to meet for gay sex, has been arrested by the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, the religious police known also as the mutaween (or hay'ah). A case is now being prepared against him in court. Full Story


Woman files for divorce from gay husband in the UAE

By UAE Editor, 28.4.11

A woman in Dubai has filed for divorce after she claimed to have made a chance discovery of her husband's alleged relationship with another man. Full Story

Shake hands, kiss and makeup? Not in Saudi Arabian football!
Dan Littauer, GME Editor, 27.4.11

Hussein Abdul Ghani, who plays for Nasr Club, refused to shake hands with another footballer who called him gay. Full story

Qatar Gets the Red Card on Human Rights
By GME Qatar Editor, 25.4.11

The US State Department’s 2010 Human Rights Report on Qatar has been released, and it shows that Qatar is still failing miserably when it comes to LGBT rights. Same sex relations continue to be illegal and come with heavy penalties. Full Story

A Lesbian Saudi student protests against being expelled!
Dan Littauer, GME Editor, 24.4.11

A Saudi girl from Turaif, nicknamed Sarah, spoke on a recent radio program and said she was expelled from her last year of studies at Abdul-Aziz University, for having a lesbian relationship with her hostel supervisor Full Story

On Bahrain, freedom, revolution and LGBT rights: an interview
A interview with Jasim by Dan Littauer Editor, 4.4.11

As the tiny Persian Gulf archipelago kingdom of Bahrain enters its second month of widespread protests — with clashes on March 13 resulting in more than 1,000 being hospitalized and news that the government has brought in troops from neighbouring Saudi Arabia — a young gay Bahraini blogger offers insight into the sources of discontent there as well as alternative visions the demonstrators harbor. Full Story

British gay man arrested and beaten in Saudi

Dan Littauer, Executive Editor, 1.4.11

A British gay man was ambushed, arrested and beaten in Saudi Arabia by the religious police. His passport was taken away from him and he was imprisoned for six months. Full Story

UN: End Violence Based on Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity
Dan Littauer, Executive Editor, 23.3.11

Yesterday, at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva 85 countries joined a Joint Statement entitled “Ending Acts of Violence and Related Human Rights Violations Based On Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI).” Full Story

Two transsexual passengers denied entry into Egypt
Dan Littauer, Executive Editor, 21.3.11

Two post-operative transgender passengers arriving from a flight from Jordan were denied entry to Egypt yesterday (20.3.11). Full Story

Maronite church appoints a homophobe as its Patriarch

Dan Littauer, Executive Editor and Roy Khoury, Beirut Editor 16.3.11

The Maronite Church elected yesterday a new Patriarch, Bechara Boutros Rahi, who is apparently a homophobe. Full Story


Vicious media attack on feminism in Iran
By Hossein Alizadeh, Guest contributor 9.3.2011

In one of the most direct attacks against the feminist movement in Iran, a prominent conservative journalist accused Western countries, particularly Netherlands, of promoting "vice-ridden feminism. Full story


Most "Gay party" participants in Bahrain warned and released
Dan Littauer, GME Editor 04.03.11

Most "Gay party" participants in Bahrain received sentences from one to six months but were warned and released after a month in detention.

 Full Story

Action alert: statement on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Contact your Government Today to ensure LGBT rights are part of Human Rights! Ask your country to help stop violence and buse of LGBT people worldwide! Your voice really matters make it be heard!
Dubai: two men alleged of homosexual assault on trial
By Dan Littauer, Executive Editor.

Dubai, 4..3.2011

Two men accused of sexually assaulting a 17 year old Iraqi boy denied charges and argued that forensic tests support their claim of innocence. Full Story

Sexual repression in the Kingdom of the Quickie
A gay Saudi living with HIV tells Marcel Wiel about Aids and sexual oppression at the heart of the Arab world 3.3.2011

Read the interview

British PM while in Qatar: "There is no place for homophobia"
Dan Littauer & GME Qatar 23.02.11

The British Prime Minister, David Cameron was asked during his visit to Qatar whether it was right for the World Cup to be awarded to a country which outlaws homosexuality. The prime minister expressed hope that football could help encourage social change. Full Story

Cruising is out in Tahrir - an Egyptian blogger speaks out
Cruising is out in Tahrir Square - an interview with an Egyptian Gay Blogger - Full Story

أنا مثليّ... أنا سوريّ...

سامي حموي لموقع GME من سوريا

"يمكننا أن نفترض أن أعظم حدث عرفه العقل الذي سيُدعى يوماً لأن يبلغ بنموذج "العقل الحر" إلى نقطة الكمال من حيث النضج والغضاضة كان ذلك التحرر الكبير الذي لم يكن قبله سوى عقل مستعبد، غقل مقيد في ركنه وإلى عموده إلى الأبد على ما يبدو. أية السلاسل هي أقوى؟ أية الروابط يكاد يكون فصمها مستحيلاً؟ إنها، لدى أفراد النخبة والطبقة الرفيعة، الواجبات: ذلك الاحترام الذي يختص به الشباب، ذلك المخزون من الرقة الوجلة تجاه كل القيم القديمة والمبجلة، ذلك الامتنان للتربة التي غذتهم، لليد التي أرشدتهم، للمعبد الذي تعلموا فيه العبادة"... نيتش المزيد


Three men hanged today for allegedly raping a teenage boy in Iran
By Dan Littauer, GME Editor, 24.01.2011

The government run Iranian judiciary website reported that three men were hanged today after their death sentenced was approved by Iran's supreme court.  The three were arrested in June 2007 and later convicted in court for raping a teenage boy in Iran.    Full Story

Saudi arrested for attempted blackmail of a male student
By Dan Littauer - GME Editor 17.01.2011

A Saudi man was arrested a few days ago over attempted blackmail of a male student.  The man’s case is now under investigation by the Attorney General of the Kingdom of Saudi. This case highlights the problem of blackmail and criminalisation of homosexuality within the Arab world, and Saudi in particular. Full Story

Facebook tries to censor a turkish LGBT group! 
By Dan Littauer - GME Editor 10.01.2011
Facebook, the world’s largest social networking site facebook banned the PurpleHand Eskişehir ('MorEl') facebook group on the 28.12.2010. After an intervention lead by the New York based advocacy group IGLHRC facebook reinstated the group yesterday. Full story

Turkey: Court orders yet another LGBT organisation to close!
By Danielle nobody-GME contributor 5.01.2011

On the second of January 2011 the criminal court of Bursa, Turkey ordered the closure of LGBT organisation 'RAINBOW'. This following a suit brought on by the Bursa municipality dating back to 2008. The Bursa municipality has been harassing 'RAINBOW' since early 2007 complaining that the organisation was engaging in 'illegal activities' such as prostitution and have previously made claims that the organisation in itself was 'immoral'. Full story

Blatter Didn’t Get it, and Neither Does Mohammed Bin Hamad Al Thani

إلى بلاتر وقطر: هذه ردودنا

By GME Qatar Correspondent 04.01.2011

In statements that put FIFA President Sepp Blatter’s recent gaffes to shame, the Chairman of the Qatar 2022 Bid Committee chose to take to twitter to air his feelings about the criticism being levelled towards his country regarding homosexuality Full Story

مراسل GME في قطر04.01.2011


بعد تصريحات رئيس الفيفا سيب بلاتر الأخيرة التي وضعته في موقف حرج حول موقفه من حقوق المثليين، اختار رئيس لجنة ترشح قطر إلى كأس العالم محمد بن حمد آل ثاني أن ينقل السجال إلى موقع تويتر، حيث عبر كثيراً عن موقفه من الانتقادات المتعلقة بالمثلية الجنسية الموجهة إلى بلاده: المزيد

The defamation of religion resolution - in the interest of?

قرار "تشويه صورة الأديان"... في مصلحة من؟

By Samah Hadid, 3.1.2011

The resolution “combating defamation of religions” run by  the OIC (Arab and Muslim member states voting group) at the UN aims to address religious discrimination and eliminate incitement of hatred and violence by protecting religions ( namely Islam) from defamation. Indeed it is these groups and the scores of religious, sexual and racial minorities that will be negatively targeted under framework of “defamation of religions”. Full Story

سماح حديد  3  كانون الأول/يناير 2011

بينما كنت في الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة أستمع الى الناطق باسم دول رابطة العالم الإسلامي يلوح بسلاح قرار "تشويه صورة الأديان"، لم أستطع أن أمنع نفسي من القلق بشأن صديقي المسيحي في باكستان، وزملائي من ناشطي حقوق المثلية الجنسية في المملكة العربية السعودية، وشبكات الطائفة البهائية في إيران، وغيرهم الكثيرين من المستفيدين من حرية التعبير، فقرار "تشويه صورة الأديان" سيستهدف جماعات كتلك بالإضافة إلى العديد غيرها من الأقليات الدينية والجنسية والعرقية. المزيد.

Libya: two men arrested for "indecent acts"
By Dan Littauer, 25.12.2010

In Libya Tripoli’s police arrested two men for “involving in indecent acts”. The men were a twenty nine and a thirty six years old cab driver who were caught in the cab. Full Story  

Blatter Apology Raises More Questions Than it Answers

By C., GME Qatar Correspondent, 18.12.2010

Sepp Blatter says he is "sorry" about his remarks on gays... But his apology raises more questions than it answers - as he and FIFA do nothing to show for it.  Full story

Yehya Saade killed in a tragic accident! RIP
By Roy Khoury, Lebanon Editor & Dan Littauer, Executive Editor 17.12.2010

Yehya Saade, one of Lebanon’s most talented video clip directors and of the few celebrity figures to openly support LGBT rights in the Arab world died yesterday in a tragic accident.  He was in Turkey working on a video clip to the artist Maya Diab when here received a fatal electric shock.  He died instantly. He was famous for his pro-LGBT stance and references in his video clips. Full Story

Globalizing Homophobia
By Georg Klauda 13.12.2010

After 11/9/01, one of the liberal justifications for the military intervention against Afghanistan was the oppression of women, but also of gays, by the Taliban.  People in Europe and the USA received with shock the news that same-sex couples were publicly executed in the Kabul Stadium by bringing down a wall upon them that was constructed solely for this purpose... Full Story

Raid in Jordan or homophobic press hysteria?

By Dan Littauer, GME Editor and My.Kali 7.12.2010

Last Thursday a gay party on Mecca St, in Amman was raided.The police shot the party because it was held in an unlicensed hall. The Jordanian online news portal Ammon had a different spin and incited homophobia and misinformation... Full Story

 Qatar: The heat will be on!

By C., GME Qatar Correspondent, 04.12.2010

The World Cup is coming to Qatar in 2022. If you don’t know Qatar, you aren’t alone. When the big announcement by FIFA was made, you could almost hear the world collectively and in unison say, “What’s a Qatar??” Well, it is a tiny, but very wealthy Islamic nation that makes up a small peninsula in the Persian Gulf. The only land connection it has with the rest of the world is Saudi Arabia. There has been plenty of criticism already about holding this event ... Full Story


Iranian queers voices heard - radio Zamaneh!


By Dan Littauer, Editor of GME - 30.11.2010


Imagine you live in a country that hunts you down and aggressively seeks your death – officially you don’t even exist and any mention is treated with contempt, hate and is a dangerous affair that can cost you and your family life and social standing.   In Iran this is precisely the reality for hundreds of thousands of people belonging to... Full Story


Saudi gay gets 5-year jail, 500 lashes


Taken From Saudi Gazette



JEDDAH: A 27-year-old Saudi man was sentenced to five years in prison, 500 lashes of the whip, and a SR50,000 fine after appearing in a recent amateur gay video online allegedly taken inside a Jeddah prison... Full Story


GME Annual survey of safer sex in Lebanon

7.11.2010 GME News


Over a year ago GME conducted a survey on safer sex among gay and bi males in Lebanon. Here are the findings of the survey for 2010.
Sample: 700 men surveyed.

75% of respondents identify as gay and 25% of respondents identify as bisexual.


77% of respondents report they always practice safer sex
17% refused to answer... Full story


Jordan: Homophobic attack in a gay night club in Amman!


By Dan Littauer, GME Editor


Every Thursday night, there is a gay friendly party at the Marmara hotel, Amman. At last Thursday's Halloween party (28/10/2010), around 3am, the two bouncers suddenly pulled out a gun and a knife announcing: “Get out of here within two minutes; otherwise you will be shot with this gun! Don’t ever come back here again or you will be beaten up!”... Full Story


On Lebanon’s road ahead:

Acid, homophobic jibes and liberalism



By Dan Littauer, Editor and AT, Beirut correspondent of Gay Middle East

It has been over a month and Acid, Beirut’s famous LGBT night club, has remained firmly shut. “AT”, our Beirut correspondent, has received an unconfirmed (with the owners, who could not be reached) report that the club, in fact, has unfortunately been shut for good.  According to the report, upon its closure in early September, about 10 people were detained for drug possession. It remains unclear, however, if charges were brought forward against some or any of them.  If this report is true then indeed this seems very uneven handed, why target Acid and not the many other...
Full Story


The Language Game in the Case of Prince Saud Bin Abdulaziz Bin Nasir’s homicide of Bandar Abdulaziz


Babalo Babalez



The trial of Prince Saud Bin Abdulaziz Bin Nasir’s alleged homicide of Bandar Abdulaziz, taking place in London, has been a sordid and involuted affair. The reporting of the case has been as unstable as the various statements given by Prince Saud Bin Abdulaziz Bin Nasir himself and heavily characterized by the same cavalier caprices.

Full Story


Syria/Egypt: Much ado about nothing! The so called promotion of homosexuality in Samo Zain’s video clip


wWw.4EmmY.NeT.Samo.Zaen.Malaksh.Da3wa.Beya by 4emmy


19.10.2010 - GME News


Since the beginning of October (2.10.2010) the entertainment industry in Syria and Egypt was embroiled in an intense and ruckus debate over a video clip of Syrian singer (who now resides in Cairo) Samo Zain. At the height of this debate was the accusation, raised through a Syrian facebook group, that the singer is attempting to “promote homosexual values” through his video!

Full News


Iranian Honour Killing: Trans murdered by her brothers in Tehran

By Dan Littauer, Editor of Gay Middle East - 12.9.2010

Tehran, Iran. Farsnews reported that on April 25th, 2010 police found a 24 year old woman dead in her apartment, on Shariati St. After an initial investigation it became apparent the woman was called Mahsa and was a transsexual that had undergone sex-change assignment (his name before sex-change was Masood). Mahsa was strangled... Full Story

Saghi Ghahranman, CEO of the Toronto based Iranian Queer Organization (IRQO)


Syrian authorities release the group of men

alleged of “gay parties”!

22.7.2010 - Exclusive!


Syrian authorities finally released more than 25 men that have been under police custody for over three months for attending/organising allegedly private gay parties. Strong threats were made to them explicitly by a secret police office: "We won't tolerate any any future gay parties!"...   Full News



Syria cracks down on gays, at least 25 men arrested!

السلطات السورية تضيق الخناق على المثليين


GME News Exclusive!



Syrian authorities have raided more than four different private gay parties over five weeks between March and April, arresting more than 25 men on their last raid. Indictments have been officially submitted against them; most of the arrested guys are charged with "having a...

Full Story


GME News Exclusive!



حفلات خاصة للمثليين في دمشق خلال شهر آذار وأوائل شهر نيسان، واعتقلت في المرة الأخيرة أكثر من خمسة وعشرين شاباً اتهمت معظمهم بممارسة اللواطة التي يعاقب عليها القانون السوري بالحبس حتى سبع سنوات أحياناً، فيما اتهمت بعضهم بترويج وتعاطي المخدرات، واتهمت البعض الآخر بتسهيل التجمعات الشاذة وتسهيل تعاطي المخدرات والترويج للشذوذ الجنسي....

  Full Story

GME Editorial opinion:

Changing realities for LGBT communities in Syria?

Syria has in the last two years improved its treatment of its LGBT citizens, as compared to the period we have been monitoring 2003-2007. In what follows we outline a very... Full Editorial Opinion







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Help Imaan save lives during Ramadan

Your contribution will can save many lives!

IDAHO 2011:  Love, Against Homophobia



Arab, western values and sexual diversity - a synthesis?

Dan Littauer interviews Fadi Hindash, a Dubai based Lebanese/Palestinian screenwriter about his film "Not Quite the Taliban" that explores journey in a dialectic between western values, Arab culture, family and sexuality. Full Story



CNN Interview with GME's Executive Editor about Qatar 2022



A GME interview with Hanan Kattan and Shamim Sarif




Saudi: Homosexual-cum-impostor cop sentenced to jail and 1,000 lashes!

Taken from




Saudi: Man in police uniform on YouTube video, arrested for ‘homosexuality’!

10.3.2010 - Full Story



The Israeli President responding to GME:

GME News - 8.8.2009