• Stop the Belo Monte Monster Dam!


    The Brazilian government has issued the full installation license to begin construction of the controversial Belo Monte Dam, but the people of the Xingu River have no intention of backing down now.

  • Amazon in Focus

    Defending the Amazon is a defining battle of our time and has the potential to shift the balance towards justice, ecological balance and the recognition of our interdependence on nature and living systems. In this year's Amazon in Focus, we share stories from this struggle.

  • The People of Sarayaku vs. Ecuador


    The Kichwa of Ecuador's central rainforest bring their eight-year struggle for justice to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. The outcome of the case will have ripple effects throughout the Amazon.

  • A Message from Pandora


    James Cameron produced this special feature about the battle to stop the Belo Monte Dam on the Xingu, one of the great tributaries of the Amazon River.

  • Standing with Indigenous Peoples,
    Defending the Rainforest

    For over 15 years, Amazon Watch has stood with the indigenous peoples of the Amazon Basin.

  • Stop the Belo Monte Monster Dam

    The Brazilian government has now issued the full installation license to begin construction of the controversial Belo Monte Dam.

  • Chevron in Ecuador: A Defining Moment

    Watch this powerful video about the struggle for justice in the Amazon, narrated by actor and Amazon Watch supporter Peter Coyote.

  • Stand with the Achuar Against Oil Drilling

    The Achuar do not want oil drilling on their land. They want the Peruvian government and Talisman Energy to recognize their rights.

  • Amazon in Focus

    In this year's Amazon in Focus, we share stories from the struggle to defend the Amazon and support indigenous peoples.

  • The People of Sarayaku vs. Ecuador

    Watch a video made by the Kichwa of Ecuador who have brought their struggle for justice to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.

  • A Message from Pandora

    James Cameron produced this special feature about the battle to stop the Belo Monte Dam and defend the Amazon Rainforest.

  • FPIC: The Right to Decide

    Download this new report highlighting why companies need to operate with the Free, Prior and Informed Consent of Indigenous Peoples.

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