Halloween Traditions Dying

Last year I wanted to write this post because I was livid and angry at how pathetic the Halloween holiday had become: Americans will spend lots of cash on the holiday but hardly anyone comes to the door to ask for treats. This year I’m just sad that it really is dying out, customs being replaced probably by some lame artifice. Except I don’t know what the replacement is, probably the Mall, the commercial district, or something stupid. All I know is that kids are not going trick or treating in the numbers they should be. At least not around here.

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Posted in Analysis, Lincoln Heights, Shit I hate | Leave a comment

Halloween Customs

For when a costume is not enough. I will take something of a prankish nature that won’t lead to jail time, please.

Posted in Fun with Words, Lincoln Heights | Leave a comment

Dumb Photos

Many of you might think that my interest in the banal is due to the technological wonder of digital photos, assuming that the relative cheapness of digital media leads to pictures of nothing, or subjects that should be relegated to the trash heap. Unfortunately, my love of stupid shit has been around for some time now.  I’ve been cleaning up some of my space and came upon a stash of real developed photos that I’d shoved into a lunchbox I was tossing. It is quite the time capsule, taking me back to the not so recent past that means nothing to anyone other than me. So be it. But take a look anyways.

That photo above: Somebody came to tell me that the weird kid from a few doors down was eating flowers. I took a picture of him in the act. We tried to stop him but he was crazy and didn’t care what we thought about his diet. His mom knew about it, so we had the right to just laugh at Lil Loco and his way with the flores.

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Posted in Chanfles, Eastside, Fotos, Shit I love, This Chicano Life | 4 Comments

Bus Driver Without a Bus – In Shorts

I guess he had the day off.

You know, from not driving a bus.


Posted in Gente, Lincoln Heights | Leave a comment

Custom Jalopy

There is something spectacular about seeing custom vehicles that are kept together via ropes and duct tape. It barely runs but it looks good, err sort of.

My sense of unique will not be denied!

Posted in Fotos, Lincoln Heights, Shit I love | 1 Comment

Huevos Rancheros: Restaurant Ensenada

Downtown LA is a weird place for eating. Its either corporate fast food (the Pollo Loco on Broadway is terrible) or decent but overpriced food at the fancy places intended for the new upscale residents in El Centro. There are a few mobile food vendors, almost all focusing on bacon hot dogs, and a few mom and pop type eateries with nary a veggie option in sight. I’ve been trying to find a good spot for a proper Mexican breakfast for some time, I think this spot will have to do for now.

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Posted in Greater Los Angeles, Huevos Rancheros | 4 Comments