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» Vic Branch backs Melbourne Greens

Vic Branch backs Greens in Melbourne

The UFUA Victoria Branch is backing Greens candidate Adam Bandt for the seat of Melbourne in the November 24 Federal Election. Branch Secretary Peter Marshal says the Union will support the Greens in Melbourne because of the party's tough opposition to the Howard Government's industrial relations laws. "WorkChoices must go and the Greens are the only party willing to get rid of all of these obnoxious workplace laws," says Peter Marshall. "What is fundamentally wrong here is that the ALP has lost its way."

The Victoria Branch as supported the ALP in elections for the last 94 years. The decision by the Branch to back the Greens in Melbourne is putting the Labor Party on notice, says Peter Marshall.

The sitting member is shadow Finance Minister Lindsay Tanner, who has a very comfortable 21 per cent margin. However, the Greens believe an eight per cent swing could bring the seat within Adam Bandt's grasp. Adam is a senior lawyer who has worked with the UFUA and other unions to defend workers' rights across the last ten years. "I have seen the unfair 'WorkChoices' in operation and watched the gap between rich and poor grow. Only the Greens want to completely get rid of WorkChoices," says Adam.
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