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Ahead of the Herd with Uranerz Energy

Posted on October 11, 2011

Today I’m speaking with Dennis Higgs, Executive Chairman of Uranerz Energy Corp. TSX and NYSE Amex – URZ. Dennis has been involved in the financial and venture capital markets for over twenty-five years.

United States versus China round two

Posted on October 7, 2011

The Chinese government, in an effort to maximize exports and minimize US imports, prints their Yuan to buy dollars.

A strong dollar means opportunity

Posted on September 30, 2011

The Fed has been dumping billions of dollars into the US markets each and every trading day since late 2010.

The politics of personal destruction

Posted on September 30, 2011

The misplaced belief that the road to economic prosperity is paved by near-term fiscal tightening, as espoused by our own Prime Minister Stephen Harper and British Prime Minister David Cameron last week, shows we have learned nothing from Herbert Hoover’s response to the Great Depression.

A strong dollar means opportunity

Posted on September 26, 2011

The Fed has been dumping billions of dollars into the US markets each and every trading day since late 2010.

Why invest in commodities?

Posted on September 23, 2011

The demand we are now placing on our planets resources appears to have begun to outpace the rate at which they can be supplied.

Obama’s infrastructure and jobs plan

Posted on September 9, 2011

According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (ODEC) the combined economies of Germany, France and Italy will grow by under one percent this year. OECD forecast the US economy will grow at a 0.4 per cent annualized rate in the fourth quarter, while in Europe, the three largest economies (Germany, France and Italy) will contract by 0.4 percent over the same period.

The mining sector’s two biggest risks: country risk and resource nationalism

Posted on August 26, 2011

Today many governments are looking at ways to get more money from miners as companies report record profits. The higher the returns and the higher the profits, the greedier governments become. As commodity prices rise governments try to boost their share of the proceeds from their countries energy and mining sectors.

Majors are rediscovering British Columbia

Posted on August 19, 2011

Vancouver BC is undoubtedly one of the greatest mining centers in the world and British Columbia should be a mining powerhouse.

The kindness of strangers and a broken promise

Posted on August 12, 2011

The public debt is the money borrowed by the US federal government. The government borrows the money through the issue of securities by the Treasury and other federal government agencies.

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